Instuctional phile Topic ..................... Disrupting But (usually) Nondestructive Phun Author .................... Compilation phrom several sources Compiler .................. Nocturnal Phoenix This is one of a series of compilations I am creating of the various techniques used to perphorm actions that aught not be perphormed (but will be done anyway, so why not do it right?). I am expecting to have maybe ten or so of these compilations by the time I am done. I realized the need phor some phorm of organization of this sort of inphormation when I came across phour meg of shit like this. Out of that phour meg, two meg was totaly redundant, one meg was corrupted to the point of not being able to read it, and of the other meg, everything that was actually usephul was scattered everywhere in bits and pieces. Now I personally am a strong proponant of peacephul world Anarchy, but I would really rather not try to make something phun like nitroglycerin (to use something extremely dangerous that I saw phrequently in all that shit) without having a complete set of instructions. Whenever it was possible, I have given credit to the author of the original article, although I phound many articles which were the same, word phor word, but with dipherent authors, phorcing me to chose one of them. Sorry if I chose wrong. The compiler of this phile apologizes to the authors of the articles within phor any alterations done to their documents. This was unavoidable, as most of these texts were nearly unreadable by the time I got them. I assume this is due to various changes made by people who had been in possesion of them bephore me, and to the slow corruption of the data as it was sent over innumerable fone lines phrom modem to modem. To avoid the phurther corruption of this very usephul inphormation, I would ask two things: 1. That any comments, notes, additions, etc. be placed at the very end of this phile, not just stuck wherever you pheel like it. I have put a sample addition in at the end of this file for convenience. Please leave: - Your name (your phake name that would be used phor BBS' and such, not your real name) - The date - Where you can be reached (BBS' etc.) - The inphormation you wish to leave 2. That any random corruptions phound while reading (such as the word "SMOKEBOMB" appearing as "SMOŽEBOMB") are phixed (I'm sure that some smartass will be tempted to phix the example I have just given. Please don't). Thank you phor your cooperation in this matter. Please give this phile to whoever you can, knowing that it will probably have grown substantially by the next time you phind it. Also, when you do phind it again, and it is a newer version than you have, delete the older version and only distribute the newer one. - Nocturnal Phoenix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: The Terrorist's Handbook SMOKE BOMBS One type of pyrotechnic device that might be employed by a terrorist in many way would be a smoke bomb. Such a device could conceal the getaway route, or cause a diversion, or simply provide cover. Such a device, were it to produce enough smoke that smelled bad enough, could force the evacuation of a building, for example. Smoke bombs are not difficult to make. Although the military smoke bombs employ powdered white phosphorus or titanium compounds, such materials are usually unavailable to even the most well equipped terrorist. Instead, he/she would have to make the smoke bomb for themselves. Most homemade smoke bombs usually employ some type of base powder, such as black powder or pyrodex, to support combustion. The base material will burn well, and provide heat to cause the other materials in the device to burn, but not completely or cleanly. Table sugar, mixed with sulfur and a base