F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.10  No.13    (29-Mar-1993)
|  A newsletter of the       |                                         |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
|        /|oo \              |       +1-519-570-4176     1:1/23        |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- max@exlibris.tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca                       |
|    Donald -- donald@exlibris.tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca                    |
|    Tim    -- pozar@kumr.lns.com                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              editor@exlibris.tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                          Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  3
      Memory Still Warm...........................................  3
      Interested in CB Radio? Why not hook into the echo!.........  4
      Magazine reviews: MONDO 2000, bOING bOING, WIRED............  5
      White House press releases direct to FidoNet!...............  8
      Genetic Algorithm echo being started........................  9
      The Comics For Sale conference..............................  9
      Caller id again............................................. 10
      Caller Id....Curse or Help?................................. 11
      $50 or $100 reward offered.................................. 11
      Nodelist Troubles........................................... 12
      CorelDRAW! ECHO............................................. 13
      An open letter to the people who waste bandwidth............ 14
      More on the point nodelist.................................. 14
      Rebuttal to an Anonymous Critic............................. 15
      The TRULY democratic policy proposal revealed............... 18
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 46
FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  2                    29 Mar 1993

   The week started with a mail bulge that amounted to 35
megabytes unarchived.  Little did we know that it was all for
Fidonews. We have received about 175k of articles, and they have
come in in every form, from properly formated articles to notes
via internet.

   That, in turn, is forcing us to take a close look at just
what kind of policy we should have regarding Fidonet articles.
(there have been a number of letters, as well, regarding
Fidonews policy). The short answer to "what is Fidonews policy?"
is simple. There is none, and there will not be.

   Everything that arrives will be read, then we will decide
what to do. Generally, everything will be printed, BUT THAT IS
NOT A "RULE". A case in point is last week's "policy" article.

   Frankly, we are feeling a bit suckered. Tom knew what was
up, and refused to print the huge policy proposals. As soon as
we got in as editors, one of the authors quickley hit us with an
article, knowing full well that it had already been refused.
That was not mentioned. Imediatley, we received two more, each
of the same length, along with demands that they be printed in
the name of fair play. Ok, fair play is fair play. One is in
this week's issue, and one will be in next. That is the end of
it. Fidonews is a NEWSLETTER. Fifty pages of legalese per week
is too much. Not because of pertinence, but because it is too
boring to live with. In the future, we will make policy four
replacements available for downloading, and run announcements of
them as they arrive. If they are submited with short articles
explaining how they differ, those will be considered as articles.

    We received an excellent letter stating that back and forth
arguements about issues are better in echos.  The writer is
quite correct. The recent spate of "I said", "you said", "no I
meant" articles on caller id *are* best suited for echos. Once it
gets to the arguement stage, then netmail and echos are the best

    So how do we plan to do this?  Well, if we have nothing
else to print, than maybe anything will get in.  If we have too
much, then boring articles will get cut first.  Next we will cut
rude articles, then we will cut the illiterate ones.  That
policy will change weekly.

    Last but not least, I would ask that people submitting
articles at least read artspec.doc, and attempt to follow it.
Files that arrive in my inbound with no title can be dealt with;
ones that arrive in internet mail, with no carriage returns, no
linefeeds, totally in upper-case, in non-ascii format, are a
pain in the butt.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  3                    29 Mar 1993

Memory Still Warm...

     Terry L. Travis of Denver Colorado, a long-time BBS System
Operator and avid supporter of the electronic community, died
Tuesday, March 23, 1993 of renal and lung cancer.  Terry was 37.

     Viewing will be from 4 PM to 8 PM Friday (26 Mar 93)
followed by services 10 AM Saturday (27 Mar 93) at Olinger
Highland Mortuary, 300 E. 104th Avenue, Northglen, Colorado.

     Terry was born May 20, 1955 in a small Iowa town.  Never
knowing his real parents, he was shuttled from home to orphanage
to home until he finally came to Denver.

     Terry started one of the earliest full-time electronic
bulletin boards in the country in 1983, keeping it continuously
running until his death.  Many times he skipped meals, and even
car payments, in order to keep the BBS up and available.

     He was one of the founders of IBECC, a non-profit
organization dedicated to the electronic community and the
handicapped.  Terry was also responsible for the daily operation
of the IBECC BBS, maintaining the system, software, and inter-
network connections.

     The BBS, which was his love and his life, will continue
indefinitely; his friend and associate, Marshall Barry, will
assume responsibility.

     Terry was friend to many, dedicating himself to others by
providing solace and a open door to those who were in need, no
matter the personal cost.  Beneath a gruff and crusty attitude,
there existed a selfless and caring heart.

     Terry is survived by a daughter, Tara, with whom he has had
no contact for more than 17 years.  He is also survived by the
family that adopted him, and thousands of computer enthusiasts
around the world.  He truly shall be missed.

     He has requested that donations be made to cancer / AIDS /
MS or other research in the hope that no others shall share his

     Contact: Michelle Weisblat or Marshall Barry at (303) 426-
1847 (voice); P.O. Box 486, Louisville, CO 80027-0486 (US Mail);
or electronically to "Michelle.Weisblat@f969.n104.z1.FidoNet.Org"

FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  4                    29 Mar 1993

Interested in CB Radio? Why not hook into the echo!
  Read on for details ...
  From: Tony Vilimek (2:253/511)


Are you interested in Citizens' Band Radio and want to
contact others with the same interest? Look no further
and enter the CB Radio FidoNet message area!

>---8<--- A snip from the CB Radio Echo Rules ---8<---<

 8) Keep on topic. The topic is Citizens' Band Radio;
    This means talking about any CB related stuff like
    contacting other CB users, CB equipment and repairs,
    CB DXing, CB legal waffle, CB help and advise, and
    so on.


This echo has been available from the UK national
backbone for a while now and has been ticking along nicely.
I'm now looking for worldwide interest and possible easy
links, for mail traffic to travel on the back of already
existing zone to zone echo traffic. If you're into anything
related with CB Radio, come and chat in this echo NOW and
tell all your friends about it! Message traffic will
gaurantee availability to your country! Don't waste any
more time and start chatting in the CB Radio message area
NOW! ;-)

If you are already gating mail in or out of the UK and
you're interested in hooking up with this fairly new echo,
please contact me now by netmail. We can discuss ways of
setting up a reliable interzone link. Or, you could ask
your UK link to hook up with the echo as it's already
locally available to them via the normal UK backbone links.
Thanks in advance for your time.

Cheerz, 10-10 till we do it again! ;-)

_ // [ CBBBS System Manager    ] /\/\ [  FidoNet: (2:253/511)  ] \\ _
\X/  [ CB Radio Echo Moderator ] _/\_ [ AmigaNet: (39:133/100) ]  \X/
FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  5                    29 Mar 1993

Magazine reviews: MONDO 2000, bOING bOING, WIRED

by Tom Jennings (tomj@fido.wps.com)
26 Mar 93

I usually hate to review things. What a terrible task. But there's an
exception to everything; here's three.

For years, I've lived in this in-between world, I do techy things,
certainly, but I refuse to overlook the frequently oppressive and
terrible things done with a lot of the junk I could work on (and, sigh,
get paid for). And all of it starts right here: how we live, work and
play with each other. Corporate culture, what I call that crap that
passes for human interaction in that place you probably call "work", I
simply cannot live with. It quite literally makes me sick.

Most of the people I actually live and play with are utterly
non-technical, but are intelligent, literate people working on all sorts
of things, like music, building social centers in ex-countries,
using punk music to transport ideas and communications to ex-USSR,
operating community switchboards without grants, etc.

Slowly, these two diffuse "groups" are growing into each other, with
wonderful and exciting results. Previously separated fraternal twins
are together, essentially.

Some of them publish magazines. Here's three I've run into.

MONDO 2000

I should have taken the hint from my friend Mykel Board; simply never do
negative reviews. A few months back, in a FidoNews editorial (gasp) I
basically slagged MONDO. I won't hurt myself further by dragging out my
original words. Or maybe I shouldn't apologize, and instead point out
just how much MONDO has *changed* in these last two issues.

The first hint something was up was a review of a Stun Gun (Nova
Industries), in issue #8. A marginal note starts, "People have been
bashing us for our purported gee-whiz approach to new tech. Where do
they get these ideas? ...". So Paco Xander Nathan does an excellent
review -- laid over one of MONDO's silly fashion spreads, with
the models pointing baroque plastic 'ray guns'...  OK, OK, MONDO
takes hints. Very sharp!

#8 has Diamanda Galas on the cover and interviewed inside. She's as
sharp, witty and nasty as ever. But the coup is the engineered
collision/interview between the bands U2 and NEGATIVELAND; in case you
weren't aware, NEGATIVELAND did a parody of sorts of a U2 album,
including audio samples and sleeve. U2 sued them hard. It was handled
very meanly. So here we've got oh-so-alternative,
we're-not-corpersate-rock band U2 trying to talk their way out of
responsibility for putting NEGATIVELAND way out of business. Very sharp
mammals at work this issue!! A cryptic story about the cypherpunk list.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  6                    29 Mar 1993

I actually read all of issue #8 thinking hmm, by some incredibly bizarre
accident, this is a great magazine. I even bought it. My boyfriend
rubbed it in.

So then whilst doing laundry, caffiening at Farleys, again, there
appears issue #9.  Yeow! It has Jade on the cover! Jade is a local
girl, you see, someone who's in one of my social circles, friends of
friends of mine. So I pick it up and take it to my table, embarrassed to
be seen with it, grumble.

Another story about crypto stuff, the story of PGP, and words from Phil
Zimmerman, it's author. It's pretty good, and I think would actually
inform people not already involved (hard to do).

A fashion spread, PANIC SEX, with Jade, Bridgette (7-foot tall deathrock
drag boyfriend of Danielle Hell) with a rifle; Stafford and Heidi,
lovely boys they are. Not a sign of the usual consumption of other
peoples' trips, something so so common when covering non-mainstreamy
societies. OK, so I'm hypersensitive, tough shit. Good job! (Great

An interview with LAIBACH, what freaks. Scary. A very decent intro to
ISDN, why it's worth thinking about. OK, so I bought this issue too. I had
to admit I was more than pleased.

I've only mentioned about 15% of each issue's content. It's been really
worth getting. I actually read 90% of the last two issues.

I also feel just as strongly that most previous issues were mainly
high-priced fluff and self-indulgence. My my how things can change!!

I don't think it's a cooincidental one-shot (though anything's
possible). The USERS GUIDE TO THE NEW EDGE is excellent. It
covers a mix of tech, high-gimcrackery, fashion (sigh) and interesting
people. It plays with form in that there's running parallel texts that
act as footnotes (a traditional, primitive form of hypertext, usually
poorly exploited). As always, it has more color than your average
hallucination.  I think they arranged themselves in alignment with
their actual reality, which is somewhat outside of the things the
cover, interpreting somewhat for public consumption, approaching but
not yet falling into the abyss of cooption. Edge indeed! There's no
formulaic approach to this, you gotta feel your way about. Good luck!

(MONDO 2000, Box 10171, Berkeley CA 94709; $24/yr, 4 issues(?) US.


