HUNCHBACK THE ADVENTURE (Ocean) ------------------------------- PART 1 (You begin in 'Hovel') GET BOOK, W, D, D, W, GET NET, SE, GET BOOK, E, KILL GUARD (until he dies. This goes for ALL guards mentioned in the solution), E, S, E, D, SW, GET BIBLE, E, GET CRUCIFIX, W, W, W, KILL GUARD, GET SWORD, S, S, KILL GUARD, E, S, DROP BOOK (at Bishop), DROP BOOK, DROP BOOK, E, GET BOOK, N, E, GET BOOK (for a change!), W, S, W, DROP BOOK, DROP BOOK (a trapdoor is opened in the floor), N, W, N, N, N, GET LANTERN, S, S, S, E, GET KEY, S, LIGHT LANTERN, D. PART 2 E, S, DROP NET, S, E, GET HEAD, W, N, N, N, E, KILL GUARD, U, GET RING, D, W, W, KILL GUARD, W, DROP HEAD (th ghost will let you pass), S, OPEN DOOR, DROP KEY, N, NW, W, KILL GUARD, U, GET BREAD, EAT BREAD (you become stronger), D, W, SW, S, W, N, W, U, GET WINE, DRINK WINE (even stronger!), D, E, GET NET, SW, KILL SERPENT, GET SERPENT, W, SE, U, W, NE, KILL GUARD, DROP SWORD, GET LEAD, SW, E, D, NW, SW, W. PART 3 KILL GUARD, W, W, U, E, SW, DROP SERPENT (into the cauldron), DROP RING, DROP LEAD, GET SCROLL, READ SCROLL (you must collect 9 ingredients), DROP SCROLL, DROP LANTERN, NE, W, D, E, N, GET PACKET, GET ONION, GET GARLIC, E, GET LEGS, S, W, W, U, E, SW, DROP LEGS, DROP ONION, DROP GARLIC, DROP PACKET, NE, NE, E, KILL BAT (with the net), GET BAT, E, KILL GUARD, GET SNAIL, SE, D, W, N, GET PIKE, W, W, U, E, SW, DROP SNAIL, DROP BAT, LOOK (the lead bar has turned to gold!), GET GOLD, NE, W, D, E, E, N, E, E, KILL GUARD, NE, E, SE, W, S (the crucifix protects you), DROP GOLD (the magic word is Beelzebub), N, E, NW, W, SW, W, W, W, S, W, U, NE, KILL GUARD (pretty violent game, actually!), E, E, SAY BEELZEBUB (the carpet of light (??) dims somewhat), N, U, KILL CARDINAL (whoopie! You have saved Esmeralda!) Jacob Gunness - february 1990.