F I D O N E W S -- Volume 14, Number 2 13 January 1997 +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | The newsletter of the | ISSN 1198-4589 Published by: | | FidoNet community | "FidoNews" | | _ | 1-904-409-7040 [1:1/23] | | / \ | | | /|oo \ | | | (_| /_) | | | _`@/_ \ _ | | | | | \ \\ | Editor: | | | (*) | \ )) | Christopher Baker 1:18/14 | | |__U__| / \// | | | _//|| _\ / | | | (_/(_|(____/ | | | (jm) | Newspapers should have no friends. | | | -- JOSEPH PULITZER | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | Submission address: FidoNews Editor 1:1/23 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MORE addresses: | | | | submissions=> cbaker84@digital.net | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | For information, copyrights, article submissions, | | obtaining copies of FidoNews or the internet gateway FAQ | | please refer to the end of this file. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ YOUR MESSAGE HERE! Table of Contents 1. EDITORIAL ................................................ 1 FidoNet on the Internet? ................................. 1 2. CORRECTIONS .............................................. 2 Oops in 1351 corrected ................................... 2 3. ARTICLES ................................................. 3 FidoNet WebRing on the Internet .......................... 3 Peace on Earth, etc ...................................... 4 4. GETTING TECHNICAL ........................................ 6 FSC-0014 - Binary message bundles ........................ 6 FSC-0015 - Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation ......... 14 FSC-0016 - FidoNet mail session startup .................. 27 FSC-0017 - Archive Philosophy and Document Naming ........ 29 5. COORDINATORS CORNER ...................................... 31 Backbone Echo Changes [Nov-Dec] .......................... 31 Nodelist-statistics as seen from Zone-2 for day 010 ...... 32 6. NET HUMOR ................................................ 33 A Poem for our times? .................................... 33 7. COMIX IN ASCII ........................................... 35 Name this castle! ........................................ 35 8. NOTICES .................................................. 36 Future History ........................................... 36 9. FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING ................................. 37 Latest Greatest Software Versions ........................ 37 10. FIDONEWS PUBLIC-KEY ..................................... 44 And more! FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 1 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= EDITORIAL ================================================================= Some folks are resisting this but an Internet presence for FidoNet already exists and it's going to keep building. For one thing, it's often cheaper for Sysops to get their files via Internet links where connect time is virtually unlimited and filesize irrelevant. Just look at the current ELRUL701.ZIP file for example. It's 1.3Megs and a lot of files that size add up at normal phone rates on BBS connections that aren't local. The Internet also provides real-time links like IRC [Internet Relay Chat] and nearly instant email turnaround without waiting for routing schedules. It's also visual and just plain fun. [grin] I've started YAILTF [Yet Another Internet Link To FidoNet] in the form of what is known as a WebRing for FidoNet [see article below]. It now has 3 pages listed. You can be next! This doesn't mean FidoNet is being taken over by the Internet. But folks who like to communicate and experiment started FidoNet and many of them also have an Internet presence. Even Tom Jennings has a webpage [www.wps.com] while he no longer has a Node number. FidoNet will still be an amateur BBS network [even though you don't need a BBS to be a FidoNet Sysop] and will still fill a niche no other group does but we're also all over the Web and growing there faster than here. Ironic, isn't it? Well, the Jacksonville Jaguars [football for non-U.S. types] are still down by 7 in the AFC Championship game but they love to come from behind and this Issue is ready for bed. Enjoy! And SEND me some .BIOs and ASCII art!! Or I'll write longer editorials. [snicker] C.B. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 2 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= CORRECTIONS ================================================================= In the Editorial of FidoNews 1351 [16 Dec 96], I misquoted the Possum Oath of Red Green as it might be applied to FidoNet ops of late. The correct Latin is: Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati and not Moratatus as previously indicated. Something about subjunctive superlatives of gerundives twice removed. [grin] The meaning stated was correct: "When all else fails, play dead." Sorry about that. Ed. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 3 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= ARTICLES ================================================================= FidoNet Internet sites go circular? Christopher Baker Rights On!, 1:18/14 (cbaker84@digital.net) There are a number of FidoNet-related websites and pages out there on the Internet. Many of them are listed in FidoNews by Internet section at the end of each Issue. They are not connected in any sense other than being available on the World Wide Web [WWW] and if you want to visit them you need to enter each site's address into your browser one after the other. You can then bookmark them for your personal list if you wish. Primitive. I've discovered out there in webland a site called WebRing [http://www.webring.org] that has figured out a new way to make it easier than ever to find sites of like content and then wander amongst them in a virtual circle in cyberspace. It's a free service offered by WebRing to all who apply for unique ringnames. A WebRing is sort of like a FidoNet website Echo. There isn't any direct interaction [outside of signing onto the ring] between the sites but all the sites are in a common list a websurfer can scoot around in until s/he comes full circle. I have started the FidoNet World Wide WebRing on the WebRing server. They provide all the cgi effects and all you have to do is follow the instructions on the FidoNet WWWRing page at: http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fnetring.html and pick up the two graphics and the code blurb for your site's page. You do have to know something about HTML programming but the code blurb has all you need to get started. The sign-up page also contains entry areas for your page URL and email address. Once you've signed up you need to put the code on your page and then send email to the RingMaster [me]. You will receive email from WebRing as well with info on further steps required. It's not as complicated as it sounds on paper. Once the server tells me your page is in the queue for addition to the Ring, I go check it for continuity and then advise on corrections or add your page to the Ring for others to find. FidoNews is Site 1 and already on the Ring. I invite you to add your page[s] to the FidoNews World Wide Web Ring today! QOFM. Chris FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 4 13 Jan 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Peace on Earth, etc. by Troy H. Cheek (1:362/708.4) Another Christmas has passed. This year, I got mostly clothes. I take it as a sign of old age that this is actually what I wanted. In the first FIDONEWS issue of this New Year, Michael Wilson suggests, among other things, that Fidonet should be easier to access. Now, I agree that the archaic practice refusing to offer programs or technical assistance to new users until they've got their system set up well enough to send you netmail is, well, archaic. Unfortunately, it was still in place locally when I set up as a point not too many years ago. :-( Obviously, we need to be more helpful to people who want to join in on the fun. However, some kind of central access to Fidonet with some kind of standardized program and a single phone number to call is taking things a bit too far in the other direction, IMHO. For example, I just suffered through another yearly episode of a drama some people like to call Modem-mas. Or maybe it's a sit-com. On or around Christmas (this year, it hit early) technically-illiterate newbies get their first computer and/or modem. In spite of the fact that we moan how people can't find Fidonet, these people do. (A similar effect can be noted at the start and end of each school year, as students relocate.) It's bad enough, and understandable enough, to have to explain echomail conferences, moderators, netmail, and echolag to BBS users who stumble into an echo and begin treating it like the local chat message base. It's downright bizarre to have to explain the same to someone who signs his messages "Sysop of the [Whatever] BBS." Give Fidonet a quick and easy access point, and you can multiply this problem by a few hundred. Forget for a moment the question of why people are leaving Fidonet. Consider for a moment the question of why people are _staying_ with Fidonet. One of the reasons I've heard over and over again is that Fidonet has a better signal/noise ratio than any other network. Make access _too_ easy and that goes out the window. Speaking of Windows, a new slick front-end for Fidonet also has problems. One of the other reasons why people stay with Fidonet is that you don't constantly need to buy the latest, fastest, and most expensive hardware to access it. You don't even need any particular computer platform. In other words, I feel that if we change Fidonet to try to attract people who are already being better served by other Nets, we will simply alienate those who are sticking with Fidonet because it already serves their needs. These people, I think, are what makes Fidonet FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 5 13 Jan 1997 what it is to begin with. -- |Fidonet: Troy H. Cheek 1:362/708.4 |Internet: 362-708-4!Troy.H..Cheek@river.chattanooga.net | | Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own. | River Canyon Rd. BBS <=> Chattanooga OnLine! Gateway to the World. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 6 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= GETTING TECHNICAL ================================================================= [This is part of the continuing series of FidoNet Technical proposals being presented here in numerical order. They have been reformatted to the 70 column limit where required. They also represent our continuing series of FidoNet History presentations.] Ed. FSC-0014 A Bundle Proposal Wynn Wagner III January, 1988 UPFRONT ------- What follows is a proposal for a new structure of message bundles that are transmitted between Fidonet systems. Currently we deal with "packet version 2." This is a proposed format for packet version three. The version number should be recognizable by TYPE-2 programs, but the older programs will not be able to do anything more than report an error. In other words, there is no direct upwards compatibility except for the offset in the _BundleHeader (see below) of the TYPE-3 signal. Because of this, any conversion should be slow... possibly a year or more. Interim systems would have to be able to pack and unpack both kinds of bundles. It would be required for the packer to know whether its target system knows about TYPE-3 bundles or not... either by some node list flag or by using a control file. I think it is important that a new structure be seriously considered, but it is also vital that we approach such a change with a mind to keeping it an evolutionary process rather than an overnight revolution. It is important that TYPE-2 systems be retired using attrition instead of compulsion. This proposal is described in detail... possibly too much detail. The design looks scarier than it really is. Code to process this kind of a bundle is almost trivial. One design feature is that putting a message bundle together is somewhat more involved than taking one apart. The theory is that we will be getting more and more tiny installations operating as points. Collecting and unpacking such things as echomail will be easier even on small/slow computers. Heavy volume traffic with lots of packing and unpacking is usually carried on by computers more capable of heavy work. Please note that the added work on the shoulders of the packer is almost microscopic, but it exists. This uneven distribution of the FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 7 13 Jan 1997 work is intentional. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMARIES: METHODS -------------------- Messages are transmitted in "bundles." A bundle is a sequence of "packets." Every bundle has at least two packets: a header and a footer. This document describes the layout and use of those packets as well as the general format of a bundle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMINARIES: DATA ------------------- #define BUNDLEVER 3 #define EIDSIZ (sizeof(struct _Address)+sizeof(unsigned long)) struct _Address { unsigned int Zone; unsigned int Net; unsigned int Node; unsigned int Point; }; DATA NOTES: "WORD" is a two byte unsigned integer with the most significant byte first. This storage arrangement is backwards from the way INTEL chips store numbers, but it is more in-line with the way the rest of the universe does it. The conversion for MsDOS and other INTEL programmers is quite trivial. A routine called SWAP can be used, where... unsigned int pascal SWAP(unsigned int VALUE); Here's the code... SWAP Proc Near mov bx, sp mov ax, [bx+2] xchg ah, al ret 2 SWAP EndP "UNSIGNED LONG" is a four byte unsigned integer with the most significant word first. Again, this storage arrangement conflicts with the method used by INTEL, but the trans-formation to "MSW first" is quite simple FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 8 13 Jan 1997 and it really makes the non-MsDOS programmers feel more comfortable. "UNSIGNED CHAR" is an 8-bit datum that can have any value between 0 and 0xff. CHARACTER ARRAYS are null-padded unless otherwise noted. There is a difference between "null-terminated" (common to C-language programming) and "null-padded" found here. Unless there is a conflicting note, insignificant bytes of a character array must be set to zero. UNUSED DATA are always set to zero. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BUNDLE HEADER ------------- struct _BundleHeader { struct _Address B_Destination; /* Address of target system */ struct _Address B_Origination; /* Address where bndl started */ unsigned int B_Local1; /* Used by bundler, etc */ unsigned int B_Version; /* Always 3 */ unsigned long B_CreationTime; /* Unix-type stamp (1970- base) */ unsigned int B_BundlerMajor; /* Major version of bundler */ unsigned int B_BundlerMinor; /* Minor version of bundler */ unsigned char B_Password[9]; /* NULL-padded array */ unsigned char B_Local2; /* Local use only */ unsigned char B_Product[4]; /* Meaningful to same product */ unsigned char B_FTSC[4]; /* Reserved by FTSC */ }; BUNDLE HEADER NOTES: The offset of B_Version coincides with the location of the `ver' field in type two bundle headers. The B_Local1 and B_Local2 fields have no meaning during the actual transfer. It is to hold such information as COST and/or BAUD rate of use to the sending system. B_Password is a NULL-padded field that can contain uppercase alpha bytes or ASCII digits. It should not contain lowercase FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 9 13 Jan 1997 characters, punctuation, control characters, etc. This is a NULL-padded field... not just NULL-terminated. A maximum of 8 bytes are significant. Note that the BUNDLER is identified by product code. This does NOT necessarily have anything to do with the software that actually transmits the bundle. This structure deals with message bundles, and the product identification shows which computer program was responsible for that layer of a netmail session. The software providing transportation is more properly identified during a session-level negotiation (eg WaZOO's YooHoo) or in a dynamically generated structure (eg TeLink's block zero). TYPE-3 tries to keep the various layers of the system separate and easily identifiable. This document describes data, not the method by which they are passed from one system to another. BUNDLE BODY NOTES: The bundle header packet is followed by one or more of the following packet types. Each of these packets begin with two bytes that identify the packet version and the packet type. In all cases, the version is three (0x03). Packet types include END_SIGNAL 0 AREA_HEADER 1 MESSAGE_HEADER 2 TEXT 3 ECHOMAIL_INFO 4 MISCINFO 128-256 One message is built using at least two packets (MESSAGE_HEADER and TEXT). Optionally, a message might also have ECHOMAIL_INFO and MISCINFO packets. Packets associated with a message must be bundled in numerical order (by packet type)... the header comes first, followed by the text, possibly followed by echomail information, and possibly ending with some miscellaneous packets. This arrangement of bundles allows the development of state machine type programs which effect efficient message processing even on slow or small computers. Here's a quick coding example: for(;;) switch(fgetc(BUNDLE)) { default: printf("Not Type-3 message"); return -1; case 3: switch(fgetc(BUNDLE)) { case -1: printf("EOF?"); return -1; case 0: printf("Done\n"); return 0; case 1: GetMsgArea(); break; case 2: GetMessage(); break; default: printf("Pkt?"); break; FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 10 13 Jan 1997 }; }; NOTE: For those re-reading and spotting what looks like a mistake... the `GetMessage()' routine would also take care of TEXT and any ECHOMAIL or MISCINFO packets. Also, for a little added robustness, the default item that prints "Pkt?" should look for a value of 0x03 (or and end of the file) before returning to the processing loop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BUNDLE FOOTER ------------- struct _BundleEnd { unsigned char M_Version; /* Always 3 */ unsigned char M_PacketType; /* Always 0 */ }; BUNDLE END NOTES: All bundles end with this packet. It is not optional. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE AREA ------------ struct _AreaHeader { unsigned char E_Version; /* Always 3 */ unsigned char E_PacketType; /* Always 1 */ unsigned byte E_NameLength; /* Actual bytes in E_Name */ unsigned byte E_Name[1]; /* VARIABLE-length field */ }; AREA HEADER NOTES: The area header packet marks the start of a sequence of messages destined for the same message area. Often E_Name will contain the name of an echomail area. FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 11 13 Jan 1997 If the legnth and first byte of E_Name are zero, it means that the following messages are inter-system traffic (ie regular netmail). The maximum value for E_NameLength is 63. E_Name can contain uppercase characters, digits, and the following punctuation: $ . - _ & # @ ! Note that E_NameLength combined with E_Name make up what is often considered a "Pascal style string." E_Name is NOT a null-terminated array (aka "ASCIIZ"). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE HEADER -------------- struct _MessageHeader { unsigned char M_Version; /* Always 3 */ unsigned char M_PacketType; /* Always 2 */ struct _Address M_Destination; /* FINAL Destination */ struct _Address M_Origination; /* Where message was entered */ unsigned long M_CreationTime; /* Unix-type stamp (1970- base) */ unsigned int M_Attributes; /* Standard Fidonet bitweights */ unsigned char M_FromLength; /* Number of bytes in FROM */ unsigned char M_ToLength; /* Number of bytes in TO */ unsigned char M_SubjectLength; /* Number of bytes in SUBJECT */ }; MESSAGE HEADER NOTES: Every message begins with a message header packet. This structure is created by the system where the message originated. If there are any intermediate stops before it reaches its destination, it is the responsibility of intermediate systems to maintain all of this information without any modification. Following this header come three char-type data: FROM, TO, and SUBJECT. Using the final three fields of the header, a program can quickly read and process/store the the message. None of the character items is null-terminated. Their lengths are determined by values in the message header. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 12 13 Jan 1997 MESSAGE TEXT/BODY ----------------- struct _Text { unsigned char T_Version; /* Always 3 */ unsigned char T_PacketType; /* Always 3 */ unsigned int T_ByteCount; /* Number of bytes ( <0x1000) */ unsigned int T_Data[1]; /* VARIABLE-length field */ }; TEXT NOTES: The body of a message is contained in one or more _Text packets. No _Text packet is ever more than 1000H bytes long. That's 4096 bytes to the terminally base-10 folks. Of course there can be an infinite number of text packets, but you are absolutely positively guaranteed that with the TYPE-3 method, you will never need a buffer larger than 1000H. In addition to ASCII values 20h through 7Eh (inclusive), the following control codes are legal for TEXT data. Note that <cr> and <softCR> are NOT in this list. <stx> 02H ... material from here to next <lf> is a quote from the parent message <lf> 0Ah ... forced <cr/lf> <dle> 10h ... replicate Other control characters and values 7fH and above are symptoms of a damaged message. REPLICATE is a three byte sequence: <dle><value><length>. For example, if a message contains the bytes 10h, 20h, 09h ... it would mean that message display programs should replicate the <space> character nine times. There is no minimum or maximum line length. If there is no <lf> before the display program needs one, it is the display program's responsibility to provide the needed "line wrap." One "line" can cross from one _Text packet to another. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHOMAIL -------- struct _EchomailInfo { unsigned char EI_Version; /* Always 3 FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 13 13 Jan 1997 */ unsigned char EI_PacketType /* Always 4 */ unsigned char EI_Parent[EIDSIZ];/* "up" message thread */ unsigned char EI_Child[EIDSIZ]; /* "down" message thread */ unsigned int EI_SeenbyCount; /* Number of SEENBY items */ struct _Address EI_Seenby[1]; /* VARIABLE-length field */ }; ECHOMAIL INFO NOTES: The EI_Parent and EI_Child fields contain some kind of identification of the parent and child messages. The size of the fields corresponds to the size of an _Address structure plus the size of a Unix-type time stamp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A KLUDGE, BY ANY OTHER NAME... ------------------------------ struct _MiscInfo { unsigned char MI_Version; /* Always 3 */ unsigned char MI_PacketType; /* 0x80-0xff, assigned by FTSC */ unsigned char MI_ByteCount; /* Size of miscinfo data */ unsigned char MI_WhoKnows; /* Miscellaneous stuff */ }; MISCELLANEOUS INFO NOTES: This is the catch-all packet type that replaces "The Dreaded IFNA Kludge." If present, they are the last packets associated with a message. _MiscInfo items are bound to a message, and it is the responsibility of any packer to maintain any _MiscInfo packets exactly as they arrived on any message that will be retransmitted (ie netmail and echomail). Values above 0xf0 have a special meaning. They are reserved for the severe case that FTSC needs to make some kind of change that isn't backwards compatible. In most cases, unrecognized _MiscInfo packets should be preserved but otherwise ignored. If the packet type is 0xf0 through 0xff, it should be considered an error condition not to understand the packet. ### FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 14 13 Jan 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use Version 5, February 11, 1988 Rick Moore, Solar Wind Computing FidoNet Address: 1:115/333 FidoNet Standards Committee index: FSC-0015 This document supersedes/obsoletes: FSC-0008 Copyright (C) 1987, VEP Software, Naugatuck, CT 06770. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 1988, Rick Moore, Homewood, IL, 60430. All rights reserved. This document may be freely used or copied by anyone interested in the data contained herein. No fees may be charged for distribution of this document. You will be held accountable for all such charges, and expected to either reimburse those persons or organizations so charged, or to make a donation in the exact amount of those fees to the International FidoNet Association, to assist them in their efforts to advance the technology of personal computer telecommunications. A. Objectives of this document This document is directed at implementors or intellectuals. It is meant for use in implementing applications that can use FOSSIL drivers, or for details needed to implement a new FOSSIL. As such it won't always go out of its way to explain itself to the neophyte. This document will have served its purpose to you if you are able to use the data contained within to perform either of the above tasks. If you feel that necessary data has been omitted please contact Rick Moore at the above listed address so that the appropriate changes can be made. Any lines changed in the current version are marked with "|" in the left margin. B. Historical perspective For those people who were not lucky enough to have an IBM PC or a system nearly completely compatible, the world has not been very friendly. With his implementation of the Generic Fido(tm) driver, Tom Jennings made it possible for systems that had nothing in common with an IBM PC except an 808x-class processor, and the ability to run MS-DOS Version 2 and above, to run his Fido(tm) software. That was a lot to ask, and a lot of people thought it was enough. But not everyone. While Thom Henderson was debugging Version 4.0 FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 15 13 Jan 1997 of his SEAdog(tm) mail package, an "extended" Generic driver was designed (in cooperation with Bob Hartman) as a quick kludge to help him get past a problem with certain UART chips.The new hook was quickly pounced upon by Vince Perriello, who, with almost DAILY prodding (ouch! it still hurts) by Ken Kaplan,had been working with Henderson to get DEC Rainbow support into SEAdog. Vince then coded a driver to use this hook and - Voila! -SEAdog 4.0 started working like a champ on the Rainbow. At the same time something was rotten in the state of Texas. Wynn Wagner started encountering some serious difficulties in his Opus development effort. Specifically, he couldn't force the Greenleaf(tm) Communications Libraries to behave in exactly the way he felt Opus required. Enter Bob Hartman.Having already enjoyed success in the effort with Thom Henderson, he suggested to Wynn that with very few extensions, any driver that was already SEAdog(tm) 4.0 compatible could drive Opus as well. About that time, Vince called Wynn to discuss porting Opus to the DEC Rainbow. Wynn called Bob, Bob called Vince, and the FOSSIL driver came into existence. FOSSIL is an acronym for "Fido/Opus/SEAdog Standard Interface Layer". To say that the concept has gained wide acceptance in the FidoNet community would be an understatement. Henk Wevers' DUTCHIE package uses the FOSSIL communications services. Ron Bemis' OUTER package uses FOSSIL services for everything it does and as a result it is completely generic. There are already FOSSIL implementations for the Tandy 2000, Heath/Zenith 100, Sanyo 555 and other "non-IBM" architectures. With each new 'port' of the spec, the potential of a properly coded FOSSIL application grows! C. Basic principles of a FOSSIL driver 1) Interrupt 14h. The one basic rule that the driver depends upon, is the ability for ANY target machine to allow the vector for INT 14h (usually pointing to BIOS comm functions) to be "stolen" by the driver. In a system where the INT 14h vector is used already, it must be possible to replace the "builtin" functionality with that of a FOSSIL, when an application that wants the use of a FOSSIL is to be run on the target machine. 2) How to install a FOSSIL driver in a system There's no hard and fast way to do this. The FOSSIL might be implemented as part of a device driver (like Ray Gwinn's X00.SYS) and therefore gets loaded using a line in CONFIG.SYS at bootup time. It might be done as a TSR (terminate and stay resident) program, in which event you install it by running the program (DECcomm by Vince Perriello and Opus!Comm by Bob Hartman work this way, for example). 3) How an application can detect the presence of a FOSSIL The driver has a "signature" that can be used to determine whether FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 16 13 Jan 1997 it is present in memory. At offset 6 in the INT 14h service routine is a word, 1954h, followed by a byte that specifies the maximum function number supported by the driver. This is to make it possible to determine when a driver is present and what level of functionality it provides. Also, the Init call (see below) returns a 1954h in AX. SEAdog(tm) looks at the signature and Opus just goes for the Init. Fido doesn't do either. 4) How to call a FOSSIL function The FOSSIL driver is entered by issuing a software Interrupt 14h from the application program. The code corresponding to the desired function should be in 8-bit register AH. For calls that relate to communications, the port number will be passed from the application in register DX. When DX contains a zero (0) it signifies use of COM1, or whatever the "first" serial port on your machine is called. A one (1) in DX points the driver at COM2, and so on. A value of 00FFh in DX is considered a special case where the driver should do no actual processing but return SUCCESS. In the specific case of Init/Uninit with DX=00FFh,the FOSSIL should perform all non-communications processing necessary with such calls. In some machines (H/Z-100 for example), the FOSSIL must assume control of the keyboard in order to service the keyboard functions. FOR ALL FUNCTIONS, ALL REGISTERS NOT SPECIFICALLY CONTAINING A FUNCTION RETURN VALUE MUST BE PRESERVED ACROSS THE CALL. D. Functions currently defined for FOSSILs AH = 00h Set baud rate Parameters: Entry: AL = Baud rate code DX = Port number | Exit: AX = Port status (see function 03h) This works the same as the equivalent IBM PC BIOS call, except that it ONLY selects a baud rate. This is passed in the high order 3 bits of AL as follows: 010 = 300 baud 011 = 600 '' 100 = 1200 '' 101 = 2400 '' 110 = 4800 '' 111 = 9600 '' 000 = 19200 '' (Replaces old 110 baud mask) 001 = 38400 '' (Replaces old 150 baud mask) The low order 5 bits can be implemented or not by the FOSSIL, but in all cases, if the low order bits of AL are 00011, the result should be that the communications device should be set to eight data bits, one stop bit and no parity. This setting is a MINIMUM REQUIREMENT of Fido, Opus and SEAdog. For purposes of completeness, here are the IBM PC "compatible" bit settings: FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 17 13 Jan 1997 Bits 4-3 define parity: 0 0 no parity 1 0 no parity 0 1 odd parity 1 1 even parity Bit 2 defines stop bits: 0 1 stop bit; 1 1.5 bits for 5-bit char; 2 for others Bits 1-0 character length: 0 0 5 bits 0 1 6 bits 1 0 7 bits 1 1 8 bits AH = 01h Transmit character with wait Parameters: Entry: AL = Character DX = Port number Exit: AX = Port status (see function 03h) AL contains the character to be sent. If there is room in the transmit buffer the return will be immediate, otherwise it will wait until there is room to store the character in the transmit buffer. On return, AX is set as in a status request (see function 03h). AH = 02h Receive character with wait Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: AH = 00h AL = Input character If there is a character available in the receive buffer, returns with the next character in AL. It will wait until a character is received if none is available. AH = 03h Request status Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: AX = Status bit mask (see below) Returns with the line and modem status in AX. Status bits returned are: In AH: Bit 0 = RDA - input data is available in buffer | Bit 1 = OVRN - the input