Volume 5, Number 45                               7 November 1988
     |                                                  _            |
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |        International                          |     | \   \\  |
     |     FidoNet Association                       | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
     |                                                     (jm)      |
     Editor in Chief                                       Dale Lovell
     Editor Emeritus:                                   Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Contributing Editors:                                   Al Arango
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.
     Copyright 1988 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted
     at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141.
     Fido  and FidoNet  are registered  trademarks of  Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software,  164 Shipley Avenue,  San Francisco, CA  94107 and
     are used with permission.
     The  contents  of  the  articles  contained  here  are  not   our
     responsibility,   nor   do   we   necessarily  agree  with  them.
     Everything here is  subject  to  debate.  We  publish  EVERYTHING

                             Table of Contents

     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        MASS:Monthly Article Submission!  .........................  1
        AD&D by Modem  ............................................  3
     2. COLUMNS  ..................................................  4
        Bodies Behind the BBS:  Tom Hendricks  ....................  4
        Let's YACK about Patience  ................................  6
     3. NOTICES  ..................................................  7
        The Interrupt Stack  ......................................  7
        Election for Zone 1 Echomail Coordinator  .................  7
        Latest Software Versions  .................................  8
     FidoNews 5-45                Page 1                    7 Nov 1988


     Jake Hargrove
     Fido 301/1
     High Mesa Ranger's

          Well folks here we are at the end of another month,  and the
     beginning  of  a new one.   For those of you who have not as  yet
     made  your plans.   Thanksgiving is just around the  corner,  and
     Christmas is not that far away.   For those of you old enough  to
     do it, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE.

          I  for  one have spent much time recuperating from a  battle
     with  Binkley.   For some reason it does not want to  run  right.
     The  little  sample  file runs ok,  but once I go to add  my  own
     stuff,  some where in the middle of things I get a Date  Rollover
     problem.   So  far I have tried just about everything.   But when
     all else fail the best thing to do is what I did.   Convert  back
     to  OPUS.   I have so far had no problems with OPUS and ConfMail,
     and  I have also acquired a new message editor which works  great
     up to and including me not having to log onto the BBS to read  my

          Net  301 has grown a bit in the last couple of  weeks.   The
     newest node 301/9 The Mountain Oracle is SysOp'ed by Paul Seymour
     and is in the latest node list.   A few weeks older and hopefully
     included  in  the  nodediff for this next friday is  node  301/8,

          There  has  been a lot of talk from the Houston  Area  about
     phone  bills  and changes by the phone company.   I  do  have  an
     article  which  was  written by someone about this which  may  be
     included in the Fido News.  It is very interesting.

          With  all of this going on,  I have even had time to work  a
     little more on the Book I am in the process of writing.  Am up to
     page  10 of chapter 4.   Have also been involved with a new  Echo
     Mail area.   What is new?   This area is Hosted and Moderated  by
     node 304/1,  Linda Murphy.   It is called ET, and is about almost
     anything  concerning ExtraTerrestial happenings.   For guidelines
     and connection you can contact her for the specifics.   Or if you
     would like you may connect with me here at 301/1 and I will  pass
     it on to you.  To my knowledge she has no intention of putting it
     on the Backbone as of yet.

          An  I  know  this is a little early but What  You  Want  for
     Christmas?  I want:

                    9600 Baud modem.
                    New computer and monitor.
                    OPUS 1.1

     FidoNews 5-45                Page 2                    7 Nov 1988

     Ok nuff said,  if you are reading this, then I got it sent out ok
     and it has been included in the Gazette.


     FidoNews 5-45                Page 3                    7 Nov 1988

     Revis Smith
          Playing Dungeons and Dragons by Modem

     First you have to roll a chracter. You can either do
     this by rolling 3 (6) sided dice, for each of 7
     different attributes, or by using a program called
     CHARGEN3.ARC. This file is available for file request
     on my system. CHARGEN3 was written by my friend Barron
     Featherston, and was designed to roll up a character
     for the player.

     Once this is done the player submits his character to
     the dungeon master for approval, and waits to be
     introduced into the game.

