Volume 6, Number 44 30 October 1989 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ | | / \ | | /|oo \ | | - FidoNews - (_| /_) | | _`@/_ \ _ | | International | | \ \\ | | FidoNet Association | (*) | \ )) | | Newsletter ______ |__U__| / \// | | / FIDO \ _//|| _\ / | | (________) (_/(_|(____/ | | (jm) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Editor in Chief: Vince Perriello Editors Emeritii: Dale Lovell Thom Henderson Chief Procrastinator Emeritus: Tom Jennings FidoNews is published weekly by the International FidoNet Association as its official newsletter. You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in FidoNews. Article submission standards are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1. 1:1/1 is a Continuous Mail system, available for network mail 24 hours a day. Copyright 1989 by the International FidoNet Association. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141. Fido and FidoNet are registered trademarks of Tom Jennings of Fido Software, 164 Shipley Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94107 and are used with permission. We don't necessarily agree with the contents of every article published here. Most of these materials are unsolicited. No article submitted by a FidoNet SysOp will be rejected if it is properly attributed and legally acceptable. We will publish every responsible submission received. Table of Contents 1. EDITORIAL ................................................ 1 Just a few notes from the Editor ......................... 1 2. ARTICLES ................................................. 2 The FIDONet <r> Bible .................................... 2 Announcing MACLIST ....................................... 4 Midrange Systems Echo .................................... 7 Hurricane Hugo plus one month ............................ 8 IFNA Referendum Election Rules ........................... 11 3. LATEST VERSIONS .......................................... 18 Latest Software Versions ................................. 18 4. NOTICES .................................................. 21 And more! FidoNews 6-44 Page 1 30 Oct 1989 ================================================================= EDITORIAL ================================================================= Please, when submitting copyrighted material, give me some way of determining that the material may in fact be used in FidoNews. I won't knowingly publish such material without these assurances. Thanks for the responses to last week's call for help. I'll be contacting some of you shortly. It looks like there will need to be a group rather than one individual, but at least I can shed the load. That's all I was looking to do. This week the rules are being published for the IFNA referendum. Please take some of your valuable time, read the rules, consider the alternatives, and vote. As always, thanks for reading this thing. And thanks for your submissions! ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 2 30 Oct 1989 ================================================================= ARTICLES ================================================================= The FIDONet <r> Bible As an individual, interested in knowing about and spreading some of the history of FidoNet, I am going to write a "Bible". It's form will take after a lot of the Roman Catholic Bible, but will not contain any thing from "God". Things that will be considered are: o Net-Policies. They will be given names such as "A Letter from FidoNet to Net-XXXX". o Anecdotes <not antidotes...[grin!]> o the growth of FidoNet. o History Documents * o and just about anything else. (*) History Documents _MAY_ be rejected. Already included in the "Bible" is Policy 4.06. Within ONE (1) week after you make your submission you will recieve NetMail declaring either your inclusion, or the rejection of your submission. As I stated. Most anything will be accepted. Please use some degree of taste, as this will probably be distributed net-wide. All persons who submit an entry will receive a copy on Jan. 1, 1990. The Press-Date for the "Bible" is December 27, 1989. File attaches will go out on the 29th and 30th of December, 1989, and the 1st of January, 1990. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Guidelines. Your file should be ready to be processed into the bible when we receive it. This is how it should be formatted. o The "book" should be written no longer than 40-columns across. We think that we can fit more into the bible this way. o If the submission is a real long file that you don't want to have to deal with changing formats, you may submit it as-is. o There should be no left margins and no spaces between paragraphs. However, if you were going to "block" something, you can do as follows. FidoNews 6-44 Page 3 30 Oct 1989 And so the reply came, "ISIS II is NOT FSC-0001 compatible. Therefore, he will be dropped from the Fido Net nodelist." o Avoid something in all-caps. Exceptions are abbreviations. o If your submission runs more than 40-characters wide, there should be a right margin of about 75. o Please categorize your submission. There will be three main sections. The categories are o .OLD Old Testament (History, etc ... ) o .NEW New Testament (Current Events ... ) o .APL Appocalypse (Future Expectations) or you can make your own "Section" by naming the extension with your initials or name. PLEASE BE CAREFUL if you do this. If a certain Net-105 sysop with the initials 'RB' sent something in tonight, and a sysop from New York with the initials 'RB' sent something in, the result wouldn't be pretty <especially if they had the same file-name>. A copy will be sent to all those who send submissions, and you can "Order" one from a node to be announced, hopefully as "Bible" They will be ready on or about 01/01/1990. Send submissions to FidoNet Bible Editor at 1:105/377.0 All are encouraged to participate! Joe Stein, Sysop, Seven Dwarfs BBS, 1:105/377.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 4 30 Oct 1989 Tom Heffernan 1:107/554 Ralph Merritt 1:269/102 ANNOUNCING MACINTOSH ALTERNATIVE CONNECTIONS LIST (MACLIST) We are pleased to announce that a new, MacIntosh oriented network has been formed. Named the 'MacIntosh Alternative Connection List', MACLIST has been located in the last remaining single-digit Zone address, Zone 6. The current MACLIST nodelist is available to all interested. Just file request 'MACLIST.ARC' from 1:107/554 or 1:269/102 (FidoNet), 7:520/554 (AlterNet) or 99:9220/201 (EggNet) or any closer system to you that might carry it. The first MACLIST nodelist was delivered to initial members on Day 300 (Friday, October 27, 1989). Why form MACLIST? There are several reasons we decided to form the MacIntosh Alternative Connection List. Here are some that inspired us to form MACLIST: o The MacIntosh is rapidly entering the world of computer networking. MacIntoshes are located in many different networks, but how to find them? The MACLIST nodelist is a centralized source for you to communicate with other MacIntoshes - simply compile the MACLIST nodelist! o The MacIntosh community has many unique aspects. The MACLIST is a network for Mac sysops, and their users, to join together and address MacIntosh issues that affect us all, examine the technology, discuss topics and disseminate information of interest to the MacIntosh community. o Need a MacIntosh echo connection? Files? Looking for 'Mac compatibility' (SEAlink transfer protocols and WaZOO FREQs)? Check MACLIST for a system near you ... the MacIntosh Alternative Connection, an independent network on the move. If you are running a MacIntosh system, or a system dedicated to MacIntosh users (the MACLIST is not necessarily composed 100% of systems that are physically running on MacIntoshes, but a member must have a system dedicated/oriented to the MacIntosh user), and are interested in joining the MACLIST, please contact one of us at our addresses listed below! It is our goal to generate a constructive discussion of this network with the MacIntosh community in the MACSYSOP echo. If you are interested in MACLIST, you might want to get a MACSYSOP feed to keep in touch with developments; if you need a feed, please contact one of us below and we'll locate a source. MACSYSOP is not 'on the Fidonet backbone'. You do not have to carry MACSYSOP to be a member in MACLIST. FidoNews 6-44 Page 5 30 Oct 1989 Here are our answers to some of the questions we have been receiving: Q: Why have you choosen Zone 6 for MACLIST? A: The Tabby mailer for the MacIntosh does not have the capability to use two-digit zone addresses. We therefore do not have a choice in Zone selection. Zone 6 is the last remaining unoccupied single-digit Zone address, and we do not wish to intrude on another network's Zone or encounter the technical problems associated with a 'shared Zone'. It is our hope that 'Other Nets' will respect our position and recognize why MACLIST is occupying Zone 6. Q: What do I have to do to become a member of MACLIST? A: Run a BBS/system that caters to the MacIntosh community and is accessable via some form of mailer that is FTSC compatible. It does NOT matter what hardware or software you use as long as you support the Mac. Just send a message to one of us at the addresses listed