Really a giant zine. Wiseass fringey reviews, commentary, stories, etc.
You'll recognize a lot of names in common in all this fringey writing
stuff. It has actually become a "scene". bOING bOING has the character
of the corner of the planet it's main writers are from, Austin Tex-ass. It
straddles the cool/nerd boundary fairly well. It's more "downscale" than
MONDO; they apparently don't have their own oil-well or whatever. These
FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  7                    29 Mar 1993

are the people who would graffiti the bathroom and hack the stereo at a
MONDO party.

I stumbled upon MONDO #9 somewhere in Seattle this past summer. I read
it immediately cover to cover *twice*. A review/interview of Lewis
Shiner's novel SLAM caused me to locate and buy everything he's written
except FRONTERA (unfindable). Stories on A-life, fake ants, home surgery
on your cat, zine reviews, columns of odd, unclassifiable wierdness,
etc. #9 has a flip-over-back-cover parody of MONDO 2000 that is very
funny -- parodying exactly what I hated so about previous MONDOs. Maybe
they read it!

Alas, #10 was a bad mistake. I'm sure it's temporary. See, it's called
the "Sex candy for mutants" issue. Sheesh, apparently people from outer
space are just like us! We're all het males who like to look at boobies!
Aww come on GUYS!! Sex means -- sexy! Where were hot stories?  Read
TASTE OF LATEX for a sample of a reasonable display of diversity and
erotica. Hey I thought we were fringey! Don't hip straight guys ever
imagine sex with their male friends? Having female sex organs?
What's the best way to jerk off at work? How to read VGA erotica with
one hand? Sex under the influence of 60-cycle hum and niacin poisoning?
Women? Oh them! (Well there was one good sex thing, a review of vibrators
done by two women no less -- but it was borrowed from BEN IS DEAD. Oh
well.) I know they'll hate to hear this, but MONDO blurs boundaries
quite well, one thing I overlooked even in their bad old days.

Look I'm no sex expert, I'm a nerd too! But if you're gonna do
something, please, do reiterate the usual dullness on us... it's OK,
#10 has things of merit, and I still look forward to the rest of my
subscription, and probably renewing it. I hotly await #11...

(bOING bOING, 11288 Ventura Blvd, #818, Studio City CA 91604; $14/yr US, 4
issues. boing@wixter.cactus.org)

(last but by far not the least)


WIRED is less chaotic, less immediate, and more solidly technical, but
with am excellent take and approach to technology in our large-scale
social setting. It's not just technophilia, like all the ucky trade rags
and "PRODUCT WEAKLY" ad-rags. It has the color and flash of the new
self-referential edge stuff, but a substantial base. It has a sort-of
multi-page column covering technical and cultural tidbits. Instead of
just reviews or stories of the wonderful world of technology, it
attempts to put objects into some sort of perspective -- "flyaway"
quasi-portable TV-sat base stations, who uses them, how, and their
effect on media. Sterling's story/report on VR used by the military,
starts out with the usual gee-whiz hook, but ends up covering it's
position in the post-cold-war political and economic world.

WIRED is bright and colorful, and the major stories start with flashy
hooks to suck you in, but each follows up with solid writing and
reporting. Let's hope they can continue to pull this off, and not go the
way of OMNI (which, as I recall, once had a lot more substantial pop
FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  8                    29 Mar 1993

science, before it devolved into embarrasing UFO and magic-pill

Issue #1 also has a talk between Camille Paglia (smart feminist
troublemaker) and Stuart Brand (Whole Earth stuff and Media Lab),
discussing Marshall McLuhan, that whacky Canadian who pegged our culture
so well. OK, I call this a blatant position piece, a statement of where
WIRED wants to be. I want to be there too!

WIRED looks like it might become a major mover. They're independent, yet
seem to have substantial support, and national distribution. I
immediately bought a subscription.

(You might get the impression I subscribe to magazines all the time; in
fact I now have a total of four subscriptions, period.)

(WIRED, Box 191826, San Francisco CA 94119-1826; $19.95/yr US, 6 issues.

  Tom Jennings / tomj@fido.wps.com / World Power Systems / San Francisco CA


White House press releases direct to FidoNet!

The Office of Media Affairs at the U.S. White House (you know, the
electronic propaganda ministers for the current regime) have arranged to
output official press releases, news items, quotable quotes, etc
directly to FidoNet. (You read it right -- the W.H. O.M.A. knows what
FidoNet is, and went out of their way to get their propaganda to us --
OK so of course they would, they want anyone who will listen to read
their stuff -- but the amazing part is that they noticed -- I'm still
not sure if this is good or bad -- I seem to have gotten off the
original point -- everyone here's an American, right? -- I mean -- )

OK. Where was I.

So the Office of Media Affairs at the U.S. White house has made
available for direct FidoNet consumption oh never mind. It's available
as a FidoNet echo conference named INET.WHITE.HOUSE. It is wanting
people to carry it. You can request a feed from the echomail
outlet nearest you, though it is not yet on the backbone; if enough
people ask for it etc. Try AREAFIXing to 1:13/13 for INET.WHITE.HOUSE.
Maybe that will work, I don't know. Hell, I don't read echo mail.

                                Tom Jennings

PS: It also wants an archive site to hold old stuff; if you own a disk
manufacturing company or are just plain perverse, you could start archiving
this stuff and announce in these epages it's availability...
FidoNews 10-13                 Page:  9                    29 Mar 1993

  Tom Jennings / tomj@fido.wps.com / World Power Systems / San Francisco CA


Genetic Algorithm echo being started

I have been perusing the Internet lately, and have picked up a liking
for Neural Net, Artificial Intelligence, & Genetic Algorithm related
topics.  (Referred to as NN,AI and GA respectively from here on in)
Upon browsing thru the backbone and non-backbone echolists, I noticed
the AI and NEURAL_NET echoes, which I am now carrying, but nothing
relating to GA and/or Natural Life type coding/research.  Due to this
I am attempting to start a new echo, with the tentative areaname of
GA_Echo, which will deal specifically with Genetic Algorithms and the
uses it can be put to, as well as Natural Life type approaches.  If
you would be interested in carrying this echo, either now or once it
would make backbone status (assuming interest is sufficient, and a
number of other things <g>) feel free to contact me via netmail
at 1:115/100.  I am currently finishing the first draft of the
conference guidelines, and am open to review and/or criticism of said
document by other GA/NN/AI interested sysops.

Paul M. Chartraw
The Hideaway BBS


The Comics For Sale conference
Walter Tietjen (FidoNet 1:151/114 - AlterNet 7:42/2022)

Rules of the CMX4SALE conference:

This is the place to buy/sell/trade comics and comic-character toys.

If  you  use a `handle' on your local BBS, please include your REAL NAME
in your ad. Also a telephone number &/or Snail-Mail  address  should  be
included  in  your ad. Mail/telephone replies to ads take less time than
replies in the conference.

USA - Prices should be in U.S.$
Other countries - _PLEASE_ specify currency (Example: Canada  are  those
prices in U.S.$ or Can-$?)

Both personal and commercial ads may appear here.

This  conference  is  available  in  both GroupMail and EchoMail formats
(SysOp's choice) and is FULLY moderated on the GroupMail side. GroupMail
TopStar is AlterNet 7:42/2022 a/k/a FidoNet 1:151/114

SysOps: You are _WELCOME_ to pass this conference to  _ANY_  node
which wants it. _NO_ pre-approval needed.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 10                    29 Mar 1993

CMX4SALE conference - active nodes (Z1=FidoNet Z7=AlterNet):

Net        City                              Phone
1:19/37    Russellville AR                   1-501-968-3910
1:124/3112 Dallas, TX                        1-214-557-2642
1:151/114  Raleigh NC                        1-919-833-3412
1:294/1    St. Joseph MO                     1-816-233-1357
1:351/715  Ucluelet, BC Canada               1-604-726-2577
1:380/7    Shreveport LA                     1-318-424-9260
1:393/3    Justin, TX                        1-817-648-2599
1:2410/290 Dearborn, MI                      1-313-562-0051
1:3625/462 Mobile AL                         1-205-633-5875
1:3628/7   Carolina Beach, NC                1-919-458-7999
1:3628/10  Carolina Beach, NC (Mail hub)     1-919-458-3033
1:3641/1   Durham NC                         1-919-286-7738
7:520/560  Lyndhurst, NJ                     1-201-935-7968
7:520/561  Lyndhurst, NJ                     1-201-935-1485
7:520/562  Lyndhurst, NJ                     1-201-935-7004
7:520/563  Lyndhurst, NJ                     1-201-935-7008


Caller id again
Stanton McCandlish,  SysOp:  Noise in the Void Data Center BBS
FidoNet: 1:301/2      Internet: anton@hydra.unm.edu

Well yet again, another person has sent some long winded article
supporting  CID,  and  again  most of it is misinterpretation of
what I said, based on what the writer wished I had said so  that
I  could  be  slammed harder.  I did NOT say that callers should
not have to provide BBSs with correct address,  name  and  phone
number.   The  last  few  criticisms of my letter have hinged on
just this  imaginary  point.  I  said  "that's  what  the  login
questionnaires  are  for."  I  agree that CBV can be abused, and
that there may be a problem. Again I did not  say  that  CID  is
Satan incarnate, rather that some thought should be given to its
use and that people should be patient and wait until policy  has
been  updated and nodelist flags defined to account for CID-only
systems. Is this so difficult to grasp?  As  for  long  distance
callers:  why  verify  them?  What nut is going to call you long
distance, at THEIR expense to lie to you  so  they  can  get  an
extra  account  to  cheat  SRE  with, or whatever? It just isn't
likely. And finally, the merits of Canadian vs US  law  is  real
neat  and  all  but  totally  irrelevant.  READ the article, for
chrissakes.  And only last thing, I just want to  emphasize  yet
AGAIN  that when I say CID harms privacy I am not refer- ring to
sysops, but rather to less savoury folks.  By forcing caller ID,
sysops  in  effect  demand  that  we  send caller ID info to ALL
numbers.  When the telcos come up with all  call  blocking  that
can  be  temporarily  disabled  with  a  keypad code to dial one
number, then fine, CID your heart out.  Until  that  time  comes
you  are  doing  everyone  as  disservice by demanding Caller ID
info.  Why not USE CID if it is given, and voice verify the rest
without a hassle? Simple.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 11                    29 Mar 1993

PS:  the  idea  that  having  CID  blocking  would  make someone
prosecutable for un- authorized access is a very silly fantasy.


Caller Id....Curse or Help?

by Mike Phillips

I have been following the discussion of the benefits/risks of using
and/or having caller id installed as a first line of defense for some
time now both here on Fido and on other networks as well.

It would seem that most of the gripes, complaints and general bitching is
really being blown out of proportion. Here in Talladega where I live, we
have yet to be able to get Caller-ID. Because >I< want to ensure that I
REALLY am calling the person who left the phone number information
during logon I voice verify. If you call in long distance, expect the
call to be collect....my phone bill is high enough already.

You can rest assured that I will install Caller-ID as soon as I can
along with control software that will control access to my BBS via this
technology. IF you feel that having the teleco "giving" me your number
than more than likely you wouldn't enter the correct number when you
logon any ways and definitely would not allow me to call you collect. It
all boils down to one thing ladies and gentleman....you are calling MY
HOUSE, using MY COMPUTER and downloading software that I have spent GOOD
money to collect. IF you do not want to allow my system to automatically
verify you then....DONT CALL ME!

