Volume 6, Number 34                                21 August 1989
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
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     |        International                          |     | \   \\  |
     |     FidoNet Association                       | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
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     Editor in Chief:                                  Vince Perriello
     Editors Emeritii:                                     Dale Lovell
                                                        Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.    1:1/1  is  a Continuous Mail system, available for
     network mail 24 hours a day.
     Copyright 1989 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted
     at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141.
     Fido  and FidoNet  are registered  trademarks of  Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software,  164 Shipley Avenue,  San Francisco, CA  94107 and
     are used with permission.
     We  don't necessarily agree with the contents  of  every  article
     published  here.  Most of these materials are  unsolicited.    No
     article submitted  by  a  FidoNet SysOp will be rejected if it is
     properly attributed and  legally  acceptable.    We  will publish
     every responsible submission received.

                        Table of Contents
     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        What needs to be done, and NOW!  ..........................  1
        What is CLF & NCLM?  ......................................  4
        Text of Policy Complaint Against David Drexler  ...........  6
        Contest for Students  ..................................... 11
        An Event of Galactic Importance  .......................... 15
     2. LATEST VERSIONS  .......................................... 17
        Latest Software Versions  ................................. 17
     3. NOTICES  .................................................. 19
        The Interrupt Stack  ...................................... 19
     FidoNews 6-34                Page 1                   21 Aug 1989


     What needs to be done, and NOW!

     by Phil Buonomo, 1:107/583, 7:520/583, 9:807/1

     For several months, you've been seeing articles written by yours
     truly here which have been critical of the *C administration.
     These articles began with my outrage over several RC's attempts
     to wrest control of editorial privilege from the Editor of
     FidoNews based on the idea that "they pay to have it

     This incident was only one of a series of incidents involving the
     *C structure which date back to the original creation and
     "passing" of Policy 4.  Even before it was adopted, we had people
     like Steve Bonine threatening an NC in his Region with removal
     because the NC hadn't "jumped high enough" or fast enough, in
     installing certain nodelist flags.

     Then Policy 4 was 'voted in' in a secret ballot (ask Dave Dodell
     to publish the FULL results, not just the vote count) in a two
     week period (for a six thousand node network!?!).  Zone 2
     rejected it, and Zone 4 rejected it, but it was shoved in place
     by the US RC's anyway.

     Then Jim Grubs was thrown out of the nodelist (by Steve Bonine,
     no less) for defying the legitimacy of Policy 4.

     Net 154 was thrown out in its entirety for having 3 nodes which
     were "outside the traditional geographic boundaries" of its
     network.  It didn't matter that these nodes were nowhere near
     being close to any other network.  It was the failure of the NC
     to cowtow to the RC that caused the networks removal "for the
     good of FidoNet".

     Net 170 had an NC appointed by the RC, and when a vote went
     against the new NC, it was disallowed by the RC because it was
     "against policy".

     An NC/NEC admits to automatically 'echo chopping' someone's mail,
     and gets away with it without so much as a "Boo!" from the *C's.

     Now, certain NEC's talk about running the backbone as if the
     systems belonged to them!  At last year's FidoCon, Butch Walker
     and Ray Gwinn both supported the idea that conferences belonged
     to the moderators, not the *C's or FidoNet, or the backbone.  Yet
     people are now taking up 'network sides' about who can or can't
     participate in a conference!

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 2                   21 Aug 1989

     Is it just me, or does anyone else see a pattern here?

     Listen, gang.  I've gotta tell ya something...

     All the *C's in the world may be a great bunch of guys, but when
     a network policy in place makes it IMPOSSIBLE for the little guy,
     the nodes, to have a say in things that affect him, its just
     plain wrong.

     Now, a few weeks ago, Vince wrote an editorial telling people
     that wanted democracy that they had missed their chance by not
     supporting IFNA.  I've come to the realization that they were

     I suggest that you join IFNA.  Make it strong, and make it a
     voice that can be heard.  Then, maybe you can make the following
     proposals I have come true:

     1) A self-perpetuating coordinator structure is wrong.

     2) Network nodes should select their OWN NC, not have him
     appointed by some guy 3 states away that's never been in touch

     3) The IC should be appointed by the IFNA BoD.  That's the way it
     was done in the first place, and it was a good idea because...

     4) Everyone in the nodelist should be an "At-Large" member of
     IFNA, and get to vote for the "At-Large" BoD seats.

     With that in mind, I have no problem with the IC appointing the
     ZC's (with ratification by the RC's), and RC's being appointed by
     the ZC.

     This plan gives democracy a chance, while maintaining technical
     integrity at the top of the organization.  It also gives the
     individual node TWO voices in the management of his network, one
     in the direct election of his NC, and one in the election of the
     IFNA BoD, which appoints the IC.