below. Q: Is membership in MACLIST free? A: Yes. Q: If I do not join MACLIST will it be hard for me to get some Mac echoes? A: MACLIST does not have any echoes based in it. In other words NOT being a member of MACLIST will NEVER stop you from getting an echo. We believe that the MACLIST will actually ASSIST you in finding systems that carry any or all of the 29 currently existing MacIntosh echos. Q: Will I have to use my MACLIST node number? A: MACLIST is NOT a 'replacement' for other networks. You do not have to use your MACLIST node number as a primary node address. It does not have to even appear in your origin line. The minimal requirement is to make it an AKA on your system (to avoid duplicates and such). Q: Will joining this network cause problems for me in any other networks? A: It should not, as there have been software and hardware specific Networks for a long time with no problem, with participants in multiple networks. DOS-based boards have been using nets like this all along (for example, PNET, QNET, RBBS-Net). Each is means of communication and support for a particular interest group, just as MACLIST is oriented to the MacIntosh community. Q: Why are you using the MACSYSOP echo to communicate rather then the MUGADMIN echo? A: To communicate in matters concerning MACLIST we have FidoNews 6-44 Page 6 30 Oct 1989 chosen to use the MACSYSOP Echo. We are using this echo rather then MUGADMIN because the MACSYSOP echo is not a Fidonet, Alternet (or any other net) echo and it is not carried on the backbone. Carrying the MACSYSOP echo is not a requirement of MACLIST membership, although it is encouraged. Looking forward to bringing the MacIntosh community together, Tom Heffernan Ralph Merritt 1:107/554, 7:520/554 1:269/102 Rock Pile BBS Dragon's Cave BBS (201)987-9232 (201)299-1445 24 Hours/HST 24 Hours/HST ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 7 30 Oct 1989 David Gibbs 1:115/439 MIDRANGE SYSTEMS ECHO I am in the process of forming a new echo for professional computer users. It will be similar in concept to the MAINFRAME echo, but will be for IBM System/34, 36, 38, and AS/400 mini- computer users (also known as MIDRANGE computers). The area tag will be (obviously) MIDRANGE. Midrange Systems have become a major part of IBM's plan for the future, and I feel that many of our users would find an echo dedicated to these system usefull. Topics currently being discussed include SAA, communications, CASE, and programming. If you would be interested in carrying this echo, please contact me. I can be reached at 1:115/439 or on my system, The Midrange System BBS, at 312-439-9679 (708-439-9679 after November 11th). David Gibbs, SysOp The Midrange System BBS 1:115/439 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 8 30 Oct 1989 Hurricane Hugo plus one month... -------------------------------- I would like to take time to personally thank each and every one of the people that contributed to my "Relief Fund", but it will be a while before I have time to sit down and actually write you each a personal note. As of today, I still don't have a road cut to my homesite (we'll take care of that November 4th with a bulldozer, tractor, bushhog and about three dozen crazed people armed with chainsaws <grin>...)... Things are still a mess here except on the major urban streets - they wanted to get tourists back in town to help with the confusion! Most people (90%) have power now, and most of the phones seem to work reliably, but the trees are still stacked 8' deep along every street and highway. I have tried to keep my stuff together enough to keep accurate records of who sent what, but I managed to lose one of my cheat sheets, so I have two people that contributed that I don't have a first name or net/node number for - the last names are: Luca and Garcia. If there is anyone else that is not on either list below, please accept my sincere apologies for idiocy - I really am doing the best I can! I also have a set of contributions of $210 that I have no names at all written down for - those came in around October 5th (three people that aren't getting "credit" please send me a nastygram via netmail and I'll post the proper names soon - I'm *very* sorry this happened - that was one of the more "fun" days - when I went through the Federal Emergency Management Agency - and Senator Hollings was right - they're the biggest bunch of bureaucratic jackasses that anyone has ever had to deal with!) I still haven't seen a cent from good ol' Uncle Sam, and I'm not even able to file my SBA emergency loan package since the IRS hasn't sent me copies of my last three years tax