I have set up several BBS 's for business use (before the advent of
Caller-ID) and in several circumstances, Caller-ID would have provided a
level of security that nothing else will. In one instance, there are two
stores that need to transfer sales data at the end of the day...with
Caller-ID, the ONLY modem that will "get through" is the one that is
calling from the number programmed into the Caller-ID software. This
feature alone allowed me to make a custom software sale (along with
hardware) that I would not have made otherwise. There is so much to gain
by using Caller-ID that I think every SYSOP should investigate using it.
Hell, even some of the newer modems are incorporating the Caller-ID
"box" into the modems....does that tell us something?


$50 or $100 reward offered
BY J. Alec West (1:105/135)

  Recently, I called the National Computer Virus Association
BBS in California (aka McAfee Associates) to download the latest
version of their SCAN.EXE and CLEAN.EXE shareware and associated
documentation. It might be good to include in the next issue of
FidoNews that these recent versions are available for download
from the NCVA BBS, 1-408-988-4004. Callers don't have to be
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 12                    29 Mar 1993

'registered users' to download from this board and there is no
charge for doing so (beyond the cost of Ma Bell for the LD
call). But, besides that, the opening screens at logon showed
the following information:


   Old Timers.  If you were a user of McAfee Associates first Scan program
from late 1987 or early 1988 PLEASE contact John McAfee at 408-980-3601 or
40-988-3832.  Your call will be much appreciated.  Thanks.

P.S.  If you were a REGISTERED user double the reward!!!

   Methinks Mr. McAfee 'misplaced' his original software and is
willing to pay for copies of it. Since his software has been in
widespread use throughout the modem community, surely someone
out there could have it...and profit from finding it and letting
McAfee have it back. Unfortunately, I only got my system 2
years ago...and can't cash in.  But someone might have this
software in their archives. Is this FidoNews-applicable?

  Editors note:  We thought so ...


Nodelist Troubles

Nodelist Troubles
By Roland van der Put, 2:285/301.1


In the last couple of FidoNews issues there appeared a few articles
about the FidoNet nodelist. This is anther one. I will introduce
myself first. I am Roland van der Put, living in Holland and I am a
student. Being the author of the program Nodelist Updater, I have a
lot of experience with the FidoNet nodelist and difference files.
Therefor, I would like to react on several articles which appeared in

Vol. 10 No. 6: Is there a programmer in the house?!, by Tom Jennings.

Tom, I can answer this question with yes. At the moment I am working
on a program called Nodelist Generator. It is my intention that this
program becomes the replacement for MakeNl. I already have an alfa
version which can handle nodelist segments for Hubs, but I have just
started and programming takes a lot of time. Because I will be very
busy with examinations the next 8 weeks, it may take some time before
the first working beta version comes out. I planned to release the
first beta version somewhere in June. Stay tuned...

Vol. 10 No. 6: Nodelist Problems Cost Sysops *MEGA* Bucks!, by Tom
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 13                    29 Mar 1993

Thanks for explaining why things went wrong. It seems that we have
come to the same conclusion. MakeNl fails to handle these errors. I
will try to correct these kinds of errors in Nodelist Generator. I
also want to make it a bit more user-friendly. Because generating
difference files is a complicated business, it can not be done within
a few weeks. After a busy period of 8 weeks, I will have three months
of holiday: lot's of time to continue programming.

Vol. 10 No. 9: *A FidoNet (FTN) Domain Name Service, by Robert Heller.

It is my opinion that your proposal is to difficult to understand, at
least for some of us. The FidoNet nodelist works, but it is getting
big. Many BBS'es only use a Zone nodelist or a Region nodelist. This
helps a lot. Having three different addresses is too complicated. I
have another solution which I will explain in the next part of my

Vol. 10 No. 10: Interfacing FidoNet with the Internet, by Gavin

I agree with you that exchanging mail with other networks is not as
easy as it should. But I already see that FidoNet echomail is gated to
and from InterNet! I have a different solution for the same problem.
If I want to send mail to someone on Internet then I will have to use
an UFGATE system. Now I have to look for myself to which node I should
send my mail. The message also needs to have a special format. Why
can't I send mail to 'gjhurlbut@1302.watstar.waterloo.ca' just by
entering this address in my editor? Why does it have to be so
complicated? If I could enter an Internet address at the address
prompt then my mailer and routing software should be able to take care
of it. If an address does not end with 'fidonet.org' then it should be
gated to Internet. The only thing that needs to be modified are some
software programs. The UFGATE system(s) can be obtained from the

Well, that's it for now. I hope to see some comments on my thoughts...

Roland van der Put

BTW: Nodelist Updater can be frekked with 'NU' at 2:285/301 and
2:285/307 in case you are interested.



By Mike Griffin
CorelDRAW! Echo

With the growing number of DTP (Desk Top Publishing) people, CorelDRAW!
has gained it's share of popularity. With version 2.0, the product was
a good tool for graphic illustrations and DTP. With version 3.0, the product
has matured into one of the most powerful tools for DTP and graphic art.
Soon version 4.0 will be released and promises to be the best all around
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 14                    29 Mar 1993

collection of graphics programs.

I have decided that I would try and get a worldwide echo going that would
cover topics concerning CorelDRAW's ability. This would be a great place
to swap tips, clip art and sample drawings. Questions could be answered by
our expert users and together we could all learn some shortcuts.
Whether you are a professional publisher or commercial artist, or just a
hobbyist, this echo will enhance your ability to express yourself.

If you are interested in receiving it, please contact me via netmail at the
following address.

Mike Griffin
CorelDRAW! Echo

Thank You and Happy Publishing!
Mike Griffin


An open letter to the people who waste bandwidth
Steve Mulligan, 1:163/307.30

     Why!  Why do you waste my time and money!  Don't ya think I
needed that money?  Well, I did.  We're in a recession ya know.
Well, so come on eh!?

     When are ya gonna stop quoting 80% of message text when you
reply?  When are you gonna get rid of those long signature lines at
the end of your messages?  When are you gonna start using an origin
line, to show your origin?  And did you know that origin lines are
supposed to be a certain length or else some software crashes?  I
found that out the other day.  So shorten your origin lines okay?

     I don't care how many addresses you have!  I don't care how
many echo's you moderate!  So don't tell me!  Leave that waste of
my money out of your messages okay?  I don't want them.

     Thank you.  That's all I gotta say.  For now.


More on the point nodelist
Steve Mulligan, 1:163/307.30

     Well, a lot of people have sent me mail about the point
nodelist.  People have told me that Version 7 nodelists support 4D
points so, any point who wants to be in, just NetMail me and you'll
be added to the point nodelist.  Please send what city you live in
and what you want to call your BBS in the nodelist.

     A few other people have also sent me their own point lists.
What I am asking is for every sysop reading this who has a point
list on their system, to send it to me via NetMail.  Please, help
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 15                    29 Mar 1993

the point nodelist grow so we can shrink the size of the full

     Don't forget, the point nodelist can be freq'ed each Friday as
PRIVLIST.* from 1:163/307.


Rebuttal to an Anonymous Critic

A Non-Anonymous Reply on Policy Draft Differences
Ken Tuley, 1:374/98

Having openly asked for comments and suggestions in every
echomail and netmail contact in which I have discussed ideas for
future Policy, I was a little disappointed to see the level of
disinformation included in the article in FNEWSA12 by an
anonymous "analyst".  Hopefully, those who went on to read the
draft itself could see through the smoke and mirrors of selective
quoting and recombination of statements, but I feel compelled to
respond for the sake of clarity.  Also for clarity, I have taken
the liberty of replacing references to the draft with its name as
distributed [DRAFT008].

>                             [DRAFT008]                    4.1C
> NC,RC selection         not specific, each net       Democratic
>                         has its own method           elections
>                                                      one sysop
>                                                      vote. Term
>                         No term                      two years

These are specifically designated as being determined by local
policies developed by the SYSOPS of those nets/regions.

> (Policy 4.1C requires a 2/3 majority of the Zone Coordinators
> elect an Internation Coordinator. [DRAFT008] requires just a
> majority of the ZCs and give control of the election to the RCs
> the ZCs can't seem to come up with a winner.)

Given the difficulty 10 zone 1 RCs had deciding on a ZC, it
seemed reasonable to allow a fall-back selection process that
involved a larger voting pool.  The difference between "majority"
and "2/3" is a single person.

> Replacement of          By RC,ZC regardless       20% below can
call > NC,RC                   of sysops                 a sysop
>                         wishes.                   to

The interesting distinction here is that 4.1c continues to make
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 16                    29 Mar 1993

the RC responsible for the NCs (and ZC for RCs), but provides no
authority to act.  DRAFT008 provides for the TEMPORARY
replacement of an RC or NC sho is not performing his duties only
until the local policy can be invoked to select a replacement.
The *C is obligated to support the wishes of the majority of
sysops in the affected net/region.

> The Policy 4.1C proposal gives SYSOPS the authority to recall
> replace coordinators whom they  feel are not performing.

What about the *C above who is responsible for his actions??

> [DRAFT008] on the other hand, gives unlimited authority to the
> to replace an NC, and unlimited authority to the ZC to replace
> RC.

Not unlimited...  The RC may remove an NC for failure to perform
the duties listed in Fidonet Policy and HAVE THE NET MEMBERSHIP
SELECT A REPLACEMENT.  The same applies to the ZC for an RC.

 Under [DRAFT008], all 2000 sysops in a Region could object to
removal of their RC, yet the ZC would still have the authority to

> Local policies

> The 4.1C proposal keeps a unified Fidonet under one basic set
> guidelines. It also provides for the implementation of local
> policies provided that they are not more RESTRICTIVE than 4.1C
> itself.

This is essentially the same in both drafts, except that DRAFT008
gives an example of one thing that might "ordinarily" be in a
local policy.

> [DRAFT008] allows for local definition of what should be
> Like what "excessively annoying" is.)

Wrong!  DRAFT008 refers to "Fidonet Policy" for the definition of
excessively annoying.  It simply requires that applicants for
node numbers familiarize themselves with applicable local
policies as well.

> Points                Access can be refused          no change
>                                                      existing

Since any sysop may refuse access to any user, neither of these
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 17                    29 Mar 1993

is a change from existing policy.  DRAFT008 simply reinforces the
fact than running a mailer as a point does not automatically
grant you access to all systems.

> Excommunications       Notice to next level           no change
>                        required                       existing

No argument here.  I would expect most excommunications to be
appealed, so I believe it reasonable to notify the *C above if
you have done so.  It just prevents surprises.

> Policy Ratification    Can be selectively          Whole
>                        changed by section.         must be

> (Fidonet has always adopted entire policy documents, not
> by section. The reasons why are even stated in current policy.

The reason stated is "to simplify the process".  I think the
sysops of Fidonet are capable of dealing with sectional
amendments, and allowing them helps to focus attention on the
specific changes offered.  Besides, "always" is a misdirected
term, since provisions for adoption of new policies didn't even
exist prior to the current policy.

> (A significant change in 4.1C over current policy is that it
> the level of approval of policy referendums DOWN a notch to the
> level. [DRAFT008] still gives complete control over policy
> referendums to the RCs)

I have already stated in public discussions that I would support
addition of a threshold for NCs to trigger a referendum, but the
4.1c proposal of 5% is absurd (that's 29 NCs at the present
time).  There are more nets than that in the state of Florida
alone!  Something like 50% of the RCs 'or' 20% of the NCs would
be more reasonable (IMO).

