F I D O N E W S --       Volume 14, Number 39          29 September 1997
     |  The newsletter of the     |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
     |    FidoNet community       |   "FidoNews"                            |
     |          _                 |        1-904-409-7040    [1:1/23]       |
     |         /  \               |                                         |
     |        /|oo \              |                                         |
     |       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
     |        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
     |       |     | \   \\       |   Editor:                               |
     |       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Christopher Baker  1:18/14       |
     |       |__U__| /  \//       |                                         |
     |        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
     |       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
     |             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
     |                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
     |               Submission address: FidoNews Editor 1:1/23             |
     |  MORE addresses:                                                     |
     |                                                                      |
     |    submissions=> cbaker84@digital.net                                |
     |    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
     |    obtaining copies of FidoNews or the internet gateway FAQ          |
     |    please refer to the end of this file.                             |

                   DID AN IC GET ELECTED YET?

                        Table of Contents
     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        Ah, brevity - the soul of discretion?  ....................  1
     2. ARTICLES  .................................................  2
        AOP Legislative Alert  ....................................  2
     3. COLUMNS  ..................................................  3
        Fidonet in Europe  ........................................  3
     4. NET HUMOR  ................................................  4
        Deep Thoughts?  ...........................................  4
     5. NOTICES  ..................................................  7
        Future History  ...........................................  7
     6. FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING  .................................  8
        Latest Greatest Software Versions  ........................  8
     7. FIDONEWS PUBLIC-KEY  ...................................... 12
        FidoNews PGP public-key listing  .......................... 12
     8. FIDONET BY INTERNET  ...................................... 13
     9. FIDONEWS INFORMATION  ..................................... 15
     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 1                   29 Sep 1997


     Not much new this week and a very short Issue.

     Still no Zone 2 update in the Nodelist. Still no International
     Coordinator. Still arguing in Echomail over the most insignificant

     And I've got to go. My son just sliced a golf ball through the
     kitchen window and there's glass all over the place.




     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 2                   29 Sep 1997


     Michele Stewart

     AOP Alert 97:14                    Friday, September 26, 1997

     The following is a legislative alert from the Association of
     Online Professionals, the primary professional association of
     Internet Service Providers and other professionals who manage
     online services.  Please give it the widest possible

     Internet Issues Need Your Support

     **  AOP has joined the effort to overturn a tax on Internet
         and online services in the state of Alabama.  The governor
         and legislature of that state will convene a special
         session of the legislature to overturn the implementation
         of the tax in that state.  AOP needs to locate ISPs in the
         state who have an interest in testifying before the
         legislature on this issue.  Alabama ISPs should contact

     **  On the Federal level, the Internet Tax Freedom Act now
         has more than 78 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives,
         but is being blocked in the Senate by Sen. Ted Stevens of
         Alaska.  Stevens wants ISPs to be taxed in order to pay for
         subsidized telephone service in Alaska under the Universal
         Service Fund.  It is imperative that people concerned about
         the future of the Internet contact Congress in support of
         the Internet Tax Freedom Act.  You may easily do this by
         visiting http://www.aop.org and clicking on the "Write
         Congress" button.

     **  Online professionals also need to support the Coble and
         Ashcroft bills to exempt IPSs from unwarranted lawsuits
         over copyright.  Congress needs to hear from you immediately
         on this issue.  You may easily do this by visiting
         http://www.aop.org and clicking on the "Write Congress"

      ============= Association of Online Professionals ==============
      David P. McClure                           6096-D Franconia Road
      Executive Director                          Alexandria, VA 22310
      Exec@aop.org                                (703) 924-5800 Voice
      www.aop.org                                   (703) 924-5801 Fax

     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 3                   29 Sep 1997


     Fidonet in Europe
     By Dave Meikle (2:259/69.2 , david.meikle@vb.unmanned.co.uk)

     Nothing much happening apart from receiving a good number of Astrowar
     requests.  There is plenty of room if anybody wants to join.

     To join send a message to: Astrowar@2:259/69.2 with the subject: Game1
     and in the body type JOIN <empirename> . In <empirename> type a name
     for your empire.

