Volume 5, Number 43                               24 October 1988
     |                                                  _            |
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |        International                          |     | \   \\  |
     |     FidoNet Association                       | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
     |                                                     (jm)      |
     Editor in Chief                                       Dale Lovell
     Editor Emeritus:                                   Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Contributing Editors:                                   Al Arango
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.
     Copyright 1988 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted
     at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141.
     Fido  and FidoNet  are registered  trademarks of  Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software,  164 Shipley Avenue,  San Francisco, CA  94107 and
     are used with permission.
     The  contents  of  the  articles  contained  here  are  not   our
     responsibility,   nor   do   we   necessarily  agree  with  them.
     Everything here is  subject  to  debate.  We  publish  EVERYTHING

                             Table of Contents

     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        Elvis Lives  ..............................................  1
        HAYES Technical Support Echo Announcement  ................  2
        New Message Editor  .......................................  4
     2. COLUMNS  ..................................................  5
        Let's YACK about The Negative Side  .......................  5
     3. NOTICES  ..................................................  6
        The Interrupt Stack  ......................................  6
        Latest Software Versions  .................................  6
     FidoNews 5-43                Page 1                   24 Oct 1988


     Noel Crow
     FidoNet 170/200
                  A Generic Echomail Statistics Utility

     ELVIS was designed to maintain a history of Echomail traffic for
     your system.  It reports counts of incoming messages, in each
     echo area, and from each network node sending to you.  Since
     Elvis derives its data directly from incoming packets, and
     requires no system-specific control files other than its own,
     it's compatible with just about any MS-DOS system that receives
     FidoNet-compatible echomail.  It is useful for identifying dead
     echos, broken links, and dupe sources, especially for echomail
     hubs handling a large number of echo areas or nodes.

     Elvis consists of two executable files; ELVIS.EXE, which scans
     incoming mail and stores message counts in monthly data files.
     ELVISRPT.EXE is used to generate ASCII reports from the data
     files written by ELVIS.EXE.  Any date range (that you have data
     for) may be specified.  Command line switches may be used to
     report only the message counts in certain echo areas or from
     certain nodes.

     File Request ELVIS100.ARC from FidoNet 170/200.  Size is 39K,
     about 3 minutes at 2400 baud.


     FidoNews 5-43                Page 2                   24 Oct 1988

     Mike Ratledge
     SysOp of East Bay X-Change TCommNet BBS
     372/555, 372/666, 372/777 and 372/888

         I am pleased to announce that I have received permission to
     create a HAYES technical support conference for owners of Hayes
     Microcomputer Products modems.

         I will host this new EchoMail area (tag is "HAYES") and the
     folks at Hayes technical support department will check in daily
     to answer any new questions.

         The following is the unedited text of a letter I received
     electronically from John Aitken, the head of Hayes SysOp support
     in Atlanta:

                         Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc
                                 705 Westech Drive

     TO:        Mike Ratledge, Sysop - East Bay X-Change BBS
     FROM:      John Aitken, Hayes - Sysop Support Coordinator
     SUBJECT:   Hayes Technical Support Forum
     Date:      16 September, 1988

     Mike, We at Hayes are actively committed to supporting our
     Customers, and are always seeking new ways to provide that
     support.  Towards that end I accept your invitation to
     participate in your Hayes Support Message Area within the Fido
     - Networking System.

     Once your Message Area is up and running we will actively
     participate by signing-on daily, answering questions and
     providing technical support to all callers within the network.

     Additionally, I have provided you with full access to the Hayes
     Sysop Support Conference, where you will have access to all
     technical files, bulletins, and configuration notes - contained
     within our Technical Library.

     Please feel free to utilize any of the technical information
     that you may find within our file directories and be sure to let
     me know how we can provide additional help or information.

     FidoNet callers are invited to submit their questions,
     suggestions, and comments - within the message area, and we will
     monitor and reply on a daily basis.

     If there is anything that we can do for you or your FidoNet
     callers - please don't hesitate to ask.
     FidoNews 5-43                Page 3                   24 Oct 1988

     Best regards and good wishes for your Network!