buffer has been overrun. All | characters received after the buffer is | full should be discarded. Bit 5 = THRE - room is available in output buffer Bit 6 = TSRE - output buffer is empty In AL: FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 18 13 Jan 1997 | Bit 3 = Always 1 (always return with this bit set to 1) Bit 7 = DCD - carrier detect This can be used by the application to determine whether carrier detect (CD) is set, signifying the presence/absence of a remote connection, as well as monitoring both the input and output buffer status. Bit 3 of AL is always returned set to enable programs to use it as a carrier detect bit on hardwired (null modem) links. AH = 04h Initialize driver Parameters: Entry: DX = port number ( BX = 4F50h | ES:CX = ^C flag address --- optional ) Exit: AX = 1954h if successful | BL = maximum function number supported | (not counting functions 7Eh and above) | BH = rev of FOSSIL doc supported This is used to tell the driver to begin operations, and to check that the driver is installed. This function should be called before any other communications calls are made. At this point all interrupts involved in supporting the comm port (specified in DX) should be set up for handling by the FOSSIL, then enabled. If BX contains 4F50h, then the address specified in ES:CX is that of a ^C flag byte in the application program, to be incremented when ^C is detected in the keyboard service routines. This is an optional service and only need be supported on machines where the keyboard service can't (or won't) perform an INT 1Bh or INT 23h when | a Control-C is entered. DTR is raised by this call. The baud | rate must NOT be changed by this call. NOTE: Should an additional call to this service occur (2 Inits or Init, Read,Init, etc.) the driver should reset all buffers, flow control, etc. to the INIT state and return SUCCESS. AH = 05h Deinitialize driver Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: None This is used to tell the driver that comm port operations are ended. The function should be called when no more comm port functions will be used on the port specified in DX. DTR is NOT affected by this call. AH = 06h Raise/lower DTR Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number AL = DTR state to be set (01h = Raise, 00h = Lower) FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 19 13 Jan 1997 Exit: None This function is used to control the DTR line to the modem. AL = 00h means lower DTR (disable the modem), and AL = 01h means to raise DTR (enable the modem). No other function (except Init) should alter DTR. AH = 07h Return timer tick parameters Parameters: Entry: None Exit: AL = Timer tick interrupt number AH = Ticks per second on interrupt number in AL DX = Approximate number of milliseconds per tick This is used to determine the parameters of the timer tick on any given machine. Three numbers are returned: AL = Timer tick interrupt number AH = Ticks per second on interrupt number shown in AL DX = Milliseconds per tick (approximate) Applications can use this for critical timing (granularity of less than one second) or to set up code (such as a watchdog) that is executed on every timer tick. See function 16h (add/delete function from timer tick) for the preferred way of actually installing such code. AH = 08h Flush output buffer Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: None This is used to force any pending output. It does not return until all pending output has been sent. You should use this call with care. Flow control (documented below) can make your system hang on this call in a tight uninterruptible loop under the right circumstances. AH = 09h Purge output buffer Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: None This is used to purge any pending output. Any output data remaining in the output buffer (not transmitted yet) is discarded. AH = 0Ah Purge input buffer Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: None FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 20 13 Jan 1997 This is used to purge any pending input. Any input data which is still in the buffer is discarded. AH = 0Bh Transmit no wait Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: AX = 0001h - Character was accepted = 0000h - Character was not accepted This is exactly the same as the "regular" transmit call, except that if the driver is unable to buffer the character (the buffer is full), a value of 0000h is returned in AX. If the driver accepts the character (room is available), 0001h is returned in AX. AH = 0Ch Non-destructive read-ahead Parameters: Entry: DX = Port number Exit: AH = 00h - Character is AL = Next character available AX = FFFFh - Character is not available Return in AL the next character in the receive buffer. If the receive buffer is empty, return FFFFh. The character returned remains in the receive buffer. Some applications call this "peek". AH = 0Dh Keyboard read without wait Parameters: Entry: None Exit: AX = IBM-style scan code (Character available) = FFFFh (Character not available) Return in AX the next character (non-destructive read ahead) from the keyboard; if nothing is currently in the keyboard buffer, return FFFFh in AX. Use IBM-style function key mapping in the high order byte. Scan codes for non-"function" keys are not specifically required, but may be included. Function keys return 00h in AL and the "scan code" in AH. AH = 0Eh Keyboard read with wait Parameters: Entry: None Exit: AX = IBM-style scan code Return in AX the next character from the keyboard; wait if no character is available. Keyboard mapping should be the same as function 0Dh. AH = 0Fh Enable or disable flow control FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 21 13 Jan 1997 Parameters: Entry: AL = Bit mask describing requested flow control DX = Port number Exit: None TRANSMIT flow control allows the "other end" to restrain the transmitter when you are over-running it. RECEIVE flow control tells the FOSSIL to attempt to do just that if it is being overwhelmed. Two kinds of basic flow control are supported: Bit 0 = 1 Xon/Xoff on transmit Bit 1 = 1 CTS/RTS (CTS on transmit, RTS on receive) Bit 2 Reserved | Bit 3 = 1 Xon/Xoff on Receive Flow control is enabled, or disabled, by setting the appropriate bits in AL for the types of flow control we want to ENABLE (value = 1), and/or DISABLE (value = 0), and calling this function. Bit 2 is reserved for DSR/DTR, but is not currently supported in any implementation. Enabling transmit Xon/Xoff will cause the FOSSIL to stop transmitting upon receiving an Xoff. The FOSSIL will resume transmitting when an Xon is received. Enabling CTS/RTS will cause the FOSSIL to cease transmitting when CTS is lowered. Transmission will resume when CTS is raised. The FOSSIL will drop RTS when the receive buffer reaches a predetermined percentage full The FOSSIL will raise RTS when the receive buffer empties below the predetermined percentage full. The point(s) at which this occurs is left to the individual FOSSIL implementor. | Enabling receive Xon/Xoff will cause the FOSSIL to send a Xoff | when the receive buffer reaches a pre-determined percentage full. | An Xon will be sent when the receive buffer empties below the pre- | determined percentage full. The point(s) at which this occurs is | left to the individual FOSSIL implementor. Applications using this function should set all bits ON in the high nibble of AL as well. There is a compatible (but not identical) FOSSIL driver implementation that uses the high nibble as a control mask. If your application sets the high nibble to all ones, it will always work, regardless of the method used by any given driver. AH = 10h Extended Control-C / Control-K checking and transmit on/off Parameters: Entry: AL = Bit mask (see below) DX = Port number FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 22 13 Jan 1997 Exit: AX = 0001h - Control-C/K has been received = 0000h - Control-C/K has not been received This is used for BBS operation, primarily. A bit mask is passed in AL with the following flags: Bit 0 Enable/disable Control-C / Control-K checking Bit 1 Disable/enable the transmitter The Enable (bit 0 = 1) and Disable (Bit 0 = 0) Control-C/Control-K check function is meant primarily for BBS use. When the checking is enabled, a Control-C or Control-K received from the communications port will set a flag internal to the FOSSIL driver, but will not be stored in the input buffer. The next use of this function will return the value of this flag in register AX then clear the flag for the next occurrence. The returned value is used by the BBS software to determine whether output should be halted or not. The Disable (Bit 1 = 1) and Enable (Bit 1 = 0) Transmitter function lets the application restrain the asynchronous driver from output in much the same way as XON/XOFF would. AH = 11h Set current cursor location. Parameters: Entry: DH = Row (line) DL = Column Exit: None This function looks exactly like like INT 10h, subfunction 2, on the IBM PC. The cursor location is passed in DX: row in DH and column in DL. The function treats the screen as a coordinate system whose origin (0,0) is the upper left hand corner of the screen. AH = 12h Read current cursor location. Parameters: Entry: None Exit: DH = Row (line) DL = Column Looks exactly like INT 10h, subfunction 3, on the IBM PC. The current cursor location (using the same coordinate system as function 16h) is passed back in DX. AH = 13h Single character ANSI write to screen. Parameters: Entry: AL = Character to display Exit: None The character in AL is sent to the screen by the fastest method possible that allows ANSI processing to occur (if available). This routine should not be used in such a way that DOS output (which FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 23 13 Jan 1997 is not re-entrant) can not be employed by some FOSSIL driver to perform the function (in fact, on the IBM PC that is likely to be how it's done). On some systems such as the DEC Rainbow this will be a very fast method of screen writing. AH = 14h Enable or disable watchdog processing Parameters: Entry: AL = 01h - Enable watchdog = 00h - Disable watchdog DX = Port number Exit: None When watchdog is enabled, the state of the carrier detect (CD) line on the comm port specified in DX should be constantly monitored. Should the state of that line become FALSE (carrier lost), the system should be re-booted, to enable the BBS (or other application) to start up again. This monitor is not affected by Init/Uninit etc. AH = 15h Write character to screen using BIOS support routines Parameters: Entry: AL = Character to display Exit: None The character in AL is sent to the screen using BIOS-level Input/Output routines. This differs from function 13h in that DOS I/O CAN NOT be used, as this