F I D O N E W S --       Volume 14, Number  1          6 January 1997
     |  The newsletter of the     |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
     |    FidoNet community       |   "FidoNews"                            |
     |          _                 |        1-904-409-7040    [1:1/23]       |
     |         /  \               |                                         |
     |        /|oo \              |                                         |
     |       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
     |        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
     |       |     | \   \\       |   Editor:                               |
     |       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Christopher Baker  1:18/14       |
     |       |__U__| /  \//       |                                         |
     |        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
     |       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
     |             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
     |                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
     |               Submission address: FidoNews Editor 1:1/23             |
     |  MORE addresses:                                                     |
     |                                                                      |
     |    submissions=> cbaker84@digital.net                                |
     |    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
     |    obtaining copies of FidoNews or the internet gateway FAQ          |
     |    please refer to the end of this file.                             |

                  WHAT AWAITS FIDONET IN 1997?

                        Table of Contents
     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        Volume 14 of FidoNews begins 1997! Volume E!  .............  1
     2. CORRECTIONS  ..............................................  2
        Oopsies in the FidoNet by Internet section last week!  ....  2
     3. ARTICLES  .................................................  3
        Where does FIDO Fit?  .....................................  3
     4. COLUMNS  ..................................................  5
        Fidonet In Europe  ........................................  5
     5. GETTING TECHNICAL  ........................................  6
        FSC-0009 - Nodelist Flag Changes draft  ...................  6
        FSC-0010 - RESYNC SEALink protocol enhancement  ...........  9
        FSC-0011 - Corrections to FTS-0001  ....................... 16
     6. COORDINATORS CORNER  ...................................... 27
        Nodelist-statistics as seen from Zone-2 for day 003  ...... 27
     7. NET HUMOR  ................................................ 28
        Need a new report form for the New Year?  ................. 28
     8. COMIX IN ASCII  ........................................... 31
        Happy Gnu Year?  .......................................... 31
     9. ADVERTISE YOUR FREE SERVICE/EVENT  ........................ 32
        Announcing the CRICKET_ECHO  .............................. 32
        Announcing the WRESTLING_CHAT Echo  ....................... 32
     10. FOR SALE  ................................................ 33
        US Robotics Courier v.everything upgrade  ................. 33
     11. NOTICES  ................................................. 34
     And more!
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 1                    6 Jan 1997


     We have a full Issue for the new year including republishing the
     ARTicle SPECifications for FidoNews submissions in the NOTICES
     section. The only change was the addition of the .INT filetype for
     listing Internet addresses where FidoNet info/ops may be found.

     I discovered quite a few more Internet addresses for FidoNet in
     my surfing last week and got a couple of email contributions to the
     list. Send the info to me anyway you wish [see Masthead] if you want
     your listing in the new section. There were also a couple errors in
     last week's listings. They have been corrected in this Issue.

     There are also some new Canadian contributions to the calendar [Future
     History] section. If you have something for the calendar, send it in.

     The ice has been broken on the .BIO submissions but nothing came in
     for this week's Issue. YooHoo?

     My continued thanks to jim barchuk for running the FidoNews HTML site;
     to Mike Riddle for the flow of .JOK material; Dave Aronson et al for
     the .CMX art in ASCII; and to the ftp sites for carrying the FidoNews
     around the world.

     Let's hope that 1997 will bring us a new International Coordinator, a
     new FidoNet Policy that makes sense for the 21st century, a continued
     spirit of hobby and fun instead of commercial and antagonism, and a
     complete distribution of FidoNews by ALL ZCs/RCs/NCs to their Nodes!

     Anybody know when Chinese New Year begins the Year of the Ox?

     Also be sure to adjust your batch files for the NEW Volume letter of E
     instead of last year's letter of D! [Did you get caught? {grin}]



     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 2                    6 Jan 1997


     The errors were corrected in today's Issue but they were:

        portal.com instead of portal.ca in the R17 homepage;


        missing www. for the WWW Resources page.

     Sorry about that. [sheepish grin]



     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 3                    6 Jan 1997


     Where Does FIDO Fit?
     by Michael Wilson (1:143/370)

     There has been much talk of the shrinking nodelist.  Many commentators
     believe this is a sign of a shirking FIDOnet.  Many also say that FIDO
     is in cometition with the Internet.  With all these tales of woe, we
     must ask where does FIDO fit in the over scheme of world-wide

     FIDO is a hobby.  It consists of a loose federation of sysops, many
     who have BBS systems.  It is apparent that the heyday of independant
     BBS systems located in people's garages, bedrooms and basements is
     gone.  I started my first BBS in 1985.  I have been running this
     current incarnation of THE VILLAGE since 1991.  I used to boast 75-90
     callers per day.  I was forced to get a second phone line to minimize
     busy signals.  I was able to charge for access, and people glady paid.
     Today, however, I am lucky to get fifteen calls per day, and no one
     will charge for access.

     This drop in BBS callers is directly related to the rise of the
     internet.  As more and more people get WEB access, the ANSI world of a
     BBS looses its appeal.  It is difficult to complete against thirty-two
     million color jpegs of Cindy Crawford, and Pamela Lee.  I believe the
     shirnking of the nodelist is directly related to the decreasing number
     of BBS systems.  We must understand that for someone to maintain a
     line in the nodelist, they must dedicate a computer system and phone
     line.  If this "hobby" gets too expensive, then the BBS goes away, and
     the nodelisting goes away.

     Perhaps the nodelist is not the place to look to determine the size of
     FIDO.  When America On-line publishes their numbers, they do not
     publish the quantity of access numbers.  Instead, they publish the
     number of people who regularly interface (through memberships).  We
     really have no idea how large FIDO is from a user stand point, we just
     know how large it is based on access points.

     Also, accessing FIDO is much more difficult than using the Internet.
     If someone wants to use America On-line, MSN, a web browser, or some
     other online service, they simply start the application and dial a
     single number.  No matter where they are, or where they want to go, a
     single access number is all they need to dial.  In FIDO, a user will
     need to dial up systems all over the U.S. or world to get various
     applications, or obtain support for various products.  This is too
     time consuming for the computer user of today.

     I believe FIDO offers a service and has a place today.  The file
     distribution and message distribution are quick and painless.
     However, the Internal, and most email programs are quicker.
     Therefore, I make the following suggestion.  FIDO needs a downloadable
     front-end with address book and look-up capabilities.

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 4                    6 Jan 1997

     We need a program that callers can download, and use to dial into a
     FIDO system to get mail and/or files.  If the callers want the normal
     BBS with its doors and such, they can use any comm program.  However,
     if they want quick, easy and painless FIDO access, they can use the
     FIDO front-end.  This front-end will need to auto-update the nodelist
     on the callers local machine, and allow them to maintain an address
     book of favorite sites.

     If we want the FIDOnet to only be sysops, then the nodelist will
     shrink. However, you will see your nodelist grow if we came up with a
     way to increase callers based on the nodelist.  Give people with
     modems a reason to call FIDO boards, and a quick and easy (maybe even
     Windows!) front-end, and FIDO will grow.  FIDO is not dead, it just
     needs a prettier front door.


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 5                    6 Jan 1997


     FIdonet In Europe
     by Dave Meikle (2:259/25.105)

     Hope you had a Merry Christmas , I did. Lets get down to the Biz :-) I
     have had a Request from Jean Parrot , If I had a list of Fido nodes in
     Germany specificallyaround Lorrach in the Black Forrest because he/she
     would like to talk to a Friend in Blansingen , Can anyone help by
     sending me a Nodelist or sending Jean Parrot it at Jean
     Parrot@1:167/722 .

     --- TerminateMail


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 6                    6 Jan 1997

                             GETTING TECHNICAL

     [This is part of our continuing series of FidoNet Technical Standards
      and Proposals. This Issue contains the next three in numerical order.
      They have been reformatted to the 70 column limit where required and
      are also part of the FidoNet History series.] Ed.


     *Nodelist Flag Changes Draft Document

     The following is a proposed change to the nodelist.  Please  send
     your  comments  to  either  Ken  Kaplan  at 100/22,  Ray Gwinn at
     109/634,  or David Dodell at 114/15.  We will not be replying  to
     all  comments  but wish to get a general feeling from the network
     about this proposed change.

                        Nodelist Flag Draft Document
                         Primary Author: Ray Gwinn
                       Secondary Author: David Dodell
                    Contact 114/15 or 1/0 with comments
                            Version 1 (11-15-87)

     I proposed that the Nodelist (comment) Flags be replaced  with  a
     capabilities identifier.

     After  all,  the  bottom  line  is  that  we  want  to  know  the
     capabilities of the remote node before it is  contacted.  If  the
     remote  is  not capable of performing the desired function,  then
     there is no need to contact it.

     The problem(s) with the existing method  is  that  it  originally
     started  as  a  comment  field  and  was not planed.  At the time
     SEAdog was the only  "extended  protocol"  program  around.  But,
     along  came  Opus  with a different "extended protocol".  I think
     that additional flags like WZ, BR, WR,  etc is only extending the
     previously  unplanned  system  and  will  lead to problems in the
     future.  For example, XP today includes file update requests, but
     XP a year ago did not.  So,  a node using SEAdog V3.xx will  have
     an  XP  flag  but  it  is not capable of doing update requests (I
     think).  Thus,  XP does not really tell you what the remote  node
     is capable of doing.

     The  capabilities  identifier that I propose will do nothing more
     than define the program(s) that  the  remote  node  is  using  to
     accept  incoming  calls/mail/requests.  Some may say that this is
     nothing more than the product code that  already  exists  in  the
     mail  packet.  The  primary  difference  is that the capabilities
     identifier  will  exist  in  the  nodelist.   This  means  it  is
     available  without contacting the remote node,  while the product
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 7                    6 Jan 1997

     code  is  not.   Also  the  product  code  is  limited   to   256

     I  assume that it is desired that the nodelist flags field be two
     non-control  characters.   If  so,   then  I  propose  that   the
     capabilities  identifier  be  a  two digit,  base 36 number.  The
     digits being 0 through  9  and  A  through  Z  and  are  assigned
     sequentially.  For example, Fido may be 01 and Dutchie may be 02.
     Also note that as defined, XP and WZ are valid.  However, I think
     they  should  be  done  away  with,  and  identifiers be assigned
     starting with 00 (00 meaning generic FTSC net mail protocol).