             John Aitken
             Hayes Sysop Support Coordinator
             Training and Customer Services

     If you would like to recieve this echomail area on your system,
     please get in touch with me at 372/888 and we'll setup your link
     according to the volume of requests I receive.  I imagine that
     this echo area will warrant being carried on the "backbone" in a
     short time!  NOTE: 372/555 is a Hayes V96 unit - it's online at
     5:30PM each weekday (until 8AM) and all weekend, too.  If you
     wish to sign on locally, you should call 372/666 or 372/888 and
     register.  Be sure to ask for access to the V96 unit.  I will
     have a second V9600 online by the time this article is printed.

     FidoNews 5-43                Page 4                   24 Oct 1988

     jim nutt
     'the computer handyman'

     Announcing version 1.87 of msged, the only Fidonet mail editor
     with complete c source code.  Features include:

          Message body text searching
          Integrated full screen editor
          Uses existing config files (binkley.cfg and areas.bbs)
          Easy to Use
          Easy to Install
          Full Zone:Net/Node.Point>Domain addressing
          Intelligent Point remapping
          Support for Netmail, Echomail and Local Areas
          Uses All 80 columns of the screen
          Quoting (of course!)
          Message Forwarding
          Carbon Copies
          Address Lookup
          Text file import/export
          Abort/Delete Confirm (optional)
          Support for large displays
          Optional Tear and Origin lines
          Direct Screen Video (video fossil and bios support soon)
          Source compatible with Quick C, Zortech C and Turbo C
          Creates a confmail echomail export log
          Large message handling (big version only)
          All versions will run in under 128k of memory
          Fast! (100 messages in under 20s 8mhz AT and Desqview)
          Free! No charge for non-commercial use

     Coming features include:

          Message selection list
          Editor block commands
          UUCP addressing
          You Tell Me what you want!

     Msged is available from 1:114/18 or 1:114/15 for file request
     as MSGED and a msged support echo is being formed.  For more
     information contact me (jim nutt) at 1:114/15.11.


     FidoNews 5-43                Page 5                   24 Oct 1988


                      Yet Another Complicated Komment

                            by Steven K. Hoskin
                        ( STEVE HOSKIN at 1:128/31 )

                       Episode 13:  The Negative Side


     This was a message to me  from  a  user  about my board.  I don't
     happen to have any  message  areas  that  cover  D&D.  Funny that
     should be the  case,  since  my  advertised  specialty  areas are
     EagleTech Software and the national AVIATION EchoMail conference.

     I politely responded,  explaining  that  "Amateur  Hobby Network"
     means that  *I*  have  a  hobby  in  playing  with  computers and
     networking them together.  It  does not necessarily follow that I
     support all hobbies.  Even though  I happen to like D&D and other
     adventure, role-playing and war games.

     Then I get this guy who  calls  in  with  a name whose validity I
     question.  So I left him a  message  AND a custom welcome, asking
     him to verify the name,  with  address  and  phone number.  Seven
     times he logged in, saw the custom  welcome, and hit all the file
     areas and logged off.  I dropped  him  to DISGRACE status, left a
     more clearly worded custom welcome; still he called in about four
     more times, tried to hit the file  areas (the only one allowed at
     DISGRACE level  is  the  FidoNews  Area),  and  logged off.  So I
     TWITted him.  Why didn't he just leave me a message?  I even told
     him how to do it on the custom welcome.

     And the classic  -  "Hacker  calling".    Oh,  that's  TWIT level

     Why is it so hard for people to  say who they really are on BBSs?
     I don't recall ever  having  that  difficulty when *I* was a mere
     user.  And if  ever  there  was  a  strange  person, I definitely
     qualify.  But *I*  never  had  any  problems  using my real name.
     Handles are kind of nice, when  they  apply, but this doesn't cut
     well in EchoMail.  Too many people out there.

     Oh, well,  even  FidoNet  can't  be  all  blessings  and charm, I
     suppose.  I've been blessed,  even  in my troubles with users, in
     that I haven't had any vicious  hackers  trying to crash my board
     or slam my communication links.    I've heard of such, but (knock
     on wood) haven't seen any.

     I guess I'll just overlook the negative side and enjoy my hobby.