function might be called from driver level. AH = 16h Insert or delete a function from the timer tick chain Parameter: Entry: AL = 01h - Add a function = 00h - Delete a function | ES = Segment of function DX = Offset of function Exit: AX = 0000h - Operation successful = FFFFh - Operation unsuccessful This function is used to allow a central authority to manage the timer interrupts, so that as code is loaded and unloaded, the integrity of the "chain" is not compromised. Rather than using the traditional method of saving the old contents of the timer vector, storing the address of your routine there, and executing a far call to the "old" routine when yours is done, instead you call this function. It manages a list of such entry points and calls them on a timer tick (interrupt) using a FAR call. All the usual cautions about making DOS calls apply (that is, DON'T!). This makes it possible for a program to get in and out of the tick chain without having to know whether another program has also done so since it first insinuated itself. At least 4 entries should be available in the driver's table (including one to be used by Watchdog if implemented that way). FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 24 13 Jan 1997 AH = 17h Reboot system Parameters: Entry: AL = 00h - "Cold boot" = 01h - "Warm boot" Perform the old 3-finger salute. Used in extreme emergency by code that can't seem to find a "clean" way out of the trouble it has gotten itself into. Hopefully it won't happen while you're computing something in the other half of a DoubleDOS system. If your machine can make a distinction between a "cold" (power-up, self-test and boot) and a "warm" (just boot) bootstrap, your FOSSIL should support the flag in AL. Otherwise just do whatever bootstrap is possible. | AH = 18h Read block (transfer from FOSSIL to user buffer) | Parameters: | Entry: CX = Maximum number of characters to transfer | DX = Port number | ES = Segment of user buffer | DI = Offset into ES of user buffer | Exit: AX = Number of characters actually transferred | A "no-wait" block read of 0 to FFFFh characters from the FOSSIL | inbound ring buffer to the calling routine's buffer. ES:DI are | left unchanged by the call; the count of bytes actually | transferred will be returned in AX. | AH = 19h Write block (transfer from user buffer to FOSSIL) | Parameters: | Entry: CX = Maximum number of characters to transfer | DX = Port number | ES = Segment of user buffer | DI = Offset into ES of user buffer | Exit: AX = Number of characters actually transferred | A "no-wait" block move of 0 to FFFFh characters from the | calling program's buffer into the FOSSIL outbound ring buffer. | ES:DI are left unchanged by the call; the count of bytes actually | transferred will be returned in AX. | AH = 1Ah Break begin or end | Parameters: | Entry: AL = 01h - Start sending 'break' = 00h - Stop sending 'break' | DX = port number | Exit: None | Send a break signal to the modem. If AL=01h the driver will | commence the transmission of a break. If AL=00h the driver will | end the break. This is useful for communications with devices | that can only go into 'command mode' when a BREAK is received. FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 25 13 Jan 1997 | Note: the application is responsible for the timing of the BREAK. | Also, if the FOSSIL has been restrained by an Xoff received from | the modem, the flag will be cleared. An Init or Un-Init will | stop an in-progress BREAK. | AH = 1Bh Return information about the driver | Parameters: | Entry: CX = Size of user info buffer in bytes | DX = Port number | ES = Segment of user info buffer | DI = Offset into ES of user info buffer | Exit: AX = Number of bytes actually transferred | Transfer information about the driver and its current status to | the user for use in determining, at the application level, limits | of the driver. Designed to assist "generic" applications to | adjust to "foreign" gear. | The data structure currently returned by the driver is as follows | (sorry but you'll have to live with assembly syntax): | info equ $ ; define begin of structure | strsiz dw info_size ; size of the structure in | bytes | majver db curr_fossil ; FOSSIL spec driver conforms | to | minver db curr_rev ; rev level of this specific | driver | ident dd id_string ; "FAR" pointer to ASCII ID | string | ibufr dw ibsize ; size of the input buffer | (bytes) | ifree dw ? ; number of bytes left in | buffer | obufr dw obsize ; size of the output buffer | (bytes) | ofree dw ? ; number of bytes left in the | buffer | swidth db screen_width ; width of screen on this | adapter | sheight db screen_height ; height of screen " " | baud db ? ; ACTUAL baud rate, computer | to modem | info_size equ $-info | The ident string should be null-terminated, and NOT contain a | newline. The baud rate byte contains the bits that Function 00h | would use to set the port to that speed. | The fields related to a particular port (buffer size, space left | in the buffer, baud rate) will be undefined if port FFh or an | invalid port is contained in DX. | Additional information will always be passed after these, so that, | for example, offset "sheight" will never change with FOSSIL FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 26 13 Jan 1997 | revision changes. | The functions below are not necessarily FOSSIL related. However, | because dispatchers that support them are hooked on Interrupt 14H, | it behooves the FOSSIL developer to support them as well to avoid | fragmenting memory with several dispatchers. | AH = 7Eh Install an "external application" function | Parameters: | Entry: AL = Code assigned to external application | DX = Offset of application entry point | ES = Segment of application entry point | Exit: AX = 1954h | BL = Code assigned to application (same as | input AL) | BH = 01h - Installation was successful | = 00h - Installation failed | This call is used by external application code (special screen | drivers, modem code, database code, etc) to link into the INT 14h | service for use by multiple applications. The "error return" (BH=0 | with AX=1954h) should mean that another application layer has | already been installed at that particular code. Codes 80h through | BFh should be supported. | External application codes 80h-83h are reserved by FOSSIL | developers for re-organizing FOSSIL services by type (comm, | screen, keyboard, system). | Installed application code will be entered, via a FAR call, from | the INT 14H dispatcher whenever it is entered with AH=(application | code). | If the value returned in AX from this function is not 1954h, the | service code that is trying to be installed should bring up its | own INT 14h code that can service INT 14h functions 7h-BFh (80h- | BFh are "applications"). | AH = 7Fh Remove an "external application" function | Parameters: | Entry: AL = Code assigned to external application | DX = Offset of application entry point | ES = Segment of application entry point | Exit: AX = 1954h | BL = Code assigned to application (same as | input AL) | BH = 01h - Removal was successful | = 00h - Removal failed | Removes an application's entry into the table. Usually so it can | remove itself from memory. Error return means ES:DX did not match | or that there is no entry at the slot described by AL. | An application that wants to remove itself from memory can issue FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 27 13 Jan 1997 | the 7F function to remove itself from the table, then, if it is | successful, get out of memory. If it had to install itself with an | INT 14h dispatcher it may back itself out, provided no other | applications have been installed on top of it (using its | dispatcher). E. Validation Suite. Well, there is one, but it's involved. Here is a list of software that is known to use FOSSIL calls, and the range of calls used by that software: Software package Fossil calls used Fido, V11w, generic version 00h - 07h SEAdog, V4.1b 00h - 0Eh Opus, V1.03a 00h - 17h BinkleyTerm, V1.30 00h - 1Bh While there is certainly no guarantee that your FOSSIL is bug- free if all the above software runs with it, you have probably done as much as you can in a test environment if your FOSSIL is tested with each of these packages. F. Technical Discussion. A FOSSIL echomail conference exists, for the purpose of exchanging info and implementation details for FOSSIL drivers. It is coordinated by Ray Gwinn at FidoNet node 1:109/639. Contact him for details on how to join. Keep in mind though, that this conference is intended SPECIFICALLY for implementors of FOSSIL software and not as a general Q&A conference for people who think FOSSILs have something to do with paleontology. G. Distribution Of This Document. This document may be distribute freely as long as it is not modified in any way. Please list all changes and deviations in a given FOSSIL implementation in an addendum contained in a separate file added to the FOSSIL archive. Also, please do not distribute this document without the accompanying version of FOSSIL.CHT. This will help avoid confusion, among both FOSSIL implementors and application developers. -30- ----------------------------------------------------------------- FSC-0016 FidoNet mail session startup by Bob Hartman, 1:132/101 Presently, FSC001 contains no provisions for what actually FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 28 13 Jan 1997 happens when a call is received. All it says is that the baud rate is determined, and a netmail session starts. Currently, this is one of the most difficult sections of a netmail program to get working. All programs have different timeouts, different ways of determining baud rates, not to mention the fact that MNP modems talking to non- MNP modems can cause problems. For these reasons, I propose the following "standard" for netmail programs that deal with the beginning of a netmail session: 1. When carrier is detected, all input should be deleted by the receiver for a period of 2 seconds (I would even be comfortable with 5 seconds, but it makes human callers a bit unhappy). This enables most MNP modems to send their string of MNP "garbage" and not cause spurious characters to impact the netmail startup logic. 2. The sender should send ONLY carriage return and space characters as "whacking return" until the receiver acknowledges by sending a string containing a carriage return or space character. 3. The sender should whack return at the rate of one character per second. This gives Fido 11w and other implementations time to purge buffers if line noise is received which would screw up the baud rate detection logic. 