> How local policy comes into existence is not specified in
> [DRAFT008], yet the *C structure is required to abide by it
> judging "excessively annoying".

I don't know where this came from.  The *C structure is required
to abide by local policies in recognizing the *C selected under
it, but the section on resolution of disputes that talks about
excessively annoying behavior makes no reference to local

> [DRAFT008] introduces more uncertainty into Fidonet as there
can be
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 18                    29 Mar 1993

> as many "policies" on a local level as there are
> and they may CONFLICT with each other.
Granted, but they may not conflict with any policy above them.
This is already the case.  Some nets have policies on cost
recovery, outbound netmail routing, hub responsibilities and
other procedures that vary from one net to another.  I don't see
this as a problem.

The biggest difference between DRAFT008 and 4.1c is in where the
responsibility lies to make the democratic process work.
DRAFT008 puts it in the hands of the local sysops through
encouragement of local policies consistent with Fidonet Policy.
4.1c puts it in the hands of the IC to develop some unknown
future procedure for accomplishing its goals.


The TRULY democratic policy proposal revealed
By Glen Johnson 1:2605/269

If you all read the 'anonymous' article in last week's Snooze,
then this really needs no introduction.

This is Fidonet Policy Draft version 4.1c, submitted to the
RCs for consideration of referendum on January 17, 1993.

This document is the one that opened the floodgates and caused
a bunch of other "policies" to be drafted. 4.1c is the standard
against which others are being compared. I urge you all to read
it, and when you do, you'll understand why it has such strong
support around the world. It is the first, and only, proposal
that puts Fidonet squarely in hands of the sysops, where it
belongs. One sysop, one vote.

Significant contributions were made to this policy by Howie Ducat,
NC 278; yours truly, NC 2605; Rich Wood, NEC 278; Bob Moravsik,
1:2606/583; and Ron Dwight, ZC2. And many other folks.

Yes Virginia, democracy IS a popular idea ....

FidoNet Policy Document       Version 4.1c     January 17, 1993


1. *C's elected by sysops for two year terms, except IC which is
appointed (or removed) by 2/3 ZC's.  There is a replacement
election procedure added (recall), impeachment removed.  THIS IS
2. Election rules issued by IC
3. Fidonews address changed
4. Updated to agree with present practice.
5. Appeal of ZC decision now ONLY to IC.
6. Referendum on policy changes may now be tripped by 5% of NCs
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 19                    29 Mar 1993

7. Examples in section 10 removed.
8. Duplicate statements removed.
9. Minor clean up.

This policy document is being submitted for ratification in
accordance with the provisions of version 4.07.  If ratified it
supersedes version 4.07 passed June 9, 1989

1  Overview

This document establishes the policy for sysops who are members of
the FidoNet organization of electronic mail systems.  FidoNet is
defined  by the NodeList segments issued weekly under the direction
and supervision of the the International Coordinator.

Separate policy documents may be issued at the zone, region, or net
level to provide additional detail on local procedures.
Ordinarily, these lower-level policies may not contradict this
policy.  However, with the approval of the International
Coordinator, local policy can be used to implement differences
required due to local conditions.  These local policies may not
place additional restrictions on members of FidoNet beyond those
included in this document, other than enforcement of local mail

1.0  Language

The official language of FidoNet is English.  All documents must
exist in English.  Translation into other languages is encouraged.

1.1  Introduction

FidoNet is an amateur electronic mail system.  As such, all of its
participants and operators are unpaid volunteers.  From its early
beginning as a few friends swapping messages back and forth (1984),
it now (1993) includes over 20,000 systems on six continents.

FidoNet is not a common carrier or a value-added service network
and is a public network only in as much as the independent,
constituent nodes may individually provide public access to the
network on their system.

FidoNet is large enough that it would quickly fall apart of its own
weight unless some sort of structure and control were imposed on
it.  Multi-net operation provides the structure. Decentralized
management provides the control.  This document describes the
procedures which have been developed to manage the network.

1.2  Organization

FidoNet systems are grouped on several levels, and administration
is decentralized to correspond with these groupings.  This overview
provides a summary of the structure; specific duties of the
coordinator positions are given later in the document.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 20                    29 Mar 1993

1.2.1  Individual Systems and System Operators

The smallest subdivision of FidoNet is the individual system,
corresponding to a single entry in the nodelist.  The system
operator (Fidonet Sysop) formulates a policy for running the board
and dealing with users.  The sysop must mesh with the rest of the
FidoNet system to send and receive mail, and the local policy must
be consistent with other levels of FidoNet.  Users

The sysop is responsible for the actions of any user when they
affect the rest of FidoNet.  (If a user is annoying, the sysop is
annoying.)  Any traffic entering FidoNet via a given node, if not
from the sysop, is considered to be from a user and is the
responsibility of the sysop.  (See section 2.1.3.)  Points

A point is a FidoNet-compatible system that is not in the nodelist,
but communicates with FidoNet through a node referred to as a
bossnode.  A point is generally regarded in the same manner as a
user, for example, the bossnode is responsible for mail from the
point.  (See section 2.1.3.)  Points are addressed by using the
bossnode's nodelist address; for example, a point system with a
bossnode of 114/15 might be known as 114/15.12.  Mail destined for
the point is sent to the bossnode, which then routes it to the

In supporting points, the bossnode may make use of a private net
number  which should not be generally visible outside of the
bossnode-point relationship. Unfortunately, should the point call
another system directly (to do a file request, for example), the
private network number will appear as the caller's address.  In
this way, points are different from users, since they operate
FidoNet-compatible mailers which are capable of contacting systems
other than the bossnode.

1.2.3  Networks and Network Coordinators

A network is a collection of nodes in a local geographic area,
usually defined by an area of convenient telephone calling.
Networks coordinate their mail activity to decrease cost.
The Network Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the list of
nodes for the network, and for forwarding netmail sent to members
of the network from other FidoNet nodes.  The Network Coordinator
may make arrangements to handle outgoing netmail, but is not
required to do so.

The Network Coordinator is elected by a majority of votes cast by
Fidonet Sysops in a Net, and serves a term of two years.  Network Routing Hubs

FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 21                    29 Mar 1993

Network Routing Hubs exist only in some networks.  They may be
appointed by the Network Coordinator, in order to assist in the
management of a large network.  The exact duties and procedures are
a matter for the Network Coordinator and the hubs to arrange, and
will not be discussed here, except that a network coordinator
cannot delegate responsibility to mediate disputes.

1.2.4  Regions and Regional Coordinators

A region is a well-defined geographic area containing nodes which
may or may not be combined into networks.  A typical region will
contain many nodes in networks, and a few independent nodes which
are not a part of any network.

The Regional Coordinator maintains the list of independent nodes
in the region and accepts nodelists from the Network Coordinators
in the region. These are compiled to create a regional nodelist,
which is then sent to the Zone Coordinator.  A Regional Coordinator
does not perform message-forwarding services for any nodes in the

The Regional Coordinator is elected by a majority of votes cast by
the Fidonet Sysops in the Region, and serves a term of two years.

1.2.5  Zones and Zone Coordinators

A Zone is a large geographic area containing many regions, covering
one or more countries and/or continents.

The Zone Coordinator compiles the nodelists from all of the regions
in the zone, and creates the master nodelist and difference file,
which is then distributed over FidoNet in the zone.  A Zone
Coordinator does not perform message-forwarding services for any
nodes in the zone.

Zone Coordinators are elected by a majority of votes cast by the
Fidonet Sysop in the Zone.  They serve a term of two years.

1.2.6  Zone Coordinator Council

In certain cases, the Zone Coordinators work as a council to
provide advice to the International Coordinator.  The arrangement
is similar to that between a president and advisors.  In
particular, this council considers inter-zonal issues.  This
includes, but is not limited to: working out the details of
nodelist production, mediating inter-zonal disputes, and such
issues not addressed at a lower level of FidoNet.

1.2.7  International Coordinator

The International Coordinator coordinates the joint production of
the master nodelist by the Zone Coordinators.

The International Coordinator acts as the chair of the Zone
Coordinator Council and as the overseer of elections -- arranging
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 22                    29 Mar 1993

the announcement of referenda, the collection and counting of the
ballots, and announcing the results for those issues that affect
FidoNet as a whole.

The International Coordinator is selected (or removed) by a two
thirds majority of the Zone Coordinators, and serves a term of two

1.2.8  Top-down Organization.  Checks and Balances.

These levels act to distribute the administration and control of
FidoNet to the lowest possible level, while still allowing for
coordinated action over the entire mail system.  Administration is
made possible by operating in a top-down manner.  That is, a person
at any given level is responsible to the level above, and
responsible for the level below.

For example, a Regional Coordinator is responsible to the Zone
Coordinator for anything that happens in the region.  From the
point of view of the Zone Coordinator, the Regional Coordinator is
completely responsible for the smooth operation of the region.
Likewise, from the point of view of the Regional Coordinator, the
Network Coordinator is completely responsible for the smooth
operation of the network.

Understanding that there may be rare occassions where a coordinator
may need to be replaced, a replacement election may be held upon
petition of 20% of the number of individuals on one level lower.
Only TWO such elections may be held during the term of a
coordinator.  In the event such an election results in a
replacement coordinator, the replacement coordinator shall serve
out the remainder of the term without being subject to a
replacement election.  (Choose your candidates wisely).

Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to allow a replacement
coordinator to violate this policy.

1.2.9 Election Procedures

The International Coordinator shall issue such reasonable rules and
regulations to carry out the elections required herein, provided
however, no sysop shall be prevented from running for any elected
position .

1.3  Definitions

1.3.1  FidoNews

FidoNews is a weekly newsletter distributed in electronic form
throughout the network.  It is an important medium by which FidoNet
sysops communicate with each other.  FidoNews provides a sense of
being a community of people with common interests.  Accordingly,
sysops and users are encouraged to contribute to FidoNews.
Contributions are submitted to node 1:1/23; a file describing the
format to be used is available from 1:1/23 and many other systems.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 23                    29 Mar 1993

1.3.2  Geography

Each level of FidoNet is geographically contained by the level
immediately above it.  A given geographic location is covered by
one zone and one region within that zone, and is either in one
network or not in a network.  There are never two zones, two
regions, or two networks which cover the same geographic area.

If a node is in the area of a network, it should be listed in that
network, not as an independent in the region.  (The primary
exception to this is a node receiving inordinate amounts of host-
routed mail; see section 4.2). Network boundaries are based on
calling areas as defined by the local telephone company.  Even in
the case of areas where node density is so great that more than one
network is needed to serve one local calling area, a geographic
guideline is used to decide which nodes belong to what network.
Network membership is based on geographic or other purely technical
rationale.  It is not based on personal or social factors.

There are cases in which the local calling areas lead to situations
where logic dictates that a node physically in one FidoNet Region
should be assigned to another.  In those cases, with the agreement
of the Regional Coordinators and Zone Coordinator involved,
exemptions may be granted.  Such exemptions are described in
section 5.6.

1.3.3  Zone Mail Hour

Zone Mail Hour (ZMH) is a defined time during which all nodes in
a zone are required to be able to accept netmail.  Each Fidonet
zone defines a ZMH and publishes the time of its ZMH to all other
Fidonet zones.  See sections 2.1.8 and 10.2.

