FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:01:49           Page 1

        Volume 2, Number 29                         2 September 1985
        |                                             _            |
        |                                            /  \          |
        |    - FidoNews -                           /|oo \         |
        |                                          (_|  /_)        |
        |  Fido and FidoNet                         _`@/_ \    _   |
        |    Users  Group                          |     | \   \\  |
        |     Newsletter                           | (*) |  \   )) |
        |                             ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
        |                            / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
        |                           (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
        |                                                (jm)      |

        Publisher:              Fido 107/7
        Chief Procrastinator:   Thom Henderson

        Fidonews is published weekly by SEAboard,  Fido  107/7.  You 
        are   encouraged  to  submit  articles  for  publication  in 
        Fidonews.  Article submission standards are contained in the 
        file FIDONEWS.DOC, available from Fido 107/7.  

        Disclaimer or don't-blame-us: 

        The contents of the articles  contained  here  are  not  our 
        responsibility,  nor  do  we  necessarily  agree  with them; 
        everything here is subject to debate.  We publish EVERYTHING 

        This week's guest editorial is by Tom Jennings.

        There is much legislation going around to restrict the use 
        of computers connected to the phone system.  Much of it is 
        very 1984 type stuff, tramps on First Amendment rights in 
        the name of law and order, is deadly serious, and will be 
        deadly to BBSing as we know it.  A very few bills are 
        actually good things.  PLEASE try to stay aware of what's 
        happening.  Some form of control is going to happen.  Just 
        what it consists of depends on whether we get a say in it or 

                The crooks in DC don't announce to the world when 
        they are about to do something to someone; the less who 
        know, the fewer complaints.  If you read something related 
        in the newspaper, please spread the word!  Don't assume that 
        "everyone else knows this already".  Many of these things 
        are sneaked through quietly, so make noise!  Submit them to 
        FidoNews, upload to your local BBS, tell other BBSers.  

                At some point in the future some actions groups will 
        coalesce; please be prepared to support them.  Write 

FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:01:52           Page 2

        letters, mail money.  This applies to everyone; when the Tom 
        Tcimpidis case in LA happened, in 1984, a lot of sysops took 
        the "head in the sand" approach.  This is guarenteed to lose 
        us our boards.  There are a lot of us, sysops, users and 
        all.  If we all do something, I think we'd all be suprised 
        at how many there are of us.  No one is going to be shot, so 
        stand up for your rights!  

FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:01:53           Page 3

        From: Brian Sietz 107/17
        Subject: National Fidonet User Directory

        I believe that the concept of the fidonet national user directory
        is a terriffic idea, but it has a few problems:

          -  It takes up too much disk space for sysops.
          -  It is much too big for users to download.
          -  The information is quickly outdated.
          -  The cost of publishing in hardcopy is not worth the expense.

        One solution that would solve the above problems and make the
        user directory a bit more useful would be to shorten the number
        of users listed.  The criterion for being listed in the directory
        should be any user who called more than 20 times, any user who
        has a fidonet credit, users with uploads, and users with privs
        above NORMAL.  I picked 20 as the number of calls without too 
        much thought - it just seemed that 20 showed enough interest to 
        be considered a "frequent caller".  Part of the problem with 
        including all users is that you get your one time callers.  I 
        do not mean to imply that non-frequent callers are not desirable,
        it just means that it is too soon to know if users from other
        states would be interested in sending mail.  

        If we keep the list short and concise, the information would 
        be more useful to both sysops and users.

        Comments anyone?


FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:01:54           Page 4

                          THE CONTINUING STORY OF
                          LINKING FIRE DEPARTMENT
                           OPERATIONS EVERYWHERE
                             INTO ONE COHESIVE
                              (What a Dream!)
                       By Christopher Baker, Sysop,
                          Metro-Fire Fido, 18/14

        Our primary function, in the beginning, will be to assemble 
        as many depts as possible into a sub-net or a number of 
        sub-nets to establish a base for communication between 
        depts across the country that would not otherwise be aware 
        of each other. While that is being accomplished and once it 
        is in force, our function will be to provide net 
        coordination and a central locus for collection and 
        dissemination of information of interest to all.