4. After recognizing the "whack" of the sender, the receiver should disregard all characters except the following: TSYNC - start of an FSC001 session (a delay of at least one second should appear here so the sender can recognize a valid NAK -otherwise, it could still be the banner file being displayed). WaZOO mailers should disregard the first TSYNC in the hopes that a YooHoo will appear. If a YooHoo is not received within 2 seconds, or a second TSYNC appears, an FSC001 session should be started. YooHoo - signals the start of a WaZOO netmail session. FSC001 mailers should just ignore this character as noise. Carriage return, space - Send message containing carriage return and/or space. The sender may have missed it the first time around and is still "whacking return". Line feed - This is probably a user, and a message explaining things to him/her should be sent out. Escape - This character is currently used by at least one front end as a quick method for users to enter the BBS. If received in "mail mode", it should always be ignored. (I propose this as a "standard" so that all front-ends can use this feature. If it is not standardized now, all front- ends could conceivably use different characters and further muddle the picture when a netmail session is starting.) 5. After the sender has started sending TSYNC and/or YooHoo, the responses must be looked at very carefully. A line with no FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 29 13 Jan 1997 activity for at least .5 seconds must be seen. Otherwise, it is possible that a banner file is still being displayed and a 'C' is meaningless. If all FidoNet compatible mail programs were to follow these conventions, I believe that the start of a netmail session would be much more reliable than it is right now. Too often we see front end packages fall through to the underlying BBS because of MNP negotiation, or one end taking longer than the other to give a connect message. -30- ----------------------------------------------------------------- FSC-0017 FidoNet(tm) Standards Committee Archive Philosophy and Document Naming March 30, 1988 Date: Tue 29 Mar 88 20:13 From: Randy Bush To: Chuck Venter Subj: Re: This echo AREA:NET_DEV ... What is intended by this document registry o Starting a document archive with a naming convention based on the current one, FSC-nnnn.ARC. o The first few documents are the current FSC001 & 2, but using the new naming convention. o Grabbing the dozen documents which detail the current FidoNet technology (MYFSC001, N_YOOHOO, ...) , or provide well-documented proposals for changes, arranging them in date order without prejudice and issuing them numbers. The ongoing plan is o Similarly to the NIC, when a document is revised, it is given a new number, and states what documents it obsoletes. Many have said that this should have been done with FSC001. o Occasional documents will provide bibliographies of the archive. o Occasional documents will give advice as to which subset of the registry represents the currently accepted standard. o Contributions hungrily accepted. Send text<tm>. FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 30 13 Jan 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Naming Convention 1. Document names begin with "FSC-nnnn". 2. Documents are numbered sequentially from 0001, with new document numbers being assigned to new drafts. 3. Extensions are a) .ARC - The distributed ARChive file b) .TXT - ASCII text file for screen or printer c) .DOC - ASCII text file for screen or printer d) .CHT - ASCII chart, may be wide or long or both -30- ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 31 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= COORDINATORS CORNER ================================================================= Backbone Echo Changes [Nov-Dec] by Lisa Gronke, 1:105/16 lisa@psg.com Summary of backbone & quasi-backbone echo changes during Nov & Dec. Brought to you courtesy of (unix) diff. diff (backbone.na + backbone.no) 03-Nov-96 05-Jan-97 [edited]. Echo tag change --------------- < GENREPLY Tiny Tafel Reply [old echotag] > FIDOGEN Fidonet Genealogy Sysop Disc [new echotag] Added to the backbone ----------------------- > BODYART Tattoo's, Piercing, Ect > CDRECORD CDR: CDROM/DVD Recording Discussion > CRICKET_ECHO Cricket News and Discussion Conference. > CRIME_VICTIMS Crime Victims' Rights and Criminal Justice > DEMOCRATS Democratic Party policy and strategy > FNOS_HELP FNOS version of KA9Q, mods by Marc Blakel > FTSC_PUBLIC Fidonet Tech Standards Committee Public Echo > GAF.CHAT German-American Friendship Networks Chat Echo > IBBSDOOR InterBBS DOORgame discussion area > MILLENNIUM Millennium TV show discussions > MOORCOCK Michael Moorcock Discussion Echo > MS_IE Microsoft Internet Explore Discussions > NATIVE_ISSUES Native American Issues > NEXUS Nexus BBS Software Support Conference > OBLIVION2 (low traffic since 12/1/97) > ROK Realm of Kisom Support > SACRED_MAGICK Discussion about Magick and it's Mythos > SENIOR_CLASS For issues concering those over 50 years of age > WINDOWS-NT Windows NT Discussion and support forum > WINDOWS-NT_BBS Windows-NT BBS Discussion and Support Forum > WRESTLING_CHAT wrestling Chat Echo Removed from the backbone or quasi-backbone ------------------------------------------- < AMIGA_OS&EM (not in EchoList since 10/1/96) < AMIGA_PD (low traffic since 9/1/96) < AMPUTEE (low traffic since 10/1/96) < BH90210 (not in EchoList since 10/1/96) < CANADIAN_POLITICS A forum for discussion of Canadian Politics < CHILD_ABUSE_ISSUES (low traffic since 10/1/96) < EARTH2 (not in EchoList since 10/1/96) < FMS (low traffic since 9/1/96) < JAMMAIL JamMail Amiga FrontEnd Mailer Support < K.L.A.W. (low traffic since 9/1/96) FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 32 13 Jan 1997 < MDNDP_HLP (low traffic since 9/1/96) < MFILEPMSUP (low traffic since 10/1/96) < MPS (low traffic since 9/1/96) < MUSICSYN (low traffic since 9/1/96) < NEWOPUS (low traffic since 9/1/96) < NIGHT_SHIFT Gramps Kiersarge and The Crew. Gen Disc Echo < NIGHT_SHIFT_CP Night Shift Cross Post < NIGHT_SHIFT_DEBATE Debate Subjects discussed in Night Shift Echo < OKILLERS (low traffic since 9/1/96) < OMNINET OMNINET Technical Development Conference < PARADOX (not in EchoList since 9/1/96) < PATCHES (low traffic since 9/1/96) < PC_CONSULT PC Consultants Echo < POST_POLIO International Post-Polio Survivors Forum < PRO_VIDEO (low traffic since 10/1/96) < RAINBOW (low traffic since 9/1/96) < RAPTORBBS (low traffic since 10/1/96) < RAUSW (low traffic since 10/1/96) < SIP_AABUS (low traffic since 10/1/96) < STEP_PARENT (low traffic since 9/1/96) < SUST_AG (low traffic since 9/1/96) < TPWTECH (low traffic since 9/1/96) < TWINS (low traffic since 9/1/96) ----------------------------------------------------------------- o There are 779 echos in backbone.na [05-Jan-97] (down 14) o There are 67 echos in backbone.no [05-Jan-97] (up 2) o for a total of 846 backbone & quasi-backbone echos (down 12) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nodelist-statistics as seen from Zone-2 for day 010 By Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 ZC/2 +----+------+------------+------------+------------+------------+--+ |Zone|Nl-348|Nodelist-355|Nodelist-362|Nodelist-003|Nodelist-010|%%| +----+------+------------+------------+------------+------------+--+ | 1 | 10737|10564 -173 |10452 -112 |10370 -82 |10370 0 |36| | 2 | 16150|16127 -23 |16104 -23 |16056 -48 |15979 -77 |55| | 3 | 882| 878 -4 | 876 -2 | 869 -7 | 868 -1 | 3| | 4 | 572| 413 -159 | 556 143 | 552 -4 | 554 2 | 2| | 5 | 94| 93 -1 | 93 0 | 93 0 | 93 0 | 0| | 6 | 1003| 1003 0 | 1075 72 | 1073 -2 | 1073 0 | 4| +----+------+------------+------------+------------+------------+--+ | 29438|29078 -360 |29156 78 |29013 -143 |28937 -76 | +------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 33 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= NET HUMOR ================================================================= From: "Mike Riddle" <mriddle@novia.net> To: "Baker, Christopher" <cbaker84@digital.net (Christopher Baker) Date: Sun, 05 Jan 97 09:54:54 -0600 Reply-To: "Mike Riddle" <mriddle@novia.net> Subject: Fwd: I Shot A Query Into The Net ==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE================== >From: "Michael P. Deslippe" <tensbum@ix.netcom.com> >Subject: I Shot A Query Into The Net I Shot A Query Into The Net I shot a query into the net. I haven't got an answer yet, But seven people gave me hell And said I ought to learn to spell; A posted message called me rotten For ignoring mail I'd never gotten; An angry message asked me, Please Don't send such drivel overseas; A lawyer sent me private mail And swore he'd slap my ass in jail -- I'd mentioned Un*x in my gem And failed to add the T and M; One netter thought it was a hoax: "Hereafter, post to net dot jokes!"; Another called my grammar vile And criticized my writing style. Each day I scan each Subject line In hopes the topic will be mine; I shot a query into the net. I haven't got an answer yet ... Preachers: Are you a fisher of men, or just the keeper of the aquarium? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Michael P. Deslippe | People who can view their environment and not The Christian Advisor | see intelligent design, can't be regarded Galloway, Ohio | intelligently! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If God's your co-pilot, switch seats! ===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE=================== FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 34 13 Jan 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 35 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= COMIX IN ASCII ================================================================= [I'm running outta ASCII art folks!] Ed. . . /V\ /V\ //|\\ . //|\\ |_|_| /V\ |_|_| |~~~| // \\ |~~~| | | // \\ | | |~|_|~|_| I |_|~|_|~|_// I \\_|~|_|~|_| I |_|~|_|~| | |_____| |_________|| ||_________| |_____| | \ | | || || | | / | I I | |_|~|_|~|_|| ||_|~|_|~|_| | I I | | | I I I // \\ I I I | | | /\/\/\/\/\/\// _/V\_ \\/\/\/\/\/\/\ | | /\/\/\/\/\// _/ \_ \\/\/\/\/\/\ | | ~| | | _/~~~\_ | | |~ | | I | I I I | | | | | | I I I | I | | | | I | | | | I | | | |xxxx|XXXXXXXX|____|||_____|||____|XXXXXXXX|xxxx| |~|_|~|_|~|_|~|_|~|_|~|___________|~|_|~|_|~|_|~|_|~|_|~| |_|_________________|_| |_|_________________|_| From my castle to yours....... Happy Holidays from OAASIG II! {407} 297-1173 -=- 300/1200 -=- 24hrs/7days. Origin: Tandy Trader BBS - Winter Park, FL 407/645-4929 (363/18) ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 36 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= NOTICES ================================================================= Future History 26 Jan 1997 Australia Day, Australia. 6 Feb 1997 Waitangi Day, New Zealand. 