returns (and they guaranteed three-day turnaround <grin>...). Mike Ratledge Fund - Hurricane Hugo Relief There are two lists - one was maintained by Ed Meloan of 360/1 who took care of the early contributions when it wasn't clear exactly what/where/how I was doing - here's his (slightly more accurate) list: ---------- Here are the folks who have contributed, through Augusta Forum, to help Mike Ratledge who lost his home and all belongings in Hurricane Hugo. This list represents mail received at Augusta Forum through 10/22/89. Since it is now possible to send contributions to Mike direct, this will be the last report I will issue. Any checks that are received here, after this report, will be mailed down to Mike and he will acknowledge them. My thanks to all those on this list. Your help was appreciated! FidoNews 6-44 Page 9 30 Oct 1989 Ed Meloan 360/1.1 Hank von Dohlen 360/1.18 Rick Fowler 360/1.8 Al Jennings 360/1.5 Betty Draughon 360/1.10 Donald Fletcher 360/1.3 Bill Weinel 151/121 John Jenkins 360/1.12 Wayne Mathews 360/1.4 Van Stokes,Jr. 135/59 Amnon Nissan 151/100 Bob Gardner Orlando,FL Fred Niemczenia 371/7 Brenda Donovan 202/324 Norm Henke 157/200 Bob Moravsik 269/107 Steve Crews 371/4 Don O'Shaughessy 250/416 Allen Genitski 360/1.20 Tim Spofford 125/9 Allen Fitzsimmons 363/47 Patrick Dixon OK City, OK Curtis Oglesby 360/1.13 Robert Devereaux Summerville,SC Joe Brown 272/1 Charles Fairchild Washington,DC Lawrence Donie 363/54 John Black 360/1.15 Jean Prophet 135/33 Barbara O'Keefe 135/54 Matthew Hardison 109/519 John Lively Edina,MN Kenneth Honeycutt 360/1.27 Glen Johnson 269/101 Jerry Pickup 360/1.33 Joseph Salemi 109/136 Bud Zahand 360/1.9 David Gibbs 115/439 Diane Smith 161/7 Bernard Plotkin Miami,FL Russell Ferguson 123/13 Dale Barnes 375/11 Walter Tietjen 7:48/2022 Jim Dunmyer 234/100 Kevin Barkes 129/38 Gordon Gattone 18/8 Alfred Carr 104/415 Dick Kimmel 129/108 David Crowder 135/906 Total contributed through Forum: $1505.00 Please mail new contributions =DIRECT= to Mike. Please include YOUR FidoNet Node number with the check. Here is his temporary address: Mike Ratledge 149 East Bay Charleston, SC 29401 ---------- Here in Charleston, once Amnon and Ed let everybody know I was still kicking (darn it <grin>...) I started receiving tons of clothes and contributions, too! First off - System Enhancement Associates sent 50lbs of clothes! Here's a list of folks that have contributed to me directly here at East Bay X-Change BBS: Miles Hoover 109/124 Bob Gardner Forist Babcock 112/1701 Kurt Reisler 109/101 Phil & Concetta Buonomo 107/583 Shay Walters 376/12 Jim McNamee 376/? Robert Wilhite 376/14 Karen French 376/14 Kevin & Holly Parris 376/? Phillip Jones 376/28 Gene Lowry 300/11 Bit Bucket & Spark Software 132/101 Bob & Carol Hartman 132/101 FidoNews 6-44 Page 10 30 Oct 1989 Bernhard Eisenhut 2:507/628 George Stanislav 129/39 Jim Faucette 372/9 Jim Colligan 372/1 Robert Graham 110/180 Elbeville NC Methodist Women Michael Blair 202/? Michael Downing 112/25 Larry Odom 3602/39 Peter Paul 107/609 Don Kuhla 125/7 Jack Hazel Orville Bullitt 135/36 Fred Myers 360/1 Floyd Drennon 375/14 Margo & Tom Porter 125/26 Mark Howard 260/340 Total of $2420.24 here - grand total to date of $3925.24!!! (A couple of those listed above were originally in foreign currency amounts and that's why the odd cents are there...) Guys - I can't tell you how much this has helped me during this "trial by wind" here! I've kept up my bills, bought a minimal stereo so I don't go nuts (35+ compact disks we found are the only useful thing we found period - they all worked but one!), taken the wife to a couple nice dinners, etc, etc. I will be using the rest of the $$ to help defray unknown expenses as I pull myself back together over the next six to eight months and rebuild. Hopefully, by the time I'm back in my new house, I'll have received a little money from the SBA at 4% to buy myself a new 'puter, rebuild the dock (not insurable), do a little land- scaping, etc. - I'm sure beginning to wonder!?! I know I will insure my personal property a little better next time! THANKS AGAIN!!! Mike Ratledge - 372/666 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 11 30 Oct 1989 Election Rules IFNA/FidoNet Referendum 1. What we're voting on. The International FidoNet Association Board of Directors, at the 1989 annual meeting at FidoCon in San Jose, passed a resolution which calls for a vote to be conducted throughout the entire FidoNet network to decide the future of IFNA. The text of this resolution is as follows: We, the representatives of the International FidoNet Association, have heard a cry for democracy in the administration of the network. As IFNA is supposed to represent the interests of the sysops, and as such representation is deemed to have failed, be it hereby resolved that: Without a mandate from the sysops of FidoNet, IFNA has no purpose or reason for existence. THEREFORE, the board proposes the following action, of which failure to pass will mean the dissolution of IFNA: It is hereby resolved that a special election be held for consideration by the Sysops of FidoNet of the following: IFNA shall be empowered to re-draft the bylaws of IFNA and to draft a Policy document for FidoNet. Such documents are to include: 1. An independent judicial system. 