     People talk about the benefits of Top-down and Bottom-up
     management.  Well, this plan gives us all the advantages of both.
     It puts the responsibility right back where it belongs, and
     doesn't compromise the technical operation of the network.  It
     also promotes a strong IFNA, an idea for which I have to thank
     Vince Perriello, and his editorials in FidoNews.

     With all that's happened lately, don't you think its time the
     *C's stopped stepping on the individual nodes, and started being
     responsible TO them (read: YOU)?

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     FidoNews 6-34                Page 4                   21 Aug 1989

     Butch Witherspoon
     Fido 1:288/525


     Developing computer competency among our youth is critical to the
     future of Canada, the  united States and our children. It can
     play a major role in maintaining our competitive edge and in
     addressing major concerns of literacy ,school dropouts and job
     training. Technology also offers powerful benefits to children
     today and thier futures. Increasingly, people are being required
     to use computers and software at work. By the year 2010, when our
     children are in the prime of thier careers, experts predict all
     jobs will require somme use of technology.

     Millions of children, however, are not yet recieving the full
     benefits of technology, as confirmed by a recent study by the
     National Assessment of Educational Progress, funded by the U.S.
     Department of Education. While many children are being exposed to
     computers in school,in most cases,the depth of thier experiences
     is severely limited. On average, there is only one computer to
     every 30 students, and often there are far less. A recent study
     by the Office of Technology Assessment,Power On, also revealed
     that almost 2/3 of our teachers have recieved less than ten hours
     of training about computers. As our teachers and parents did not
     grow up with computers, they both need help understanding the
     benefits computers and software offer children and ways to
     provide them with meaningful computer experiences.

     The Computer Learning Foundation is a non-profit educational
     foundation serving the United States and Canada. While our
     overall goal is to increase the number of people recieving the
     benefits of technology, our primary focus is on developing
     computer competency among our youth. To achieve our goal, we
     provide numerous programs and materials that provise parents and
     teachers with the information and resources they need to assist
     our children.

     The computer competency the Computer Learning Foundation is
     striving for is of far greater signifigance than learning to
     program. Computers and Software are means to an end, not ends in
     themselves. We encourage parents and teachers to consider
     computers and software as tools for assisting children, just like
     a dictionary, a pencil or a calculator, and not as an isolated
     activity. We need to integrate children's experiences with
     computers into other activities in thier lives--writing papers,
     learning history or math, creating pictures, doing home projects
     and the like.

     Every October, the Computer Learning Foundation hosts Computer
     Learning Month, a monthlong focus of events and activities for
     learning new uses of computers and software, sharing ideas and
     helping others gain the benefits of computers and software. While
     Computer Learning foundation materials are available all year,
     new ones are released each year for computer learning month. We
     FidoNews 6-34                Page 5                   21 Aug 1989

     offer numerous books and programs to help parents and teachers
     gain the information they need. For parents, we offer three
     books. For teachers, we offer numerous lesson plan materials,
     teacher training workshops at major educational conferences and a
     weekly television series, School Vision, on public broadcasting
     stations. We also offer materials to assist people hosting local
     computer learning events. In addition, we host numerous contests
     to recognize students, educators and parents to thier inovative
     ideas. Thousands of dollars worth of computers
     and software are awarded to winning entries. These ideas and
     innovative programs are disseminated to the public the following

     You're not alone if gaining the benefits of technology for
     yourself and your children seems overwhelming and you don't know
     where to begin. You're not alone if you are using a computer, yet
     feel like you're not recieving it's full benefits. Millions of
     people are just like you. That's why the computer learning
     foundation exists and what computer learning month is all about.

     We invite you to participate in computer learning month this
     year. Experience the benefits of computers for yourself, and
     share these experiences with your children. Together, discover
     the magic of computers and software as tools--for research,
     creativity, communications, productivity, learning and
     entertainment. As you help your kids key into computers, You
     Won't Believe What You'll Achieve!

     For additional information please write to NCLM, P.O. Box 8045,
     Granite City, IL 62040-8045 or NetMail via Fido 1:288/525.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 6                   21 Aug 1989

     Policy Complaint - Bob Hartman vs. David Drexler, filed
                        August 17, 1989.

     The following is the text of a message I sent to  Jim Oxford
     (NC of net 147), and  (to keep  them informed)  John Summers
     (RC of region 19), Steve Bonine  (ZC of zone 1),  Pete White
     (RC of region 16), and Vince Perriello  (one of the affected
     parties).  Since  I  have asked for an apology to be printed
     in FidoNews, I feel it is only fair for the  readers to know
     what is happening.  At the end of this article, you can read
     the initial response I received from Mr. Drexler.