        As you may or may not know, fire department operations bear 
        little resemblance to any other form of endeavor. This 
        uniqueness begs (it seems to me) for a common mode of 
        communication to share ideas and experiences as well as 
        computer programs specific to fire dept ops. For example, 
        we have a dept of 1200+ members. We are writing a specific 
        program to automate the calling of overtime, which is now 
        done manually, that will automatically sort, file, compare 
        qualifications and produce an updated listing of who is 
        next eligible and qualified for overtime. With this many 
        people and with all the different levels and types of 
        qualifications, calling overtime is a genuine pain! 
        Programs of this type could be shared with other 
        depts via the sub-net we are proposing. I also hope to get 
        a tie-in to the F.E.M.A. and National Fire Academy systems 
        for bulletins and other info.

        Metro-Dade Fire & Rescue is in the process of setting up an 
        administrative data network consisting of this 3270 set-up 
        and a number of IBM ATs. This network will handle the 
        daily, routine paperwork and allow for individual site E-
        mail and program development. This network will operate 
        outside of the Dade County Data Processing system and be 
        exclusively for the use of our Dept. The program 
        development will be managed by a central office but the 
        programming efforts will come largely from volunteers from 
        within the Dept who work at it in their spare time or time 
        alloted from their normal duties for this purpose.

        The in-house AT network should develop some interesting 
        applications for this Dept that may be of use or interest 
        to other depts, regardless of size. These developments 
        would be available to other depts through the Fido sub-net 
        I propose.

        This is, generally, what I have in mind at present for the 
        Fire Net. I hope this information will be of assistance to 

FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:01:56           Page 5

        those of you trying to convince your departments that 
        computers and data links are the future and are beneficial 
        for all concerned.

        I appreciate the many responses to my article.   If I can 
        be of further assistance to you,please do not hesitate to 
        ask. FidoMail sent on Mondays & Tuesdays is not processed 
        until Wednesday(Mon-Tue=my days off), otherwise any mail 
        will be replied to on the next FidoMail day.

        If you would like access to our board, please send the name 
        you wish to sign on under and the password you would like 
        to use by PRIVATE FidoMail. Please include the name of your 
        department, your city and state, and a data or voice phone 
        number you can be reached at. Your access will be granted 
        upon receipt. Send all requests marked PRIVATE to Sysop,
        18/14. If you wish to call the board and fill out a 
        verification questionaire, please fell free to do so but be 
        advised that this method may slow down your access 
        considerably. Our data number is 305-596-8611. If you have 
        a question that needs a direct or immediate answer, our 
        voice line is 305-596-8576. Voice contact is only possible 
        from 1430-2230, Wednesday through Sunday. (I'm off on 
        Monday and Tuesday.)



FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:02:00           Page 6

             New Fido Message Renumbering Utility Available

                Because my USENET message base areas usually get
        upwards of 250 messages per week, I needed to create a
        utility to be run from an external event to renumber Fido
        message bases.  Since the old RENUM utility does not fix
        the USER.BBS file after renumbering the messages, I made
        my own renumbering program.  This program consists of the
        Sysop only 2 and 8 commands taken from ROVER, and able to
        be run with command line arguments.  It allows killing
        messages by date, and received messages (sysop 2 command),
        and also renumbering message bases, and the user list
        (sysop 8 command).  The program is being distributed as
        RENUM.ARC, and has been sent to all HOST nodes (or at least
        is being sent to all host nodes).  Since FidoNet only runs
        for 1 hour each night it is being sent to about 8 hosts
        per night.  If your host does not have it, and you are
        interested, it can be downloaded from Fido 101/101 - The
        UN*X Gateway any time.

        Bob Hartman
        Sysop 101/101
        The UN*X Gateway
        and Home of Rover


FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:02:01           Page 7

                    Make your PC Faster for $20.95!!!

                A little known fact in the PC world is that there
        are Intel 8088 and 8086 compatible chips that simply run
        faster than the originals!  The whiz chips are known as the
        NEC V20 (Intel 8088 compatible - NEC part UPD70108), and
        the NEC V30 (Intel 8086 compatible - NEC part ???).  I
        recently installed the NEC V20 in my IBM PC, crossed my
        fingers and turned on the machine.  Since I didn't smell
        any smoke, I turned on the monitor.  After what seemed like
        an eternity, the familiar whirring of the disk started, and
        my PC was alive.  I tried doing a bunch of things like
        changing directories, using 1-2-3, etc, and it all worked.
        The next step was to run some random timing tests with the
        new chip.  Since I had run them just before replacing the
        chip, I was interested in what the timing differences
        would be.  Well, I was pleasantly surprised to find that
        every program that I tried ran between 5% and 25% faster
        with the NEC chip, than with the Intel chip.  I think that
        programs could be optimized to generate even better results,
        but since I don't have the spec sheet for the chip yet, that
        will have to wait.