2. A reduced size Board of Directors, to be completely reseated in an election on or before FidoCon 1990. 3. Better representation from outside the United States. 4. Make each sysop in FidoNet a member in IFNA with all rights and privileges of membership. Voting for referendum of this document shall be completed on or before December 1, 1989. The rules of the election shall make it clear that failure of the election to approve the questions presented shall result in the current Board of Directors acting under Article XII to dissolve the corporation. FidoNews 6-44 Page 12 30 Oct 1989 In addition, it shall be made clear that approval must be gained from a majority of the eligible nodes in the nodelist in effect at the time of the election. (End of resolution.) 2.0 Eligibility. The sysop of each public-access node in the FidoNet nodelist issued on October 27 (NODELIST.300) is eligible to vote. 2.1 Definition of "public access". The IFNA by-laws define "public access" as "A system that has a telephone number published in the FIDONET NODELIST, and in addition provides services to the public." For the purposes of this vote, a system will be considered "public access" if it (1) is listed in the nodelist (see section 2.3) without a status of "Pvt", "Hold", or "Down" AND (2) has a unique telephone number. This specifically includes MO [mail only] systems. In cases where multiple systems are listed using the same telephone number, only the sysop of the "primary system" is entitled to a vote. The "primary system" is determined by the address by which the system identifies itself during Zone Mail Hour. 2.2 Definition of "sysop". Each person receives only one vote, regardless of how many systems he or she runs, and what names are used in the nodelist. For example, Steve Bonine runs two separate FidoNet systems, 115/444 and 115/777, with slightly different sysop names, but this entitles Steve Bonine to only one vote. Network Coordinators (Regional Coordinators for independent nodes) will, to the best of their ability, enforce the one- person-one-vote rule. These are the individuals at the best level to know the sysops. 2.3 Definition of "nodelist". For purposes of determining eligibility, the nodelist segment from the zone where the node resides will be used. In other words, NODELIST.300 as it exists in zone 1 is used to determine whether a given sysop in zone 1 is eligible; NODELIST.300 as it exists in zone 2 is used to determine eligibility for a zone-2 sysop, and so on. This negates any effects of non- synchronization of nodelists for that particular edition. FidoNews 6-44 Page 13 30 Oct 1989 2.4 Definition of "sysop". Only the sysop listed in the nodelist is eligible to vote. No co-sysops or point sysops associated with the system may vote. The voting right is not transferable; the person listed in the nodelist may vote but may not transfer the right to another person. 3.0 Voting procedure. 3.1 Ballot The official ballot (see section 7) was published in the nodelist difference file (and thus will appear in the nodelist) for NODELIST.300. The ballot, resolution, and voting rules are in the October 30 FidoNews (FNEWS644.ARC). 3.1 Collection of votes. Network Coordinators will collect votes from their nets. Regional Coordinators will collect votes from independent nodes in their region. Sysops vote by sending netmail to their Network Coordinator (independents to the Regional Coordinator) with a CLEAR INDICATION of a vote of YES or NO, using the ballot published in the nodelist or a reasonable facsimile thereof. The voter will also provide a password (8 characters or less) to be used in a public list of votes. See sections 3.4 and 7.0. 