16 Feb 1997 Eleventh Anniversary of invention of Echomail by Jeff Rush. 29 Feb 1997 Nothing will happen on this day. 25 May 1997 Independence Day, Argentina 11 Jun 1997 Independence Day, Russia 1 Jul 1997 Canada Day - Happy Birthday Canada 13 Oct 1997 Thanksgiving Day, Canada 22 May 1998 Expo '98 World Exposition in Lisbon (Portugal) opens. 1 Dec 1998 Fifteenth Anniversary of release of Fido version 1 by Tom Jennings. 31 Dec 1999 Hogmanay, Scotland. The New Year that can't be missed. 1 Jan 2000 The 20th Century, C.E., is still taking place thru 31 Dec. 15 Sep 2000 Sydney (Australia) Summer Olympiad opens. 1 Jan 2001 This is the actual start of the new millennium, C.E. -- If YOU have something which you would like to see in this Future History, please send a note to the FidoNews Editor. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 37 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING ================================================================= Latest Greatest Software Versions by Peter E. Popovich, 1:363/264 Wow. I must've had way too much free time this week, because I've actually made some headway into my backlog. I even got info from Bob Juge about BinkleyTerm. In addition to having the files available for FREQ, he also has them for ftp. For those of you who think un URLs, ftp://juge.com/bbs ;-) Also, folks who do any post-prosseing on this list should be aware; I've "stolen" two characters from the Version column and given them to the Magic Name column so I could support 8.3 file names. Phased out this week: Socrates 1.11 and SuperBBS 1.12 Phase-out highlights: This week: TBBS 2.1 and TComm/TCommNet 3.4 Deadline for info: 24 Jan 1997. Last week: SuperComm 0.99 and TAG 2.5g Deadline for info: 17 Jan 1997. -=- Snip -=- Submission form for the Latest Greatest Software Versions column OS Platform : Software package name : Version : Function(s) - BBS, Mailer, Tosser, etc. : Freeware / Shareware / Commercial? : Author / Support staff contact name : Author / Support staff contact node : Magic name (at the above-listed node) : Please include a sentence describing what the package does. Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264 -=- Snip -=- MS-DOS: Program Name Version F C Contact Name Node Magic Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Act-Up 4.6 G D Chris Gunn 1:15/55 ACT-UP ALLFIX 4.40 T S Harald Harms 2:281/415 ALLFIX Announcer 1.1 O S Peter Karlsson 2:206/221 ANNOUNCE BGFAX 1.60 O S B.J. Guillot 1:106/400 BGFAX Binkley Docs 2.60 M P Bob Juge 1:1/102 BDOC_260.ZIP BinkleyTerm 2.60 M P Bob Juge 1:1/102 BDOS_260.ZIP BinkleyTerm-XE XR4 M F Thomas Waldmann 2:2474/400 BTXE_DOS FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 38 13 Jan 1997 CFRoute 0.92 O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70 CFR CheckPnt 1.0 O G Michiel van der Vlist 2:500/9 CHECKPNT FidoBBS (tm) 12u B S Ray Brown 1:1/117 FILES FrontDoor 2.12 M S JoHo 2:201/330 FD FrontDoor 2.20c M C JoHo 2:201/330 FDINFO GIGO 07-14-96 G S Jason Fesler 1:1/141 INFO Imail 1.75 T S Michael McCabe 1:1/121 IMAIL ImCrypt 1.04 O G Michiel van der Vlist 2:500/9 IMCRYPT InfoMail 1.11 O F Damian Walker 2:2502/666 INFOMAIL InfoMail/386 1.20 O F Damian Walker 2:2502/666 INFO386 InterEcho 1.19 T C Peter Stewart 1:369/35 IEDEMO InterMail 2.29k M C Peter Stewart 1:369/35 IMDEMO InterPCB 1.52 O S Peter Stewart 1:369/35 INTERPCB IPNet 1.11 O S Michele Stewart 1:369/21 IPNET JD's CBV 1.4 O S John Dailey 1:363/277 CBV Jelly-Bean 1.01 T S Rowan Crowe 3:635/727 JELLY Jelly-Bean/386 1.01 T S Rowan Crowe 3:635/727 JELLY386 MakePl 1.9 N G Michiel van der Vlist 2:500/9 MAKEPL Marena 1.1 beta O G Michiel van der Vlist 2:500/9 MARENA Maximus 3.01 B P Tech 1:249/106 MAX McMail 1.0 M S Michael McCabe 1:1/148 MCMAIL MDNDP 1.18 N S Bill Doyle 1:388/7 MDNDP MsgEd 4.00 O G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 MSGED Opus CBCS 1.73a B P Christopher Baker 1:374/14 OPUS O/T-Track 2.63a O S Peter Hampf 2:241/1090 OT PcMerge 2.7 N G Michiel van der Vlist 2:500/9 PCMERGE PlatinumXpress 1.3 M C Gary Petersen 1:290/111 PX13TD.ZIP RAR 2.00 C S Ron Dwight 2:220/22 RAR RemoteAccess 2.50 B S Mark Lewis 1:3634/12 RA Silver Xpress Door 5.4 O S Gary Petersen 1:290/111 FILES Reader 4.4 O S Gary Petersen 1:290/111 SXR44.ZIP Spitfire 3.51 B S Mike Weaver 1:3670/3 SPITFIRE Squish 1.11 T P Tech 1:249/106 SQUISH StealTag UK 1.c... O F Fred Schenk 2:284/412 STEAL_UK StealTag NL 1.c... O F Fred Schenk 2:284/412 STEAL_NL T-Mail 2.599I M S Ron Dwight 2:220/22 TMAIL Terminate 4.00 O S Bo Bendtsen 2:254/261 TERMINATE Tobruk 0.33 T G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 TOBRUK TriBBS 10.0 B S Patrick Driscoll 1:372/19 TRIBBS TriDog 10.0 M S Patrick Driscoll 1:372/19 TRIDOG TriToss 10.0 T S Patrick Driscoll 1:372/19 TRITOSS WaterGate .92gamma G S Robert Szarka 1:320/42 WTRGATE WWIV 4.24a B S Craig Dooley 1:376/126 WWIV WWIVTOSS 1.30 T S Craig Dooley 1:376/126 WWIVTOSS xMail 2.00 T S Thorsten Franke 2:2448/53 XMAIL XRobot 3.01 O S JoHo 2:201/330 XRDOS OS/2: Program Name Version F C Contact Name Node Magic Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 39 13 Jan 1997 ALLFIX/2 1.10 T S Harald Harms 2:281/415 AFIXOS2 BGFAX 1.60 O S B.J. Guillot 1:106/400 BGFAX Binkley Docs 2.60 M P Bob Juge 1:1/102 BDOC_260.ZIP BinkleyTerm 2.60 M P Bob Juge 1:1/102 BOS2_260.ZIP BinkleyTerm-XE XR4 M F Thomas Waldmann 2:2474/400 BTXE_OS2 CFRoute 0.92 O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70 CFR FleetStreet 1.18 O S Michael Hohner 2:2490/2520 FLEET GIGO 07-14-96 G S Jason Fesler 1:1/141 INFO ImCrypt 1.04 O G Michiel van der Vlist 2:500/9 IMCRYPT Maximus 3.01 B P Tech 1:249/106 MAXP MsgEd 4.00 O G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 MSGED PcMerge 2.3 N G Michiel van der Vlist 2:500/9 PCMERGE RAR 2.00 C S Ron Dwight 2:220/22 RAR2 Squish 1.11 T P Tech 1:249/106 SQUISHP T-Mail 2.599I M S Ron Dwight 2:220/22 TMAIL2 Tobruk 0.33 T G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 TOBRUK XRobot 3.01 O S JoHo 2:201/330 XROS2 Windows (16-bit apps): Program Name Version F C Contact Name Node Magic Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BeeMail 1.0 M C Andrius Cepaitis 2:470/1 BEEMAIL Windows (32-bit apps): Program Name Version F C Contact Name Node Magic Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BeeMail 1.0 M C Andrius Cepaitis 2:470/1 BEEMAIL Binkley Docs 2.60 M P Bob Juge 1:1/102 BDOC_260.ZIP BinkleyTerm 2.60 M P Bob Juge 1:1/102 BW32_260.ZIP CFRoute 0.92 O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70 CFR Maximus 3.01 B P Tech 1:249/106 MAXN Msged/NT 4.00 O G Andrew Clarke 3:635/728 MSGNT400.ZIP PlatinumXpress 2.00 M C Gary Petersen 1:290/111 PXW-INFO T-Mail 2.599I M S Ron Dwight 2:220/22 TMAILNT Unix: Program Name Version F C Contact Name Node Magic Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifmail 2.8g M G Eugene Crosser 2:293/2219 IFMAIL ifmail-tx ...tx7.8 M G Pablo Saratxaga 2:293/2219 IFMAILTX MsgEd 4.00 O G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 MSGED Tobruk 0.33 T G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 TOBRUK Amiga: Program Name Version F C Contact Name Node Magic Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CrashMail 1.23 T X Fredrik Bennison 2:205/324 CRASHMAIL CrashTick 1.1 O F Fredrik Bennison 2:205/324 CRASHTICK GMS 1.1.85 M S Mirko Viviani 2:331/213 GMS MsgEd 4.00 O G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 MSGED Tobruk 0.33 T G Paul Edwards 3:711/934 TOBRUK Function: B-BBS, M-Mailer, N-Nodelist, G-Gateway, T-Tosser, C-Compression, O-Other. Note: Multifunction will be listed FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 40 13 Jan 1997 by the first match. Cost: P-Free for personal use, F-Freeware, S-Shareware, C-Commercial, X-Crippleware, D-Demoware, G-Free w/ Source Old info from: 01/27/92 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS Systems -------------- BBS Software Other Utilities Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- SuperComm 0.99 2DAPoint 1.50* Netsex 2.00b TAG 2.5g 4Dog/4DMatrix 1.18 OFFLINE 1.35 TBBS 2.1 ARCAsim 2.31 Oliver 1.0a TComm/TCommNet 3.4 ARCmail 3.00* OSIRIS CBIS 3.02 Telegard 2.7* Areafix 1.20 PKInsert 7.10 TPBoard 6.1 ConfMail 4.00 PolyXarc 2.1a WildCat! 3.02* Crossnet 1.5 QM 1.00a XBBS 1.77 DOMAIN 1.42 QSort 4.04 DEMM 1.06 RAD Plus 2.11 Network Mailers DGMM 1.06 Raid 1.00 Name Version DOMAIN 1.42 RBBSMail 18.0 -------------------- EEngine 0.32 ScanToss 1.28 D'Bridge 1.30 EMM 2.11* ScMail 1.00 Dreamer 1.06 EZPoint 2.1 ScEdit 1.12 Dutchie 2.90c FGroup 1.00 Sirius 1.0x Milqtoast 1.00 FidoPCB 1.0s@ SLMail 2.15C PreNM 1.48 FNPGate 2.70 StarLink 1.01 SEAdog 4.60 GateWorks 3.06e TagMail 2.41 SEAmail 1.01 GMail 2.05 TCOMMail 2.2 TIMS 1.0(mod8) GMD 3.10 Telemail 1.5* GMM 1.21 TGroup 1.13 Compression GoldEd 2.31p TIRES 3.11 Utilities GROUP 2.23 TMail 1.21 Name Version GUS 1.40 TosScan 1.00 -------------------- Harvey's Robot 4.10 UFGATE 1.03 ARC 7.12 HeadEdit 1.18 VPurge 4.09e ARJ 2.20 HLIST 1.09 WEdit 2.0@ LHA 2.13 ISIS 5.12@ WildMail 2.00 PAK 2.51 Lola 1.01d WMail 2.2 PKPak 3.61 Mosaic 1.00b WNode 2.1 PKZip 1.10 MailBase 4.11a@ XRS 4.99 MSG 4.5* XST 2.3e NodeList Utilities MsgLnk 1.0c YUPPIE! 2.00 Name Version MsgMstr 2.03a ZmailH 1.25 -------------------- MsgNum 4.16d ZSX 2.40 EditNL 4.00 MSGTOSS 1.3 FDND 1.10 MakeNL 2.31 Parselst 1.33 Prune 1.40 SysNL 3.14 FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 41 13 Jan 1997 XlatList 2.90 XlaxNode/Diff 2.53 OS/2 Systems ------------ BBS Software Other Utilities(A-M Other Utilities(N-Z) Name Version Name Version Name Version -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Kitten 1.01 ARC 7.12 oMMM 1.52 SimplexBBS 1.04.02+ ARC2 6.01 Omail 3.1 ConfMail 4.00 Parselst 1.33 EchoStat 6.0 PKZip 1.02 Network Mailers EZPoint 2.1 PMSnoop 1.30 Name Version FGroup 1.00 PolyXOS2 2.1a -------------------- GROUP 2.23 QSort 2.1 BinkleyTerm(S) 2.50 LH2 2.11 Raid 1.0 BinkleyTerm/2-MT MSG 4.2 Remapper 1.2 1.40.02 MsgLink 1.0c Tick 2.0 SEAmail 1.01 MsgNum 4.16d VPurge 4.09e Xenix/Unix 386 -------------- BBS Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ARC 5.21 C-LHARC 1.00 |Contact: Willy Paine 1:343/15,| MSGLINK 1.01 |or Eddy van Loo 2:285/406 | oMMM 1.42 Omail 1.00 ParseLst 1.32 Unzip 3.10 VPurge 4.08 Zoo 2.01 Macintosh --------- BBS Software Network Mailers Other Software Name Version Name Version Name Version -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- FBBS 0.91 Copernicus 1.0 ArcMac 1.3 Hermes 1.6.1 Tabby 2.2 AreaFix 1.6 Mansion 7.15 Compact Pro 1.30 Precision Sys. 0.95b EventMeister 1.0 Red Ryder Host 2.1 Export 3.21 Telefinder Host Import 3.2 2.12T10 LHARC 0.41 MacArd 0.04 Mantissa 3.21 Point System Mehitable 2.0 Software OriginatorII 2.0 Name Version PreStamp 3.2 -------------------- StuffIt Classic 1.6 FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 42 13 Jan 1997 Copernicus 1.00 SunDial 3.2 CounterPoint 1.09 