                I don't know why NEC isn't trying to beat up the
        market with this chip (actually, I do know - Intel is
        taking them to court in April), but my advice is that if you
        want to upgrade your PC (Rainbows could probably use the
        V30), for only $20.95, call JDR Microdevices at
        (800) 538-5000, and order the chip.  It was easily the
        cheapest upgrade to my PC yet, and produced a lot more
        benefit than some of the other upgrades.

        Bob Hartman
        Sysop Fido 101/101
        The UN*X Gateway
        and Home of Rover


FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:02:02           Page 8

        On our way to a WorldFidoNet

        From : Henk Wevers Fido 101/3101
        To   : All involved

        Fido   has  crossed  the  borders  of  the  USA   now,   and 
        international  contacts  are possible.  This adds a  special 
        flavour to Fido and no doubt will increase it importance  as 
        a  way  to  exchange ideas and thoughts about  all  kind  of 
        things, including computers.

        The  FidoNet organisation as it is today is well suited  for 
        one  (big)  country,  but  has several  drawbacks  from  the 
        international point of view.  As Fido is on its feet here in 
        europe  and  is  growing fast,  the  situation  will  become 
        uncontrollable  within  a  few month if fido  isn't  changed 
        again.  This  documents purpose is to start a discussion  on 
        how  to  change Fido to make it fit  for  international  use 
        without  loosing the somewhat informal way it is  organised. 
        Hopefully  the way to go will emerge from the discussion and 
        Tom Jennings will change Fido again, no doubt he will become 
        famous  in the rest of the world also.  As I will point  out 
        hereafter, the changes needed are not that much.

        First of all,  as fido is used by all kinds of persons,  the 
        dog  must  be  teached to  speak  different  languages.  Not 
        everybody  in the wotld speaks english,  especially kids  do 
        have problems with the language.  Clearly we can patch Fido, 
        all the messages are grouped together in memory, but that is 
        a  very hard way to do it and must be done again for  a  new 
        version.  Also  english is the most compact language I  have 
        seen,  most  european languages use more letters to say  the 
        same.  So  the first thing we are asking Tom Jennings is  to 
        include some kind of ascii textfile,  that at initialisation 
        time  (if present) will overlay the english  messages.  This 
        must  include the Y/N characters and the currency  sign.  We 
        can  also  write  a little program to change  the  privilege 
        files so menu's can be changed. (The small menu for replying 
        a message and the one after you have typed in a message must 
        also be put into a file).

        Now for the netorganisation.

        FidoNet is a somewhat loose organisation and I think we must 
        maintain that in our international contacts. The best way to 
        go  is  that if two countries want to  exchage  fidomail,  2 
        fidonodes,  one in each country team up.  Both will act as a 
        host  for the country and forward the received mail in  that 
        country.  There  is money involved here,  because forwarding 
        mail  in a country is not cheap.  Both sysops are  going  to 
        know each other very well,  and accounting can be organised. 

FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:02:05           Page 9

        (Fido  has  to  change  a little for that  as  I  will  show 
        lateron). To make things more flexible, lets also allow more 
        than one of this kind of teams for a countrypair.

        When  Fido grows,  there is no point in having all nodes  in 
        the world on line.  The file will be too big anyway so  here 
        it is:  we must have country codes in the nodeidentification 
        code. (Listgen has gone this way already) 
        A  nodelist for every country a certain fido will allow  his 
        users  to  exchange  mail with can be put on  line  then.  I 
        suggest it will look like this from the user point of view:

        Mail Command: E

        This will be message #xx
        From: me on Fido 31/101/3101

        Active COUNTRY: 1 , active NET: 101
        ?=Help,      !=List COUNTRIES
        /=List NETs, #=Lists NODES
        Pick COUNTRY, NET and/or NODE:!
        Countries available to mail to from this node:
           1 - USA, CANADA
          31 - HOLLAND
          44 - UNITED KINGDOM
          46 - SWEDEN
        Pick a COUNTRY: 31
        Getting the nodebook for that country, wait ....

        Active COUNTRY: 31, active NET: 1
        ?=Help,      !=List COUNTRIES
        /=List NETs, #=Lists NODES
        Pick COUNTRY, NET and/or NODE:

        Well I think the meaning is clear to you, xx/xx chooses
        net/node in the active country. For mailing in the same
        country almost nothing is changed.

