Volume 4, Number 45                               7 December 1987
     |                                                  _            |
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |        International                          |     | \   \\  |
     |     FidoNet Association                       | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
     |                                                     (jm)      |
     Editor in Chief:                                   Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Contributing Editors:                      Dale Lovell, Al Arango
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.
     Copyright 1987 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067.
     The  contents  of  the  articles  contained  here  are  not   our
     responsibility,   nor   do   we   necessarily  agree  with  them.
     Everything here is  subject  to  debate.  We  publish  EVERYTHING

                             Table of Contents

     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        Standards?  What Standards?  ..............................  1
     2. ARTICLES  .................................................  2
        A Letter To Mayor Koch  ...................................  2
        MEGADEX - A New Way to Look at the MEGALIST  ..............  7
     3. NOTICES  ..................................................  8
        The Interrupt Stack  ......................................  8
        New IFNA Address for Orders and Memberships  ..............  8
        Latest Software Versions  .................................  8
     FidoNews 4-45                Page 1                    7 Dec 1987


                        Standards?  What Standards?

     I'm  going  to break one of my standing rules here.  I'm going to
     talk from the perspective  of  a  software  publisher.  Well,  to
     roughly  quote  Captain Jean-Luc Picard,  "Life itself is no more
     than a mass of exceptions."

     A year ago there was this thing called  the  "FidoNet  Protocol".
     It  was  even  documented.  The  idea  was to promulgate a public
     domain standard for electronic mail.  The basic idea was sound, I
     think.  It got a lot of good attention from a lot of  people  for
     awhile.   I've   spoken   with   people   who  were  planning  on
     implementing it for Telex, Compuserve, BIX,  MCI Mail,  and a lot
     of other services.  Not to mention,  of course, the "real" target
     of people writing mailers  for  Ataris,  Commodore  64s,  and  so
     forth.  It was a concrete spec with a fairly wide acceptance, and
     it made a good, solid target to work at.

     Oh, it wasn't perfect.  We all knew that.  Since when is anything
     ever  perfect?  But people were working on ways to beef it up and
     make it cleaner.  One such way was extended addressing,  as  that
     allowed  for  open-ended  addressing  in  ways  that could not be
     anticipated in advance,  so we could add anything we  might  need
     later  on without having to rewrite all of the existing software.
     Another was the SEAlink protocol,  so we could maintain backwards
     compatibility while allowing for much faster data transfer on par
     with  the  best  protocols  known.  [Forestalling an argument:  I
     didn't say "faster than",  I said "on par  with".  Remember  that
     the  main design criteria of SEAlink was high speed while keeping
     full compatibility with XMODEM and Modem7.  If you like,  we  can
     argue over the exact numbers another day.]

     Something  odd happened,  though.  The whole thing got tossed out
     the window.  Oh,  the FidoNet Protocol is still there,  but  it's
     now  just  one  possible protocol.  Systems linking up these days
     must negotiate over what protocol  they  will  use.  Why?  A  few
     percent difference in performance once in awhile?  Or just to  be
     new and different?

     No  matter.  What's done is done.  But I can't help but feel that
     something important was lost in the shuffle.


     FidoNews 4-45                Page 2                    7 Dec 1987


     Edward I. Koch
     Mayor City Of New York
     City Hall
     New York, New York

     Re: 179th Street And Hillside Avenue

     Dear Mayor Koch,

          Several months have gone by,  and  the  situation  at  179th
     Street  and  Hillside Avenue has not changed to any great extent!
     It certainly has not gotten any better!!!

          To refresh your memory,  I wrote to you detailing  the  fact
     that  I had been verbally abused several times when coming up out
     of the subway, by the "GYPSY" cab drivers.

          Since my last letter I have spent over 100  hours  observing
     the  situation to see what I could find out.  I am not nor have I
     ever been a gypsy cab driver (just in case you are interested). I
     am an angry City resident!

          The only  change  that  has  taken  place  is  an  increased
     presence  in the a.m.  hours (6:30 - 8:00) of inspectors from the
     T.L.C.,  who seem to be more interested in drinking  coffee  than
     correcting the situation they are paid to correct.

          But  that is not when they are needed!  They are needed from
     4:00 to 8:00 p.m.  on the corner of  179th  Street  and  Hillside
     Avenue,  which is where the "GYPSY" cabs block traffic, illegally
     park, and pick up their passengers.