material, produces large amounts of smoke. Sawdust, especially if it has a small amount of oil in it, and a base powder works well also. Other excellent smoke ingredients are small pieces of rubber, finely ground plastics, and many chemical mixtures. The material in road flares can be mixed with sugar and sulfur and a base powder produces much smoke. Most of the fuel-oxodizer mixtures, if the ratio is not correct, produce much smoke when added to a base powder. The list of possibilities goes on and on. The trick to a successful smoke bomb also lies in the container used. A plastic cylinder works well, and contributes to the smoke produced. The hole in the smoke bomb where the fuse enters must be large enough to allow the material to burn without causing an explosion. This is another plus for plastic containers, since they will melt and burn when the smoke material ignites, producing an opening large enough to prevent an explosion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***************************************************************************** * * * The Ninja Warrior * * Presents: * * Smoke Screen #1 * * * ***************************************************************************** ***WARNING*** AS I KNOW, IN CALIFORNIA, THERE IS A LAW THAT PROHIBITS SMOKE SCREENS. IF YOU GET CAUGHT SCREENING UP THE STREETS, DON'T MENTION YOUR MENTOR TO THE COPS. AND IF YOU WANT TO BE A NINJA, OR JUST A RAD DUDE, DON'T FUCK AROUND IN THE WRONG PLACES, AT THE WRONG TIME... BACKGROUND ON SMOKE SCREENS: ---------------------------- SMOKE SCREENS WERE USED BY THE NINJA FOR A WAY OF ESCAPING IN TIGHT SITUA- TIONS. THE NINJA HAD TWO TYPES OF SMOKE SCREENS. ONE THAT REQUIRES A FLINT AND STONE, AND ONE THAT DOESN'T REQUIRE ANY HEAT. I WILL DESCRIBE THE ONE WHICH REQUIRES A LITTLE HEAT. ALL I KNOW IS THAT A HOT DAY IN L.A. ON TOP OF A BLACK CAR CAN IGNITE THIS SMOKE BOMB. THE NINJA USED TO CALL THE SMOKE SCREENS, 'REI SEI NO KIRI', OR SPIRITUAL FOG, OR 'NAGE DAMA' OR HURLED SMOKE. I WILL BE DISCUSSING THE 'REI SEI NO KIRI' OR SPIRITUAL FOG. PEOPLE HAVE THOUGHT OF THE NINJA AS MAGICAL BEINGS, MOST AMERICANS THINK THEY ARE MYTH- ICAL, BECAUSE THEY HAVE HEARD STORIES FROM FICTIONAL BOOKS. THE NINJA DON'T JUST DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR OR WALK THRU WALLS, THEY SPRAY SOME SMOKES TO HIDE SOME WHERE TEMPORARILY UNTIL THE OPPONENT IS PUZZLED AND LEAVES. I WILL DISCUSS SOME OF THESE TECHNIQUES IN THIS ISSUE. REI SEI NO KIRI --------------- THE OLD WAY OF PREPARING THE SMOKE SCREEN IS NOT POSSIBLE IN THE PRESENT DAY THEREFORE, I CANNOT REALLY TELL YOU HOW TO MAKE IT THE OLD WAY. THE INGRE- DIENTS OF THE OLD RECIPE IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND. BUT I DO HAVE THE ANCIENT RECIPE AND THE INGREDIENTS. SINCE I KNOW THAT NONE OF YOU, I REPEAT, NONE OF YOU CAN GET THE INGREDIENTS TO THE OLD RECIPE, WHICH INCLUDES, AGED AND FINE POWDERED WOLF DUNG (WHICH MAY BE OBTAINABLE BY SHIPPING VIA CHINA), I KNOW AS A FACT, THAT IN JAPAN, THEY DO NOT SELL THOSE THINGS, ALSO THE BONES THE SEA EEL IN POWDERED FORM (WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED IN CHINA, SINCE IT IS USED FOR MEDICINE DOWN THERE), AND MANY OTHER ODD INGREDIENTS WHICH IS TOTAL- LY INOBTAINABLE. ----------- INGREDIENTS ----------- THIS IS THE INGREDIENTS OF THE NEW RECIPE WHICH DOESN'T WORK AS GOOD AS THE OLD RECIPE, BUT WORKS GOOD ENOUGH TO COVER YOURSELF IN THE SMOKE WITH ENOUGH TIME TO DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR. - POWDERED SUGAR <- EASILY OBTAINED AT THE LOCAL GROCER'S - SODIUM NITRATE (SALT PETER) <- CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE DRUG STORE - SULFER (OPTIONAL) <- IF POSSIBLE, BUT NOT NECESSARY - CHARCOAL OR FINE POWDERED CARBON (OPTIONAL) <-CRUSHED CHARCOAL WILL DO - A FIRE CRACKER WICK OR OTHER TYPES OF HEATING DEVICE -------------- HOW TO MAKE IT -------------- IT IS QUITE SIMPLE TO MAKE THE SMOKE SCREEN IF YOU DON'T INCLUDE THE OPTIONAL INGREDIENTS. JUST MIX THE SUGAR WITH THE SALT PETER, IN THE RATIO OF 3 PARTS SUGAR, 2 PARTS SALT PETER. YOU HAVE TO MIX IT GOOD SO THAT THE SALT PETER IS DISTRIBUTED WELL WITH THE SUGAR. THEN YOU CAN STORE IT IN SOME MEDICINE BOTTLE OR A BEER CAN. IF YOU LIGHT THE CONTENTS IN THE MEDICINE BOTTLE IN A ROOM, IT WILL FILL A ROOM OF ABOUT 12 FEET BY 12 FEET ENOUGH SO THAT YOU CAN ESCAPE ANY SITUATION. IF YOU PUT IT IN A BEER CAN, (NOTE: THE BEER CAN DOES NOT HAVE TO BE DRIED OUT FOR THIS TO WORK.) IT CAN FILL A STREET WITH SMOKE AND LAST FOR ABOUT 3 MINUTES, WHICH IS PLENTY OF TIME TO GET YOUR ASS OUT OF ANY SITUATION. WELL I THINK ENOUGH IS SAID ABOUT THE EASY SMOKES. **OPTIONAL** IF THE EASY WAY CREATES ALL THAT SMOKE, THEN WHY IS THERE AN OPTIONAL ONE, RIGHT? WELL I INCLUDED THE OPTIONAL ONE SINCE THE OPTIONAL ONE CAN DAMAGE THE ENTRAPPED VICTIM IN THE SMOKE PRETTY BAD. I MEAN BAD ENOUGH SO THAT THE VICTIM CAN PASS OUT AND DIE, IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF IT GOING IN A HOUSE OR SOMETHING. I'D ADVISE YOU TO STICK WITH THE EASY ONE, BUT I KNOW SOMEONE OUT THERE IS CURIOUS ENOUGH TO BE A KILLER SO I WILL INCLUDE THE OPTIONAL VERSION. YOU MUST FIRST CRUSH THE CHARCOAL. YOU NEED A LUMP OF CHARCOAL PER OUNCE OF SUGAR USED. I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO MAKE THE 3 OUNCE OF SUGAR VERSION OF THE SMOKE SCREEN. YOU CAN ALTER THE MEASUREMENTS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES. THE CHARCOAL IS BETTER THAN POWDERED CARBON, ESP. IF THE CHARCOAL IS MATCH- LIGHT. (NOTE: IF YOU HAVE PLAIN CHARCOAL, YOU SHOULD USE LIGHTER FLUID WITH THE CHARCOAL.) MAKE SURE THAT THE CHARCOAL IS VERY FINE. NEXT MAKE YOUR 3:2 MIXTURE OF THE SUGAR AND THE SODIUM NITRATE. 3 OZ. OF SUGAR TO 2 OZ. OF SODIUM NITRATE. THEN, MIX THE 3 LUMPS OF CRUSHED CHARCOAL INTO THE 3:2 MIX- TURE, AND MIX VERY WELL. MIX THE POWDERS UNTIL THE MIXTURE IS A DARK GREY NEAR GREY, MIXTURE. THEN GET AN OUNCE OF SULFER AND MIX THE CONTENTS CARE- FULLY. DON'T SPILL THE SULFER OR THE MIXTURE ON THE FLOOR OR CARPETING SINCE IT CAN DAMAGE IT. WHEN YOU MIX IT WELL ENOUGH, YOU HAVE FINISHED!!! IF YOU DO LIGHT THIS SCREEN, BEWARE...YOU ARE RISKING YOUR OWN LIFE. GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THERE BUT TRY NOT TO BE SEEN. TIME THE WICK IF POSSIBLE. IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF IT GOING IN A ROOM WITH YOUR FAVORITE ENEMY IN IT, IT CAN KILL THE DUDE WITH 5 MINUTES OF THIS SHIT. THE THING IS IT'S PRETTY EASY TO GET HIS ASS OUT OF THERE, TOO. SO JUST KNOCK HIM OUT COLD BEFORE YOU IGNITE THE SMOKES. IF HE DOES AWAKE, AFTER THE SMOKE DISSIPATES, HE WILL MOST LIKELY DIE OF SOME LUNG PROBLEMS. ANYWAYS, IF YOU WANT HIM TO DIE QUICK WHO GIVES A DAMN. BUT, MAKE SURE IF YOU DO THIS DON'T GET YOUR ASS BUSTED. -------------- WAYS OF ESCAPE -------------- I WON'T GO INTO DETAIL ON THIS ISSUE BUT HERE IS ONE WAY OF EVASION. FIRST MOST LIKELY WHEN A PERSON GETS IN SOME HEAT NOWADAYS, IT'S GONNA BE ON THE STREETS. SO...LOOK FOR A PLACE WHERE YOU KNOW YOU CAN HIDE OUT FOR A WHILE. LIGHT ONE NEARBY AND WHEN THE SMOKE GOES UP, LOOK DIRECTLY AT YOUR OPPONENT UNTIL HE IS VERY DIM AND FAINT, THEN MAKE YOUR MOVE. GO TO YOUR HIDING PLACE. AND STAY THERE FOR A WHILE. WHEN YOU THINK THE COAST IS CLEAR, JAM WHEREVER YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR ASS SAFE. WELL...I HAVE SAID ENOUGH ABOUT THIS TOPIC. WELL...HAVE FUN!!! DATED: 01-16-1985 PLEASE DO NOT ALTER THIS PHILE IN ANY WAY. I WANT THIS PHILE TO BE COMPLETE AND STAY COMPLETE AS IT IS OFFERED TO MANY