     This number, once converted to binary, can be used by programmers
     as an index into application specific data bases or  tables.  One
     example   is   a  simple  program  that  will  tell  a  user  the
     capabilities of a remote node.  Given the node's address and  the
     nodelist,  the  program  could  search  the  nodelist  to get the
     capabilities  identifier.   Then  the  program  could  use   that
     identifier   as   an  index  into  a  data  base  to  obtain  the
     capabilities of the remote node and display  them  to  the  user.
     Another  example  is  a program that can use the identifier as an
     index into a capabilities  table  that  allows  determination  in
     advance  that  the remote is capable of the desired session prior
     to contacting it.


     First,  all nodes in the  network  are  assigned  a  capabilities
     identifier  of  00.  This  is the capabilities code of a net mail
     program  that  meets  the  basic   requirements   of   the   FTSC
     specification.   Once  again,  the  purpose  of  this  identifier
     (except 00) is to define the program(s) that the node is using to
     process calls/requests/mail.  Also remember that  the  identifier
     reflects  the  mail  handler.  For  example,  TBBS with a BINKLEY
     front end will be identified by its BINKLEY identity.

     The  program  author  (or  project   leader)   will   request   a
     capabilities   identifier   from  the  assigner.   Who  does  the
     assigning is another subject.  Along with the request must  be  a
     written  and detailed description of all enhances features of the
     program.   Remember,  we  are  dealing  with  automated  contacts
     between  nodes.  In  this  context,  the  ability of a program to
     handle 50 simultaneous callers is not an enhanced feature.

     The list of features can be provided to  other  authors  so  that
     they  may  consider  a  compatible  feature.  Note,  that  if the
     description of the enhanced features is not sufficient for  other
     authors  to  add  a  compatible feature,  then the program may be
     assigned the basic 00 capabilities flag.  This little enforcement
     rule  has  the  potential  of  lifting  a  tremendous  burden  of
     documentation  from  the  FTSC.  If  the  committee accepting the
     written definition is programmers, the documentation is likely to
     be understandable.  I think the same committee should assigns new
     capabilities codes (other than those grandfathered).  The ego  of
     the    program   authors   would   probably   insure   sufficient
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 8                    6 Jan 1997

     documentation for a capabilities identifier other than 00.

     After  consideration,   the  FTSC  could  choose  to  adopt   the
     definition  (possibly modified) as a standard.  I feel this gives
     the a creative programmer's new features a way into the  nodelist
     and  the  FTSC  the  ability  to consider enhancements with 20/20
     hindsight.  At the same time,  the  FTSC  must  only  modify  the
     provided  documentation  to  define  a  new  standard  instead of
     starting  from  scratch.  But,  I'm  drifting,  this  is  another

     If a new revision of the same program has additional capabilities
     that  need  to  be defined,  then the author should request a new
     capabilities code.  There should be a policy that only one or two
     revisions back will have individual capabilities identifiers.  If
     revisions more than one or two old are still in use they  can  be
     assigned the basic 00 identifier.

     The program authors should be required to prominently display the
     capabilities  identifier.  This  will  allow  the Sysop to easily
     provide the identifier to his network coordinator  for  inclusion
     in  the  nodelist.  This  a  basically  a  take off of the ringer
     equivalent code that you find in your modem manual.

     As I have defined it, the committee that assigns the capabilities
     identifiers can not  reject  the  new  features.  They  can  only
     reject  the  documentation  of  the  new  features  as  not being
     understandable.  This should keep most developers  happy  because
     no one can tell them not to do something.  It should make the job
     of  the FTSC simpler because they will only accept documentation,
     not create it.  The  ego's  of  the  developers,  anxious  to  be
     identified in the nodelist, should keep the documentation flowing
     to the FTSC.

     As  pointed out by David Dodell,  the same type of identifier can
     be applied to modems.  That is modem 00 can be a 1200 baud  Hayes
     (true) compatible, type 02 can be a USR Courier, etc.

     What I have proposed here solves many problems, but not all.  For
     example,  there  is  no way to tell when the wierd BBS has SEAdog
     running.  So, a CM type flag is still required.

     I  think  that  3  flags  will  take  care  of  everything.   One
     identifies  the  mail handler,  another identifies his modem type
     and a third  should  identify  when  mail/file  requests  can  be

                              The other flags

     The  other  two  flags  would  represent mail reception times and
     modem type.

     For example the flag 00 would represent mail can only be received
     during NMH.  Flag 01 would mean mail could be received 24  hours,
     identical  to  the  meaning of the CM flag now.  Other variations
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 9                    6 Jan 1997

     could be:

        00 National Mail Hour Only for Mail
        01 Continuous Mail 24 hour/day
        02 Continuous Mail 24 hour/day with 24 hr File Request Capability
        03 CM 24 hrs/day, File request all but NMH

     The third flag would represent modem types:

        00 300 baud Bell standard
        01 1200 baud Bell standard
        02 2400 baud
        03 1200 baud w/MNP
        04 2400 baud w/MNP
        05 USR HST Modem
        06 Telebit Trailblazer Modem
        07 Hayes V9600 Modem
        08 Microcom Modem 9600 baud




     RESYNC, a sealink protocol enhancement by Henk Wevers  2/0

     What is resync (recovarable sealink)

     Resync is a protocol enhancement on Sealink by Sea corporation
     that allows the protocol to pickup broken transfers were it was
     interrupted. The coding overhead is very minor because almost all
     routines needed are already part of most sealink implementations.

     As a sideeffect transmissions of exact duplicate files (from whatever
     source) will only result in the two programs exchanging EOT and thus
     saving a lot of transfertime and costs.

     The protocol

     The capability of doing ackless sealink
     is signalled by the SENDER by having
     byte  41 (1 based) in block 0 of a sealink file transfer being <> 0.
     Recovery is signalled in the sameway by byte 42 <> 0.

     Recoverable sealink starts off like normal (unrecoverable sealink).
     After the receiver has received block zero without errors the
     receiver checks for a duplicate filename in its incoming file
     directory. When a match is found the time and datestamp are checked
     and when they match the resync procedure is started otherwise`
     the transfer goes on like normal.

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 10                   6 Jan 1997

     Recovery procedure:


     The receiver sends the following block to the

     <sync> <blocknumber> <eot> <crclow> <crchigh>

     sync = $22
     blocknumber: ascii , number of block to resume with, 1 based
     eot = $03
     crc as usual

     The reason this form is choosen is that it is the same block as used
     for passing the filename in sealink based filerequests so the code
     was already there.

     now the receiver waits ontil the line dies (looks for a 1 sec pause)
     then sends $05 and waits for ACK or NAK from the sender. If nak is
     received the recovery procedure is restarted . After a given number
     of failed tries the session is aborted.

     After an ACK the receiver 'seeks' at the given
     block and resumes sealink transfer.


     The sender has the capability to recognize returning ACK, NAK and
     SYNC. When a SYNC is received the sender stops all output, purges its
     outputbuffers and tries to get the resyncinfo.
     (some smart programming to allow an unintended sync caused by
     linenoise may make the protocol more stable. You may also test for
     ack/nack directly after the SYNC because the ascvii blocknumer
     garantees that a received ack/nak probably means a spurious sync. ).
     As soon as the blocknumber is received the sender acks and resume
     the sealink transfer at the given block.


     This only works if the receiver closes a partly recived file
     properly, gives it the right name and sets the right time/date.
     In the current dutchie 2.80 implementation it also
     only works for files, not for mailpackets, but that is only a
     question of implementation and choise.


     Currently only dutchie 2.80 implements this enhancement. testing
     has shown that the protocol is very stable and works well.
     Some code in turbo pascal follows to help those who want to
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 11                   6 Jan 1997

     implement it.

     1. The code used for transferring the wanted restart blocknumber
        to the sender. In real implementations this code will be shared
        by the filerequest stuff.

       function resyncok(blknum:integer):boolean;

      blockstring : string[5];
      n            : Integer;

       tries := 0;
         tries := tries +1;
         if ((not Comm_Carrier(Comport)) or keyescape or ( tries >=8)) then
           If not Comm_Carrier(Comport) then Logit(3,1,'Lost Carrier') else
           If (tries>=8) then Logit(3,1,'Too much errors') else
           Logit(3,1,'Keyboard <esc>');
           dumerr := fileerr;
           resyncok := false;
         For n:= 1 to length(blockstring) do
         {wait for a 1 sec pause}
         {Wait until line dies}
           Ch := timed_read(ComPort, 10);
         Until (Ch = $FFFF);
         ch := timed_read(Comport,20);
       until (ch=ACK);
       resyncok := true;

     2. part of sender ack/nack logic to handshake
        above code
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 12                   6 Jan 1997

     function getsyncblock(var c:integer):Boolean;
     var t1 : real;
         ch : integer;
         temp : string64;
         label 100;

       ReqName := '';
       getsyncblock := false;
       t1 := timerset(50);
         ch := timed_read(comport,0);
         if ((ch > $1F) and (ch <$7F)) then ReqName := ReqName + Chr(ch);
         if ((ch = ack) or (ch = nak)) then
           c:= ch;
           goto 100;
         if not comm_carrier(Comport) then goto 100;
       until ((ch = $03) or timeup(t1));
       CrcLo := Timed_Read(Comport,10);
       CrcHi := Timed_Read(Comport,10);
       For n := 1 to length(ReqName) do UpdatCrc(ord(reqName[n]));
       {now wait for enquiry (must be within 5 secs)}
       t1 := timerset(50);
         ch := timed_read(comport,50);
       until ((ch = $05) or timeup(t1));

       If ((Lo(CrcAccum) = CrcLo) and (Hi(CrcAccum) = CrcHi)) then
         getsyncblock :=true;
         Writeln('           Bad Checksum');

       Procedure AckChk;
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 13                   6 Jan 1997