Zone Mail Hour has previously been referred to as National Mail
Hour and Network Mail hour.  The term Zone Mail Hour is more

1.3.4  Nodelist

The nodelist is a file updated weekly which contains the addresses
of all recognized FidoNet nodes.  This file is currently made
available by the Zone Coordinator not later than Zone Mail Hour
each Saturday, and is available electronically for download or file
request at no charge.  To be included in the nodelist, a system
must meet the requirements defined by this document. No other
requirements may be imposed.

Partial nodelists (single-zone, for example) may be made available
at different levels in FidoNet.  The full list, produced under the
direction and supervision of the International Coordinator is
regarded as the official FidoNet nodelist, and is used in
circumstances such as determination of eligibility for voting.  All
parts that make up the full nodelist are available on each Zone
Coordinator's and each Regional Coordinator's system.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 24                    29 Mar 1993

1.3.5  Excessively Annoying Behavior

There are references throughout this policy to "excessively
annoying behavior", especially in section 9 (Resolution of
Disputes).  It is difficult to define this term, as it is based
upon the judgement of the coordinator structure.  Generally
speaking, annoying behavior irritates, bothers, or causes harm to
some other person.  It is not necessary to break a law to be

There is a distinction between excessively annoying behavior and
(simply) annoying behavior.  For example, there is a learning curve
that each new sysop must climb, both in the technical issues of how
to set up the software and the social issues of how to interact
with FidoNet.  It is a rare sysop who, at some point in this
journey, does not manage to annoy others.  Only when such behavior
persists, after being pointed out to the sysop, does it becomes
excessively annoying.  This does not imply that it is not possible
to be excessively annoying without repetition (for example,
deliberate falsification of mail would likely be excessively
annoying on the very first try), but simply illustrates that a
certain amount of tolerance is extended.

1.3.6  Commercial Use

FidoNet is an amateur network.  Participants spend their own time
and money to make it work for the good of all the users.  It is not
appropriate for a commercial enterprise to take advantage of these
volunteer efforts to further their own business interests.  On the
other  hand, FidoNet provides a convenient and effective means for
companies and users to exchange information, to the mutual benefit
of all.

Network Coordinators could be forced to subsidize commercial
operations by forwarding host-routed netmail, and could even find
themselves involved in a lawsuit if any guarantee was suggested for
mail delivery.  It is therefore FidoNet policy that commercial mail
is not to be routed.  "Commercial mail" includes mail which
furthers specific business interests without being of benefit to
the net as a whole.  Examples include company-internal mail, inter-
corporate mail, specific product inquiries (price quotes, for
instance), orders and their follow-ups, and  all other subjects
specifically related to business.

2  Sysop Procedures

2.1  General

2.1.1  The Basics

As the sysop of an individual node, you can generally do as you
please, as long as you observe mail events, are not excessively
annoying to other nodes in FidoNet, and do not promote or
participate in the distribution of pirated copyrighted software or
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 25                    29 Mar 1993

other illegal behavior via FidoNet.

2.1.2  Familiarity with Policy

In order to understand the meaning of "excessively annoying", it
is incumbent upon all sysops to occasionally re-read FidoNet
policy.  New sysops must familiarize themselves with policy before
requesting a node number.

2.1.3  Responsible for All Traffic Entering FidoNet Via the Node

The sysop listed in the nodelist entry is responsible for all
traffic entering FidoNet via that system.  This includes (but is
not limited to) traffic entered by users, points, and any other
networks for which the system might act as a gateway.  If a sysop
allows "outside" messages to enter FidoNet via the system, the
gateway system must be clearly identified by FidoNet node number
as the point of origin of that message, and it must act as a
gateway in the reverse direction.  Should such traffic result in
a violation of Policy, the sysop must rectify the situation.

2.1.4  Encryption and Review of Mail

FidoNet is an amateur system.  Our technology is such that the
privacy of messages cannot be guaranteed.  As a sysop, you have the
right to review traffic flowing through your system, if for no
other reason than to ensure that the system is not being used for
illegal or commercial purposes. Encryption obviously makes this
review impossible.  Therefore, encrypted and/or commercial traffic
that is routed without the express permission of all the links in
the delivery system constitutes annoying behavior.  See section
1.3.6 for a definition of commercial traffic.

2.1.5  No Alteration of Routed Mail

You may not modify, other than as required for routing or other
technical purposes, any message, netmail or echomail, passing
through the system from one FidoNet node to another.  If you are
offended by the content of a message, the procedure described in
section 2.1.7 must be used.

2.1.6  Private Netmail

The word "private" should be used with great care, especially with
users of a BBS.  Some countries have laws which deal with "private
mail", and it should be made clear that the word "private" does not
imply that no person other than the recipient can read messages.
Sysops who cannot provide this distinction should consider not
offering users the option of "private mail".

If a user sends a "private message", the user has no control over
the number of intermediate systems through which that message is
routed.  A sysop who sends a message to another sysop can control
this aspect by sending the message direct to the recipient's
system, thus guaranteeing that only the recipient or another
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 26                    29 Mar 1993

individual to whom that sysop has given authorization can read the
message.  Thus, a sysop may have different expectations than a
casual user.  No Disclosure of in-transit mail

Disclosing or in any way using information contained in private
netmail traffic not addressed to you or written by you is
considered annoying behavior, unless the traffic has been released
by the author or the recipient as a part of a formal policy
complaint.  This does not apply to echomail which is by definition
a broadcast medium, and where private mail is often used to keep
a sysop-only area restricted.  Private mail addressed to you

The issue of private mail which is addressed to you is more
difficult than the in-transit question treated in the previous
section.  A common legal opinion holds that when you receive a
message it becomes your property and you have a legal right to do
with it what you wish.  Your legal right does not excuse you from
annoying others.

In general, sensitive material should not be sent using FidoNet.
This ideal is often compromised, as FidoNet is our primary mode of
communication.  In general, if the sender of a message specifically
requests in the text of the message that the contents be kept
confidential, release of the message into a public forum may be
considered annoying.

There are exceptions.  If someone is saying one thing in public and
saying the opposite in private mail, the recipient of the private
mail should not be subjected to harassment simply because the
sender requests that the message not be released.  Judgement and
common sense should be used in this area as in all other aspects
of FidoNet behavior.

2.1.7  Not Routing Mail

You are not required to route traffic if you have not agreed to do
so.  You are not obligated to route traffic for all if you route
it for any, unless you hold a Network Coordinator or Hub
Coordinator position.  Routing traffic through a node not obligated
to perform routing without the permission of that node may be
annoying behavior.  This includes unsolicited echomail.

If you do not forward a message when you previously agreed to
perform such routing, the message must be returned to the sysop of
the node at which it entered FidoNet with an explanation of why it
was not forwarded.  (It is not necessary to return messages which
are addressed to a node which is not in the current nodelist.)
Intentionally stopping an in-transit message without following this
procedure constitutes annoying behavior.  In the case of a failure
to forward traffic due to a technical problem, it does not become
annoying unless it persists after being pointed out to the sysop.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 27                    29 Mar 1993

2.1.8  Exclusivity of Zone Mail Hour

Zone Mail Hour is the heart of FidoNet, as this is when network
mail is passed between systems.  Any system which wishes to be a
part of FidoNet must be able to receive mail during this time using
the protocol defined in the current FidoNet Technical Standards
Committee publication (FTS-0001 at this writing).  It is
permissible to have greater capability (for example, to support
additional protocols or extended mail hours), but the minimum
requirement is FTS-0001 capability during this one hour of the day.

This time is exclusively reserved for netmail.  Many phone systems
charge on a per-call basis, regardless of whether a connect, no
connect, or busy signal is encountered.  For this reason, any
activity other than normal network mail processing that ties up a
system during ZMH is considered annoying behavior. Echomail should
not be transferred during ZMH.  User (BBS) access to a system is
prohibited during ZMH.

A system which is a member of a local network may also be required
to observe additional mail events, as defined by the Network
Coordinator.  Access restrictions during local network periods are
left to the discretion of the Network Coordinator.

2.1.9  Private Nodes

The rare exception to ZMH compliance is private nodes.  Persons
requesting private nodes should be supported as points if possible.
A private listing is justified when the system must interface with
many others, such as an echomail distributor.  In these cases, the
exact manner and timing of mail delivery is arranged between the
private node and other systems.  Such an agreement between a
private system and a hub is not binding on any replacement for that
hub.  A private node must be a part of a network (they cannot be
independents in the region.)

Private listings impact each member of FidoNet, since they take up
space in everyone's nodelist.  Private listings which are for the
convenience of one sysop (at the expense of every other sysop in
FidoNet) are a luxury which is no longer possible.  Non-essential
redundant listings (more than one listing for the same telephone
number, except as mandated by FTSC standards) also fall into this
category.  Sysops requesting private or redundant listings must
justify them with a statement explaining how they benefit the local
net or FidoNet as a whole.  The Network, Regional or Zone
Coordinator Coordinator may review this statement at any time and
listings which are not justified will be removed.

2.1.10  Observing Mail Events

Failure to observe the proper mail events is grounds for any node
to be dropped from FidoNet without notice (since notice is
generally given by netmail).

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2.1.11  Use of Current Nodelist

Network mail systems generally operate unattended, and place calls
at odd hours of the night.  If a system tries to call an incorrect
or out-of-date number, it could cause some poor citizen's phone to
ring in the wee hours of the morning, much to the annoyance of
innocent bystanders and civil authorities.  For this reason, a
sysop who sends mail is obligated to obtain and use the most recent
edition of the nodelist as is practical.

2.1.12  Excommunication

A system which has been dropped from the network is said to be
excommunicated (i.e. denied communication).  If you find that you
have been excommunicated without warning, your coordinator was
unable to contact you.  You should rectify the problem and contact
your coordinator.

Systems may also be dropped from the nodelist for cause.  See
section 9, and sections 4.3 and 5.2.

It is considered annoying behavior to assist a system which was
excommunicated in circumventing that removal from the nodelist.
For example, if you decide to provide an echomail feed to your
friend who has been excommunicated, it is likely that your listing
will also be removed.

2.1.13  Timing of Zone Mail Hour

The exact timing of Zone Mail Hour for each zone is set by the Zone
Coordinator.  See section 10.2.

2.1.14  Non-observance of Daylight Savings Time

FidoNet does not observe daylight savings time.  In areas which
observe daylight savings time the FidoNet mail schedules must be
adjusted in the same direction as the clock change.  Alternatively,
you can simply leave your system on standard time.

2.2  How to obtain a node number

You must first obtain a current nodelist so that you can send mail.
You do not need a node number to send mail, but you must have one
in order for others to send mail to you.

The first step in obtaining a current nodelist is to locate a
FidoNet node.  Most bulletin board lists include at least a few
FidoNet systems,  and usually identify them as such.  Use a local
source to obtain
documents because many networks have detailed information available
which explains the coverage area of the network and any special
requirements or procedures.

Once you have a nodelist, you must determine which network or
region covers your area.   Networks are more restricted in area
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 29                    29 Mar 1993

than regions, but  are preferred since they improve the flow of
mail and provide more  services to their members.  If you cannot
find a network which covers your  area, then pick the region which

Once you have located the network or region in your area, send a
message containing a request for a node number to node zero of that
network or region.  The request must be sent by netmail, as this
indicates that your system has FidoNet capability.