     First off, my original message:


     This message  is being  sent to  initiate  a  formal  policy
     complaint against David Drexler.  I am complaining under the
     clause in  Policies 3 and 4 which states that you should not
     be excessively  annoying to  others.   Mr. Drexler  has been
     excessively annoying  to me  by his  recent behavior  in the
     SYSOP echomail  conference.  In that conference, Mr. Drexler
     stated that I was working, or had supplied work to Datastorm
     Technologies for  their next  version of  Procomm.  I denied
     the accusation,  but still it persisted.  He replied that he
     did not  believe me, since he had "proof" which consisted of
     a photo  of the  President of  Datastorm (Tom  Smith)  which
     clearly showed my personal trademark in the picture, as well
     as a  telephone conversation  with Mr.  Smith.   I  couldn't
     imagine what  he was  talking about  was true,  so I  called
     Datastorm this  morning and  spoke with  Tom Smith about it.
     The results of the conversation were VERY interesting:

     1. The  supposed "trademark" of mine that was in the picture
          of Tom was apparently an Opus doll.  Tom was looking at
          the picture  and could  find nothing else that could be
          even remotely  related to  me.   I have  not  seen  the
          picture myself,  but it is in the February issue of the
          CompuServe on-line magazine.  As MOST people in FidoNet
          realize, I  was associated  with the  Opus project  for
          only a  short time,  and it  included writing some code
          within the  file transfer  modules, and  that was  all.
          Mr. Smith  said that  the Opus  was only in the picture
          because the photographer wanted to get a sense of Tom's
          personality. He  also had  a bottle  of Perrier  in the
          picture (since  Tom apparently drinks bottled water all
          day long), as well as a computer.  The doll happened to
          be on  Tom's desk,  and had nothing to do with the Opus

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 7                   21 Aug 1989

     2. Tom  claims he  has had  no voice  conversations with Mr.
          Drexler since  December of 1985.  At that time, Tom and
          his partner  Bruce were  moving from  California to St.
          Louis and  stopped in  Oklahoma City.   Mr. Drexler and
          Mark Grennan  met with  them at  a bar  for drinks  and
          conversation.   That is  the only  time  Tom  remembers
          talking  voice   with  Mr.   Drexler.    Therefore  Mr.
          Drexler's proof  of a phone conversation with Mr. Smith
          is suspect  at best.   If  it did occur, Tom assures me
          that it  would not  have had anything to do with me, or
          FidoNet, because either or both of those subjects would
          be so  far removed  from normal  conversation  that  he
          would have remembered it.

     3. Mr. Drexler also claimed to have inside knowledge of some
          of the new features of the next release of Procomm.  In
          particular, he  claimed to  know that  it included code
          from BinkleyTerm, supplied by me to Datastorm, and that
          the next  Procomm would become an easy to install point
          package with my help.  Tom Smith claims this is not the
          case, and they are not working on any mail capabilities
          whatsoever.   Mr. Drexler's  charges in this regard are
          the crux  of the  matter of  this policy complaint.  He
          has accused  me of  selling and/or giving away software
          which I  do not  own (BinkleyTerm  source  code).    In
          particular, the  source code  was jointly  written with
          Vince Perriello, and contains several other pieces used
          with the  permission of  Wynn Wagner, and Rick Heubner.
          Mr. Drexler's  accusations, if  true, would mean that I
          was defrauding friends and a business associate (Vince,
          Alan Applegate  and myself  recently  incorporated  Bit
          Bucket Software,  Co.).   This was  a cause  of a  very
          volatile situation between Vince and myself, because he
          caught me out of the blue with the accusation put forth
          by Mr.  Drexler.  It caused a great deal of friction in
          our personal  relationship which  is VERY  important to
          me.   Apparently a  totally blank  look when confronted
          with it  was enough to convince Vince that I really had
          no idea what he was talking about, but it was something
          which he  had held inside for a few days before talking
          about.   It was  almost the  end of the Binkley Trio as
          the rest of the world knows it.

     Tom Smith  can confirm  any or  all of  the  facts  which  I
     attribute to  hearing directly  from him.  He can be reached
     at (314)  474-8461 if necessary.  Since he is busy running a
     business, he would appreciate it if the calls were kept to a
     minimum,  but   since  these  accusations  also  affect  his
     company, he wants to see some justice done here.

     Facts concerning  the trouble  Mr.  Drexler  caused  between
     myself and  Vince Perriello  can be  substantiated by asking

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 8                   21 Aug 1989

     I really  hate to  bring a  Policy complaint about this, but
     someone has  severely impacted  my reputation,  my  personal
     life, and  my business  life.   I can't  sit idly by and let
     that happen.

     I  am   willing  to   let  this   go  without   pursuing  an
     excommunication  if   Mr.  Drexler  provides  in  the  SYSOP
     conference, as  well as  FidoNews, a  full public apology to
     myself, and  Tom Smith  of Datastorm.  Nothing short of that
     will stop  me from  pursuing this  complaint to  the highest
     levels of FidoNet.


