VERY IMPORTANT: Please Rename this file to XXXXXXXX.APP, where XXXXXXXX is your BBS Name (or a shortened version of your BBS Name). For Example the Bourbon St. Cafe would rename this file to BOURBON.APP. Call the Bourbon St. Cafe, at 455-9488, log in and send a message to the sysop and a[T]tach this file to the message. If you are a FIDONET member you can crash this application to 1:396/24, a netmail message would also help let me know that the file is I can look for it. Internet users can send the application to Please do NOT upload this file to the Body of the Message. Please DON'T Zip this file! PLEASE use the same conventions as the LEGEND of the BBS List for listing BBS Software, MAX Speed, and Message Networks. If a network you carry is not listed - PLEASE include the full name of the Network and it will be added to the LEGEND. To subscribe to the monthly BBS List via Internet E-Mail LISTSERV send an Internet E-Mail to NOBBS-LIST@BOURBON-ST.COM with the word SUBSCRIBE for the subject. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ UPDATED APPLICATION ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ OLD BBS Name: ___(If NAME changed)_________________ BBS Name: _____________________________________ BBS Advertisement:( ---- fill between the brackets ---- ) ( ) (5 lines by ( ) 50 columns ( ) Maximum) ( ) Sysop Name: ________________________ (NOT Listed for ALIAS ONLY systems) Sysop's Alias: ________________________ (Listed on ALIAS ONLY systems) Voice Phone: _____________ (NOT ON LIST) City: ________________________ Max Baud Rate: ________________________ How many nodes: ____ BBS Software: _____________ Alias Only BBS: ___ (YES/NO) RIP Support?: ___ (YES/NO) CD ROM's Online?: ___ (YES/NO) MSG Networks: __________________________________________________________ Network Addresses: __________________________________________________________ Sysop's Internet Address: ___________________________________________________ Do you recieve the Fido Filebone BBS_LIST distribution net?: ____ (YES/NO) BBS Phone #'s Node Restrictions ------------- ----------------- Node 1 : xxx-xxxx Max Baud: ______ ($ or $$) SEE Node 2 : xxx-xxxx Max Baud: ______ ($ or $$) BELOW etc. Where $ = Better Access for Subscribing Users $$ = Access for Subscribing Users ONLY Note: All updates should be sent in on or before the 5th of each month. Please make use of the BBS Ad Lines, will give users more info on what your board can offer them.