          An increased police presence is needed on the  same  corner,
     but after the incident last night,  I fear even the police cannot
     or will not handle the situation.

          Last night a patrol car passed by  and  stopped  to  give  a
     gypsy  cab several (3) tickets.  As soon as the police left,  the
     driver got out of his cab,  went over the other drivers who  hang
     around on the sidewalk,  said,  "F**k those cops",  and ripped up
     the tickets and threw them on the sidewalk.

          About 15 minutes  later,  after  the  driver  returned  from
     taking 5 people in his car (at $1 per person),  he was loading up
     again when the same police car passed by.

          To the officers credit, they stopped and issued him at least
     FidoNews 4-45                Page 3                    7 Dec 1987

     seven tickets after inspecting his car.

          They did not however make him unload the passengers from his
     car,  and when they left after giving him the tickets,  he ripped
     them right up, and threw them in the road!

          What  type  of police force are you running?  If I ripped up
     tickets,  I would be held accountable.  Why are gypsy cab drivers
     immune from the law?

          Several  weeks  ago,  the gypsy cabs had the corner of 179th
     and Hillside so blocked,  that an ambulance had to  ride  on  the
     SIDEWALK  for  one  entire  block of Hillside Avenue to get close
     enough to a building to go inside to  help  the  person  who  was

          The  parking  lot  of Burger King,  who hires youth from the
     area,  is another problem.  When the gypsy cabs hear  the  police
     coming  (they  always blow their sirens to allow them time to get
     away) most of them pull into the  Burger  King  lot  and  solicit
     passengers  from  the  lot,  where  they know the police will not
     touch  them.   Needless  to  say,  this  makes  the  parking  lot
     impossible to access for a paying customer.

          We are not talking about just a few gypsy cabs here.  We are
     talking about an organized business, led by "Dudley", of 35 to 45
     cabs  soliciting  people  on  a regular basis.  It takes about 10
     minutes from the time a gypsy cab leaves until he  returns.  Each
     cab  carries  a minimum of 5 people (they won't go unless the car
     is full) with some carrying 11 people in a van.  During the  busy
     time period (4 p.m. to 8 p.m.) this comes out to an average of 30
     passengers per cab/per hour.

          Throughout those 4 hours over 4800 people are transported by
     gypsy cabs,  5 days a week.  When the cabs are stopped because of
     police presence,  these people are forced to take  the  City  bus
     instead.  It  translates  out  to  a  loss  to  the  City of over
     $24,000.00 per 5 day business week,  or over $1,228,000 per  year
     in  lost  revenue  to  the  Transit Authority and the City of New

          Of course these figures do not reflect the  additional  loss
     incurred when these cabs operate in the a.m. hours as well as the
     p.m. hours.

          Additional  revenue  to  the  City  is lost in other ways as
     well.  Let us assume that 50% of these cab drivers pay City taxes
     on their cash income (and that is a very, very large assumption),
     then 50% of them do not pay taxes!

          These  figures  are for only one of hundreds of areas in the
     City (major subway stations) where this occurs on a daily  basis.
     If  this  situations  exists at even 10 of the major subway stops
     throughout New York City, the loss in revenue to the City becomes
     FidoNews 4-45                Page 4                    7 Dec 1987

          "Dudley" (he calls himself "Dudley", which may or may not be
     his real name) who you might remember  I  mentioned  in  my  last
     letter  is  still  in  business.  Dudley apparently works for the
     Transit Authority,  (as he has been seen inside token booths) and
     purchases  the  tokens  from  the  other  gypsy  cab drivers at a
     discounted price.

          What he does with the tokens is a mystery, although informed
     sources say he allegedly sells them to people  who  come  to  the
     token  booth.  If  true,  then this is another instance where the
     City is loosing revenue.  The tokens are sometimes given  to  the
     gypsy  cab drivers to pay for the fare instead of cash,  which is
     why they need an inside man to redeem them for them.

          I asked around one day,  why no one seems to care when  they
     get  tickets.  The  answer was a good one,  and I thought I would
     pass it on to you, Mayor Koch.  I was told, "If we get a bunch of
     tickets  in  one day,  we go to motor vehicles the next day,  and
     claim a license plate was either lost or stolen".

          They receive the new plates long before the tickets are  due
     in  court,  and in most cases are never called to account for the
     tickets. Of course, they told me, "We can't do that to often, but
     once in a while we get away with it".