3.2 Acknowledgement of votes. The coordinator will acknowledge the votes received using netmail. Network Coordinators will handle this netmail in the same manner as if it had been received as normal host-routed mail, that is, if the sysop normally polls to pick up host-routed mail then that is how it will be delivered. Regional Coordinators will send an acknowledgement to independents unless prior arrangements are already in place for the independent to poll the Regional Coordinator (for example, an arrangement to pick up the NodeDiff). Any sysop who votes and does not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours should follow up with the coordinator to be sure that the vote was not lost. (Note: Coordinators take vacations, usually with the knowledge of the systems in the local net. This may explain a delay in acknowledgement.) FidoNews 6-44 Page 14 30 Oct 1989 3.3 Responsibility of coordinators. The responsibility of the coordinator structure is to conduct the election. Coordinators answer questions on voting procedure, but are not authorized to speak for IFNA on policy questions. Coordinators are free to state their opinion, but may not pressure the sysop to vote in a particular way (YES or NO). Coordinators have a responsibility to inform the nodes in their net (or independents) of the election. In fact, this is an excellent opportunity to make sure that all nodes in the net (or independents) are still capable of receiving netmail. However, voting cannot be imposed as a condition of being in FidoNet. If an individual prefers not to vote, that is their right. 3.4 Public posting of votes. At the end of the voting period, each coordinator is to make available the results of the vote in their jurisdiction. The normal method of doing this is to publish the information in a local echomail conference. If no such local conference exists, the coordinator should include in the acknowledgement message for votes the method to obtain the results. In addition, the coordinator must respond to any netmail requesting the results. Coordinators are encouraged to provide the information in a file-requestable file named VOTEnnnn.TXT where nnnn is the net or region number. The results to be posted are: (a) A list, by node number, of who voted. (b) A list, by password (see item 3.1) of the individual votes. (c) A count of the number of eligible voters in the net, or for Regional Coordinator's a count of the number of eligible votes from regional independent nodes. 3.5 Example Assume that there are ten nodes in net 115 who are eligible to vote. Further assume that the Network Coordinator receives the following votes: Node Sysop Vote Password 115/123 Elmer Fudd YES ABC 115/456 Donald Duck NO DEF 115/789 Joe Smith YES GHI 115/987 Sue Jones NO JKL 115/654 Deputy Dawg YES MNO FidoNews 6-44 Page 15 30 Oct 1989 The Network Coordinator should post the following in the local sysop echo, and make it available a file named VOTE115.TXT: Total number of eligible sysops: 10 The following nodes voted: 123, 456, 789, 987, 654 ABC YES DEF NO GHI YES JKL NO MNO YES Results: YES, 3 NO, 2 In the actual vote, the passwords would be more imaginative, and the results would not be posted in node-number order. If Tweety Bird (who did not vote) sees her node number listed in the list of voting nodes, she can point out the problem first to the Network Coordinator and then to 1:1/11 if necessary. Similar action can be taken by any sysop whose vote was not recorded or was recorded incorrectly. 4.0 Tabulation. Using the schedule in item 5, results will be reported up the coordinator structure. The three items in section 3.4 will be reported. 5.0 Schedule. October 27: NODELIST.300 is published. Coordinators begin accepting votes. December 1: Polls close at midnight local time at the collection point. NO LATE VOTES WILL BE ACCEPTED. December 4: Coordinators post final vote detail (see sections 3.4 and 3.5). Note: Coordinators are encouraged to post weekly interim lists of which nodes have voted during the voting period, but should not post actual vote counts until the polls close. December 11: Deadline for challenges. Any questions based upon the public posting of votes must be received by the collection system no later December 11 at midnight local time. December 15: Deadline for Network Coordinator's to report their totals to Regional Coordinator's. FidoNews 6-44 Page 16 30 Oct 1989 December 18: Deadline for Regional Coordinator's to report their totals to ZC's. December 22: Results published in NODELIST.356. 6.0 Miscellaneous. 6.1 Proxy for the Network Coordinator If for any reason the Network Coordinator is unable or unwilling to conduct the election, another individual may be assigned the responsibility by the Regional Coordinator, or the Regional Coordinator may collect the votes for the local net. 6.2 Changing votes Changing votes is NOT ALLOWED. Tabulating each vote once is enough work for the *C structure. 