You must set up your software so that the from-address in your
message does not cause problems for the coordinator who receives
it.  If you pick the address of an existing system, this will cause
obvious problems.  If your software is capable of using address
-1/-1, this is the traditional address used by potential sysops.
Otherwise use net/9999 (e.g. if you are applying to net 123, set
your system up as 123/9999).  Many nets have specific instructions
available to potential sysops and these procedures may indicate a
preference for the from-address.

The message you send must include at least the following

      1) Your name.
      2) Your voice telephone number
      3) The name of your system.
      4) The city and state where your system is located.
      5) The phone number to be used when calling your system.
      6) Your hours of operation, netmail and BBS.
      7) The maximum baud rate you can support.
      8) The type of mailer software and modem you are using.

Your coordinator may contact you for additional information.  All
information submitted will be kept confidential and will not be
supplied to anyone except the person who assumes the coordinator
position at the resignation of the current coordinator.  You must
indicate that you have read, and agree to abide by, this document
and all the current policies of FidoNet.

Please allow at least two weeks for a node number request to be
processed. If you send your request to a Regional Coordinator, it
may forwarded to the appropriate Network Coordinator.

2.3  If You are Going Down

If your node will be down for an extended period (more than a day
or two), inform your coordinator as soon as possible.  It is not
your coordinator's responsibility to chase you down for a status
report, and if your system stops accepting mail it will be removed
from the nodelist.

Never put an answering machine or any other device which answers
the phone on your phone line while you are down.  If you do,
calling systems will get the machine repeatedly, racking up large
phone bills, which is very annoying.  In short, the only thing
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 30                    29 Mar 1993

which should ever answer the telephone during periods when the
nodelist indicates that your node will accept mail is FidoNet-
compatible software which accepts mail.

If you will be leaving your system unattended for an extended
period of time (such as while you are on vacation), you should
notify your coordinator. Systems have a tendency to "crash" now and
then, so you will probably want your coordinator to know that it
is a temporary condition if it happens while you are away.

2.4  How to Form a Network

If there are several nodes in your area, but no network, a new
network can be formed.  This has advantages to both you and to the
rest of FidoNet.  You receive better availability of nodelist
difference files and FidoNews, and everyone else can take advantage
of host-routing netmail to the new network.

The first step is to contact the other sysops in your area.  You
must decide which nodes will comprise the network, and which of
those nodes you would like to be the Network Coordinator.  Then
consult your Regional Coordinator. You must send the following

1) The region number(s), or network number(s) if a network is
splitting up, that are affected by the formation of your network.
The Regional Coordinator will inform the Zone Coordinator and the
coordinators of any affected networks that a new network is in

2) A copy of the proposed network's nodelist segment.  This file
should be attached to the message of application for a network
number, and should use the nodelist format described in the current
version of the appropriate FTSC publication.  Please elect a name
that relates to your  grouping, for example SoCalNet for nodes in
the Southern California Area and MassNet West for the Western
Massachusetts Area.  Remember if you  call yourself DOGNET it
doesn't identify your area.

Granting a network number is not automatic.  Even if the request
is granted, the network might not be structured exactly as you
request.  Your Regional Coordinator will review your application
and inform you of the decision.

Do not send a network number request to the Zone Coordinator.  All
network number requests must be processed by the Regional

3  General Procedures for All Coordinators

3.1  Make Available Difference Files and FidoNews

Any Coordinator is responsible for obtaining and making available,
on a weekly basis, nodelist difference files and FidoNews.

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3.2  Processing Nodelist Changes and Passing Them Upstream

Each coordinator is responsible for obtaining nodelist information
from the level below, processing it, and passing the results to the
level above.  The timing of this process is determined by the
requirements imposed by the level above.

3.3  Ensure the Latest Policy is Available

A Coordinator is responsible to make the current version of this
document available to the level below, and to encourage familiarity
with it.

In addition, a coordinator is required to forward any local
policies received to the level above, and to review such policies.
Although not required, common courtesy dictates that when
formulating a local policy, the participation of the level above
should be solicited.

3.4  Minimize the Number of Hats Worn

Coordinators are encouraged to limit the number of FidoNet
functions they perform.  A coordinator who holds two different
positions compromises the appeal process.  For example, if the
Network Coordinator is also the Regional Coordinator, sysops in
that network are denied one level of appeal.

Coordinators are discouraged from acting as echomail and software
distribution hubs.  If they do so, they should handle echomail (or
other volume distribution) on a system other than the
administrative system.  A coordinator's system should be readily
available to the levels immediately above and below.

Another reason to discourage multiple hats is the difficulty of
replacing services if someone leaves the network.  For example, if
a coordinator is the echomail hub and the software-distribution
hub, those services will be difficult to restore when that person

3.5  Be a Member of the Area Administered

A coordinator must be a member of the area administered. That is,
a Network Coordinator must be a member of that network by virtue
of geography.  A Regional Coordinator must be either a member of
a network in the region, or an independent in the region.

3.6  Encourage New Sysops to Enter FidoNet

A coordinator is encouraged to operate a public bulletin board
system which is freely available for the purpose of distributing
Policy, FidoNews, and Nodelists to potential new sysops.
Dissemination of this information to persons who are potential
FidoNet sysops is important to the growth of FidoNet, and
coordinators should encourage development of new systems.

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3.7  Tradition and Precedent

A coordinator is not bound by the practices of predecessor or peers
beyond the scope of this document.

In addition, a new coordinator has the right to review any decision
made by predecessors for compliance with Policy, and take whatever
actions may be necessary to rectify any situations not in

3.8  Technical Management

The primary responsibility of any coordinator is technical
management of network operations.  Decisions must be made on
technical grounds.

4  Network Coordinator Procedures

4.1  Responsibilities

A Network Coordinator has the following responsibilities:

1) To receive incoming mail for nodes in the network, and arrange
delivery to its recipients.

2) To assign node numbers to nodes in the network.

3) To maintain the nodelist for the network, and to send a copy of
it to the Regional Coordinator whenever it changes.

4) To make available to nodes in the network new nodelist
difference files, new issues of FidoNews, and new revisions of
Network Policy Documents as they are received, and to periodically
check to insure that  nodes use up to date nodelists.

4.2  Routing Inbound Mail

It is your responsibility as Network Coordinator to coordinate the
receipt and forwarding of host-routed inbound netmail for nodes in
your network.  The best way to accomplish this is left to your

If a node in your network is receiving large volumes of mail you
can request that the sysop contact the systems which are sending
this mail and request that they not host-route it.  If the problem
persists, you can request your Regional Coordinator to assign the
node a number as an independent and drop the system from your

Occasionally a node will make a "bombing run" (sending one message
to a great many nodes).  If a node in another network is making
bombing runs on your nodes and routing them through your inbound
host, then you can complain to the network coordinator of the
offending node.  (If the node is an independent, complain to the
regional coordinator.)  Bombing runs are considered to be annoying.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 33                    29 Mar 1993

Another source of routing overload is echomail.  Echomail cannot
be allowed to degrade the ability of FidoNet to handle normal
message traffic.  If a node in your network is routing large
volumes of echomail, you can ask the sysop to either limit the
amount of echomail or to stop routing echomail.

You are not required to forward encrypted, commercial, or illegal
mail. However, you must follow the procedures described in section
2.1.7 if you do not forward the mail.

4.3  Assigning Node Numbers

It is your responsibility to assign node numbers to new nodes in
your network.  You may also change the numbers of existing nodes
in your network, though you should check with your member nodes
before doing so.  You may assign any numbers you wish, so long as
each node has a unique number within your network.

You must not assign a node number to any system until you have
received a formal request from that system by FidoNet mail.  This
will ensure that the system is minimally operational.  The strict
maintenance of this policy has been one of the great strengths of

It is also recommended, though not required, that you call a board
which is applying for a node number before assigning it a node

You may not assign a node number to a node in an area covered by
an existing network.  Further, if you have nodes in an area covered
by a network in formation, those nodes must be transferred to the
new network.

You should use network mail to inform a new sysop of the node
number, as this helps to insure that the system is capable of
receiving network mail.

If a node in your network is acting in a sufficiently annoying
manner, then you can take whatever action you deem fit, according
to the circumstances of the case.

4.4  Maintaining the Nodelist

You should implement name changes, phone number changes, and so
forth in your segment of the nodelist as soon as possible after the
information is received from the affected node.  You should also
on occasion send a message to every node in your network to ensure
that they are operational.  If a node turns out to be "off the air"
with no prior warning, you can either mark the node down or remove
it from the nodelist.  (Nodes are to be marked DOWN for a maximum
of two weeks, after which the line should be removed from the

At your discretion, you may distribute a portion of this workload
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 34                    29 Mar 1993

to routing hubs.  In this case, you should receive the nodelists
from the Hub Coordinators within your network.  You will need to
maintain a set of nodelists for each hub within your network, since
you cannot count on getting an update from each Hub Coordinator
every week.  You should assemble a master nodelist for your network
every week and send it to your Regional Coordinator by the day and
time designated.  It is suggested that you do this as late as is
practical, so as to accommodate any late changes, balanced with the
risk of missing the connection with your Regional Coordinator and
thus losing a week.

4.5  Making Available Policies, Nodelists and FidoNews

As a Network Coordinator you should obtain a new issue of FidoNews
and a new nodelist difference file every week from your Regional
Coordinator.  The nodelist difference file is currently made
available each Saturday, and FidoNews is published each Monday.
You must make these files available to all nodes in the network,
and you are encouraged to make them available to the general public
for download.

You should also obtain the most recent versions of the Policy
documents that bind the members of your network, and make those
available to the nodes in your network.  Policies are released at
sporadic intervals, so you should also inform the nodes in your
network when such events occur, and ensure the nodes are generally
familiar with the changes.

Policy, FidoNews, and the nodelist are the glue that holds us
together. Without them, we would cease to be a community, and
become just another random collection of bulletin boards.

5  Regional Coordinator Procedures

5.1  Responsibilities

A Regional Coordinator has the following responsibilities:

1) To assign node numbers to independent nodes in the region.

2) To encourage independent nodes in the region to join existing
net works, or to form new networks.

3) To assign network numbers to networks in the region and define
their boundaries.

4) To compile a nodelist of all of the networks and independents
in the region, and to send a copy of it to the Zone Coordinator
whenever it changes.

5) To ensure the smooth operation of networks within the region.

6) To make new nodelist difference files, Policies, and issues of
FidoNews available to the Network Coordinators in the region as
soon as  is practical.
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5.2  Assigning Node Numbers

It is your responsibility to assign node numbers to independent
nodes in your region. You may also change the numbers of existing
nodes in your region, though you should check with the respective
nodes before doing so.  You may assign any numbers you wish, so
long as each node has a unique number within your region.

You should not assign a node number to any system until you have
received a formal request from that system by FidoNet mail.  This
will ensure that the system is minimally operational.  The strict
maintenance of this policy has been one of the great strengths of

It is also recommended, though not required, that you call a board
which is applying for a node number before assigning it a node

You should use network mail to inform a new sysop of the node
number, as this helps to insure that the system is capable of
receiving network mail.

If a node in your region is acting in a sufficiently annoying
manner, then you can take whatever action you deem fit, according
to the circumstances of the case.

If you receive a node number request from outside your region, you
must forward it to the most local coordinator for the requestor as
you can determine.  If you receive a node number request from a new
node that is in an area covered by an existing network, then you
must forward the request to the Coordinator of that network instead
of assigning a number yourself.