     Now, Mr. Drexler's initial response:


     From:   David Drexler of 147/47.0
     To:     Bob Hartman of 1014/1.0
     Subj:   what it is, mama
     Attr:   private recvd
     Early last spring, I was privy to a phone call to Tom Smith
     (that other Tom Smith, not the Procomm guy), prompted by
     curiousity about the CI$ (not CompuServe) photo.  Tom said
     that he was interested in eventual Fido (maybe it was "Alpo",
     or "Midal") compatibility. He said it was a low priority.  He
     said he'd talked to Bob Hartman in recent weeks (not you,
     some other Hartman--or was it Hortman?) No release date was
     mentioned.  No features were described.  Binkley was not even
     hinted at.  This phone call took place in a phonebooth on
     Mars during a hallucinatory flashback from a past lifetime
     when I was but an oyster.

     Harry's msg in SYSOP was the first I'd heard the story about
     Binkley being embedded in Procomm.  He needn't use me as
     confirmation; I don't believe it.  I don't even care.


     Voice: [voice number removed prior to FidoNews submission]


     Now Mr. Oxford's initial response:


     From:   Jim Oxford of 147/20.0
     To:     Bob Hartman of 1014/1.0
     Subj:   Policy complaint
     Attr:   private recvd
     FidoNews 6-34                Page 9                   21 Aug 1989

      * Forwarded from 147/20, Torii Station, Midwest City OK
      * Originally to David Drexler, 147/47
      * Forwarded by Jim Oxford, 147/20, 11:26 8/18

        I have forwarded you a copy of the policy complaint made
     by bob hartman against you.  I can see no reason for not
     following through with it unless you submit the apology in
     the sysop echo as he requested.

        If I have not heard from you within three (3) days I will
     assume that you do not plan to do this and will then take
     the requested action.


     To Mr. Oxford, I would like to say a simple Thank You for
     upholding the ideals of FidoNet.  There are many people that
     are friends of mine, and feel that I am being much too
     tolerant in my handling of this situation.  Hopefully Mr.
     Drexler will realize that I am giving him a final easy way
     out of a tough situation.  There are many other people that
     would pursue the most extreme punishment, right to the end.
     My own views of FidoNet won't allow me to do that.  I've
     always felt that excommunication should be avoided when it
     is possible to do so.  As the editorial in FidoNews last
     week stated - the goal of settling a policy complaint should
     be to keep BOTH nodes intact if possible.  I feel I have
     given enough slack to allow that to happen.  I only hope that
     Mr. Drexler sees the light.

     To everyone else:  If you feel inclined to check the facts
     presented above, please do so.  The people mentioned in my
     complaint all suffered as a direct result of Mr. Drexler's
     accusations.  To tarnish a person's FidoNet reputation is
     one thing, but to cause their personal and business life
     harm is quite another.  I think we all realize that our
     life outside of FidoNet is MUCH more important than our
     life within FidoNet.  If there ever came a day when I had
     to choose between my friends, family, or business on one
     side, and FidoNet on the other side, you can bet that I
     would no longer be part of FidoNet.  Mr. Drexler almost
     didn't give me that choice when I was blindsided by his
     rumors.  It is an aspect of our medium of communication
     which is VERY difficult to deal with.  Put yourself in my
     situation, and ask yourself how you heal the wounds that
     can be inflicted by something that is so difficult to
     defend against?  Starting a rumor is so simple - stopping
     it and defending one's self against it is quite another

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 10                  21 Aug 1989

     - Bob Hartman -
     SysOp of FidoNet node 1:132/101

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 11                  21 Aug 1989

     Butch Witherspoon
     Fido 1:288/525

                National Computer Learning Month
                   1989 CONTESTS FOR STUDENTS

     1. Storybook on Using Computers & Software as Tools.

     10 Grand Prizes: One grand prize winner in each category. The
     winner and his/her school or organization will both recieve a
     computer system.

     40 Second Prizes: Four second prizes in each category. Each
     winner and his/her school or organization will be awarded
     software programs.

     40 Third Prizes: Honorable mention certificates for winning

     Elementary (Kindergarten- grade 5)
     Middle (grades 6-8)
     Secondary (grades 9-12)
     Primary Special Education (Kindergarten-grade 6)
     Secondary Special Education (grades 7-12)

     Description: This year's writing contest focuses on the use of
     computers and software as tools. The storybook may be fiction or
     non-fiction. The book might be a collection of students' stories
     about how computers and software are used as tools at home,
     school and work, or a fiction story on how children discover the
     value of a computer as a tool or how it changed thier lives.

     Rules: To enter this contest, submit one copy of your original
     storybook. The storybook may be created with a computer or using
     any other materials; however, the storybook should include both
     words and pictures and the theme must be the use of computers and
     software as tools. If created with a computer, you may use any
     software you choose, for example, word processor, desktop
     publishing or graphics program. Entries will be judged on
     originality, contene, writing skills, design, illustration,
     layout and overall attention to detail.