         {  The Various ACK/NAK states are:
         0:   Ground state, ACK or NAK expected
         1:   ACK received
         2:   NAK received
         3:   ACK, bloknumber received
         4:   NAK, bloknumber received

         c : Integer;
         label 100;


         ackrep := false;
         c := timed_read(ComPort,0);
         While c <> $FFFF Do
           If ((Ackst = 3) Or (Ackst = 4)) Then
             Slide := 1;
             If (Rawblk = (c Xor $FF)) Then
               Rawblk := Outblk-((Outblk-Rawblk) And $FF);
               If ((Rawblk >= 0) And (Rawblk <= Outblk) And (Rawblk >
                         (Outblk-128))) Then
                 If (Ackst = 3) Then  {advance for an ACK}
                   If (Ackblk <= Rawblk) Then Ackblk := Rawblk;
                   Slide := SeaWindow;
                   ackseen := ackseen + 1;
                   if (ackless and (ackseen > 10)) then
                     ackless := false;
                     writeln(#13,'- Overdrive disengaged                ');
                   Write(#13, '  ACK ', Rawblk:5, ' == ')
                   If (Rawblk < 0) Then Outblk := 0 Else Outblk := Rawblk;
                   If numnak < 4 then slide := seawindow else slide := 1;
                   Write(#13, '  NAK ', Rawblk:5, ' == ');
                 Ackrep := true;
             Ackst := 5;

             If ((Ackst = 1) Or (Ackst = 2)) Then
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 14                   6 Jan 1997

               Rawblk := c;
               Ackst := Ackst+2

             If (Not(Slide = SeaWindow) Or (Ackst = 0)) Then
               If (c = syn) then
                 Write(#13, '  Resync received                      ',#13);
                 if not getsyncblock(c) then
                    if ((c = ack) or (c=nak)) then goto 100;
                    numnak := 255;
                 ackblk := outblk-1;
                 beginblk := outblk-1;
               If (c = Ack) Then
                 If (Not(Slide = SeaWindow)) Then
                   Ackblk := Ackblk+1;
                   Write(#13, '  ACK ', Ackblk:5, ' -- ');
                   ackrep := true;
                 Ackst := 1;
                 NumNak := 0;
                 If ((c = Crc) Or (c = Nak)) Then
                   If (Chktec > 1) Then
                     If (c = Nak) Then Chktec := 0 Else Chktec := 1;
                     If (Modem Or Modem7) Then Ackblk := 0;
                   If Not(Slide = SeaWindow) Then
                     Outblk := Ackblk+1;
                     Write(#13, '  NAK ', Ackblk+1:5, ' -- ');
                     Ackrep := true;
                   Ackst := 2;
                   NumNak := NumNak+1;
                   If BlkSnt > 0 Then Toterr := Toterr+1;

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 15                   6 Jan 1997

             If (Ackst = 5) Then Ackst := 0;
             c := timed_read(ComPort,0);

     3. part of receiver logic

     {we come here after successfully receiving block zero}

        If Sealink then
          Timestring := Seatime((((Buffer[8]*256.0)+Buffer[7])*256.0+Buffer
          ackless := false;
           If (Buffer[41]  <> 0) then
            writeln('- Overdrive engaged');
            ackless := true;
          If (Buffer[42]  <> 0) then
            writeln('- Recovery enabled');
            recovers := true;
        Assign(Afile, FileDir+filenm);
        If IOResult = 0 Then
          if sealink and recovers then
           {find date/time}
            code := FindFirst(Filedir+filenm);
            If code = 0 Then
              {we have a duplicate ?}
              If file_name = filenm then
                {check timestamp}
                tstring[0] := #4;
                tstring[1] := Chr(dir.time[1]);
                tstring[2] := Chr(dir.time[2]);
                tstring[3] := Chr(dir.date[1]);
                tstring[4] := Chr(dir.date[2]);
                if tstring  = timestring then
                  Blknum :=Trunc(file_size/128)+1;
                  startblk := blknum-1;
                  LogIt(3,1, 'Resynced from '+blkstring);
                  if resyncok(blknum) then
                    resyncflag := true;
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 16                   6 Jan 1997

                    sealinkrx := false;
                    goto 150;
          if not resyncflag then
            if not overwrite then
              filenm[1] := '$';
              LogIt(3,1, 'Renamed to '+filenm);
            else Logit(3,1,'Overwrote old file !');

     (IN C)



     FSC-0011   by Bob Hartman

     These are some thoughts that I had on FSC001 after implementing things
     in BinkleyTerm.  The state tables I show I believe reflect a little
     bit more of reality than the older tables.  I think that BT
     corresponds to 99% of the stuff that I wrote, and it can talk to
     everything that is out there.  The biggest thing is to be able to
     trick everyone currently in existance into doing what they do best
     without killing someone that can't do all the fancy stuff (ie Fido
     11w).  Let me know if I can be of any help deciphering any of it.  I
     think it is pretty straightforward.  I would prefer if it was not
     published in FSC001 (since that really should not change, except
     perhaps for typos and the EOT stuff mentioned below), but this can be
     an addendum (I'll write something a bit more involved if you want) to
     be given to developers so that they can be most efficient in transfers
     with other systems.  I just put all this stuff in, and looking at the
     time (3:33am) I may have goofed in some places.  Let me know if you
     see anything that looks fishy.  Let me know if you want me to go any
     further with this (I probably will anyway, simply as an example of the
     type of documentation on features that I think would be acceptable in
     the future).

     This is the current state table for sending mail:
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 17                   6 Jan 1997

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         | St  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S0  | SendInit |                         | dial modem
         | S1  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S1  | WaitCxD  | 1 carrier detected      | delay 1-5 seconds
         | S2  |
         |     |          | 2 busy, etc.            | report no connection
         | exit|
         |     |          | 3 voice                 | report no carrier
         | exit|
         |     |          | 4 carrier not detected  | report no connection
         | exit|
         |     |          |   within 60 seconds     |
         |     | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S2  | WhackCRs | 1 over 30 seconds       | report no response
         <cr> | exit|
         |     |          | 2 ?? <cr>s received     | delay 1 sec
         | S3  |
         |     |          | 3 <cr>s not received    | send <cr> <sp> <cr>
         <sp>| S2  |
         |     |          |                         |   delay ??? secs
         |     | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S3  | WaitClear| 1 no input for 0.5 secs | send TSYNCH = AEH
         | S4  |
         |     |          | 2 over 60 seconds       | hang up, report
         garbage | exit|
         |     |          |   and line not clear    |
         |     | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S4* | SendMail |                         | (XMODEM send packet
         XS0)| S5  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+----------
         | S5  | CheckMail| 1 XMODEM successful     | (Fido registers
         success)| S6  |
         |     |          | 2 XMODEM fail or timeout| hang up, report mail
         bad| exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------
         | S6* | SendFiles|                         | (BATCH send files
         BS0)  | S7  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------
         | S7  | CheckFile| 1 BATCH send successful |
         | S8  |
         |     |          | 2 BATCH send failed     | hang up, rept files
         fail| exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+----------
         | S8  | TryPickup| 1 wish to pickup        | note send ok
         | R2* |
         |     |          | 2 no desire to pickup   | delay 5 secs
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 18                   6 Jan 1997

         | exit|
         |     |          |                         |   hang up, rept send
         ok |     | `-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------

     This note is mentioned:

         Although  the  above  shows  the  sender  emitting only one
         TSYNCH,  it  is recommended  that a timeout of 5-20 seconds should
         initiate another TSYNCH.  The receiver should tolerate multiple

     The correct state table should be:

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         | St  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S0  | SendInit |                         | dial modem
         | S1  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S1  | WaitCxD  | 1 carrier detected      | delay 1-5 seconds
         | S2  |
         |     |          | 2 busy, etc.            | report no connection
         | exit|
         |     |          | 3 voice                 | report no carrier
         | exit|
         |     |          | 4 carrier not detected  | report no connection
         | exit|
         |     |          |   within 60 seconds     |
         |     | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S2  | WhackCRs | 1 over 30 seconds       | report no response
         <cr> | exit|
         |     |          | 2 ?? <cr>s received     | delay 1 sec
         | S3  |
         |     |          | 3 <cr>s not received    | send <cr> <sp> <cr>
         <sp>| S2  |
         |     |          |                         |   delay ??? secs
         |     | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | S3  | WaitClear| 1 no input for 0.5 secs | send TSYNCH = AEH
         | S4  |
         |     |          | 2 over 60 seconds       | hang up, report
         garbage | exit|
         |     |          |   and line not clear    |
         |     | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | S4* | TSyncChk | 1 'C' or NAK (peeked at)|
         (XMODEM send packet XS1)| S5  |
         |     |          | 2 over 2 seconds        | eat noise, resend
         TSync | S4  |
         |     |          | 3 over 30 seconds       | hang up report not
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 19                   6 Jan 1997

         Fido | exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+---------
         | S5  | CheckMail| 1 XMODEM successful     | (Fido registers
         success)| S6  |
         |     |          | 2 XMODEM fail or timeout| hang up, report mail
         bad| exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------
         | S6* | SendFiles|                         | (BATCH send files
         BS0)  | S7  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------
         | S7  | CheckFile| 1 BATCH send successful |
         | S8  |
         |     |          | 2 BATCH send failed     | hang up, rept files
         fail| exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+----------
         | S8  | TryPickup| 1 wish to pickup        | note send ok
         | R2* |
         |     |          | 2 no desire to pickup   | delay 5 secs
         | exit|
         |     |          |                         |   hang up, rept send
         ok |     | `-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------

     In state S4, the phrase "peeked at" means that the character is not
     removed from the buffer.  Therefore when XS1 is started the proper
     character for beginning the Xmodem transfer will be detected.  Notice
     also that XS1 is a change from the XS0 that is given in the original.
     XS0 is for doing Telink, not Xmodem.  Since the first part (the mail
     packet) is sent Xmodem, the proper place to enter is XS1 (I think).