CURIOUS MINDS. YOU MAY SHARE THIS PHILE WITH ANYONE AND EVERYONE. BUT THE BEST WAY IS TO KEEP THE SECRETS TO YOUR SELF. T H E N I N J A W A R R I O R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smoke Bombs by the BHU Here is the recipe for one helluva smoke bomb! 4 parts sugar 6 parts potassium nitrate (Salt Peter) Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well. Pour it into a future container and before it solidifies. Imbed a few matches into the mixture to use as fuses. One pound of this stuff will fill up a whole block with thick white smoke! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Formulas For Different-Colored Smoke Screens -------------------------------------------- Black Smoke Screen ------------------ [1> Magnesium powder ................. 19% hexachloroethane ................. 60% naphthalene ...................... 21% [2> Magnesium powder ................. 20% hexachloroethane ................. 60% naphthalene ...................... 20% [3> Hexachloroethane ..................55.8% alpha naphol ......................14% athracene .........................4.6% aluminum powder ...................9.3% smokeless powder ..................14% naphthalene .......................2.3% [4> Black powder FFF ................. 50% Potassium nitrate ................ 10% coal tar ......................... 20% powdered charcoal ................ 15% paraffin ......................... 5% White Smoke Screen ------------------ [1> Potassium chlorate ............... 44% sulfur flour ..................... 15% zinc dust ........................ 40% sodium bicarbonate ............... 1% [2> Zinc dust ........................ 28% zinc oxide ....................... 22% hexachloroethane ................. 50% [3> zinc dust ........................ 66.67% hexachloroethane ................. 33.33% Yellow Smoke Screen ------------------- [1> Potassium chlorate ............... 25% paranitraniline .................. 50% lactrose ......................... 25% [2> Potassium chlorate ............... 30% naphthalene azodimethyl analine .. 50% powdered sugar ................... 20% [3> Potassium chlorate ............... 21.4% naphthalene azodimethyl aniline .. 2.7% auramine ......................... 38% sodium bicarbonate ............... 28.5% sulfur flour ..................... 9.4% Green Smoke Screen ------------------ [1> Potassium nitrate ................ 20% red arsenic ...................... 20% sulfur flour ..................... 20% antimony sulfide ................. 20% black powder FFF ................. 20% Red Smoke Screen ---------------- [1> Potassium chlorate ............... 20% lactose .......................... 20% paranitraniline red .............. 60% [2> Potassium chlorate ............... 26% diethylaminorosindone ............ 48% powdered sugar ................... 26% [3> Potassium chlorate ............... 27.4% methylaminoanthraquinone ......... 42.5% quinone .......................... 42.5% sodium bicarbonate ............... 19.5% sulfur flour ..................... 10.6% [4> Potassium perchlorate ............ 25% antimony sulfide ................. 20% rhodamine red .................... 50% dextrin .......................... 5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/% /% %/ %/ Smoke Formulas /% /% %/ %/ Written By: /% /% %/ %/ The Shadow Lord /% /% %/ %/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/%/% So, you want a smoke screen? Well, in this article I will discuss how to make Black, White, and Grey, as well as colored Smoke. Here is a somewhat explosive composition uses by the Germans in WWII for Black smoke: Hexachloroethane ..................... 60% Anthracene ........................... 20% Magnesium(powder) .................... 