     If the game you are starting is new the dungeon master
     writes an introduction to his story, and then you ask
     the characters to give a backround history of
     themselves. This is so that they can place
     themselves in the world that you have created.

     In my case this World is "Sanctum", your introduction
     goes into a special file area along with character
     histories. After this is all done you give chracters a
     hint of what their after, and really start plot

     Then each of the characters post what he or she is
     going to do, usually they  a elect leader first. This
     is done on a special board, on my system the board is
     called the Adventure Section.

     When all the characters have posted and a general
     agreement on a course of action has been reached, the
     DM writes a file called a review, and tells the players
     what happened. This file he puts up for download, so
     everybody can keep up with the story of what players
     are doing.

     If a Player wants to do anything he doesn't want the
     others to know about he sends DM private mail.

     I use the following books to help me run my adventures:
     Unearthed Arcana, Dungeoner's guide, and Wilderness
     Guide. As mapping goes The DM makes an ASCII map, and
     puts it up for download.


     FidoNews 5-45                Page 4                    7 Nov 1988


     Steve Bonine

                    An Introduction of Tom Hendricks
                      FTSC Certification Committee

     Last week we got a glimpse of Rick Moore, the new head of the
     FidoNet Technical Standards Committee.  This week we'll peak at
     Tom Hendricks (261/662) who has been picked to head up the
     certification process.

     Certification is the formal testing of software to determine if
     it does what it is supposed to.  In this case, the certification
     is to insure that software which claims to be "FidoNet compat-
     ible" does, indeed, conform to all of the applicable specifica-
     tions.  This is a process which has never really been formally
     addressed, and the IFNA Board of Directors saw it as a priority
     when the issue was raised at FidoCon.  Tom will have the respon-
     sibility for doing the formal testing. Of course, before he can
     do that, the exact testing procedure must be determined.

     But the purpose of this column is to discuss the PEOPLE, not for
     me to editorialize on the wonders of FidoNet technology, so let's
     move to an introduction of Tom.

     In his "real job", Tom is an analyst for the Federal government,
     and spends most of his time working on computer networking
     problems, connecting different flavors of computers together.
     That would certainly seem to provide a bit of background for his
     FidoNet carreer.  Tom runs his own small firm on the side,
     selling systems to low-end businesses and high-end techies.

     Tom somehow finds time for several hobbies in addition to the
     work. He's a fan of programming languages, with C and Modula-2
     being his favorites at this moment.  He has taught classes in
     assembly language.  Other hobbies include photography and pets,
     including exotic birds and tropical fish.  In fact, as Tom was
     giving me the information for this article, he was the excited
     "daddy" of some newly-hatched chicks.

     Tom's bulletin-board experience began with a homebuilt modem that
     he used with an ASR-33 teletype terminal to access the school's
     mainframe while in college.  He got his first commercial modem in
     1981 and, after playing around on CompuServe and his brother's
     CP/M BBS, started one of the first systems in the Baltimore area
     in 1985. His board has been up continiously since, moving from
     RBBS-PC to Colossus, to COLLIE, and via Fido to Opus.

     Tom joined FidoNet when it was about 1,000 nodes strong, in net
     109 which then was Metro DC and Maryland.  Kurt Reisler was the
     NC and Thom Henderson was the RC.  Later a new Baltimore net was
     FidoNews 5-45                Page 5                    7 Nov 1988

     formed (net 261).

     The name of Tom's system, Avi-Technic, reflects his combined
     interests of birds and computers.  Sounds to me like ideal
     background for the certification job; he'll meet some interesting
     birds in that assignment!  Tom's current FidoNet interests in
     addition to the FTSC work include the HST echo (which he co-
     founded with his brother) and coordinating the software
     distribution system.  He is an IFNA member, on the Membership
     Services committee, and is Bob Rudolph's alternate for the IFNA

     I hope you've enjoyed this peek at Tom.  If there is someone you
     would like to know more about, send me netmail (115/777) and I'll
     see if I have any luck digging up dirt on them.  Or if you are
     Famous in FidoNet, send me your bio!