     For the Rules download them from:


     or send a message to INFOMAIL@2:259/69.2 with the subject: Astrowars .

       o       David Meikle, 2:259/69.2
     )/\,[_)   david.meikle@vb.unmanned.co.uk
     `T7 ]=[   Editor of Fido in Europe column


     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 4                   29 Sep 1997

                                 NET HUMOR

     From: "Mike Riddle" <mriddle@monarch.papillion.ne.us>
     To: "Baker, Christopher" <cbaker84@digital.net (Christopher Baker)
     Date: Sat, 02 Nov 96 11:37:30 -0500
     Reply-To: "Mike Riddle" <mriddle@monarch.papillion.ne.us>
     Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Deep Thoughts] (fwd)

     ==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================

     Date: Fri, 01 Nov 1996 23:15:45 -0600
     To: dwi-lawyers@webspan.com
     From: rbarzel@telis.org (Ron Barzel) (by way of gil sapir
     Subject: [Fwd: Deep Thoughts] (fwd)
     >Sender: owner-dwi-lawyers@webspan.com
     >Reply-To: dwi-lawyers@webspan.com

     Deep Thoughts Contest

       -- From a newspaper contest where entrants were asked to imitate
       "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey"


       My young son asked me what happens after we die.  I told him we get
       buried under a bunch of dirt and worms eat our bodies.  I guess I
       should have told him the truth--that most of us go to Hell and burn
       eternally--but I didn't want to upset him.

       It sure would be nice if we got a day off for the president's
       birthday, like they do for the queen.  Of course, then we would have
       a lot of people voting for a candidate born on July 3 or December
       26, just for the long weekends.

       Democracy is a beautiful thing, except for that part about letting
       just any old yokel vote.

       Home is where the house is.

       Often, when I am reading a good book, I stop and thank my teacher.
       That is, I used to, until she got an unlisted number.

       As you make your way through this hectic world of ours, set aside a
       few minutes each day.  At the end of the year, you'll have a couple
       of days saved up.

       It would be terrible if the Red Cross Bloodmobile got into an
       accident.  No, wait.  That would be good because if anyone needed
       it, the blood would be right there.

       Give me the strength to change the things I can, the grace to accept
       the things I cannot, and a great big bag of money.
     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 5                   29 Sep 1997

       The people who think Tiny Tim is strange are the same ones who think
       it odd that I drive without pants.

       For centuries, people thought the moon was made of green cheese.
       Then the astronauts found that the moon is really a big hard rock.
       That's what happens to cheese when you leave it out.

       Think of the biggest number you can.  Now add five.  Then, imagine
       if you had that many Twinkies.  Wow, that's five more than the
       biggest number you could come up with!

       I bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.

       The only stupid question is the one that is never asked, except
       maybe "Don't you think it is about time you audited my return?" or
       "Isn't is morally wrong to give me a warning when, in fact, I was

       Once, I wept for I had no shoes.  Then I came upon a man who had no
       feet.  So I took his shoes.  I mean, it's not like he really needed
       them, right?

       When I go to heaven, I want to see my grandpa again.  But he better
       have lost the nose hair and the old-man smell.

       I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is
       why I don't have any clean laundry because, come on, who wants to
       wash clothes on the last day of their life?

       I often wonder how come John Tesh isn't as popular a singer as some
       people think he should be.  Then, I remember it's because he sucks.

       Whenever I start getting sad about where I am in my life, I think
       about the last words of my favorite uncle: "A truck!"

       If you really want to impress people with your computer literacy,
       add the words "dot com" to the end of everything you say, dot com.

       I like to go down to the dog pound and pretend that I've found my
       dog.  Then I tell them to kill it anyway because I already gave away
       all of his stuff.  Dog people sure don't have a sense of humor.


       I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching paint dry.  I imagine
       that the wet paint is a big freshwater lake that is the only source
       of water for some tiny cities by the lake.  As the lake gets drier,
       the population gets more desperate, and sometimes there are water
       riots.  Once there was a big fire and everyone died.


       I once heard the voice of God.  It said "Vrrrrmmmmm."  Unless it was
       just a lawn mower.

     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 6                   29 Sep 1997

       I gaze at the brilliant full moon.  The same one, I think to myself,
       at which Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato gazed.  Suddenly, I imagine
       they appear beside me.  I tell Socrates about the national debate
       over one's right to die and wonder at the constancy of the human
       condition.  I tell Plato that I live in the country that has come
       the closest to Utopia, and I show him a copy of the Constitution.  I
       tell Aristotle that we have found many more than four basic elements
       and I show him a periodic table.  I get a box of kitchen matches and
       strike one.  They gasp with wonder.  We spend the rest of the night
       lighting farts.


       If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize
       world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be
       until the looting started.