     For additional information please write to NCLM, P.O. Box 8045,
     Granite City, IL 62040-8045 or NetMail Fido 1:288/525.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 12                  21 Aug 1989

     Les Kooyman, 1:204/501
     FidoCon Committee Co-Chairperson


     Preparations continue  for  FidoCon  '89 in San Jose, California.
     FidoNetters will be  converging  on  the  Holiday Inn Park Center
     Plaza (282 Almaden Boulevard  at San Carlos, 408-998-0400) begin-
     ning Thursday, August 24.   The  conference  runs through Sunday,
     August 27.

     John  C.    Dvorak,  well-known  computer   industry  gadfly  and
     columnist,  will  be the Keynote Speaker at  the  banquet  Friday
     night.    Mr.    Dvorak  is known for  his  sometimes  outrageous
     observations on the industry, and is currently engaged in writing
     a comprehensive book on computer telecommunications.

     You can still netmail your convention and/or banquet reservations
     to 1:1/89;    just be sure to follow up your netmail message with
     US  Mail within  48  hours.    Confirmation  of  your  conference
     reservations will be made  by  netmail,  with a mailing including
     tourist informa- tion for both  San  Jose and San Francisco by US
     Mail.  As we get closer  to  the  convention  date,  the  welcome
     packets will be held for you when you register.

                     Schedule for FidoCon '89 Sessions
                         Revised: August 12, 1989

                     Registration: Thursday, August 24

     Registration begins 3:30pm.  Reception with No-Host  Bar and
     Hors D'ouevres from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

     Schedule Number, Time    Friday, 8/25            Saturday, 8/26

     #1.) 9:00 - 10:00   Bob Hartman, BIX          Mort Sternheim,
                         processing of Fido        IFNA and the Future
                         mail                      of FidoNet

     #2.) 10:00 - 10:15  BREAK                     BREAK

     #3.) 10:15 - 11:15  Joaquim Homrighausen,     Tim Pozar,
                         Front Door                UFGATE

     #4.) 11:15 - 11:30  BREAK                     BREAK

     #5.) 11:30 - 12:30  BMUG                      Randy Bush/Panel,
                         BMUG CDROM/Mac Sysops     International
     FidoNews 6-34                Page 13                  21 Aug 1989


     #6.) 12:30 - 2:00   LUNCH                     LUNCH

     #7.) 2:00 - 3:00    Phil Becker,              Vince & Bob,
                         TBBS                      BinkleyTerm

     #8.) 3:00 - 3:15    BREAK                     BREAK

     #9.) 3:15 - 4:15    US Robotics,              Chuck Forsberg,
                         High Speed Tech.          ZMODEM/Protocols

     #10.) 4:15 - 4:30   BREAK                     BREAK

     #11.) 4:30 - 5:30   Rick Heming,              Tom Jennings,
                         Wildcat                   Fido/Routing

     #12.) 5:30 - 5:45   N/A                       BREAK

     #13.) 5:45 - 6:45   N/A                       Democracy in

     #14.) 6:45 - 7:00   N/A                       BREAK

     #15.) 7:00 - ?      N/A                       BOFS:
                                                   Mac Sysops
                                                   New Product

     #16.) 7:30 - ?       Banquet,                   N/A
                          Keynote Speaker
                          John C. Dvorak

                             Sunday, August 27
               IFNA Board Meeting: open to all IFNA Members
                            10:00 am - 2:00 pm

     Conference registrations are  $75.  Banquet tickets are $30 each.
     A Saturday-only conference ticket  may  be  purchased  onsite for
     $35.  Pre-registration may be by US Mail to:

                        Silicon Valley FidoCon '89
                               PO Box 390770
                          Mountain View, CA 94039

     or  purchased  onsite.    Banquet    tickets    are   subject  to
     availability.  Banquet attendance and conference  attendance  are
     separate;  it is not necessary to attend one to attend the other.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 14                  21 Aug 1989

     Rooms at the Holiday Inn may be  reserved by calling the Hotel at
     408-998-0400,  and mentioning that you are with FidoCon.    Rooms
     are $60.00 per night double occupancy.  Additional rollaways  are
     available  for $10.00 per night.  These rates are not  guaranteed
     after  July  15,  but may remain available.  The official FidoCon
     '89 airline  is  American  Airlines.  You can receive either a 5%
     reduction in supersaver  fares  or a 40% reduction in the regular
     day coach fare.  San Jose is an American Airlines hub with direct
     flights to most major cities.    When making reserva- tions, call
     American's  reservation number, 800-433-1790, and reference  Star
     number S0289VM.

     I'd like to take a moment to  thank  the many hardworking members
     of the FidoCon '89 Planning Committee.  These  folks  have made a
     some- times difficult job a joy to do:   Jim  Cannell (1:143/21),
     who has done a great job of serving as Co-Chairperson and overall
     Facili- ties Organizer;    Diane  Smith  (1:161/7), our Financial
     Wizard and Official Chief  Morale  Officer;  Don Kulha (1:125/7),
     in  charge  of  souvenirs  (tacky  and  non-tacky)  and  Official
     Visionary;  Marc Lawrence (1:204/69) Printed Program and Official
     Archiving Scribe;  Gene Rodrigues (1:143/25) Printed  Program and
     Official  Desktop  Publishing  Ace;   Wally Schwarz (1:204/6969),
     Registration Software Programmer;  and last but not least Michael
     Wallis (1:161/148), PointNet Alchemist.  Thank you all for making
     FidoCon '89 happen against ALL odds!