     FidoNews 5-45                Page 6                    7 Nov 1988

                      Yet Another Complicated Komment

                            by Steven K. Hoskin
                        ( STEVE HOSKIN at 1:128/31 )

                           Episode 15:  Patience

     Boy, sleep really does  get  away  from  you  after awhile if you
     don't watch it.  I spent  a  great  deal of time a few weeks ago,
     for a few weeks,  avoiding  sleep  for  one  reason  (excuse?) or
     another.  Staying obnoxious  hours  at  work, working on projects
     around the house, late nights  drinking  coffee at Denny's...what
     ever it took.  It seemed I  was  bound  and determined to not get
     any sleep.

     It started to show.  My responses  to the users on the local area
     of the message section  were  getting  short, terse, even quippy.
     New word?  Maybe.  Accurate, though.

     Then it got worse.  The local in-town EchoMail conferences seemed
     to be  teeming  with  problems  that  simply  demanded  immediate
     attention.  Pseudonyms,  accidental  misspellings...the list goes

     The it hit its worst stage.    The  local  Netwide SysOp EchoMail
     conference.    Problems  came   up  with  our  Regional  EchoMail
     Coordinator  and  the  Net  EchoMail   Coordinator  position  was
     changing hands and Nodes were going down and one wasn't tossing a
     strictly SysOp area  from  the  NetMail  area, leaving home phone
     numbers available for viewing and delays in EchoMail and FidoNews
     got me worried.  I must've entered  a boatload of messages asking
     if there was a problem  with  routing  and could I do anything to
     help (as if I was even  coherent  enough  to BE of any help), and
     did we need to reorganize things and...

     My fellow SysOps have a great  deal  of patience.  Obviously, I'm
     still here.  I look  back  on  it  and  wonder how I even had the
     presence of mind to type.  I was  one tired puppy.  And I lost my

     FidoNet  is  an  experiment  in   communication.    Communication
     requires patience.  None of us  perfectly express our views every
     time we type a message.  It can  take several messages to get the
     concepts we dream up across  to  others.   Several back-and-forth
     type of queries are usually  required.    In short, communication
     can't be a one-shot  your  way,  one-shot  my  way type of thing.
     It's got to be a lot of  sharing  of  ideas.  In short, you can't
     have communication without patience.  I hope I keep it this time.


     FidoNews 5-45                Page 7                    7 Nov 1988


                          The Interrupt Stack

     23 Nov 1988
        25th Anniversary of "Dr. Who" - and still going strong

     24 Aug 1989
        Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

      5 Oct 1989
        20th Anniversary of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


                Election for New Zone 1 Echomail Coordinator
                            David Dodell, 1:1/0

     As most of you know, Butch Walker has resigned as Zone 1 Echomail

     It is Butch's desire to have an election for the new Z1EC,  and I
     will be assisting by conducting those elections.

     The plan is as follows:


     Applications  for the position need to reach my system by Monday,
     November 14th.  Any applications for the position should  include
     a  statement  from  the  candidate.  This  statement  can contain
     anything the candidate wishes, but I recommend that the candidate
     express why he/she would be good for  the  position,  why  he/she
     should  be  voted  to  the  position,  and/or  his/her  goals for
     echomail.  This statement should be no longer then 80 x 24  (i.e.
     one screen).


     On the 14th of November,  I will mail to the REC a copy of all of
     the candidate statements.  These should be  disseminated  to  the
     NEC's in your region.


     Voting  will  be  done by the REC/NEC structure only.  It will be
     the responsibility of all NEC to get their votes into the REC  by
     November  30th.  The REC's will then get the sub-totals for their
     Regions into me by December 4th.
     FidoNews 5-45                Page 8                    7 Nov 1988

     Announcment and notification of the new  Z1EC  will  be  done  on
     December 5th.


