SMUGGLER'S INN (Mountain Valley Software) ----------------------------------------- (You start on a dusty road) W, CLIMB TREE, BREAK BRANCH (it falls to the ground), D, GET BRANCH, E, E, N, EMPTY BARREL, LOOK IN BARREL, GET KEY, JUMP FENCE (using the branch), MOVE PLOUGH, GET SAW, MOVE LOG, GET HAMMER, PUT BOX (next to the fence), CLIMB FENCE, S, W, UNLOCK GATE (with the key), GO GATE, TURN CROSS (the grave opens), D (ignore the plank, it's useless), MOVE URN, GET HAT, WEAR HAT, U, S, W, SAW TREE (the hat protects you. The tree turns out to be hollow), DROP HAT, D, MOVE ROCKS, GET PLIERS, W, DIG, GET JEMMY, E, U, E, E, N, BREAK DOOR (with the jemmy), GO DOOR, OPEN CUPBOARD, LOOK CUPBOARD, GET TORCH, UNLOCK DOOR, GO DOOR, OPEN DOOR (with the pliers), MOVE MAT (using the hammer), DROP KEY, DROP PLIERS, DROP HAMMER, TURN RING (it's not in the text, but notice the graphics! You unlock the trapdoor), OPEN TRAPDOORD, N, N, MOVE CRATES, GET BATTERY, S, S, U, GO DOOR, W, W, D, W, LOOK LANTERN (it has a button), CONNECT BATTERY (to power up the lantern), WAIT (until darkness), LIGHT TORCH, PRESS BUTTON (you contact the smugglers), E, U, E, E, GO DOOR, D, N (watch out for the smugglers!), UNLIGHT TORCH, N, WAIT (they leave), LIGHT TORCH, N, W, GO BOAT, MOVE BOX, GET HACKSAW, OPEN BOX, GET SPANNER, W, E, S, S, S, W, LOOK WHEEL (it's locked), CUT PADLOCK, DROP HACKSAW, DROP HACKSAW, TURN WHEEL (an opening appears - it leads to the tunnel with the lever), GO OPENING, U, E, LOOK SIGN, REMOVE SIGN (with the spanner. Behind it is a niche), LOOK NICHE, GET SCREWDRIVER, GO GATE, TURN CROSS (this removes the ghost which is in one of the caves), S, W, D, GO OPENING, E, N, N, N, GO DOOR (the ghost has gone), LOOK VENT, LOOK GRILL, REMOVE GRILL (with the screwdriver), LOOK VENT (ah! The BOOK you're looking for!!), GET *BOOK*, S, W, GO BOAT, LOOK PANEL, PRESS BUTTON, PUSH LEVER (you sail off into the sunset...I guess! Anyway, you've solved the game. Wasn't too hard, huh?!?) Jacob Gunness - 1993