           Recorded Information Line
           (Requires Tone Telephone)
           (Touch: FIDO#)

           Silicon Valley FidoCon '89
           PO Box 390770
           Mountain View, CA 94039

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 15                  21 Aug 1989

     An Event of Galactic Importance

     Voyager 2 Passes Neptune!

     by Phil Buonomo, 1:107/583, 7:520/583, 9:807/1

     It's been there for years, at the end of FidoNews.  How well we
     all know it by now:

     24 Aug 1989
        Voyager 2 passes Neptune

     Well, this is the last newsletter you'll ever see the above in.
     This week, after 12 years, and billions of miles, Voyager 2 is
     about to complete its mission in our solar system.  This friday,
     at 12:00am EDT, Voyager will pass over Neptune's north pole,
     only 3,000 miles from its surface.

     This remarkable event culminates a journey which began with a
     launch on August 21, 1977.  Since then, Voyager 2 has visited
     and photographed Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and now Neptune, dis-
     covering fascinating information along the way.  These discover-
     ies have given us insights into the formation of our solar sys-
     tem, and its place in the cosmos. At Jupiter, Voyager discovered
     atmospheric motions, faint rings, studied the geology of major
     moons (including discovery of volcanic action on one!), and
     three new moons.

     At Saturn, its beautiful rings were studied, with remarkable
     results.  "Spokes" were discovered, and even a "braided" ring,
     an explanation for which scientists are still searching, was
     found!  Additionally, three new moons were also discovered.

     At Uranus, two new rings were found around the planet, along
     with a unique "tilted" magnetic field.  Ten new moons were also
     discovered, and their geology studied.

     Now, Voyager is about to visit its last planet before it moves
     on into interstellar space.  It has already discovered a large
     spot in Neptune's atmosphere, not unlike the "great red spot" of
     Jupiter (thought to be a permanent hurricane big enough to swal-
     low our own planet several times over), and four new moons.  The
     most remarkable discovery to date, however, is the presense of
     "ring arcs", partially formed rings surrounding the planet, like
     the fully formed rings circling Saturn and Uranus.  These par-
     tially completed rings have stirred major discussion amongst
     NASA scientists to explain their origin.

     This entire journey is made all the more remarkable by the fact
     that it was planned that Voyager would only visit Jupiter and
     Saturn.  Along the way, Voyager has lost its main radio receiver
     and suffered damage to its backup, computer memory and televi-
     sion camera platform.  But like the Volkswagon Beetle of a past
     decade, the spacecraft keeps plugging along on 22 watts, about
     enough for a good flashlight.
     FidoNews 6-34                Page 16                  21 Aug 1989

     The best is yet to come, however.  After passing above Neptune's
     north pole, Voyager 2 will disappear behind the planet for 49
     minutes.  About four hours later, it will cruise by Triton, the
     only discovered moon in our solar system to have an atmosphere.
     Some scientists believe Triton to be covered by seas of liquid
     nitrogen.  Others predict a rocky surface.  Soon, we may know
     the truth.

     Once it passes Triton, Voyager may continue to transmit data for
     up to 25 years.  It will move into interstellar space, taking it
     outside the known limits of our solar system on a course that
     will not take it within one light-year of any known star for the
     next 958,000 years.

     Will Voyager's journey outlast man's existence in the universe?
     We may never know.  But the information it has provided us with
     in its short lifespan has been invaluable.  Voyager carries with
     it greetings from planet Earth to any far flung civilizations in
     the cosmos it may one day come across.  In the meantime, it has
     brought to life the words of science fiction we all know so
     well; "...to explore strange new worlds..."  and "...to go where
     no man has gone before!" Except that in this case, we are not
     seeing fiction.  We are living our childhood dreams and seeing
     them come true.  My friends, the future is HERE!

     Let us not forget that space IS the "final frontier", or that
     the Voyager mission was drastically cut back for lack of funds.
     Let us continue our quest for knowlege in the great void, to
     continue to advance our space program.  Let us continue to try
     to make those dream of our childhood become reality.  Let us
     build that moonbase, the space station.  Let us GO to Mars and
     beyond.  Let us not forget the dream because our pockets are too
     shallow.  Let us move FORWARD!