          People are yelled at  when  they  come  out  of  the  subway
     entrance,  and more than once,  fights have started over who gets
     what passenger. Crude and vulgar remarks are made to women by the
     gypsy cab drivers as the women come out of the subway.

          Not too long ago, the police gave out a bunch of tickets and
     left. They were back within minutes, and they were back in force!
     It seems someone ("DUDLEY") allegedly got on  his  CB  radio  and
     called in a 10-13 on channel 9, the CB emergency channel.

          Not bad enough he did that,  it was reported that "shots had
     been fired and an officer  was  down"!  Now  I  don't  blame  the
     police for responding the way they did.  However I feel sorry for
     anyone  who  got  in  their  way,  as  they were going to help an
     officer in trouble.

          Several false alarms have been sent in  from  that  area  as

          Cannot  say  for sure who did it,  but if you would come and
     watch what goes on here on 179th Street and Hillside,  you  would
     get an understanding of who did it.

          After  spending this additional time observing this area,  I
     submit   the   following   suggestions   for    your    immediate

          1) Station  2  police officers in a patrol car on the corner
             of 179th Street and Hillside Avenue.  Park  this  car  on
             179th  Street from 4 p.m.  to 8 p.m.  Monday thru Friday,
             for a period of 30 days,  with explicit  instructions  to
     FidoNews 4-45                Page 5                    7 Dec 1987

             ticket each and every gypsy cab.

          2) Station  1  police officer in the Burger King parking lot
             (with Burger King's cooperation)  to  prevent  the  gypsy
             cabs from picking up inside the parking lot.

          3) Station  2  TLC  Inspectors on the corner of 179th Street
             and Hillside Avenue,  from 4 p.m.  to 8 p.m.  Monday thru
             Friday,  for  a  period  of  30 days with instructions to
             ticket each  and  every  gypsy  cab  they  see  for  each
             infraction of the law they find.

          4) Station  1  TLC  Inspector in the Burger King parking lot
             (with Burger King's cooperation)  to  prevent  the  gypsy
             cabs from picking up inside the parking lot.

          5) Station  a  Traffic  Department tow truck on the scene to
             remove cars found to  be  operating  without  the  proper
             insurance, inspection and registration documents.

          6) Provide  legislation  that  would  make  the illegal sale
             and/or purchasing of tokens a crime.

          The first 4 items  might  seem  like  overkill  to  you  Mr.
     Mayor,  but  I  can assure you they are not!  A favorite trick of
     these gypsy cab driver is to get out of his car, as soon as he is
     parked. This allows for two things to occur.

          A) He can get closer to people coming out of the subway.

          B) When the police do come, there is no driver in the car.

          If you remember my last letter,  you might remember the fact
     that  I  told  you  I  would  give  you  a  chance  to remedy the
     situation,  and crush the rumors that,  "The Mayor is  afraid  of
     these people and won't do anything to resolve the problem"!

          Well  you  had  ample time and nothing has been done by your
     office about it.

          Now we will see what the people have to say!

          Copies of this letter are going  to  all  major  newspapers,
          radio  and  television  stations,  and  corporate taxi fleet
          owners.  The taxi owners can  use  it  in  their  next  rate
          decision hearings.

          New  York  City  was  once a fine place to live in.  It is a
     shame we have a Mayor who seems to be  afraid  of  a  little  bad
     publicity, to save the City millions of dollars annually.

     FidoNews 4-45                Page 6                    7 Dec 1987

                                             Sincerely yours,
                                             A Concerned Citizen


     FidoNews 4-45                Page 7                    7 Dec 1987

                     A New Way to Look at the MEGALIST

     Version 1.4 - Released For Use By All Sysops

     This program is designed to reduce the  disk  space  required  to
     view  and  search  the national software megalist produced weekly
     from 135/68.

     Megadex has reduced the file size to less than ONE THIRD the size
     of the weekly Megalist.

     This week the update files are 90k v.s. 220k for the megalist.

     To operate just un-arc the archive into any  directory  you  have

     Then just type MEGADEX and hit your return key to begin.

     Weekly updates can be SEAdog requested from 107/246 and 135/68.

     If  you  do  not  have the MEGADEX.EXE file then request MEGADEXC
     from 107/246.