TExport 1.92 MacWoof 1.1 TimeStamp 1.6 TImport 1.92 Tset 1.3 TSort 1.0 UNZIP 1.02c Zenith 1.5 Zip Extract 0.10 Amiga ----- BBS Software Network Mailers Other Software Name Version Name Version Name Version -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 4D-BBS 1.65 BinkleyTerm 1.00 Areafix 1.48 DLG Pro. 0.96b TrapDoor 1.80 AReceipt 1.5 Falcon CBCS 1.00 WelMat 0.44 ChameleonEdit 0.11 Starnet 1.0q@ ConfMail 1.12 TransAmiga 1.07 ElectricHerald 1.66 XenoLink 1.0 Compression FFRS 1.0@ Utilities FileMgr 2.08 Name Version Fozzle 1.0@ NodeList Utilities -------------------- Login 0.18 Name Version AmigArc 0.23 MessageFilter 1.52 -------------------- booz 1.01 Message View 1.12 ParseLst 1.66 LHARC 1.30 oMMM 1.50 Skyparse 2.30 LhA 1.10 PolyXAmy 2.02 TrapList 1.40 LZ 1.92 RMB 1.30 PkAX 1.00 Roof 46.15 UnZip 4.1 RoboWriter 1.02 Zippy (Unzip) 1.25 Rsh 4.07a Zoo 2.01 Tick 0.75 TrapToss 1.20 |Contact: Maximilian Hantsch 2:310/6| Yuck! 2.02 Atari ST/TT ----------- BBS Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- FIDOdoor/ST 2.5.1 BinkleyTerm 2.40n9 ApplyList 1.00@ FiFo 2.1v The Box 1.95* Burep 1.1 LED ST 1.00 ComScan 1.04 QuickBBS/ST 1.06* ConfMail 4.10 NodeList Utilities Echoscan 1.10 Name Version FDrenum 2.5.2 Compression -------------------- FastPack 1.20 Utilities ParseList 1.30 Import 1.14 Name Version EchoFix 1.20 oMMM 1.40 -------------------- sTICK/Hatch 5.50 Pack 1.00 ARC 6.02 Trenum 0.10 LHARC 2.01i PackConvert FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 43 13 Jan 1997 STZip 1.1* UnJARST 2.00 WhatArc 2.02 Tandy Color Computer 3 (OS-9 Level II) -------------------------------------- BBS Software Compression Utility Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- RiBBS 2.02+ Ar 1.3 Ascan 1.2 DeArc 5.12 AutoFRL 2.0 OS9Arc 1.0 Bundle 2.2 UnZip 3.10 CKARC 1.1 UnLZH 3.0 EchoCheck 1.01 FReq 2.5a LookNode 2.00 ParseLST PReq 2.2 RList 1.03 RTick 2.00 UnBundle 1.4 UnSeen 1.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Key to old info: + - Netmail Capable (Doesn't Require Additional Mailer Software) * - Recently Updated Version @ - New Addition -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 44 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= FIDONEWS PUBLIC-KEY ================================================================= [this must be copied out to a file starting at column 1 or it won't process under PGP as a valid public-key] -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: Clear-signing is Electronic Digital Authenticity! mQCNAzINVLcAAAEEAM5dZN6t6j5Yc0kl7qegVFfiBeVoteuhDg4ay8h43u38Q4kO eJ9Mm7J89wXFb9vgouBVb4biIN6bTWCwcXTbGhBe5OIceLvluuxuEKsaIs/UwXNe Ogx5azIPhRfC7MJDe41Z8tMEBuHY/NE88cuxQ8yXWO126IRttavu6L/U5BwRAAUR tCRGaWRvTmV3cyBFZGl0b3IgPDE6MS8yM0BmaWRvbmV0Lm9yZz6JAJUDBRAyGwFS JZMgw7eCKz0BAZl0A/9xrfhpsEOqGiPfjy2qd9dv6tvSVPPVFu+Wy1lGTHYtuTtg FIN3fQ47AM3XzqHxWRWvp/xZYgR6sRICL7UFx94ShYBQc7CyqBBZKA0IvIWqXP/g c4Br+gQJR6CLiQK7TUyjUbqNbs6QAxuNUi4xFQM+O2Gene5/iTjHFmmSDj2C9YkB FQMFEDIOmHDTQ6/52IG1SQEBQ78H/Rz/mleIrtZwFIOhzy3JH4Z6FUTfZuM9nPcs 1ZLjZCPptHvY7wEYJWGr03lPPJ6tj1VBXwTrWJTf/hOLsoi00GKV8t1thjqGDo23 O91/bSQ+Vn0vBQ2vOEJys8ftxdoLJAyI5YLzHVT+RsMTQLIXVuPyrNcKs1vC2ql+ UDHpU1R+9cG9JUEHpGI6z0DPnQ74SKbQH3fiVBpHhYx4BmvcBC4gWQzKMkDWFiq3 8AssIZ7b9lWl3OBgQ4UM1OIDKoJyjRewIdKyl7zboKSt6Qu8LrcsXO3kb81YshOW ZpSS3QDIqfZC4+EElnB15l4RcVwnPHBaQY0FxUr4Vl4UWM36jbuJAJUDBRAyDpgY q+7ov9TkHBEBAQGoA/sFfN07IFQcir456tJfBfB9R5Z6e6UKmexaFhWOsLHqbCq6 3FGXDLeivNn6NTz81QeqLIHglTuM3NP1mu8sw215klAG8G3M1NA2xLw7Eqhspze2 raGvNeEwxl8e+PY9aZwBj4UWU+CmIm6QNiP0MtvR7QYDIKn5mZCDc3CLmr942IkB FQMFEDIOh0O8AhTPqRipPQEB4EYH/1gkDmdHL6lbEkFuQLrylF+weBl0XQ+kv7ER vWXYrvIrkppxtc4VAge6CXXEbOGJnvkFHgyNZzO9Q9O64QsmZvjip+4lhDLeNrdH X9DizS4YKXxkSKr9Yltmn2/AlBCx6jwcDIfkqy/P1tNWcikxZZMd6KryK0Wsres9 Ik12OmVmJjQSxb5bS6Q8aYUbV3qwosGXTqy+BzYh/UYAX/XJIWa5kxFVSPKFSZ+5 toiSzANd9SpHPEogGvQDHJlJ23lmsMx/6uHsR1LTsQ8su8zIk92XyqePJTjlMx2j D7KJWNR7Zzu4QHCXBkga5W8l2FfPk7D3+o7bXTLRuR1yTYGdNoiJAJUCBRAyDhwt SlKLwP4OFW0BAdaMA/9rcWQlSq44K9JuJ7fZUgt9fwxGreTud9fC8DvlbUW79+CA AHLTLLagcEF1OKsWzVBWcA2JEAp+TUTqktRN0oD8vnaw3uNJd1G5KK59hw0WR8x1 v4ivypbSjiq95Y3gBunb7WjpyiFRWDlm0PrKrWHtbWzjnpPIpetln1UuqsSfbokB FQIFEDIOG9C3N61ZQ4Dr/QEBIzMH/1VxxztmBPBszbjZLDO8Svcax9Ng8IcWpcDy WqHCAA2Hoe5VtMD0v6w31ZgVqTPIvCark2Y/aTR1GofiuN9NUqbVV534AgAYLzYk DMT1swsPvqDTpOYgQl6PCGh6A5JGAbWJfKkX9XCUHJAAmiTsEVRNnjOgL+p6qjoh EfIG8CGehghWSRKl5eGeDAtbXupZKNjFI1t2XV+ks0RFQ/RPuTH7pF7pk7WO6Cyg +Dk2ZMgua0HRL1fXvHKb5Xzr3MVgsbAl5gP8ooIiD9MI/x5Irh3oo58VyoEZNBs/ Kz+drGFDPljcS6fdiVCFtYIzMrshY6YsfLi0aB8fwOvFtxgBqli0J0NocmlzdG9w aGVyIEJha2VyIDwxOjE4LzE0QGZpZG9uZXQub3JnPrQoQ2hyaXN0b3BoZXIgQmFr ZXIgPGNiYWtlcjg0QGRpZ2l0YWwubmV0Pg== =61OQ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- File-request FNEWSKEY from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] or download it from the Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 anytime except 0100-0130 ET and Zone 1 ZMH at 1200-9600+ HST/V32B. The FidoNews key is also available on the FidoNews homepage listed in the Masthead information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 45 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= FIDONET BY INTERNET ================================================================= This is a list of all FidoNet-related sites reported to the Editor as of this appearance. ============ FidoNet: Homepage http://www.fidonet.org FidoNews http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fidonews.html HTML FNews http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6894/ WWW sources http://www.scms.rgu.ac.uk/students/cs_yr94/lk/fido.html FTSC page http://www.blaze.net.au/ftsc.html Echomail http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/index.html WebRing http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fnetring.html ============ Zone 1: http://www.z1.fidonet.org Region 10: http://www.psnw.com/~net205/region10.html Region 15: http://www.smrtsys.com/region15/ Region 17: http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/region17.htm Region 18: http://www.citicom.com/fido.html Region 19: http://ccove.n-link.com/ ============ Zone 2: http://www.z2.fidonet.org ZEC2 http://fidoftp.paralex.co.uk/zec.htm Region 36: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7207/ ============ Zone 3: http://www.z3.fidonet.org ============ Zone 4: ============ Zone 5: FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 46 13 Jan 1997 ============ Zone 6: http://www.z6.fidonet.org ============ ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 47 13 Jan 1997 ================================================================= FIDONEWS INFORMATION ================================================================= ------- FIDONEWS MASTHEAD AND CONTACT INFORMATION ------- Editor: Christopher Baker Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar, Tom Jennings, Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees "FidoNews Editor" FidoNet 1:1/23 BBS 1-904-409-7040, 300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(ds) more addresses: Christopher Baker -- 1:18/14, cbaker84@digital.net cbaker84@aol.com cbaker84@msn.com cbak.rights@opus.global.org (Postal Service mailing address) FidoNews Editor P.O. Box 471 Edgewater, FL 32132-0471 U.S.A. voice: 1-904-409-3040 [1400-2100 ET only, please] [1800-0100 UTC/GMT] ------------------------------------------------------ FidoNews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ELECTRONIC MAIL system. It is a compilation of individual articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the rights of the authors. OPINIONS EXPRESSED in these articles ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS and not necessarily those of FidoNews. Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is Copyright 1996 Christopher Baker. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the Editor. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic form may be obtained from the FidoNews Editor via manual download or file-request, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet. PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above postal address. File-request FIDONEWS for the current Issue. File-request FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 48 13 Jan 1997 FNEWS for the current month in one archive. Or file-request specific back Issue filenames in distribution format [FNEWSDnn.LZH] for a particular Issue. Monthly Volumes are available as FNWSmmmy.ZIP where mmm = three letter month [JAN - DEC] and y = last digit of the current year [6], i.e., FNWSMAY6.ZIP for all the Issues from May 96. Annual volumes are available as FNEWSn.ZIP where n = the Volume number 1 - 12 for 1984 - 1995, respectively. Annual Volume archives range in size from 48K to 1.2M. INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via: http://www.fidonet.org/fidonews.htm ftp://ftp.fidonet.org/pub/fidonet/fidonews/ ftp://ftp.aminet.org/pub/aminet/comm/fido/ You can read the current FidoNews Issue in HTML format at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6894/ STAR SOURCE for ALL Past Issues via FTP and file-request - Available for FReq from 1:396/1 or by anonymous FTP from: ftp://ftp.sstar.com/fidonet/fnews/ Each yearly archive also contains a listing of the Table-of-Contents for that year's issues. The total set is currently about 11 Megs. =*=*=*= The current week's FidoNews and the FidoNews public-key are now also available almost immediately after publication on the Editor's new homepage on the World Wide Web at: http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fidonews.html There are also links there to jim barchuk's HTML FidoNews source and to John Souvestre's FTP site for the archives. There is also an email link for sending in an article as message text. Drop on over. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= A PGP generated public-key is available for the FidoNews Editor from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] by file-request for FNEWSKEY or by download from Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 as FIDONEWS.ASC in File Area 18. It is also posted twice a month into the PKEY_DROP Echo available on the Zone 1 Echomail Backbone. *=*=*=*=* SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews Editor, or file-requestable from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". ALL Zone Coordinators also have copies of ARTSPEC.DOC. Please read it. FIDONEWS 14-02 Page 49 13 Jan 1997 "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered trademarks of Tom Jennings, P.O. Box 410923, San Francisco, CA 94141, and are used with permission. "Disagreement is actually necessary, or we'd all have to get in fights or something to amuse ourselves and create the requisite chaos." -Tom Jennings -30- -----------------------------------------------------------------