     So many years ago, Thom Henderson put the Voyager message in the
     calendar of FidoNews.  Perhaps it was half-joke, half-necessity
     (to make the calendar work), perhaps not (I know that Thom is a
     big supporter of space exploration). But what was once a trivial
     line in a newsletter month after month, has taken on a rare sig-
     nificance: the discovery of a new planet.  Let us not forget the
     importance of the Voyager mission as we move towards the new

     With that, we bid adieu to Voyager.  She was a great experiment,
     one which paid off handsomely, beyond any of her designer's
     wildest dreams.  Perhaps someday we may meet up with her again,
     and who knows? Perhaps she wil have some new secrets to tell us.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 17                  21 Aug 1989

                              LATEST VERSIONS

                          Latest Software Versions

                               MS-DOS Systems

                           Bulletin Board Software
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     Fido            12n+*  Phoenix         1.3    TBBS           2.1
     Lynx           1.30    QuickBBS       2.04*   TComm/TCommNet 3.4
     Opus          1.03b+   RBBS          17.2A    TPBoard        5.2

     Network                Node List              Other
     Mailers     Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     BinkleyTerm    2.20    EditNL         4.00    ARC           6.02
     D'Bridge       1.21*   MakeNL         2.12    ARCmail        2.0
     Dutchie       2.90C    ParseList      1.30    ConfMail      4.00
     FrontDoor       2.0    Prune          1.40    EMM           2.02
     PRENM          1.47    XlatList       2.90    GROUP         2.10
     SEAdog        4.51A*   XlaxDiff       2.32    LHARC         1.13*
                            XlaxNode       2.32    MSG            3.3
                                                   MSGED         1.99
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     0.92*
                                                   QM             1.0*
                                                   TCOMMail       2.2
                                                   TMail         1.11
                                                   TPBNetEd       3.2
                                                   UFGATE        1.03
                                                   XRS            2.3*
                                                   ZmailQ        1.09*

                               Apple Macintosh

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Red Ryder Host   v2.1b3   Tabby         2.0*  MacArc        0.03
     Mansion             7.0                       ArcMac         1.3
                                                   StuffIt       1.51
                                                   TImport        1.0
                                                   TExport        1.0
                                                   Timestamp      1.6
                                                   Tset         1.0.2
     FidoNews 6-34                Page 18                  21 Aug 1989

                                                   Timestart      1.1
                                                   Tally          1.1
                                                   Mehitabel      1.2
                                                   Archie        1.60
                                                   Numberizer    1.5c
                                                   MessageEdit    1.0

                               Commodore Amiga

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Paragon            1.00+* BinkleyTerm  1.50   ConfMail      1.00
                                                   ChameleonEdit 0.10

     + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 19                  21 Aug 1989


                          The Interrupt Stack

     24 Aug 1989
        Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

     24 Aug 1989
        FidoCon '89 starts at the Holiday Inn in San Jose,
        California.  Trade show, seminars, etc. Contact 1:1/89
        for info.

      5 Oct 1989
        20th Anniversary of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

     11 Oct 1989
        First International Modula-2 Conference at Bled, Yugoslavia
        hosting Niklaus Wirth and the British Standards Institution.
        Contact 1:106/8422 for more information.

     11 Nov 1989
        A new area code forms in northern Illinois at 12:01 am.
        Chicago proper will remain area code 312; suburban areas
        formerly served with that code will become area code 708.

     23 Nov 1989
        26th Anniversary of "Dr. Who" - and still going strong

     30 Dec 1989
        Telephone area codes (5, 3 and 0) are abolished in Hong Kong

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


     FidoNews 6-34                Page 20                  21 Aug 1989


     Mort Sternheim 1:321/109  Chairman of the Board
     Bob Rudolph    1:261/628  President
     Matt Whelan    3:3/1      Vice President
     Bill Bolton    3:711/403  Vice President-Technical Coordinator
     Linda Grennan  1:147/1    Secretary
     Kris Veitch    1:147/30   Treasurer


     Administration and Finance     Mark Grennan    1:147/1
     Board of Directors             Mort Sternheim  1:321/109
     Bylaws                         Don Daniels     1:107/210
     Ethics                         Vic Hill        1:147/4
     Executive Committee            Bob Rudolph     1:261/628
     International Affairs          Rob Gonsalves   2:500/1
     Membership Services            David Drexler   1:147/47
     Nominations & Elections        David Melnick   1:107/233
     Public Affairs                 David Drexler   1:147/47
     Publications                   Rick Siegel     1:107/27
     Security & Individual Rights   Jim Cannell     1:143/21
     Technical Standards            Rick Moore      1:115/333

                      IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         DIVISION                               AT-LARGE

     10  Courtney Harris   1:102/732    Don Daniels     1:107/210
     11  Bill Allbritten   1:11/301     Mort Sternheim  1:321/109
     12  Bill Bolton       3:711/403    Mark Grennan    1:147/1
     13  Irene Henderson   1:107/9       (vacant)
     14  Ken Kaplan        1:100/22     Ted Polczyinski 1:154/5
     15  Scott Miller      1:128/12     Matt Whelan     3:3/1
     16  Ivan Schaffel     1:141/390    Robert Rudolph  1:261/628
     17  Neal Curtin       1:343/1      Steve Jordan    1:206/2871
     18  Andrew Adler      1:135/47     Kris Veitch     1:147/30
     19  David Drexler     1:147/47      (vacant)
      2  Henk Wevers       2:500/1      David Melnik    1:107/233