20% Brown Smoke: Pitch ................................ 29.2% Pottasium Nitrate .................... 47.4% Borax ................................ 10.6% Calcium Carbonate .................... 4.9% Sand ................................. 4.0% Sulpher .............................. 3.9% Note: You may substite pitch by soaking liquid tar in sawdust. This has better effect. Grey Smoke: A: Hexachloroethane ..................... 50% Zinc Powder .......................... 25% Zinc Oxide ........................... 10% Pottasium Nitrate .................... 10% Colophony Resin ...................... 5% B: Hexachloroethane ..................... 45.5% Zinc Oxide ........................... 45.5% Calcium Silicide ..................... 9.0% Note: Because of the high vapor presure of HC, HC smokes must be sealed in and artight container. Also the Zinc Powder one may react with water so be carefull. White Smoke: A: Potassium Chlorate ................... 20% Ammonium Chloride .................... 50% Naphthalene .......................... 20% Charcoal ............................. 10% B: Pottasium Nitrate .................... 48.5% Sulpher .............................. 48.5% Realgar .............................. 3.0% C: Pottasium Nitrate .................... 50% Sugar ................................ 50% Yellow Smoke: Potassium Nitrate .................... 25% Sulpher .............................. 16% Realgar .............................. 59% Other Black Smoke: A: This one make the most beautifull black smoke but is expensive. Potassium Perchlorate ................ 44% Antimony Trisulphide ................. 24% Naphthalene .......................... 26% Soluble Glutinous Rice Starch ........ 6% B: Potassium Perchlorate ................ 56% Sulpher .............................. 11% Anthracene ........................... 33% C: Hexachloroethane ..................... 62% Magnesium ............................ 15% Naphtalene (or Antracene) ............ 23% Red Smoke: Potassium Chlorate ................... 25% Rhodamine B .......................... 24% Para Red ............................. 36% Wheat Flour .......................... 15% Blue Smoke: Potassium Chlorate ................... 28% Methylene Blue ....................... 17% Indigo Pure .......................... 40% Wheat Flour .......................... 15% Green Smoke: Potassium Chlorate ................... 28% Auramine ............................. 10% Methylene Blue ....................... 17% Indigo Pure .......................... 30% Wheat Flour .......................... 15% Violet Smoke: Potassium Chlorate ................... 26% Indigo Pure .......................... 22% Rhodamine B .......................... 16% Para Red ............................. 21% Wheat Flour .......................... 15% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cacodyal Since it is not feasible to make napalm in your kitchen, you will have to be satisfied with cacodyal. This made by chemically extracting all the oxygen from alcohol, and then replacing it, under laboratory controls, with metal arsenic. The formula for alcohol is C4 H5 O, whereas for cacodyal it is C4 H5 AR. Now, this new substance, cacodyal, possesses spontaneous inflammability, the moment it is exposed to the air. Therefore it can be put into a bottle and used like a Molotov Cocktail. If it is thrown, it will explode on impact, but this is not its real advantage. When it explodes, a dense white smoke is given off. This is white arsenic, a deadly poison. One inhalation will probably cause death in a matter seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name - Nocturnal Phoenix Date - October 25, 1992 I can be reached on GENERIC BBS, (555)-555-5555, 1200/9600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------