If a network forms in an area for which you have independent nodes,
those nodes will be transferred to the local network as soon as is

5.3  Encouraging the Formation and Growth of Networks

One of your main duties as a Regional Coordinator is to promote the
growth of networks in your region.

You should avoid having independent nodes in your region which are
within the coverage area of a network.  There are, however, certain
cases where a node should not be a member of a network, such as a
system with a large amount of inbound netmail; see section 4.2.

If several independent nodes in your region are in a local area you
should encourage them to form a network, and if necessary you may
require them to form a network.  Refer to section 2.4.  Note that
this is not intended to encourage the formation of trivial
networks.  Obviously, one node does not make a network.  The exact
number of nodes required for an effective network must be judged
according to the circumstances of the situation, and is left to
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 36                    29 Mar 1993

your discretion.

5.4  Assigning Network Numbers

It is your responsibility to assign network numbers to new networks
forming within your region.  You are assigned a pool of network
numbers to use for this purpose by your Zone Coordinator.  As a
part of this function, it is the responsibility of the Regional
Coordinator to define the boundaries of the networks in the region.

5.5  Maintaining the Nodelist

As a Regional Coordinator, you have a dual role in maintaining the
nodelist for your region.

First, you must maintain the list of independent nodes in your
region.  You should attempt to implement name changes, phone number
changes, and so forth in this nodelist as soon as possible.  You
should also on occasion send a message to every independent node
in your region to ensure that they are operational.  If a node
turns out to be "off the air" with no prior warning, you can either
mark the node down or remove it from the nodelist.  (Nodes are to
marked DOWN for a maximum of two weeks, after which the line should
be removed from the nodelist.)

Second, you must receive the nodelists from the Network
Coordinators within your region.  You will need to maintain a set
of nodelists for each network within your region, since you cannot
count on getting an update from each Network Coordinator every
week.  You should assemble a master nodelist for your region every
week and send it to your Zone Coordinator by the day and time
designated.  It is suggested that you do this as late as practical,
so as to accommodate late changes, balanced with the risk of
missing the connection with your Zone Coordinator and thus losing
a week.

5.6  Geographic Exemptions

There are cases where local calling geography does not follow
FidoNet regions.  In exceptional cases, exemptions to normal
geographic guidelines are agreed upon by the Regional Coordinators
and Zone Coordinator involved.  Such an exemption is not a right,
and is not permanent.  When a network is formed in the proper
region that would provide local calling access to the exempted
node, it is no longer exempt.  An exemption may be reviewed and
revoked at any time by any of the coordinators involved.

5.7  Overseeing Network Operations

It is your responsibility as Regional Coordinator to ensure that
the networks within your region are operating in an acceptable
manner.  This does not mean that you are required to operate those
networks; that is the responsibility of the Network Coordinators.

If a network grows so large that it cannot reasonably accommodate
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 37                    29 Mar 1993

traffic flow during the Zone Mail Hour, the Regional Coordinator
can suggest that the nodes consider the creation of one or more new
networks from that network.

It is your obligation as Regional Coordinator to maintain direct
and reasonably frequent contact with the networks in your region.
The exact method of accomplishing this is left to your discretion.

5.8  Making Available Nodelists, Policies, and FidoNews

As a Regional Coordinator, it is your responsibility to obtain the
latest nodelist difference file, network policies, and the latest
issues of FidoNews as they are published, and to make them
available to the Network Coordinators within your region.  The
nodelist is posted weekly on Saturday by the Zone Coordinator, and
FidoNews is published weekly on Monday by node 1:1/23.  Contact
them for more details on how to obtain the latest copies each week.

It is your responsibility to make these available to all Network
Coordinators in your region as soon as is practical after you
receive them.  The method of distribution is left to your
discretion.  You are not required to distribute them to any
independent nodes in your region, though you may if you wish.  You
are encouraged to make all these documents available for
downloading by the general public.

6  Zone Coordinator Procedures

6.1  General

A Zone Coordinator for FidoNet has the primary task of maintaining
the nodelist for the Zone, sharing it with the other Zone
Coordinators, and ensuring the distribution of the master nodelist
(or difference file) to the Regions in the Zone.  The Zone
Coordinator is also responsible for coordinating the distribution
of Network Policy documents and FidoNews to the Regional
Coordinators in the zone.

The Zone Coordinator is responsible for the maintenance of the
nodelist for the administrative region.  The Administrative Region
has the same number as the zone, and consists of nodes assigned for
administrative purposes not related to the sending and receiving
of normal network mail.

A Zone Coordinator is charged with the task of ensuring the smooth
operation of the Zone, which is done by coordinating the activities
of the Regional Coordinators.

The Zone Coordinator defines the geographic boundaries of the
regions within the zone and sets the time for the Zone Mail Hour.

The Zone Coordinator is responsible for reviewing and approving any
geographic exemptions as described in section 5.6.

The Zone Coordinator is responsible for insuring the smooth
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 38                    29 Mar 1993

operation of gates between that zone and all other zones for the
transfer of interzonal mail.

7  International Coordinator Procedures

7.1  General

The International Coordinator has the primary task of coordinating
the creation of the master nodelist by managing the distribution
between the Zones of the Zone nodelists.  The International
Coordinator is responsible for definition of new zones and for
negotiation of agreements for communication with other networks.
("Other network" in this context means other networks with which
FidoNet communicates as peer-to-peer, not "network" in the sense
of the FidoNet organizational level.)

The International Coordinator is also responsible for coordinating
the distribution of Network Policies and FidoNews to the Zone

The International Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the
activities of the Zone Coordinator Council.  The International
Coordinator acts as the spokesman for the Zone Coordinator Council.

In cases not specifically covered by this document, the
International Coordinator may issue specific interpretations or
extensions to this policy.  The Zone Coordinator Council may
reverse such rulings by a majority vote.

8  Referenda

The procedures described in this section are used to ratify a new
version of FidoNet policy, which is the mechanism by which policy
is changed.

8.1  Initiation

A referendum on policy modification is invoked when 5% of the Net
Coordinators as determined from the first nodelist of a calender
year, petition the International Coordinator that they wish to
consider a proposed new version of Policy.  Net Coordinators of
Networks formed after the first nodelist of the year may be

8.2  Announcement and Results Notification

Proposed changes to Policy are distributed using the same structure
which is used to distribute nodelist difference files and FidoNews.
Results and announcements related to the referendum are distributed
by the coordinator structure as a part of the weekly nodelist
difference file.  The International Coordinator provides copies to
the editor of FidoNews for inclusion there, although the official
announcement and voting dates are tied to nodelist distributions.

If it is adopted, the International Coordinator sets the effective
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 39                    29 Mar 1993

date for a new policy through announcement in the weekly nodelist
difference file.  The effective date will be not more than one
month after the close of balloting.

8.3  Eligibility to Vote

Each individual FidoNet Sysop is entitled to one vote.  (One
person, one vote.)

8.4  Voting Mechanism

The actual voting mechanism, including whether the ballot is secret
and how the ballots are to be collected, verified, and counted, is
left to the discretion of the International Coordinator.  Ideally,
ballot collection should be by some secure message system,
conducted over FidoNet itself.

In order to provide a discussion period, the announcement of any
ballot must be made at least two weeks before the date of voting
commencement.  The balloting period must be at least two weeks.

8.5  Voting on a whole Policy Document

Given that Policy is intertwined and self referencing, a relatively
simple change may require several alterations of the document.  In
order to simplify the process, balloting is done on choices between
whole documents, rather than individual amendments.  In the
simplest case, this means voting yea or nay to a new document.  If
a number of alternatives are to be considered, they must be
presented as whole documents, from which one is chosen.

8.6  Decision of vote

A Policy amendment is considered in force if, at the end of the
balloting period, it has received a majority of the votes cast.
For example, if there were 350 eligible voters, 100 of which cast
a vote, then at least 51 affirmative votes would be required to
declare the amendment in force.

In the case of multiple policy changes which are considered on the
same ballot, a version must receive more than 50% of the votes cast
to be considered ratified.  "Abstain" is a valid vote in this case,
effectively being a vote for not changing the current policy as it
simply increases the number of votes required to ratify the
proposed change.

9  Resolution of Disputes

9.1  General

The FidoNet judicial philosophy can be summed up in two rules:

      1) Thou shalt not excessively annoy others.

      2) Thou shalt not be too easily annoyed.
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 40                    29 Mar 1993

In other words, there are no hard and fast rules of conduct, but
reasonably polite behavior is expected.  Also, in any dispute both
sides are examined, and action could be taken against either or
both parties. ("Judge not, lest ye be judged!")

The coordinator structure has the responsibility for defining
"excessively annoying".  Like a common definition of pornography
("I can't define it, but I know it when I see it."), a hard and
fast definition of acceptable FidoNet behavior is not possible.
The guidelines in this policy are deliberately vague to provide
the freedom that the coordinator structure requires to respond to
the needs of a growing and changing community.

The first step in any dispute between sysops is for the sysops to
attempt to communicate directly, at least by netmail, preferably
by voice.  Any complaint made that has skipped this most basic
communication step will be rejected.

Filing a formal complaint is not an action which should be taken
lightly. Investigation and response to complaints requires time
which coordinators would prefer to spend doing more constructive
activities.  Persons who persist in filing trivial policy
complaints may find themselves on the wrong side of an excessively-
annoying complaint.  Complaints must be accompanied with verifiable
evidence, generally copies of messages; a simple word-of-mouth
complaint will be dismissed out of hand.

Failure to follow the procedures herein described (in particular,
by skipping a coordinator, or involving a coordinator not in the
appeal chain) is in and of itself annoying behavior.

9.2  Problems with Another Sysop

If you are having problems with another sysop, you should first try
to work it out via netmail or voice conversation with the other

If this fails to resolve the problem, you should complain to your
Network Coordinator and the other sysop's Network Coordinator.  If
one or both of you is not in a network, then complain to the
appropriate Regional Coordinator. Should this fail to provide
satisfaction, you have the right to follow the appeal process
described in section 9.5.

9.3  Problems with your Network Coordinator

If you are having problems with your Network Coordinator and feel
that you are not being treated properly, you are entitled to a
review of your situation.  As with all disputes, the first step is
to communicate directly to attempt to resolve the problem.

The next step is to contact your Regional Coordinator.  If your
case has merit, there are several possible courses of action,
including a change of Network Coordinators or even the disbanding
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 41                    29 Mar 1993

of your network.  If you have been excommunicated by your Network
Coordinator, that judgement may be reversed, at which point you
will be reinstated into your net.

If you fail to obtain relief from your Regional Coordinator, you
have the right to follow the appeal process described in section

9.4  Problems with Other Coordinators

Complaints concerning annoying behavior on the part of any
coordinator are treated as in section 9.2 and should be filed with
the next level of coordinator.  For example, if you feel that your
Regional Coordinator is guilty of annoying behavior (as opposed to
a failure to perform duties as a coordinator) you should file your
complaint with the Zone Coordinator.

Complaints concerning the performance of a coordinator in carrying
out the duties mandated by policy are accepted only from the level
immediately below. For example, complaints concerning the
performance of Regional Coordinators would be accepted from Network
Coordinators and independents in that region. Such complaints
should be addressed to the Zone Coordinator after an appropriate
attempt to work them out by direct communications.

9.5  Appeal Process

A decision made by a coordinator may be appealed to the next level.
Appeals must be made within two weeks of the decision which is
being appealed.  All appeals must follow the chain of command; if
levels are skipped the appeal will be dismissed out of hand.