6.3 Cheating An attempt by any individual to cast more than one vote will disqualify that individual from this election. 6.4 Appeals The decision of the Network Coordinator or Regional Coordinator can be appealed to the IFNA Election and Nomination Committee by sending netmail to 1:1/11. (Note: No actual votes will be accepted by 1:1/11.) 6.5 Irregularities and Difficulties Any problems with the voting process should be reported to 1:1/11 as early in the voting process as possible, so that they can be addressed while the polls are still open. 6.6 Determination of Number of Eligible Voters Due to the way the resolution is structured, the determination of how many eligible voters exist is as important as counting YES and NO votes. Network Coordinators will report the number of potential votes in their net, and Regional Coordinators will do the same for their regional independents. In the case of no report being received from a Network Coordinator, the number of eligible voters for that net will be calculated by multiplying the number of public-access (not Pvt, Hold, or Down) nodes in that nodelist segment by the ratio for nets which did report. For example, if there are 3000 eligible nodes reported, and that FidoNews 6-44 Page 17 30 Oct 1989 represents 4000 nodes in the nodelist, a .75 ratio will be used. If a net containing 20 nodes failed to report, the number of eligible voters would be increased by 15 (20 times .75). This calculation will be performed by the IFNA Nominations and Elections committee; Regional Coordinators should simply report the data received (or lack thereof) to their Zone Coordinator. 6.6 Reporting of Net-wide Vote A list will be published in FidoNews in this format, repeated for each zone: YES NO ELIGIBLE Zone 1 Region 10 Regional independents xxx xxx xxx Net 102 xxx xxx xxx Net 103 xxx xxx xxx ... --- --- --- Subtotal for region 10 xxx xxx xxx ... Subtotal for zone 1 xxx xxx xxx 7.0 Sample Ballot My vote on the IFNA resolution published via NODEDIFF.300 is: _____ YES _____ NO Post this vote using the following password: _______________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 18 30 Oct 1989 ================================================================= LATEST VERSIONS ================================================================= Latest Software Versions MS-DOS Systems -------------- Bulletin Board Software Name Version Name Version Name Version Fido 12q+* Phoenix 1.3 TBBS 2.1 Lynx 1.30 QuickBBS 2.04 TComm/TCommNet 3.4 Kitten 2.16* RBBS 17.2B* TPBoard 5.2 Opus 1.03b+ RBBSmail 17.2* Wildcat! 2.00P Network Node List Other Mailers Version Utilities Version Utilities Version BinkleyTerm 2.30 EditNL 4.00 ARC 6.02 D'Bridge 1.21 MakeNL 2.20 ARCA05 2.01* Dutchie 2.90C ParseList 1.30 ARCmail 2.0 FrontDoor 2.0 Prune 1.40 ConfMail 4.00 PRENM 1.47 SysNL 2.65* EMM 2.02 SEAdog 4.51b XlatList 2.90 GROUP 2.16 XlaxDiff 2.32 GUS 1.20M* XlaxNode 2.32 LHARC 1.13 MSG 4.0* MSGED 1.99 PK[UN]ZIP 1.01 QM 1.0 QSORT 4.03 StarLink 1.01* TCOMMail 2.2 TMail 1.12* TPBNetEd 3.2 UFGATE 1.03 XRS 3.0 ZmailQ 1.09 Macintosh --------- Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version Red Ryder Host v2.1b3 Macpoint 0.91* MacArc 0.04 Mansion 7.12 Tabby 2.1 ArcMac 1.3 WWIV (Mac) 3.0 StuffIt 1.51 FidoNews 6-44 Page 19 30 Oct 1989 TImport 1.331 TExport 1.32 Timestamp 1.6 Tset 1.3 Timestart 1.1 Tally 1.1 Mehitabel 1.2 Archie 1.60 Jennifer 0.25b2g Numberizer 1.5c MessageEdit 1.0 Mantissa 1.0 PreStamp 2.01 R.PreStamp 2.01 Saphire 2.1t Epistle II 1.01 Import 2.52 Export 2.54 Sundial 2.1 AreaFix 1.1 Probe 0.052 Terminator 1.1 TMM 4.0b UNZIP 1.01* Amiga ----- Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version Paragon 1.00+* BinkleyTerm 1.00 AmigArc 0.23 TrapDoor 1.11* booz 1.01 WelMat 0.21* ConfMail 1.10* ChameleonEdit 0.10 Lharc 0.50 ParseLst 1.30 PkAX 1.00 Pktfix 1.01* RMB 1.30 UNzip 0.86 Zoo 2.00 Atari ST -------- Bulletin Board Software Network Mailer Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version FidoNews 6-44 Page 20 30 Oct 1989 FIDO/FoReM Door 1.1* BinkleyTerm 1.03g ConfMail 1.00 Pandora BBS 2.41c* The BOX 1.10* ParseList 1.30 QuickBBS/ST 0.40* ARC 5.21 GS Point 0.61 TurboArc 1.1 LHARC 0.40 PKUNZIP 1.00 MSGED 1.96S SRENUM 6.2 OMMM 1.40* Timestop 1.00 + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software) * Recently changed Utility authors: Please help keep this list up to date by reporting new versions to 1:1/1. It is not our intent to list all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 21 30 Oct 1989 ================================================================= NOTICES ================================================================= The Interrupt Stack 6 Nov 1989 Fall 1989 DECUS Symposium begins in Anaheim CA. Contact Kurt Reisler at 1:109/101 for more details. 