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 21                  21 Aug 1989

                                   The World's First   /  \
                                      BBS Network     /|oo \
                                      * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
     FidoCon '89 in San Jose, California              _`@/_ \    _
       at The Holiday Inn Park Plaza                 |     | \   \\
            August 24-27, 1989                       | (*) |  \   ))
                                        ______       |__U__| /  \//
                                       / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                                      (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

                     R E G I S T R A T I O N   F O R M

     Name:    _______________________________________________________

     Address:    ____________________________________________________

     City:    _______________________ State: ____ Zip: ______________

     Country:    ____________________________________________________

     Phone Numbers:

     Day:    ________________________________________________________

     Evening:    ____________________________________________________

     Data:    _______________________________________________________

     Node.Point:  ___________________________________________________

     Your BBS Name:  ________________________________________________

     BBS Software:  _____________________ Mailer: ___________________

     Modem Brand:  _____________________ Speed:  ____________________

     At what hotel will you be staying:  ____________________________

     Do you want an in room point?  (Holiday Inn only) ______________

     Are you a Sysop?  _____________

     Are you an IFNA Member?  ______

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 22                  21 Aug 1989

     Additional Guests:  __________
     (not attending conferences)

     Do you have any special requirements? (Sign Language translation,
     handicapped, etc.)


     Comments: ______________________________________________________



     Costs                                   How Many?   Cost
     ---------------------------             --------    -------

     Conference fee $60 .................... ________    _______
        ($75.00 after July 15)

     Friday Banquet  $30.00 ................ ________    _______

                                             ========    =======

     Totals ................................ ________    _______

     You may pay by Check,  Money Order,  or Credit Card.  Please send
     no  cash.   All monies must be in U.S.  Funds.   Checks should be
     made out to: "FidoCon '89"

     This form should be completed and mailed to:

                         Silicon Valley FidoCon '89
                         PO Box 390770
                         Mountain View, CA 94039

     You may register by Netmailing this completed form to 1:1/89  for
     processing.   Rename  it  to  ZNNNXXXX.REG where Z is  your  Zone
     number, N is your Net number, and X is your Node number.  US Mail
     confirmation  is  required  within  72  hours  to  confirm   your

     If  you are paying by credit card,  please include the  following
     information.   For  your own security,  do not route any  message
     with your credit card number on it.  Crash it directly to 1:1/89.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 23                  21 Aug 1989

     Master Card _______     Visa ________

     Credit Card Number _____________________________________________

     Expiration Date ________________________________________________

     Signature ______________________________________________________

     No  credit  card registrations will be accepted without  a  valid

     Rooms  at the Holiday Inn may be reserved by calling the Hotel at
     408-998-0400,  and mentioning that you are with  FidoCon.   Rooms
     are $60.00 per night double occupancy.   Additional rollaways are
     available  for $10.00 per night.   To obtain these rates you must
     register before July 15.

     The official FidoCon '89 airline is American Airlines.   You  can
     receive  either  a  5%  reduction in supersaver fares  or  a  40%
     reduction in the regular day coach fare.  San Jose is an American
     Airlines  hub  with direct flights to most  major  cities.   When
     making reservations, you must call American's reservation number,
     800-433-1790, and reference Star number S0289VM.

     The official FidoCon '89 automobile rental agency is Alamo Rent a
     Car.  Rates are as described below. All rates  include  automatic
     transmission, air conditioning, radio, and unlimited mileage.

     Economy car (example: Geo Metro)  $32 day/$109 week.
     Compact car (example: Chevy Cavalier) $34 day/$120 week.
     Midsize car (example: Pontiac Grand Am) $36 day/$135 week.
     Standard car (example: Buick Regal) $38 day/$165 week.
     Luxury car (example: Buick LeSabre) $40 day/$239 week.

     To take advantage of this rate, call Alamo at 1-800-327-9633  and
     request  the convention rate. Mention FidoCon '89,  the  location
     and dates.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 24                  21 Aug 1989

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  a  specified  annual   membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications.

     Member Name _______________________________  Date _______________
     Address _________________________________________________________
     City ____________________________________________________________
     State ________________________________  Zip _____________________
     Country _________________________________________________________
     Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________

     Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________
     BBS Name ________________________________________________________
     BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________
     Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________
     Board Restrictions ______________________________________________

     Your Special Interests __________________________________________
     In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________
     Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in
     US Funds to:
                   International FidoNet Association
                   PO Box 41143
                   St Louis, Missouri 63141

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will help to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the
     membership in January 1987.  The second elected Board of Directors
     was filled in August 1988.  The IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established on FidoNet to assist the Board.  We welcome your
     input to this Conference.

     FidoNews 6-34                Page 25                  21 Aug 1989