     This next is the current table for Xmodem receiving:

         XMODEM/TeLink Receiver

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         | St  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | XR0 | RecStart | 1 prefer crc mode       | Send "C"
         | XR1 |
         |     |          | 2 want checksum mode    | send NAK
         | XR1 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | XR1 | WaitFirst| 1 10 retries or 1 minute|
         report receive failure  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 > 3 retries or 30 secs| set want checksum
         mode  | XR0 |
         |     |          | 3 EOT received          | send ACK, report no
         file| exit|
         |     |          | 4 TeLink block recd     | send ACK, set
         crc/cksm  | XR2 |
         |     |          | 5 data block recd       | send ACK, set
         crc/cksm  | XR2 |
         |     |          | 6 bad block or 2-10 secs| incr retry count
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 20                   6 Jan 1997

         | XR0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | XR2 | WaitBlock| 1 10 retries or 1 minute|
         report receive failure  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 EOT received          | send ACK, report recd
         ok| exit|
         |     |          | 3 data block received   | send ACK
         | XR2 |
         |     |          | 4 bad block or 2-10 secs| send NAK, incr retry
         cnt| XR2 | `-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------

     The following inserts the small fix I mentioned in FTSC about the EOT

         XMODEM/TeLink Receiver

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         | St  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | XR0 | RecStart | 1 prefer crc mode       | Send "C"
         | XR1 |
         |     |          | 2 want checksum mode    | send NAK
         | XR1 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | XR1 | WaitFirst| 1 10 retries or 1 minute|
         report receive failure  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 > 3 retries or 30 secs| set want checksum
         mode  | XR0 |
         |     |          | 3 EOT received          | delay 1 sec, purge
         input| exit|
         |     |          |                         | send ACK, report no
         file|     |
         |     |          | 4 TeLink block recd     | send ACK, set
         crc/cksm  | XR2 |
         |     |          | 5 data block recd       | send ACK, set
         crc/cksm  | XR2 |
         |     |          | 6 bad block or 2-10 secs| incr retry count
         | XR0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | XR2 | WaitBlock| 1 10 retries or 1 minute|
         report receive failure  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 EOT received          | delay 1 sec, purge
         input| exit|
         |     |          |                         | send ACK, report recd
         ok|     |
         |     |          | 3 data block received   | send ACK
         | XR2 |
         |     |          | 4 bad block or 2-10 secs| send NAK, incr retry
         cnt| XR2 | `-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------

     As I mentioned in the FTSC conference, the delay to eat characters is
     needed in order to purge the extra EOT's that some software sends out.
     The delay can be shorter than 1 second (in practice 2/10ths seems to
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 21                   6 Jan 1997

     work well), but 1 sec fit nicely in the little box.

     This is the current Modem7 filename sender:

         MODEM7 Filename Sender

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         |  St | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | MS0 | WaitNak  | 1 20 retries or 1 minute| filename send failed
         | exit|
         |     |          | 2 NAK received          | send ACK & 1st ch of
         fn | MS1 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------
         | MS1 | WaitChAck| 1 ACK rcd, fname done   | send SUB = 1AH
         | MS2 |
         |     |          | 2 ACK rcd, fname ~done  | send next ch of fname
         | MS1 |
         |     |          | 3 other char or 1 sec   | send "u", incr retry
         cnt| MS0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------
         | MS2 | WaitCksm | 1 cksum recd and ok     | send ACK, report fn
         ok  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 cksum recd but bad    | send "u", incr retry
         cnt| MS0 |
         |     |          | 3 no cksum in 1 sec     | send "u", incr retry
         cnt| MS0 | `-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------

     The drawbacks of this one are that it does not take into account the
     possibility of a SEAdog at the other end (or other software) that does
     not wish to do Modem7 filename transfer.  The other end will send a
     "C" instead of the usual NAK, and that should be accounted for:

         MODEM7 Filename Sender

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         |  St | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | MS0 | WaitNak  | 1 20 retries or 1 minute| filename send failed
         | exit|
         |     |          | 2 NAK received          | send ACK & 1st ch of
         fn | MS1 |
         |     |          | 3 C received            | return fn skipped
         | exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | MS1 | WaitChAck| 1 ACK rcd, fname done   | send SUB = 1AH
         | MS2 |
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 22                   6 Jan 1997

         |     |          | 2 ACK rcd, fname ~done  | send next ch of fname
         | MS1 |
         |     |          | 3 other char or 1 sec   | send "u", incr retry
         cnt| MS0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------
         | MS2 | WaitCksm | 1 cksum recd and ok     | send ACK, report fn
         ok  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 cksum recd but bad    | send "u", incr retry
         cnt| MS0 |
         |     |          | 3 no cksum in 1 sec     | send "u", incr retry
         cnt| MS0 | `-----+----------+-------------------------+-----------

     If a C is received, it should trigger that the other end does not wish
     to do a Modem7 filename transfer.  Since the data in a Telink header
     block (as well as SEAlink header block) makes the Modem7 filename
     redundant, the sender can return a good filename and slip into Telink
     send with no problem.  Substituting SEAlink send for Telink send is
     also a viable possibility.

     Currently this is the state machine for Modem7 receiver:

         MODEM7 Filename Receiver

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         |  St | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | MR0 | SendNak  | 1 20 tries or 1 minute  |
         report filename failure | exit|
         |     |          | 2                       | send NAK, incr try
         cnt  | MR1 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+---------
         | MR1 | WaitAck  | 1 rcd ACK               |
         | MR2 |
         |     |          | 2 rcd EOT               | report no files
         remain  | exit|
         |     |          | 3 5 secs & no ACK/EOT   |
         | MR0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | MR2 | WaitChar | 1 recd EOT (can happen?)|
         report no files remain  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 recd SUB              | send checksum byte
         | MR3 |
         |     |          | 3 recd "u"              |
         | MR0 |
         |     |          | 4 recd char of name     | send ACK
         | MR2 |
         |     |          | 5 no char in 1 second   |
         | MR0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | MR3 | WaitOkCk | 1 recd ACK within 1 sec |
         report recd filename ok | exit|
         |     |          | 2 recd "u" or other char|
         | MR0 | `-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 23                   6 Jan 1997

     To get rid of the necessity for the Modem7 filename, do the following:

         MODEM7 Filename Receiver

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         |  St | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | MR0 | SendC    | 1 5 tries               | cannot skip, must do
         it | MR0b|
         |     |          | 2                       | send C  , incr try
         cnt  | MR0a| |-----+----------+-------------------------+---------
         | MR0a| WaitSkip | 1 SOH or SYN peeked at  | return fname skipped
         | exit|
         |     |          | 2 1 second passes       |
         | MR0 |
         |     |          | 3 other char received   | eat character
         | MR0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | MR0b| SendNak  | 1 20 tries or 1 minute  |
         report filename failure | exit|
         |     |          | 2                       | send NAK, incr try
         cnt  | MR1 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+---------
         | MR1 | WaitAck  | 1 rcd ACK               |
         | MR2 |
         |     |          | 2 rcd EOT               | report no files
         remain  | exit|
         |     |          | 3 5 secs & no ACK/EOT   |
         | MR0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | MR2 | WaitChar | 1 recd EOT (can happen?)|
         report no files remain  | exit|
         |     |          | 2 recd SUB              | send checksum byte
         | MR3 |
         |     |          | 3 recd "u"              |
         | MR0 |
         |     |          | 4 recd char of name     | send ACK
         | MR2 |
         |     |          | 5 no char in 1 second   |
         | MR0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         -----------+-----| | MR3 | WaitOkCk | 1 recd ACK within 1 sec |
         report recd filename ok | exit|
         |     |          | 2 recd "u" or other char|
         | MR0 | `-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------

     This allows the filename receiver to notice that he has triggered the
     other system into skipping the Modem7 filename stuff.  Once that
     happens, as in the Modem7 sender, the filename can be done away with
     and simple Telink or SEAlink transfer can commence.  Note that once
     again, the byte received is peeked at, so that it can remain in the
     buffer to start the Telink/SEAlink transfer.  Returning fname skipped,
     rather than fname ok signals the other states not to send an
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 24                   6 Jan 1997

     originating NAK (see below):

         BATCH File Receiver

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         | St  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | BR0*| RecvName |                         | (MODEM7 FName recv
         MR0) | BR1 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+---------
         | BR1 | CheckFNm | 1 MODEM7 no more files  | report files recd ok
         | exit|
         |     |          | 2 MODEM7 Filename ok    | (TeLink recv file
         XR0)  | BR2 |
         |     |          | 3 MODEM7 Filename skip  | (TeLink recv file
         XR1)  | BR2 |
         |     |          | 4 MODEM7 Filename bad   | report name recv bad
         | exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | BR2 | CheckFile| 1 TeLink recv ok        |
         | BR0 |
         |     |          | 2 TeLink recv bad       | report file recv bad
         | exit| `-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------

     Now, the sender must also have a slight adjustment:

         BATCH File Sender

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         | St  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | BS0*| MoreFiles| 1 more files to send    | (MODEM7 FName send
         MS0) | BS1 |
         |     |          | 2 no more files to send |
         | BS3 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | BS1 | CheckFNm | 1 MODEM7 Filename ok    | (TeLink send file
         XS0)  | BS2 |
         |     |          | 2 MODEM7 Filename skip  | (Telink send file
         XS0a) | BS2 |
         |     |          | 3 MODEM7 Filename bad   | report name send bad
         | exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | BS2 | CheckFile| 1 TeLink send ok        |
         | BS0 |
         |     |          | 2 TeLink send bad       | report file send bad
         | exit| |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 25                   6 Jan 1997

         -----------+-----| | BS3 | EndSend  | 1 rec NAK for next file |
         send EOT, report send ok| exit|
         |     |          | 2 10 seconds no NAK     | send EOT, report no
         NAK | exit| `-----+----------+-------------------------+----------

     Here is the modified Xmodem sender:

         XMODEM/TeLink Sender

         |State| State    | Predicate(s)            | Action(s)
     | Next|
         |  #  | Name     |                         |
         | St  | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | XS0a| SendTeLnk|                         | send TeLink, incr
         tries | XS0 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------
         | XS0 | WaitTeLnk| 1 over 40-60 seconds    | report sender timeout
         | exit|
         |     |          | 2 over 2 tries          | note TeLink block
         failed| XS1 |
         |     |          | 3 NAK or "C" received   | send TeLink, incr
         tries | XS0 |
         |     |          | 4 ACK received          | TeLink ok, set
         crc/cksm | XS2 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+-----
         | XS1 | WaitStart| 1 over 40-60 seconds    | report sender timeout
         | exit|
         |     |          | 2 over 20 tries         | report send failed
         | exit|
         |     |          | 3 NAK received          | set checksum mode
         | XS2 |
         |     |          | 4 "C" recd, I can crc   | set crc mode
         | XS2 |
         |     |          | 5 "C" recd, I can't crc |
         | XS1 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | XS2 | SendBlock| 1 more data available   | send next data block
         | XS3 |
         |     |          |                         |   as checksum or crc
         |     |
         |     |          | 2 last block has gone   | send EOT
         | XS4 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | XS3 | WaitACK  | 1 10 retries or 1 minute| report send failed
         | exit|
         |     |          | 2 ACK received          |
         | XS2 |
         |     |          | 3 NAK (or C if 1st blk) | resend last block
         | XS3 | |-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------
         | XS4 | WaitEnd  | 1 10 retries or 1 minute| report send failed
         | exit|
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 26                   6 Jan 1997

         |     |          | 2 ACK received          | report send
         successful  | exit|
         |     |          | 3 NAK received          | resend EOT
         | XS4 | `-----+----------+-------------------------+--------------



     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 27                   6 Jan 1997

                            COORDINATORS CORNER

     Nodelist-statistics as seen from Zone-2 for day 003
     By Ward Dossche, 2:292/854

      |  1 | 10931|10737  -194 |10564  -173 |10452  -112 |10370   -82 |36|
      |  2 | 16185|16150   -35 |16127   -23 |16104   -23 |16056   -48 |55|
      |  3 |   882|  882     0 |  878    -4 |  876    -2 |  869    -7 | 3|
      |  4 |   578|  572    -6 |  413  -159 |  556   143 |  552    -4 | 2|
      |  5 |    94|   94     0 |   93    -1 |   93     0 |   93     0 | 0|
      |  6 |  1006| 1003    -3 | 1003     0 | 1075    72 | 1073    -2 | 4|
           | 29676|29438  -238 |29078  -360 |29156    78 |29013  -143 |


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 28                   6 Jan 1997

                                 NET HUMOR

     From: "Mike Riddle" <mriddle@monarch.papillion.ne.us>
     To: "Baker, Christopher" <cbaker84@digital.net (Christopher Baker)
     Date: Mon, 30 Dec 96 08:20:13 -0600
     Reply-To: "Mike Riddle" <mriddle@monarch.papillion.ne.us>
     Subject: Fwd: New -- Standardized System Problem Report (Tripe)

     ==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================

     I found this in my Net travels today, and think this will be
     "invaluable" for anyone who is a system administrator, the resident
     firm computer guru, or outside consultant.  I love the response
     options.  Though it's based in humor, I have to admit I've gotten
     problem reports in real life that were more entertaining/frustrating
     than this one. <g>

     Jeff Beard

         Jeffrey J. Beard, Esq.
         MicroLaw, Inc., 825 S. 60th St., Milwaukee, WI 53214
         Voice:  (414) 476-8433      Fax:  (414) 476-8461
         E-mail:  microlaw@execpc.com
         Web Site:  http://www.microlaw.com


     This is a form to make the reporting of problems consistent, allow
     records of problems to be kept, and a method of discouraging users
     from reporting faults in the first place.

        Your name? ___________________
        Your login name? ____________________
        The date? __/__/__
        The date the problem first occurred if different? __/__/__
        Problem Severity:

          Minor__         Minor__         Minor__         Minor__

        Which machine? ____________________
        Which area appears to be at fault?

             Communications__            Disk__             Base Unit__
             Network__                   Keyboard__         Screen__

             Mouse__                     Everything__        Don't Know__

        Is it plugged in? Yes__ No__
        Is it switched on? Yes__ No__
        Has it been stolen? Yes__ No__
        Have you tried to fix it yourself? Yes__ No__
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 29                   6 Jan 1997

                  Have you made it worse? Yes__

        Have you read the manual? Yes__ No__
        Are you sure you've read the manual? Yes__ No__
        Are you absolutely certain you've read the manual? Yes__ No__
        Did you understand it? Yes__ No__
        If `Yes' then why can't you fix it yourself?

        Is the equipment unexpectedly noisy? Yes__ No__

                  If `Yes' what sort of noise?

                            Grinding__              Rattling__
                            Whirring__              High pitched whine__
                            Sound of disk head scouring disk__
                            Strange, out of tune whistling or humming__

        Is there a smell of burning? Yes__ No__

                  If `Yes' is the equipment on fire? Yes__ No__

        Is the fault repeatable? Yes__ No__

        What were you doing (with the equipment) at the time the fault

                  If `Nothing', then explain why you were logged in.


        Are you sure you aren't imagining the problem? Yes__ No__
        Do you have any independent witnesses of the problem? Yes__ No__
        Describe the problem.

        Now, describe the problem accurately.

        Speculate wildly about the cause of the problem.

        Can't you do something else, rather than bothering me? Yes__ No__

         Jeffrey J. Beard, Esq.
         MicroLaw, Inc., 825 S. 60th St., Milwaukee, WI 53214
         Voice:  (414) 476-8433      Fax:  (414) 476-8461
         E-mail:  microlaw@execpc.com
         Web Site:  http://www.microlaw.com

     ===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 30                   6 Jan 1997


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 31                   6 Jan 1997

                              COMIX IN ASCII

     --- Following message extracted from NETMAIL @ 1:18/14 ---
         By Christopher Baker on Wed Jan 01 01:20:02 1997

     From: Dave Aronson @ 1:109/120
     To: chris baker @ 1:18/14
     Date: 31 Dec 96  11:03:08
     Subj: Happy Gnu Yr ASCII comic

      .-----------------.               /\
      | HAPPY GNU YEAR! |          .   /XX\    .
      `-----------------'         ||__/XXXX\___||
                               __-`----'o o\----'
                        ___--~~      \\     \
           _____---\~~~\              \\_\\  \
        ##/         \ 1 \            [><] \\_@)
       ## |          \ 9 \          _/      \_
      ##  `.     '    \ 9 \  \   / /     ###  \_@ fweee!
      #     \   )--____\_7_\--| |-'      |##
      #      / //             | ||       | #
            / //              ( ))      /  ##    |=|
            |||               |||      |KORB##   |:|
            |||               |||      | Brut##  `V'
            \_\\              \_\\  @= |_____### _|_

     Remember, alcohol and calculus don't mix -- so don't drink and derive!


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 32                   6 Jan 1997


     Emanuel Edwards

     Hello all Cricket Lovers:

     This ad is to inform you that there is a cricket echo now on fidonet.
     The echo tag is called CRICKET_ECHO.  The cricket_echo describe all
     aspects on how the game is played, the latest scores and upcoming
     tours and events in the cricket world.  Please request the
     cricket_echo onto your bbs.  Thanks Emanuel Moderator.


     Emanuel Edwards

     Hello all Wrestling Fans:

     This ad is to inform you that there is a new wrestling echo on the
     fidonet backbone. The echo tag is called WRESTLING_CHAT.  This echo
     is a free speech wrestling echo.  It gives all the latest rumours
     of what's going on in the wrestling world, upcoming matches and
     events in the wrestling world. The WRESTLING_CHAT is also linked
     to the Internet through Emanuel's homepage.  All Sysops that read
     this ad please request the WRESTLING_CHAT onto your bbs.

     Thanks Emanuel Moderator.


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 33                   6 Jan 1997

                                 FOR SALE

     USR Courier v.everything upgrade offer
     by Michael Wilson (1:143/370)

     I am offering the upgrade daughterboard that will upgrade most ANY
     USE Courier modem to the new v.everything.  This upgrade will add
     33.6, caller-ID, FAX and automatic speed adjust.  These come with
     complete instructions, new Courier manual and the daughterboard.

     I have two left:  $89.00.  I will ship anywhere in the U.S.  I can
     take VISA and Mastercard.  Crash mail me if your are interested.


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 34                   6 Jan 1997


     FidoNews Article Submission Guidelines

     FidoNet address 1:1/23

     Updated 29 Dec 1996 by Christopher Baker
     Updated 29 May 1991 by Tom Jennings
     Based on the original work by Thom Henderson

     | denotes a change since the last update |.

     "Fido" and "FidoNet" are registered trademarks of Tom Jennings,
     Box 410923, San Francisco CA 94141, USA and are used with


     FidoNews is the newsletter of the FidoNet computer network, its
     Sysops and users.  It is passed to its readers electronically via
     the FidoNet and other computer networks and to non-network
     readers as well.

     This document intends to tell you how to write and submit
     articles for publication in FidoNews. Much of it describes the
     technical specifications which an article must meet in order to
     be included in the newsletter, as well as broad (very) guidelines
     on content. (Of course you realize articles can be submitted only
     electronically.) Please read it carefully. The article you save
     might be your own.


     FidoNews was originally founded in early 1984 to include all
     parts of the lives of its member Sysops and users, which of
     course means not just technical matters. We do not have fixed
     goals of maximum distribution or maximum readership (i.e. lowest
     common denominator) but only to meet the needs of our individual
     network members. The success of this venture has always been
     contentious at best (ahem).

     In any case the grand experiment continues. Twelve years later
     (at this writing) and over 30,000 Nodes in the network, the
     editorial policy, or lack of one, of FidoNews has shown to
     best fit our ever-changing and unpredictable needs.


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 35                   6 Jan 1997

     Articles on any subject of interest to FidoNet members and users
     are welcome and encouraged, not necessarily of a technical
     nature, though priority may be, but not necessarily, given to
     articles of importance to the FidoNet, its technology and its
     uses; other networks such as uucp and the Internet; social
     aspects of communications; ethical issues; other related matters.


     Try to keep articles short. The longer it is, the less likely
     people are to read it. Consider splitting long articles (more
     than five pages) into smaller articles to be run serially.
     Exceptions will be made at the whim of the editors.