11 Nov 1989 A new area code forms in northern Illinois at 12:01 am. Chicago proper will remain area code 312; suburban areas formerly served with that code will become area code 708. 17 Nov 1989 George Stanislav becomes a United States citizen 23 Nov 1989 26th Anniversary of "Dr. Who" - and still going strong 30 Dec 1989 Telephone area codes (5, 3 and 0) are abolished in Hong Kong If you have something which you would like to see on this calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- **** IMPORTANT NOTICE **** As of Midnight (MST) on November 4, 1989, the msged echo is changing it's name. Due to a problem with Qmail, the msged and smut echoes are being crosslinked in a number of places. In order to eliminate this problem, on the 4th of November, the msged echo's areatag will change from MSGED to MSGED_ECHO. This should alleviate the problem. This notice is also being posted in the REC conferences and in the msged echo. If you receive the msged echo or pass it to anyone else, please be sure to make the necessary changes on November 4. Thank you all very much. jim nutt 'the computer handyman' msged echo moderator ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 22 30 Oct 1989 OFFICERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIDONET ASSOCIATION Thom Henderson 1:107/528 Chairman of the Board Les Kooyman 1:204/501 President Fabian Gordon 1:107/323 Vice President Bill Bolton 3:3/0 Vice President-Technical Coordinator Kris Veitch 1:147/30 Secretary Kris Veitch 1:147/30 Treasurer IFNA COMMITTEE AND BOARD CHAIRS Administration and Finance * By-laws and Rules John Roberts 1:385/49 Executive Committee (Pres) Les Kooyman 1:204/501 International Affairs * Membership Services * Nominations and Elections Steve Bonine 1:1/0 Public Affairs David Drexler 1:147/30.20 Publications Irene Henderson 1:107/9 Technical Standards Rick Moore 1:115/333 Ethics * Security and Privacy * Grievances * * Position in abeyance pending reorganization IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIVISION AT-LARGE 10 Courtney Harris 1:102/732 Don Daniels 1:107/210 11 John Rafuse 1:12/700 Phil Buonomo 1:107/583 12 Bill Bolton 3:711/403 Mark Hawthorne 1:107/238 13 Fabian Gordon 1:107/323 Tom Jennings 1:125/111 14 Ken Kaplan 1:100/22 Irene Henderson 1:107/509 15 Scott Miller 1:128/12 Steve Jordan 1:206/2871 16 Ivan Schaffel 1:141/390 Robert Rudolph 1:261/628 17 Kathi Crockett 1:134/30 Dave Melnik 1:107/233 18 Andrew Adler 1:135/47 Jim Hruby 1:107/536 19 Kris Veitch 1:147/30 Burt Juda 1:107/528 2 Henk Wevers 2:500/1 Karl Schinke 1:107/516 3 Matt Whelan 3:54/99 John Roberts 1:147/14 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 6-44 Page 23 30 Oct 1989 __ The World's First / \ BBS Network /|oo \ * FidoNet * (_| /_) _`@/_ \ _ | | \ \\ | (*) | \ )) ______ |__U__| / \// / Fido \ _//|| _\ / (________) (_/(_|(____/ (tm) Membership for the International FidoNet Association Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that pays a specified annual membership fee. IFNA serves the international FidoNet-compatible electronic mail community to increase worldwide communications. Member Name _______________________________ Date _______________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________________ State ________________________________ Zip _____________________ Country _________________________________________________________ Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________ Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________ Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________ BBS Name ________________________________________________________ BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________ Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________ Board Restrictions ______________________________________________ Your Special Interests __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in US Funds to: International FidoNet Association PO Box 41143 St Louis, Missouri 63141 USA Thank you for your membership! Your participation will help to insure the future of FidoNet. Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the membership in January 1987. The second elected Board of Directors was filled in August 1988. The IFNA Echomail Conference has been established on FidoNet to assist the Board. We welcome your input to this Conference. FidoNews 6-44 Page 24 30 Oct 1989 -----------------------------------------------------------------