        In this way we can have Nodelists for a country made up
        by a countrycoordinator and make them available on Fido
        of the international coordinator (fido 51 ?). Countrycoordi-
        nators can then (after a little editing) make them available 
        for  their local fido's.  A local Fido has complete  control 
        over  what  countries he will allow his users to mail to  by 
        putting the nodelists (1.nds,  31.nds etc ?) from the selec-
        ted countries on line.

        This allows us also to put in a routing for that country  in 
        the countrynodelist.

        So  we  come to the fourth change required to make  Fido  an 
        suitable  for international exchange.  A few new keywords in 
        the nodelist.

FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:02:06           Page 10

        1: COUNTRY xx  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

          defines the country and tyhe name of this country.

        2: CHOST net/node

           Mail  to  nodes listed below this host must  be  send  to 
           CHOST instead.

        Thats  all,  this scheme allows for nodes in a country  that 
        must be mailed directly,  not through a CHOST,  and multiple 

        Lets  have a look how this will look like for a hypothetical 
        big country:

        AREA 1  ...................
        (list of nodes)
        AREA 2 ..............
        (list of nodes)
        HOST 3 ..........
        (list of nodes)
        CHOST 4/22
        AREA 4
        (list of nodes)
        HOST 5
        (list of nodes)
        CHOST 8/22

        The routing is obvious,  either direct,  or via CHOST and/or 
        HOST.  The  nodelist for a country lists the CHOSTs in  that 
        very  same country of course.  The CHOST itself has only  to 
        edit  the nodelist,  by replacing his own CHOST  entry  with 
        that of his teammate.

        That  leaves  us to the last change we need to make  it  all 
        work,  cost  accounting  and  a change in  the  ACCEPT  FROM 
        function. The costaccounting between hosts and/or CHOSTS and 
        the local nodes must be much better, otherwise the task of a 
        (C)HOST may become to timeconsuming for a hobbyist. Luckely, 
        the changes needed are not dramatical...
        First  the  forwarding node must enter his  country/net/node 
        number into each messageheader of the message forwarded.
        Now,  if  the receiving host sends out some of  the  message 
        received, fido knows the last node the message came from and
        who to charge. An antry in the maillog should be made like:
        FORWARDED FOR xx/xx/xx message to xx/xx/xx   $ xx.xx
        (The amount of money comes from the current nodelist !)
        Because Tom has implemented a kill after send function, this
        is not a big change I guess.

        Almost there, The ACCEPT FROM function as I understand looks

FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:02:08           Page 11

        at  the originating node of the message and marks it  orphan 
        if that node is not in the accept-from list. Now we have the 
        cost accounting done,  it should be changed so,  that accept 
        from  means  :  accept messages from  this  country/net/node 
        don't care where the message came originally from. This way
        total control is possible.

        Thats it folks, just give you a last example of how this all 
        may  work out from the cost accounting way.  I may have seen 
        things wrong,  or left something out.  Thats where you  come 
        in.  Lets discuss it.  And Tom,  will you please change Fido 
        again ??. I think we have about a couple of month before all 
        this is really needed. Until then, we are in net 101 here in 
        europe !  See you ... (or should it be 'Fido you ...').

        a last example of routing and cost accounting

        Local --> Host --> CHOST --> CHOST --> Host ---> Local
          1        2         3        4          5        6

        Accounting can be done from the maillog (perhaps a dream
        analysingprogram like sysrept can be made 'mailrept')
        The  only  difficulty  is in how 1 could possible  know  the 
        the  costs of a message to 6.  Thats easy  enough,  CHOST  3 
        takes  the country nodelist from CHOST 4 and adds its  costs 
        for routing link 3->4. Host 2 takes this nodelist from CHOST 
        3  and adds its cost for link 2->3 to the nodelist.  Local 1 
        does the same and puts yhe list on line. Presto !

FIDONEWS     --           02 Sep 85  00:02:10           Page 12

                             New version of ARC

        The latest version of ARC is version 4.30.  The main 
        differences between this version and earlier versions are:

        1) You can now use path names when adding files to an 

        2) Adding files to an archive is approximately 30% faster in 
           most cases.


                             The Interrupt Stack

        27 Nov 1985
           Halley's Comet passes closest to Earth before perihelion.  

        24 Jan 1986
           Voyager 2 passes Uranus.

         9 Feb 1986
           Halley's Comet reaches perihelion.

        11 Apr 1986
           Halley's Comet reaches perigee.

        19 May 1986
           Steve Lemke's next birthday.

        24 Aug 1989
           Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

        If you have something which you would like to see on this 
        calendar, please send a message to Fido 107/7.