     FidoNews 5-43                Page 6                   24 Oct 1988


                          The Interrupt Stack

     23 Nov 1988
        25th Anniversary of "Dr. Who" - and still going strong

     24 Aug 1989
        Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

      5 Oct 1989
        20th Anniversary of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


                          Latest Software Versions

     BBS Systems            Node List              Other
     & Mailers   Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     Dutchie       2.90b*   EditNL         4.00    ARC           5.22*
     Fido            12h    MakeNL         2.12    ARCmail        1.1
     Opus          1.03b    Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00*
     SEAdog         4.10    XlatList       2.86    EchoMail      1.31
     TBBS           2.0M    XlaxNode       2.22*   MGM            1.1
     BinkleyTerm    2.00*   XlaxDiff       2.10    TPB Editor    1.21*
     QuickBBS       2.03*   ParseList      1.20*
     TPBoard         4.2*
     TComm/TCommNet  3.1*
     TCOMMail        1.1*
     Lynx           1.10*
     D'Bridge       1.10
     FrontDoor       2.0

     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.


     FidoNews 5-43                Page 7                   24 Oct 1988


     Hal DuPrie     1:101/106  Chairman of the Board
     Bob Rudolph    1:261/628  President
     Matt Whelan    3:3/1      Vice President
     Ray Gwinn      1:109/639  Vice President - Technical Coordinator
     David Garrett  1:103/501  Secretary
     Steve Bonine   1:115/777  Treasurer

                         IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         DIVISION                               AT-LARGE

     10  Courtney Harris   1:102/732?    Don Daniels     1:107/210
     11  Bill Allbritten   1:11/301      Hal DuPrie      1:101/106
     12  Bill Bolton       3:54/61       Mark Grennan    1:147/1
     13  Rick Siegel       1:107/27      Steve Bonine    1:115/777
     14  Ken Kaplan        1:100/22      Ted Polczyinski 1:154/5
     15  Larry Kayser      1:104/739?    Matt Whelan     3:3/1
     16  Vince Perriello   1:141/491     Robert Rudolph  1:261/628
     17  Rob Barker        1:138/34      Steve Jordan    1:102/2871
     18  Christopher Baker 1:135/14      Bob Swift       1:140/24
     19  David Drexler     1:19/1        Larry Wall      1:15/18
      2  Henk Wevers       2:500/1       David Melnik    1:107/233


     FidoNews 5-43                Page 8                   24 Oct 1988

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  a  specified  annual   membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications.

     Member Name _______________________________  Date _______________
     Address _________________________________________________________
     City ____________________________________________________________
     State ________________________________  Zip _____________________
     Country _________________________________________________________
     Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________

     Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________
     BBS Name ________________________________________________________
     BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________
     Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________
     Board Restrictions ______________________________________________

     Your Special Interests __________________________________________
     In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________
     Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in
     US Funds to:
                   International FidoNet Association
                   PO Box 41143
                   St Louis, Missouri 63141

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will help to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the
     membership in January 1987.  The second elected Board of Directors
     was filled in August 1988.  The IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established on FidoNet to assist the Board.  We welcome your
     input to this Conference.

     FidoNews 5-43                Page 9                   24 Oct 1988

                            ORDER FORM


     The IFNA publications can be obtained by downloading from Fido
     1:1/10 or  other FidoNet compatible  systems, or by purchasing
     them directly from IFNA.  We ask that  all our  IFNA Committee
     Chairmen   provide  us   with  the  latest  versions  of  each
     publication, but we can make no written guarantees.

     Hardcopy prices as of October 1, 1986

     IFNA Fido BBS listing                       $15.00    _____
     IFNA Administrative Policy DOCs             $10.00    _____
     IFNA FidoNet Standards Committee DOCs       $10.00    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                    IFNA Member ONLY Special Offers

     System Enhancement Associates SEAdog        $60.00    _____
     SEAdog price as of March 1, 1987
     ONLY 1 copy SEAdog per IFNA Member

     Fido Software's Fido/FidoNet               $100.00    _____
     Fido/FidoNet price as of November 1, 1987
     ONLY 1 copy Fido/FidoNet per IFNA Member

     International orders include $10.00 for
            surface shipping or $20.00 for air shipping    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                 MO. Residents add 5.725% Sales Tax         _____

                                               TOTAL       _____

        International FidoNet Association
        PO Box 41143
        St Louis, Mo. 63141

     City____________________  State____________  Zip_____
     Voice Phone_________________________