                          Latest Software Versions

     BBS Systems            Node List              Other
     & Mailers   Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     Dutchie       2.90b    EditNL         4.00    ARC           5.30*
     Fido            12h    MakeNL         2.12    ARCmail        1.1
     Opus          1.03b    Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00
     SEAdog         4.10    XlatList       2.86    EchoMail      1.31
     TBBS           2.0M    XlaxNode       2.22    MGM            1.1
     BinkleyTerm    2.00    XlaxDiff       2.22    TPB Editor    1.21*
     QuickBBS       2.03    ParseList      1.20    TCOMMail       1.1*
     TPBoard         4.2*                          TMail         8810
     TComm/TCommNet  3.2*
     Lynx           1.10*
     D'Bridge       1.10
     FrontDoor       2.0

     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.


     FidoNews 5-45                Page 9                    7 Nov 1988


     Hal DuPrie     1:101/106  Chairman of the Board
     Bob Rudolph    1:261/628  President
     Matt Whelan    3:3/1      Vice President
     Ray Gwinn      1:109/639  Vice President - Technical Coordinator
     David Garrett  1:103/501  Secretary
     Steve Bonine   1:115/777  Treasurer

                         IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         DIVISION                               AT-LARGE

     10  Courtney Harris   1:102/732?    Don Daniels     1:107/210
     11  Bill Allbritten   1:11/301      Hal DuPrie      1:101/106
     12  Bill Bolton       3:54/61       Mark Grennan    1:147/1
     13  Rick Siegel       1:107/27      Steve Bonine    1:115/777
     14  Ken Kaplan        1:100/22      Ted Polczyinski 1:154/5
     15  Larry Kayser      1:104/739?    Matt Whelan     3:3/1
     16  Vince Perriello   1:141/491     Robert Rudolph  1:261/628
     17  Rob Barker        1:138/34      Steve Jordan    1:102/2871
     18  Christopher Baker 1:135/14      Bob Swift       1:140/24
     19  David Drexler     1:19/1        Larry Wall      1:15/18
      2  Henk Wevers       2:500/1       David Melnik    1:107/233


     FidoNews 5-45                Page 10                   7 Nov 1988

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  a  specified  annual   membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications.

     Member Name _______________________________  Date _______________
     Address _________________________________________________________
     City ____________________________________________________________
     State ________________________________  Zip _____________________
     Country _________________________________________________________
     Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________

     Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________
     BBS Name ________________________________________________________
     BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________
     Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________
     Board Restrictions ______________________________________________

     Your Special Interests __________________________________________
     In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________
     Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in
     US Funds to:
                   International FidoNet Association
                   PO Box 41143
                   St Louis, Missouri 63141

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will help to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the
     membership in January 1987.  The second elected Board of Directors
     was filled in August 1988.  The IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established on FidoNet to assist the Board.  We welcome your
     input to this Conference.

     FidoNews 5-45                Page 11                   7 Nov 1988

                            ORDER FORM


     The IFNA publications can be obtained by downloading from Fido
     1:1/10 or  other FidoNet compatible  systems, or by purchasing
     them directly from IFNA.  We ask that  all our  IFNA Committee
     Chairmen   provide  us   with  the  latest  versions  of  each
     publication, but we can make no written guarantees.

     Hardcopy prices as of October 1, 1986

     IFNA Fido BBS listing                       $15.00    _____
     IFNA Administrative Policy DOCs             $10.00    _____
     IFNA FidoNet Standards Committee DOCs       $10.00    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                    IFNA Member ONLY Special Offers

     System Enhancement Associates SEAdog        $60.00    _____
     SEAdog price as of March 1, 1987
     ONLY 1 copy SEAdog per IFNA Member

     Fido Software's Fido/FidoNet               $100.00    _____
     Fido/FidoNet price as of November 1, 1987
     ONLY 1 copy Fido/FidoNet per IFNA Member

     International orders include $10.00 for
            surface shipping or $20.00 for air shipping    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                 MO. Residents add 5.725% Sales Tax         _____

                                               TOTAL       _____

        International FidoNet Association
        PO Box 41143
        St Louis, Mo. 63141

     City____________________  State____________  Zip_____
     Voice Phone_________________________