     For practical reasons, we will attempt to keep FidoNews to a
     "reasonable size", which is of course a highly subjective and
     variable thing. As of May 1991, the goal is under 100,000 bytes.
     Decisions regarding content may be made based upon this, though
     in general it shouldn't be an issue.


     We are not all professional writers, nor is that even a goal for
     the FidoNews -- we want real communication to and from real
     people; even at the expense of so-called "good writing", which is
     frequently a tool to exclude. There are a few minimum
     requirements though for any successful writing, even for the
     lowly FidoNews:

     * The subject discussed must be clear to people other than the
       author! Don't assume that people will pick up the context from
       your writing. Tell them explicitly.

     * Why are you writing this? It may seem obvious -- "Review of the
       new Acme 75-baud Modem" -- but it's not. Are you the
       manufacturer? An irate customer? Let us know your point of

     * Who are you? A good question! Anonymity is acceptable, though
       most people want to take credit for their work. Include full
       contact information including electronic mail addresses.

     * Articles submitted via Netmail or email must contain all the
       technically required lines and delimiters in the BODY of the
       message.  This includes the *[title] line and the 70 character
       width requirement. To indicate the filename type for one of
       these message submissions, place the FILENAME.TYP in the Subj:
       line of your email, Netmail, or Echomail. Those that require
       extra editing may be delayed from appearing in FidoNews.

     * Articles will appear when space becomes available, not
       necessarily the "next" issue. If your article is of a time-
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 36                   6 Jan 1997

       critical nature, please say so when you submit it; the editor
       still has final say.

     * The editor reserves the right to request changes from an author
       to meet these "standards", which you have to admit are pretty
       loose. It is not the intent for this to be a mechanism to
       refuse articles the editor does not like, but simply to keep
       the contents intelligible.

     * If we have a backlog of articles, we may get fussier about
       things. Historically, this has not been a serious problem.



     If all that hasn't scared you away, the next step is to create a
     text file which contains the text of your article. The resulting
     file should be sent or uploaded to "Editor", FidoNet
     address 1:1/23. The "physical" location (and phone number) of
     FidoNews varies, and hence must be found elsewhere, such as
     within a recent copy of FidoNews itself.

     Filenames must follow the MSDOS standard:


         a 1 to 8 character file name (A - Z, 0 - 9)
         a period,
         a 0 to 3 character file type (A - Z, 0 - 9)

     File types are used to distinguish types of submissions, as

         .ART An article, commentary, open letter, or general news
         .GUE Want to write a Guest Editorial? [*Name & Node on line 1]
         .RET Need to make a Retraction of a previous article or notice?
         .COL Want to become a regular contributor with your own column?
         .ANS Answers to the Question of the Week.
         .BIO FidoNet biographies - tell us your story.
         .HIS FidoNet history - got an anecdote to share?
         .REV Reviews of related product, services, or programs.
         .JOK Net humor in print.
         .CMX Comics in ASCII. [watch those lines at 70 columns!]
         .PRF Want to Proofread? Get a cookie for spotting errors.
         .AD  Advertising FREE services or events.
         .SAL "For Sale"
         .WAN "Wanted"
         .NOT A notice for the back of the issue. Keep them short.
     |   .INT Internet addresses for FidoNet webpages of general interest.|

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 37                   6 Jan 1997

     If your file doesn't have one of the above extensions, then it
     will lay around taking up disk space until someone takes a look
     at it and realizes what it is. Maybe.

     The name of the file is up to you, though you should use a name
     which is not likely to be "stepped on" by someone else -- the
     system will not guarantee file names are unique. For example,
     FNEWS.ART is probably not a good name for an article.


     The character by character contents of the file itself must meet
     the following standards or it cannot be published in FidoNews.
     The FidoNews staff WILL NOT be responsible for making file
     contents conform to these standards.

     * FLUSH LEFT MARGIN: Please do not put a "left margin" on your
       articles. Have the text start at the very first column.

     * RIGHT MARGIN AT COLUMN 70 OR LESS: Less is tolerable, more is
       definitely not.  If your cursor is resting at column 71 when
       your line is ended, you're okay.  One character past that even
       with trailing spaces and MAKENEWS will barf on your submission.
       If your submission is physically rejected, the Editor will have
       to fix it manually or send it back for reformatting.

     * RAGGED-RIGHT TEXT: Word-Star style "justification" (inserting
       spaces into sentences so that a paragraph is perfectly rec-
       tangular) is extremely hard to read, and consumes needless space.
       Please don't use it!

     * NO FUNNY CHARACTERS: This includes formfeeds, returns without
       linefeeds, linefeeds without returns, tabs and other oddities.
       The only control codes (character codes 0 through 31 decimal)
       allowed are carriage return (CR) and linefeed (LF). The only
       exception is: Control-Z "end of file" terminator characters are
       tolerated. Not required.

     * NO GRAPHICS CHARACTERS: Believe it or not, not everyone in the
       world has an IBM PC. Please restrict yourself to printable
       ASCII characters in the range 20 hex to 7E hex (space to

     * LINES TERMINATED: Each line in the article should be terminated
       with a 'newline' -- either the MSDOS standard (CR/LF) or the
       unix standard (LF only).


     Below is a sample article properly formatted. Features of it are
     discussed further below.

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 38                   6 Jan 1997

     --article file example begins below this line--
     *A Sample Article [this is in LINE 1 starting at COLUMN 1]

     This is My Title
     by Joe Schmoe, [Netmail/email address]

     And here is my article. Note that it is flush left (zero indent).
     Also note that the right margin is at column seventy so that it
     won't overflow "most" text windows. Each line has a newline. Note
     the *'ed first line. My article will be listed in the table of
     contents exactly as it appears after the * above.

     Figure 1.                       Table 1.
             +-------+               ========
             | A Box |                  Alpha
             +-------+                 Bravo

     Note that we am not using any funny-o characters. This ensures
     that the final article will look the same to every user, no
     matter what sort of hardware he has.

     This is the last sentence of our article.

     --article file example ends above this line--

     The FIRST line of text is the Table of Contents line. It MUST
     begin with an asterisk * as shown above.  NO BLANK lines above
     title line are permitted. If you do not follow this instruction
     exactly, the article will not be listed in the Table of Contents.
     This Table of Contents listing method works for all submission
     file types.

     * Everything that follows the *'ed line will appear in the body
       of the newsletter.  The *'ed line will be stripped out of your
       article text so if you want it repeated as your title in the
       article BE SURE to repeat it on a second line without the *.

     * Next should be the title or name of your article, your name,
       and contact information (network address(es), Postal Service
       address, etc) Try to keep it to one or two lines each.

     * Put a blank line between paragraphs. Paragraphs that all run
       together are very difficult to read, and may be rejected.

     * If you want to put in a table or a figure, go right ahead.
       We do not rearrange text, so your table or figure will
       remain exactly as you entered it. Try to limit them to ones
       that make the communication CLEARER.

     * Don't put a lot of blank space at the top or bottom. The
       FidoNews-generator programs will visually separate articles

     * Please check for basic errors in spelling, grammar, and
       punctuation. We're not publishing a textbook, but you don't
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 39                   6 Jan 1997

       want it to embarrass yourself do you?

     * Don't use FidoNews to grind your personal axes against other
       FidoNet members. An article presenting a side of an internal
       dispute is one thing. An article defaming or perseverating over
       several Issues is another. Articles that merely quote endlessly
       from other sources to no particular effect are also not a good

     * Don't republish copyrighted material from other sources WITHOUT
       the permission of those sources. Include the permission in such

     * Remember that FidoNews is no better or worse than the articles
       submitted to it. If you want FidoNews to be a useful newsletter,
       get involved and submit useful articles. It's up to YOU to make
       it work.


     FidoNews is published on Monday of every week.  Deadline for file
     submissions to the FidoNews Editor via file-attach is 2300 ET
     [0300 UTC/GMT] the previous Saturday.  Deadline for submissions via
     Netmail, email, or in the FIDONEWS Echo is 2300 ET [0300 UTC/GMT]
     the previous Friday.  Submissions which miss the deadlines will be
     processed the following week.  Submission by deadline is not a
     guarantee of appearance in that week's FidoNews but it is likely
     depending on volume of submissions.



                                Future History

     26 Jan 1997
        Australia Day, Australia.

      6 Feb 1997
        Waitangi Day, New Zealand.

     16 Feb 1997
        Eleventh Anniversary of invention of Echomail by Jeff Rush.

     29 Feb 1997
        Nothing will happen on this day.

     25 May 1997
        Independence Day, Argentina

     11 Jun 1997
        Independence Day, Russia

      1 Jul 1997
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 40                   6 Jan 1997

        Canada Day - Happy Birthday Canada

     13 Oct 1997
        Thanksgiving Day, Canada

     22 May 1998
        Expo '98 World Exposition in Lisbon (Portugal) opens.

      1 Dec 1998
        Fifteenth Anniversary of release of Fido version 1 by
        Tom Jennings.

     31 Dec 1999
        Hogmanay, Scotland. The New Year that can't be missed.

     15 Sep 2000
        Sydney (Australia) Summer Olympiad opens.

     -- If YOU have something which you would like to see in this
        Future History, please send a note to the FidoNews Editor.


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 41                   6 Jan 1997

                         FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING

     Latest Greatest Software Versions
     by Peter E. Popovich, 1:363/264

     I think the worst part of playing "catch-up" is having to write "I'm
     sorry for the incredibly long delay in getting back to you." I've had
     to write that a lot lately; it sucks rocks.

     On the other hand, the holidays are finally over, so I've actually
     been able to put an hour or two here and there. It's good to actually
     have the time to actually do at least a little catching up...

     Phased out this week: SimplexBBS 1.05, SLBBS 2.15C
                           RBBS 17.3b, and RemoteAccess 1.11

     Phase-out highlights:
       This week: SuperComm 0.99 and TAG 2.5g
             Deadline for info: 17 Jan 1997.
       Last week: Socrates 1.11 and SuperBBS 1.12
             Deadline for info: 10 Jan 1997.