     After  you  have  MEGADEX.EXE  then  the  file name to request is
     "MEGADEX" (without quotes) and WILL NOT contain the .EXE file. It
     will contain only the weekly update files.  (From 107/246)

     Revision History

     1.0 Initial Release

     1.1 Tightened Search Loops With An Increase In Speed
         Problem Corrected In Small Node Number Search

     1.4 Increased Speed By 23% When Searching


     FidoNews 4-45                Page 8                    7 Dec 1987


                          The Interrupt Stack

      9 Jan 1988
        The next net 104 FidoNet Sysop Meeting.  Contact Oscar Barlow
        at 104/0 for information.

     25 Aug 1988
        (pending  BoD  approval)  Start  of  the  Fifth  International
        FidoNet Conference,  to be  held  at  the  Drawbridge  Inn  in
        Cincinnatti,  OH.  Contact  Tim  Sullivan  at  108/62 for more
        information.  This is FidoNet's big annual  get-together,  and
        is your chance to meet all the people you've been talking with
        all this time.  We're hoping to see you there!

     24 Aug 1989
        Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


     Ken Kaplan, 1:1/10

     Effective with this FidoNews issue all IFNA monetary transactions
     will be handled by our Treasure,  Leonard Mednick  (1:1/11).  Len
     will  deposit  money  and verify memberships for all IFNA Orders.
     The actual processing of memberships  and  filing  of  PO's  will
     continue  to  be  done  by other individuals after the treasure's
     duties are completed.  The administrative and legal address  will
     remain  the  same  in  St.  Louis.  The forms at the back of this
     FidoNews refect this change.


                          Latest Software Versions

     BBS Systems            Node List              Other
     & Mailers   Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities   Version

     Dutchie        2.71*   EditNL          3.3    ARC            5.21
     Fido            12d*   MakeNL         1.10    ARCmail         1.1*
     Opus          1.03a    Prune          1.40    ConfMail        3.2*
     SEAdog         4.10    XlatList       2.84    EchoMail       1.31
     TBBS           2.0M                           MGM             1.1*

     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     FidoNews 4-45                Page 9                    7 Dec 1987

     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.


     FidoNews 4-45                Page 10                   7 Dec 1987

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  a  specified  annual   membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications.

     Member Name _______________________________  Date _______________
     Address _________________________________________________________
     City ____________________________________________________________
     State ________________________________  Zip _____________________
     Country _________________________________________________________
     Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________
     BBS Name ________________________________________________________
     BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________
     Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________
     Board Restrictions ______________________________________________
     Your Special Interests __________________________________________
     In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________
     Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in
     US Funds to:
                   International FidoNet Association
                   c/o Leonard Mednick, MBA, CPA
                   700 Bishop Street, #1014
                   Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-4112

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will  help  to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     Please  NOTE  that  IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     and Articles of Association  and  By-Laws  were  adopted  by  the
     membership in January 1987.  The first elected Board of Directors
     was filled in August 1987.  The IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established  on  FidoNet  to  assist  the Board.  We welcome your
     input to this Conference.


     FidoNews 4-45                Page 11                   7 Dec 1987

                                 ORDER FORM


     The IFNA publications can be obtained by downloading from Fido
     1:1/10 or  other FidoNet compatible  systems, or by purchasing
     them directly from IFNA.  We ask that  all our  IFNA Committee
     Chairmen   provide  us   with  the  latest  versions  of  each
     publication, but we can make no written guarantees.

     Hardcopy prices as of October 1, 1986

        IFNA Fido BBS listing                       $15.00    _____
        IFNA Administrative Policy DOCs             $10.00    _____
        IFNA FidoNet Standards Committee DOCs       $10.00    _____

                                                  SUBTOTAL    _____

                      IFNA Member ONLY Special Offers

        System Enhancement Associates SEAdog        $60.00    _____
        SEAdog price as of March 1, 1987
        ONLY 1 copy SEAdog per IFNA Member

        Fido Software's Fido/FidoNet               $100.00    _____
        Fido/FidoNet price as of November 1, 1987
        ONLY 1 copy Fido/FidoNet per IFNA Member

        International orders include $10.00 for
               surface shipping or $20.00 for air shipping    _____

                                                  SUBTOTAL    _____

                    HI. Residents add 4.0 % Sales tax         _____

                                                  TOTAL       _____

        International FidoNet Association
        c/o Leonard Mednick, MBA, CPA
        700 Bishop Street, #1014
        Honolulu, HI.  96813-4112

     City____________________  State____________  Zip_____
     Voice Phone_________________________