An appeal will not result in a full investigation, but will be
based upon the documentation supplied by the parties at the lower
level.  For example, an appeal of a Network Coordinator's decision
will be decided by the Regional Coordinator based upon information
provided by the coordinator and the sysop involved; the Regional
Coordinator is not expected to make an independent attempt to
gather information.

The appeal structure is as follows:

Network Coordinator decisions may be appealed to the appropriate
Regional Coordinator.

Regional Coordinator decisions may be appealed to the appropriate
Zone Coordinator.
Zone Coordinator decisions may be appealed to the International

The International Coordinator will make a decision and communicate
it to the Zone Coordinator Council, which may reverse it by
majority vote.

If your problem is with a Zone Coordinator per se, that is, a Zone
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 42                    29 Mar 1993

Coordinator has committed a Policy violation against you, your
complaint should be filed with the International Coordinator, who
will make a decision and submit it to the Zone Coordinator Council
for possible reversal, as described above.

9.6  Statute of Limitations

A complaint may not be filed more than 60 days after the date of
discovery of the source of the infraction, either by admission or
technical evidence. Complaints may not be filed more than 120 days
after the incident unless they involve explicitly illegal behavior.

9.7  Right to a Speedy Decision

A coordinator is required to render a final decision and notify the
parties involved within 30 days of the receipt of the complaint or

9.8  Return to Original Network

Once a policy dispute is resolved, any nodes reinstated on appeal
are returned to the local network or region to which they
geographically or technically belong.

9.9  Echomail

Echomail is an important and powerful force in FidoNet.  For the
purposes of Policy Disputes, echomail is simply a different flavor
of netmail, and is therefore covered by Policy.  By its nature,
echomail places unique technical and social demands on the net over
and above those covered by this version of Policy.  In recognition
of this, an echomail policy which extends (and does not contradict)
general Policy, maintained by the Echomail Coordinators, and
ratified by a process similar to that of this document, is
recognized by the FidoNet Coordinators as a valid structure for
dispute resolution on matters pertaining to echomail.  At some
future date the echomail policy document may be merged with this

10  Appendices

10.1  General

The Appendices of this document are exceptions to the normal
ratification process.  Section 10.2 can be changed by the
appropriate Zone Coordinator.

10.2  Timing of Zone Mail Hour

Zone Mail Hour is observed each day, including weekends and
holidays.  The time is based upon Universal Coordinated Time (UTC),
also known as Greenwich Mean time (GMT).  In areas which observe
Daylight Savings Time during part of the year, the local time of
zone mail hour will change because FidoNet does not observe
Daylight Savings Time. The exact timing of Zone Mail Hour is set
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 43                    29 Mar 1993

for each zone by the Zone Coordinator.

In FidoNet Zone 1, Zone Mail Hour is observed from 0900 to 1000
UTC.  In each of the time zones, this is:

      Eastern Standard Time - 4 AM to 5 AM
      Central Standard Time - 3 AM to 4 AM
      Mountain Standard Time - 2 AM to 3 AM
      Pacific Standard Time - 1 AM to 2 AM
      Hawaii Standard Time - 11 PM to Midnight

In FidoNet Zone 2, Zone Mail Hour is observed from 0230 to 0330

In Fidonet Zone 3, Zone Mail Hour is observed from 1800 to 1900
UTC.  In each of the time Zones involved this is:

GMT +12 Zone                                           6:00 AM to 7:00 AM
(New Zealand)

GMT +10 Zone                                           4:00 AM to 5:00 AM
(East Australia)
(Papua New Guinea)

GMT +9.5 Zone                                          3:30 AM to 4:30 AM
(Central Australia)

GMT +9 Zone                                            3:00 AM to 4:00 AM
(Eastern Indonesia)

GMT +8 Zone                                            2:00 AM to 3:00 AM
(Hong Kong)
(Central Indonesia)
(Western Australia)

GMT +7 Zone                                            1:00 AM to 2:00 AM
(Western Indonesia)

10.3  Credits, acknowledgments, etc.

Fido and FidoNet are registered trademarks of Fido Software, Inc.

-1/-1,  2.3
Additional mail events in local network  2.1.8
Address in message to request node  2.2
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 44                    29 Mar 1993

Administrative Region  6.1
Advantages to network membership  2.2
Alteration of mail  2.1.5
Answering machine  2.3
Announcement of voting results 8.2
Annoying behavior  1.3.5, 1.4.8, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4, 2.1.6, 2.1.7,
2.1.8, 2.1.11, 2.3, 4.2, 4.3, 5.2, 9, 10
Appeal chain  9.5
Availability of NodeList  1.3.4
Balloting Period  8.4
Bombing run  4.2
Boundaries  1.3.2
Business use of FidoNet  1.3.6
Calling areas  1.3.2, 5.6, 5.7
Chain of command  1.2.8
Changing node numbers  4.3, 5.2
Checks and balances  1.2.8
Commercial messages  1.3.6, 2.1.4, 4.2
Complaint (policy), 9
Contributions to FidoNews  1.3.1
Current nodelist  2.1.11
Daylight Savings Time  2.1.14
Difference file  4.5, 5.8, 8.2
Disclosing private mail  2.1.6
Discussion period  8.2
Disputes  9
Distribution of ballots  8.2
Down  2.3, 4.4, 5.5
Downloading by users  3.6, 4.5, 5.8
EchoMail  4.2, 9.9
Effective date (policy change)  8.2
Election of coordinators  1.2
Eligibility to vote  8.3
Encryption  2.1.4, 4.2
Exceptions  5.6
Excessively annoying behavior, 1.3.5, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4,
2.1.6, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, 2.1.11, 2.3, 4.2, 4.3, 5.2, 9, 10
Exclusivity of Zone Mail Hour  2.1.8
Excommunication  2.1.12, 4.3, 5.2, 9
Exemptions, node location  1.3.2, 5.6
Familiarity with policy  2.1.2, 2.2
FidoNews  1.3.1
      availability 3.1, 4.5, 5.8
FTSC  2.1.8, 2.1.9, 2.4
Gateway  2.1.3
Geography  1.3.2, 5.6
Glue  4.5
Guarantee of mail delivery  1.3.6
Hats  3.4
Host-routed mail  4.2
How to obtain a node number  2.2
Hub, 4.4
Illegal behavior  2.1.1, 9.6
Illegal mail  4.2
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 45                    29 Mar 1993

In-transit mail
Independent node  4.2, 5.2
Inter-zonal questions  1.2.6
International Coordinator  1.4.1, 1.4.9, 7
Justification of private nodes  2.1.9
Language  1.0
Levels of FidoNet  1.2, 1.4
Local calling areas  1.3.2
Local policies  1.2, 3.3
Mail  1.2.3, 4.2
Mailer  2.2
Majority  8.6,
Member of area administrated  3.5
Modem  2.2
Modification of mail  2.1.5
National Mail Hour  see Zone Mail Hour
      advantages 2.2
      boundaries 1.3.2, 5.4
      definition 1.2.3
      forming 2.4, 5.3
      hub, 4.4
      numbers 2.2, 5.4
Network Coordinator  1.2.3
      procedures 4
Network Mail Hour  see Zone Mail Hour
New sysops  2.1.2, 3.6
Node numbers  4.3, 5.2
      obtaining  2.2
Nodelist  1.3.4, 2.2, 4.4, 5.5
      availability 3.1, 4.5, 5.8
      changes 4.4, 5.2
      current 2.1.11
      definition 1.3.4
      official 1.3.4
      definition 1.2.1
      down 2.3
Observing mail events  2.1.8, 2.1.10
Obtaining a node number  2.2
Offensive messages  2.1.5
Orders (commercial)  1.3.6
Partial nodelist  1.3.4
Pirated software  2.1.1
Point of origin  2.1.3
Points, 2.1.3
Policy  3.1, 3.3, 4.5, 5.8
      changing 8
      complaint, 9
      familiarity with 2.1.2, 2.2
      local 1.2, 3.3
Precedent  3.7
Private messages  2.1.6
Private network
Private nodes  2.1.9
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 46                    29 Mar 1993

Problem resolution  9
Protocol  2.1.8
Public BBS  3.6
Ratification  7.1
Redundant nodes  2.1.9
Referendum  1.2.7, 8
Regional Coordinator  1.2.4
      procedures 5
Regions  1.2.4
Replacing services  3.4
Requirements to be in NodeList  1.3.4, 2.1.2, 2.2
Resolution of disputes  9
Results Announcement  8.2
Review of decisions  3.7
Review of routed traffic  2.1.4
Routing  2.1.4 - 2.1.7, 4.2
Routing Hub, 4.4
Rules  9.1
Speedy decision  9.7
Standards (FTSC)  2.1.8, 2.4
Statute of limitations  9.6
Submissions to FidoNews  1.3.1
Sysop procedures  2
System operator (sysop)  1.2.1
Three-tiered networks
Time limit on decision  9.7
Timing of Zone Mail Hour  2.1.13, 2.1.14, 10.2
Top-down  1.4.9
Tradition  3.7
Trivial network  5.3
Unattended systems  2.3
Updates to nodelist  3.2
User access during ZMH  2.1.8
Vacation  2.3
Voice telephone number  2.2
Vote  8
      eligibility 8.3
ZMH see Zone Mail Hour
Zone Coordinator  1.2.5, 6
      procedures 6
Zone Coordinator Council  1.2.6, 7.1
Zone Mail Hour  1.3.3, 2.1.8
      timing 2.1.13, 2.1.14, 10.2
Zones  1.2.5, 1.3.2


                          Fidonews Information

FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 47                    29 Mar 1993


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello,
                             Tom Jennings

IMPORTANT NOTE: The FidoNet address of the FidoNews BBS has been
changed!!! Please make a note of this.

"FidoNews" BBS
    FidoNet  1:1/23                     <---- NEW ADDRESS!!!!
    BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14200/V.32bis/HST(DS)
 Internet addresses:
    Don & Sylvia    (submission address)

    Sylvia -- max@exlibris.tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca
    Donald -- donald@exlibris.tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca
    Tim    -- pozar@kumr.lns.com

(Postal Service mailing address) (have extreme patience)
    172 Duke St. E.
    Kitchener, Ontario
    N2H 1A7

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
copyright 1993 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication and/or
distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in
other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or FidoNews
(we're easy).

OBTAINING COPIES: The-most-recent-issue-ONLY of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Fido Software for $10.00US each
PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)

BACK ISSUES: Available from FidoNet nodes 1:102/138, 1:216/21,
1:125/1212, (and probably others), via filerequest or download
(consult a recent nodelist for phone numbers).

A very nice index to the Tables of Contents to all FidoNews volumes
can be filerequested from 1:396/1 or 1:216/21. The name(s) to request
FidoNews 10-13                 Page: 48                    29 Mar 1993

are FNEWSxTC.ZIP, where 'x' is the volume number; 1=1984, 2=1985...
through 8=1991.

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.ieee.org, in
directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews. If you have questions regarding
FidoNet, please direct them to deitch@gisatl.fidonet.org, not the
FidoNews BBS. (Be kind and patient; David Deitch is generously
volunteering to handle FidoNet/Internet questions.)

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, Box 77731, San Francisco CA 94107, USA and
are used with permission.

    Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
    M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END