     -=- Snip -=-

     Submission form for the Latest Greatest Software Versions column

     OS Platform                             :
     Software package name                   :
     Version                                 :
     Function(s) - BBS, Mailer, Tosser, etc. :
     Freeware / Shareware / Commercial?      :
     Author / Support staff contact name     :
     Author / Support staff contact node     :
     Magic name (at the above-listed node)   :

     Please include a sentence describing what the package does.

     Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264

     -=- Snip -=-

     Program Name   Version    F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     Act-Up         4.6        G D Chris Gunn        1:15/55     ACT-UP
     ALLFIX         4.40       T S Harald Harms      2:281/415   ALLFIX
     Announcer      1.1        O S Peter Karlsson    2:206/221   ANNOUNCE
     BGFAX          1.60       O S B.J. Guillot      1:106/400   BGFAX
     CheckPnt       0.5 beta   O F Michiel van der Vlist
                                                     2:500/9     CHECKPNT
     FidoBBS (tm)   12u        B S Ray Brown         1:1/117     FILES
     FrontDoor      2.12       M S JoHo              2:201/330   FD
     FrontDoor      2.20c      M C JoHo              2:201/330   FDINFO
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 42                   6 Jan 1997

     GIGO           07-14-96   G S Jason Fesler      1:1/141     INFO
     Imail          1.75       T S Michael McCabe    1:297/11    IMAIL
     ImCrypt        1.04       O F Michiel van der Vlist
                                                     2:500/9     IMCRYPT
     InfoMail       1.11       O F Damian Walker     2:2502/666  INFOMAIL
     InfoMail/386   1.20       O F Damian Walker     2:2502/666  INFO386
     InterEcho      1.19       T C Peter Stewart     1:369/35    IEDEMO
     InterMail      2.29k      M C Peter Stewart     1:369/35    IMDEMO
     InterPCB       1.52       O S Peter Stewart     1:369/35    INTERPCB
     IPNet          1.11       O S Michele Stewart   1:369/21    IPNET
     Jelly-Bean     1.01       T S Rowan Crowe       3:635/727   JELLY
     Jelly-Bean/386 1.01       T S Rowan Crowe       3:635/727   JELLY386
     MakePl         1.8        N F Michiel van der Vlist
                                                     2:500/9     MAKEPL
     Marena         1.1 beta   O F Michiel van der Vlist
                                                     2:500/9     MARENA
     Maximus        3.01       B P Tech              1:249/106   MAX
     McMail         1.0g5      M S Michael McCabe    1:1/148     MCMAIL
     MDNDP          1.18       N S Bill Doyle        1:388/7     MDNDP
     MsgEd          4.00       O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     Opus CBCS      1.73a      B P Christopher Baker 1:374/14    OPUS
     O/T-Track      2.63a      O S Peter Hampf       2:241/1090  OT
     PcMerge        2.7        N F Michiel van der Vlist
                                                     2:500/9     PCMERGE
     PlatinumXpress 1.1        M C Gary Petersen     1:290/111   PX11TD.ZIP
     RAR            2.00       C S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    RAR
     RemoteAccess   2.50       B S Mark Lewis        1:3634/12   RA
     Silver Xpress
       Door         5.4        O S Gary Petersen     1:290/111   FILES
       Reader       4.3        O S Gary Petersen     1:290/111   SXR43.ZIP
     Squish         1.11       T P Tech              1:249/106   SQUISH
     StealTag UK    1.c...     O F Fred Schenk       2:284/412   STEAL_UK
     StealTag NL    1.c...     O F Fred Schenk       2:284/412   STEAL_NL
     T-Mail         2.599I     M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAIL
     Terminate      4.00       O S Bo Bendtsen       2:254/261   TERMINATE
     Tobruk         0.33       T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     TriBBS         10.0       B S Patrick Driscoll  1:372/19    TRIBBS
     TriDog         10.0       M S Patrick Driscoll  1:372/19    TRIDOG
     TriToss        10.0       T S Patrick Driscoll  1:372/19    TRITOSS
     WaterGate      0.92 gamma T S Robert Szarka     1:320/42    WTRGATE
     WWIV           4.24a      B S Craig Dooley      1:376/126   WWIV
     WWIVTOSS       1.30       T S Craig Dooley      1:376/126   WWIVTOSS
     xMail          2.00       T S Thorsten Franke   2:2448/53   XMAIL
     XRobot         3.01       O S JoHo              2:201/330   XRDOS

     Program Name   Version    F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ALLFIX/2       1.10       T S Harald Harms      2:281/415   AFIXOS2
     BGFAX          1.60       O S B.J. Guillot      1:106/400   BGFAX
     FleetStreet    1.18       O S Michael Hohner    2:2490/2520 FLEET
     GIGO           07-14-96   G S Jason Fesler      1:1/141     INFO
     ImCrypt        1.04       O F Michiel van der Vlist
                                                     2:500/9     IMCRYPT
     Maximus        3.01       B P Tech              1:249/106   MAXP
     MsgEd          4.00       O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 43                   6 Jan 1997

     PcMerge        2.3        N F Michiel van der Vlist
                                                     2:500/9     PCMERGE
     RAR            2.00       C S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    RAR2
     Squish         1.11       T P Tech              1:249/106   SQUISHP
     T-Mail         2.599I     M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAIL2
     Tobruk         0.33       T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     XRobot         3.01       O S JoHo              2:201/330   XROS2

     Windows (16-bit apps):
     Program Name   Version    F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     BeeMail        1.0        M C Andrius Cepaitis  2:470/1     BEEMAIL

     Windows (32-bit apps):
     Program Name   Version    F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     BeeMail        1.0        M C Andrius Cepaitis  2:470/1     BEEMAIL
     Maximus        3.01       B P Tech              1:249/106   MAXN
     PlatinumXpress 2.00       M C Gary Petersen     1:290/111   PXW-INFO
     T-Mail         2.599I     M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAILNT

     Program Name   Version    F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ifmail         2.8g       M G Eugene Crosser    2:293/2219  IFMAIL
     ifmail-tx      2.8g-tx7.8 M G Pablo Saratxaga   2:293/2219  IFMAILTX
     MsgEd          4.00       O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     Tobruk         0.33       T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK

     Program Name   Version    F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     CrashMail      1.23       T X Fredrik Bennison  2:205/324   CRASHMAIL
     CrashTick      1.1        O F Fredrik Bennison  2:205/324   CRASHTICK
     MsgEd          4.00       O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     Tobruk         0.33       T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK

     Function: B-BBS, M-Mailer, N-Nodelist, G-Gateway, T-Tosser,
               C-Compression, O-Other. Note: Multifunction will be listed
               by the first match.

     Cost: P-Free for personal use, F-Freeware, S-Shareware, C-Commercial,
           X-Crippleware, D-Demoware, G-Free w/ Source

     Old info from: 01/27/92

                             MS-DOS Systems

     BBS Software            Other Utilities         Other Utilities
     Name         Version    Name         Version    Name         Version
     --------------------    --------------------    --------------------
     Socrates        1.11    2DAPoint        1.50*   Netsex         2.00b
     SuperBBS        1.12*   4Dog/4DMatrix   1.18    OFFLINE         1.35
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 44                   6 Jan 1997

     SuperComm       0.99    ARCAsim         2.31    Oliver          1.0a
     TAG             2.5g    ARCmail         3.00*   OSIRIS CBIS     3.02
     TBBS             2.1    Areafix         1.20    PKInsert        7.10
     TComm/TCommNet   3.4    ConfMail        4.00    PolyXarc        2.1a
     Telegard         2.7*   Crossnet         1.5    QM             1.00a
     TPBoard          6.1    DOMAIN          1.42    QSort           4.04
     WildCat!        3.02*   DEMM            1.06    RAD Plus        2.11
     XBBS            1.77    DGMM            1.06    Raid            1.00
                             DOMAIN          1.42    RBBSMail        18.0
     Network Mailers         EEngine         0.32    ScanToss        1.28
     Name         Version    EMM             2.11*   ScMail          1.00
     --------------------    EZPoint          2.1    ScEdit          1.12
     BinkleyTerm     2.50    FGroup          1.00    Sirius          1.0x
     D'Bridge        1.30    FidoPCB         1.0s@   SLMail         2.15C
     Dreamer         1.06    FNPGate         2.70    StarLink        1.01
     Dutchie        2.90c    GateWorks      3.06e    TagMail         2.41
     Milqtoast       1.00    GMail           2.05    TCOMMail         2.2
     PreNM           1.48    GMD             3.10    Telemail         1.5*
     SEAdog          4.60    GMM             1.21    TGroup          1.13
     SEAmail         1.01    GoldEd         2.31p    TIRES           3.11
     TIMS       1.0(mod8)    GROUP           2.23    TMail           1.21
                             GUS             1.40    TosScan         1.00
     Compression             Harvey's Robot  4.10    UFGATE          1.03
     Utilities               HeadEdit        1.18    VPurge         4.09e
     Name         Version    HLIST           1.09    WEdit            2.0@
     --------------------    ISIS            5.12@   WildMail        2.00
     ARC             7.12    Lola           1.01d    WMail            2.2
     ARJ             2.20    Mosaic         1.00b    WNode            2.1
     LHA             2.13    MailBase       4.11a@   XRS             4.99
     PAK             2.51    MSG              4.5*   XST             2.3e
     PKPak           3.61    MsgLnk          1.0c    YUPPIE!         2.00
     PKZip           1.10    MsgMstr        2.03a    ZmailH          1.25
                             MsgNum         4.16d    ZSX             2.40
     NodeList Utilities      MSGTOSS          1.3
     Name         Version
     EditNL          4.00
     FDND            1.10
     MakeNL          2.31
     Parselst        1.33
     Prune           1.40
     SysNL           3.14
     XlatList        2.90
     XlaxNode/Diff   2.53

                             OS/2 Systems

     BBS Software            Other Utilities(A-M     Other Utilities(N-Z)
     Name         Version    Name         Version    Name         Version
     --------------------    --------------------    --------------------
     Kitten          1.01    ARC             7.12    oMMM            1.52
     SimplexBBS   1.04.02+   ARC2            6.01    Omail            3.1
                             ConfMail        4.00    Parselst        1.33
                             EchoStat         6.0    PKZip           1.02
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 45                   6 Jan 1997

