Retail Skamming --------------- DisordeR[TNo] Hello boys and girls. Time for a small installment of retail scams that YOU can get away with. The are just little things I have picked up over the past few months and decided to share with all you out there in white bread land. All of the following ways of skamming have worked at one time or another and can be done at least at one store. The scams covered today are: - Discounts - Free Clothes - Safe Carding - Free Money - Free Goods - Free Hardware - Free Software - Other Things Anyway, as usual, this file is for informational purposes and may be used by anyone (including security d00ds) for anything YOU may wish to do. Discounts --------- This one is really easy, and you just have to know it exists. If you are in a mall, at almost any food place, and sometimes other types of stores, you can get mall discounts. Most food places will give either a 10 or 15 percent discount to mall employees. All you have to do is order your food, just ask "Do you give discounts to mall employees?", and usually they will just say "yes" and give it to you without asking. If they ask where you work, just tell them some store at the other end of the mall, and say you are new there. I have never had anyone question me about this, and I have done this at malls that I don't work at. I was surprised to find that Lens Crafters(tm) gave me a 15% discount on my 150 dollar glasses I was having put together. That is a nice little discount when you think about it. So don't count on discounts on food only, always ask, it never hurts. The most they will say is 'no'. Free Clothes ------------ Ok. Free clothes this time. This scam takes a little more time but in the long run, can pay off quite nicely. A few chain clothing stores run specials on buying more than one item. Chess King is well known for their '2 for 45' deal. A pair of pants and a shirt for 45 dollars. Not bad at all. Anyway, individually, those two items are about 30-35 dollar range, and just discounted when purchased together. So, buy the two for 45 and leave the store. Next day, return the one item with the tags still on it. Since it is a single item, despite the 2 for 45 purchase, they will return it for full credit. Next day, bring back the second item for full credit. Once again, make sure you aren't doing this with the same person or they may catch on. Now you have spent 48.29 (tax) and received back around 65 dollars of credit. When you get the first two items, try to get two high priced individually for more credit later. Use that credit to purchase another 2 for 45 deal. Wait a week and return them back to the store. If you can, go to another location and they should take it back. Return each on a seperate day and get full credit. Now you have spent 48.29 and should have around 120 dollars in credit. You see the pattern. Keep doing this and you can build up a shitload of credit. Most store credit at clothing retail places is good for anywhere up to 6 months and sometimes beyond. Take your time with it so they don't catch on. Eventually, you will have enough credit to purchase a leather jacket or something, or a shitload of clothes. That is about it. The critical thing in this scam is making sure they don't catch on. Just use your head and everything should be cool. Safe Carding ------------ First. Obtain a card number, name, and expiration date. If at all possible, obtain the actual card. If you think that is impossible, think again. Grocery stores turn up 5-10 cards a week, and they aren't even looking for them. If you or someone you know works in a place that gets more credit cards than average then you are set. If you are a cashier at a grocery store or some other large store, you are in an ideal position. During the 6:00 rush when everyone is begging to get the hell out of the store, accidently hold on to the credit card. If they say anything, just say 'Oops. Heh. Sorry, it's been a long day' and act like nothing happened. If by chance, the customer walks off without their card, just hide it under your register, or somewhere else you can get to it should they come back for it. Either way, you can do what I will discuss. If you have an actual card, then you are set. If you only have the number, name, etc, then you need to do this: Write all that info on a small piece of paper. Tape the paper to some other bullshit card you don't need, so that it appears you are handing someone your credit card. Second. Once again, this relies on a friend or you working in the right place. How many of your friends work in a computer or a software store? If you have one friend that does, and is willing to help, then you are both set. Throughout this file, I will use Waldensoft as our example, because I know it can be done there and places like it. Now, wait one night when your friend(s) are working there(it is important that everyone working there is in on the deal) and go to the store. Take the card or card number and information so you can get your loot. Just go shopping for whatever you want. Pick up some games, disks, books, hardware if they sell it, or anything else you might need/want. Now, take it to the counter where your friend is waiting. Give him the loot, and after he rings it up, hand him the card. If it is the actual card, he can scan it through, and if it the card has already been invalidated, he can just shake his head, and watch as you walk away and get the hell out. If it goes through, take your stuff, and the card, and split. Done! If it is your card with someone else's info on it, almost all stores have a way to punch in the info by hand in case a card is damaged. So your friend can manually punch in the info and you are set. Other stuff to watch out for: - If the card or the card number doesn't go through for some reason, just calmly walk out the store and if anyone asks about the incident, your friend can say 'Hmm? This older lady came in the store, picked up some stuff, came up and handed me the card. When I told her it wasn't going through she just grabbed it out of my hand, and walked out.' From here your friend can make up a description of the lady or whatnot, and that is about all that will be said. - If it is an actual card, some places offer rewards to their employees for hanging on to stolen credit cards. Hell, if you can't get some new stuff, might as well get a small cash reward! - Make sure the place you do this at has NO security cameras. - If possible, talk to your friend and make sure that the store you are doing all this at, doesn't have it set up so that if a stolen card goes through, security is automatically alerted. I have heard of malls with that kind of set up, but don't know if that is true. I know it isn't true at the mall I work at, or other malls I have worked at in the past. - Remember, that for this to work with the actual card, you have to do it the same day you get it, or chances are that the person has called the company and cancelled it. - Make sure there aren't too many other customers around or watching since they can probably describe if security came later. - Don't get too greedy. If the place sells hardware, don't get too much. Also, avoid getting two of the same things. If you were to get two soundblasters or two modems, this looks really suspicious and may cause problems. - Don't do this more than once at a single store if you can. If you do, wait at least one month before attempting it again. Some larger computer warehouses, no names mentioned (Comp USA, Computer City) will willingly let you purchase stuff with a credit card #, exp date, and name. If you use this method, make sure you have a payphone number handy, and tell the cashier to call and verify that you are using "dad's card". Just have them call the payphone number, have a friend answer, and play the role of daddy. Easy enough. Last thing. This is based on rumor, so if someone tries this, and it works, or doesn't work, get word out about it. These days, they have it set up so you can get cash from ATMs using Mastercard or Visa. I have been told that if the person has a card with that feature, and they have never used it, then the PIN number for that card is the last four digits of the card number. If you try this, make sure you aren't standing in front of a camera at the ATM. In some grocery stores there are ATMs without cameras, but a lot of people around. You have to weigh the risks on that one yourself.