     Network Mailers         EZPoint          2.1    PMSnoop         1.30
     Name         Version    FGroup          1.00    PolyXOS2        2.1a
     --------------------    GROUP           2.23    QSort            2.1
     BinkleyTerm     2.50    LH2             2.11    Raid             1.0
     BinkleyTerm(S)  2.50    MSG              4.2    Remapper         1.2
     BinkleyTerm/2-MT        MsgLink         1.0c    Tick             2.0
                  1.40.02    MsgNum         4.16d    VPurge         4.09e
     SEAmail         1.01

                             Xenix/Unix 386

     BBS Software            Network Mailers         Other Utilities
     Name         Version    Name         Version    Name         Version
     --------------------    --------------------    --------------------
                                                     ARC             5.21
                                                     C-LHARC         1.00
      |Contact:  Willy Paine 1:343/15,|              MSGLINK         1.01
      |or Eddy van Loo 2:285/406      |              oMMM            1.42
                                                     Omail           1.00
                                                     ParseLst        1.32
                                                     Unzip           3.10
                                                     VPurge          4.08
                                                     Zoo             2.01


     BBS Software            Network Mailers         Other Software
     Name         Version    Name         Version    Name         Version
     --------------------    --------------------    --------------------
     FBBS            0.91    Copernicus       1.0    ArcMac           1.3
     Hermes         1.6.1    Tabby            2.2    AreaFix          1.6
     Mansion         7.15                            Compact Pro     1.30
     Precision Sys. 0.95b                            EventMeister     1.0
     Red Ryder Host   2.1                            Export          3.21
     Telefinder Host                                 Import           3.2
                  2.12T10                            LHARC           0.41
                                                     MacArd          0.04
                                                     Mantissa        3.21
     Point System                                    Mehitable        2.0
     Software                                        OriginatorII     2.0
     Name         Version                            PreStamp         3.2
     --------------------                            StuffIt Classic  1.6
     Copernicus      1.00                            SunDial          3.2
     CounterPoint    1.09                            TExport         1.92
     MacWoof          1.1                            TimeStamp        1.6
                                                     TImport         1.92
                                                     Tset             1.3
                                                     TSort            1.0
                                                     UNZIP          1.02c
                                                     Zenith           1.5
                                                     Zip Extract     0.10

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 46                   6 Jan 1997


     BBS Software            Network Mailers         Other Software
     Name         Version    Name         Version    Name         Version
     --------------------    --------------------    --------------------
     4D-BBS          1.65    BinkleyTerm     1.00    Areafix         1.48
     DLG Pro.       0.96b    TrapDoor        1.80    AReceipt         1.5
     Falcon CBCS     1.00    WelMat          0.44    ChameleonEdit   0.11
     Starnet         1.0q@                           ConfMail        1.12
     TransAmiga      1.07                            ElectricHerald  1.66
     XenoLink         1.0    Compression             FFRS             1.0@
                             Utilities               FileMgr         2.08
                             Name         Version    Fozzle           1.0@
     NodeList Utilities      --------------------    Login           0.18
     Name         Version    AmigArc         0.23    MessageFilter   1.52
     --------------------    booz            1.01    Message View    1.12
     ParseLst        1.66    LHARC           1.30    oMMM            1.50
     Skyparse        2.30    LhA             1.10    PolyXAmy        2.02
     TrapList        1.40    LZ              1.92    RMB             1.30
                             PkAX            1.00    Roof           46.15
                             UnZip            4.1    RoboWriter      1.02
                             Zippy (Unzip)   1.25    Rsh            4.07a
                             Zoo             2.01    Tick            0.75
                                                     TrapToss        1.20
     |Contact: Maximilian Hantsch 2:310/6|           Yuck!           2.02

                             Atari ST/TT

     BBS Software            Network Mailers         Other Utilities
     Name         Version    Name         Version    Name         Version
     --------------------    --------------------    --------------------
     FIDOdoor/ST    2.5.1    BinkleyTerm   2.40n9    ApplyList       1.00@
     FiFo            2.1v    The Box         1.95*   Burep            1.1
     LED ST          1.00                            ComScan         1.04
     QuickBBS/ST     1.06*                           ConfMail        4.10
                             NodeList  Utilities     Echoscan        1.10
                             Name         Version    FDrenum        2.5.2
     Compression             --------------------    FastPack        1.20
     Utilities               ParseList       1.30    Import          1.14
     Name         Version    EchoFix         1.20    oMMM            1.40
     --------------------    sTICK/Hatch     5.50    Pack            1.00
     ARC             6.02                            Trenum          0.10
     LHARC          2.01i
     STZip            1.1*
     UnJARST         2.00
     WhatArc         2.02

                             Tandy Color Computer 3 (OS-9 Level II)

     BBS Software            Compression Utility     Other Utilities
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 47                   6 Jan 1997

     Name         Version    Name         Version    Name         Version
     --------------------    --------------------    --------------------
     RiBBS           2.02+   Ar               1.3    Ascan            1.2
                             DeArc           5.12    AutoFRL          2.0
                             OS9Arc           1.0    Bundle           2.2
                             UnZip           3.10    CKARC            1.1
                             UnLZH            3.0    EchoCheck       1.01
                                                     FReq            2.5a
                                                     LookNode        2.00
                                                     PReq             2.2
                                                     RList           1.03
                                                     RTick           2.00
                                                     UnBundle         1.4
                                                     UnSeen           1.1

     --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
     Key to old info:
           + - Netmail Capable (Doesn't Require Additional Mailer Software)
           * - Recently Updated Version
           @ - New Addition
     --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

     Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264


     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 48                   6 Jan 1997

                            FIDONEWS PUBLIC-KEY

     [this must be copied out to a file starting at column 1 or
      it won't process under PGP as a valid public-key]

     Version: 2.6.2
     Comment: Clear-signing is Electronic Digital Authenticity!


     File-request FNEWSKEY from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] or download it from the
     Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 anytime except 0100-0130 ET and Zone
     1 ZMH at 1200-9600+ HST/V32B. The FidoNews key is also available on
     the FidoNews homepage listed in the Masthead information.

     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 49                   6 Jan 1997

                            FIDONET BY INTERNET

     This is a list of all FidoNet-related sites reported to the Editor as
     of this appearance.



       Homepage     http://www.fidonet.org
       FidoNews     http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fidonews.html
       HTML FNews   http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6894/
       WWW sources  http://www.scms.rgu.ac.uk/students/cs_yr94/lk/fido.html
       FTSC page    http://www.blaze.net.au/ftsc.html
       Echomail     http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/index.html


     Zone 1:        http://www.z1.fidonet.org

       Region 10:

       Region 15:

       Region 17:

       Region 18:

       Region 19:


     Zone 2:        http://www.z2.fidonet.org

       Region 36:   http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7207/


     Zone 3:        http://www.z3.fidonet.org


     Zone 4:

     Zone 5:

     Zone 6:        http://www.z6.fidonet.org
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 50                   6 Jan 1997



     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 51                   6 Jan 1997

                           FIDONEWS INFORMATION


     Editor: Christopher Baker

     Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                       Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar,
                       Tom Jennings, Sylvia Maxwell,
                       Donald Tees

     "FidoNews Editor"
         FidoNet  1:1/23
         BBS  1-904-409-7040,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(ds)

      more addresses:
         Christopher Baker -- 1:18/14, cbaker84@digital.net

     (Postal Service mailing address)
         FidoNews Editor
         P.O. Box 471
         Edgewater, FL 32132-0471

     voice:  1-904-409-3040 [1400-2100 ET only, please]
                            [1800-0100 UTC/GMT]


     FidoNews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
     INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ELECTRONIC MAIL system.  It is a compilation
     of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
     authorized agents.  The contribution of articles to this compilation
     does not diminish the rights of the authors.  OPINIONS EXPRESSED in
     these articles ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS and not necessarily those of

     Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
     Copyright 1996 Christopher Baker.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only.  For
     use in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or
     the Editor.


     OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
     form may be obtained from the FidoNews Editor via manual download or
     file-request, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
     PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above postal
     address.  File-request FIDONEWS for the current Issue.  File-request
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 52                   6 Jan 1997

     FNEWS for the current month in one archive.  Or file-request specific
     back Issue filenames in distribution format [FNEWSDnn.LZH] for a
     particular Issue.  Monthly Volumes are available as FNWSmmmy.ZIP
     where mmm = three letter month [JAN - DEC] and y = last digit of the
     current year [6], i.e., FNWSMAY6.ZIP for all the Issues from May 96.

     Annual volumes are available as FNEWSn.ZIP where n = the Volume number
     1 - 12 for 1984 - 1995, respectively. Annual Volume archives range in
     size from 48K to 1.2M.

     INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via:


     You can read the current FidoNews Issue in HTML format at:


     STAR SOURCE for ALL Past Issues via FTP and file-request -
     Available for FReq from 1:396/1 or by anonymous FTP from:


     Each yearly archive also contains a listing of the Table-of-Contents
     for that year's issues.  The total set is currently about 11 Megs.


     The current week's FidoNews and the FidoNews public-key are now also
     available almost immediately after publication on the Editor's new
     homepage on the World Wide Web at:


     There are also links there to jim barchuk's HTML FidoNews source and
     to John Souvestre's FTP site for the archives. There is also an email
     link for sending in an article as message text. Drop on over.


     A PGP generated public-key is available for the FidoNews Editor from
     1:1/23 [1:18/14] by file-request for FNEWSKEY or by download from
     Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 as FIDONEWS.ASC in File Area 18.  It
     is also posted twice a month into the PKEY_DROP Echo available on the
     Zone 1 Echomail Backbone.


     SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
     FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews Editor, or file-requestable
     from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] as file "ARTSPEC.DOC".  ALL Zone Coordinators
     also have copies of ARTSPEC.DOC. Please read it.
     FIDONEWS 14-01               Page 53                   6 Jan 1997

     "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
     trademarks of Tom Jennings, P.O. Box 410923, San Francisco, CA 94141,
     and are used with permission.

             "Disagreement is actually necessary,
              or we'd all have to get in fights
              or something to amuse ourselves
              and create the requisite chaos."
                                -Tom Jennings