     ===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================


     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 7                   29 Sep 1997


                                Future History

     13 Oct 1997
        Thanksgiving Day, Canada.

      1 Dec 1997
        World AIDS Day.

     10 Dec 1997
        Nobel Day, Sweden.

     12 Jan 1998
        HAL 9000 is one year old today.

     30 Apr 1998
        Queens Day, Holland.

     22 May 1998
        Expo '98 World Exposition in Lisbon (Portugal) opens.

     14 Sep 1998
        Start of International BBS Week [thru 20 Sep 98].

     22 Sep 1998
        First anniversary of the FidoNews domain of www.fidonews.org.

      1 Dec 1998
        Fifteenth Anniversary of release of Fido version 1 by
        Tom Jennings.

     24 Jul 1999
        XIII Pan American Games [through 8 Aug 99].

     31 Dec 1999
        Hogmanay, Scotland. The New Year that can't be missed.

      1 Jan 2000
        The 20th Century, C.E., is still taking place thru 31 Dec.

      1 Jun 2000
        EXPO 2000 World Exposition in Hannover (Germany) opens.

     15 Sep 2000
        Sydney (Australia) Summer Olympiad opens.

      1 Jan 2001
        This is the actual start of the new millennium, C.E.

     -- If YOU have something which you would like to see in this
        Future History, please send a note to the FidoNews Editor.

     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 8                   29 Sep 1997

                         FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING

     Latest Greatest Software Versions
     by Peter E. Popovich, 1:363/264

     Websites of interest:

             BinkleyTerm-XE  - http://www.cc86.org/~btxe/
             Searchlight BBS - http://www.searchlight.com

     -=- Snip -=-

     Submission form for the Latest Greatest Software Versions column

     OS Platform                             :
     Software package name                   :
     Version                                 :
     Function(s) - BBS, Mailer, Tosser, etc. :
     Freeware / Shareware / Commercial?      :
     Author / Support staff contact name     :
     Author / Support staff contact node     :
     Magic name (at the above-listed node)   :

     Please include a sentence describing what the package does.

     Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264

     -=- Snip -=-

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     Act-Up         4.6      G D Chris Gunn        1:15/55     ACT-UP
     ALLFIX         4.40     T S Harald Harms      2:281/415   ALLFIX
     Announcer      1.11     O S Peter Karlsson    2:206/221   ANNOUNCE
     BGFAX          1.60     O S B.J. Guillot      1:106/400   BGFAX
     Binkley Docs   2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOC_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm    2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOS_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm-XE XR5      M F Thomas Waldmann   2:2474/400  BTXE_DOS
     CFRoute        0.92     O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70    CFR
     CheckPnt       1.0a     O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     CHECKPNT
     FastEcho       1.45a    T S Tobias Burchhardt 2:2448/400  FASTECHO
     FastEcho/16    1.45a    T S Tobias Burchhardt 2:2448/400  FE16
     FastLst        1.36     N S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   FASTLSTD
     FidoBBS (tm)   12u      B S Ray Brown         1:1/117     FILES
     FrontDoor      2.12     M S JoHo              2:201/330   FD
     FrontDoor      2.20c    M C JoHo              2:201/330   FDINFO
     GEcho          1.00     T S Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GEcho/Plus     1.11     T C Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GEcho/Pro      1.20     T C Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GIGO           07-14-96 G S Jason Fesler      1:1/141     INFO
     GoldED         2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GED
     GoldED/386     2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEX
     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 9                   29 Sep 1997

     GoldED Docs    2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEM
     GoldNODE       2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEN
     Imail          1.75     T S Michael McCabe    1:1/121     IMAIL
     ImCrypt        1.04     O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     IMCRYPT
     InfoMail/86    1.21     O F Damian Walker     2:2502/666  INFOMAIL
     InfoMail/386   1.21     O F Damian Walker     2:2502/666  INFO386
     InterEcho      1.19     T C Peter Stewart     1:369/35    IEDEMO
     InterMail      2.29k    M C Peter Stewart     1:369/35    IMDEMO
     InterPCB       1.52     O S Peter Stewart     1:369/35    INTERPCB
     IPNet          1.11     O S Michele Stewart   1:369/21    IPNET
     JD's CBV       1.4      O S John Dailey       1:363/277   CBV
     Jelly-Bean     1.01     T S Rowan Crowe       3:635/727   JELLY
     Jelly-Bean/386 1.01     T S Rowan Crowe       3:635/727   JELLY386
     JMail-Hudson   2.81     T S Jason Steck       1:285/424   JMAIL-H
     JMail-Goldbase 2.81     T S Jason Steck       1:285/424   JMAIL-G
     MakePl         1.9      N G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     MAKEPL
     Marena         1.1 beta O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     MARENA
     Maximus        3.01     B P Tech              1:249/106   MAX
     Max User Ed.   0.18     O F Larry Cooke       1:300/53    MUE
     McMail         1.0      M S Michael McCabe    1:1/148     MCMAIL
     MDNDP          1.18     N S Bill Doyle        1:388/7     MDNDP
     Msged          4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41D.ZIP
     Msged/386      4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41X.ZIP
     NEF            2.38     O S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   NEFD
     NorthStar      3.31.29  B S A&B Darin         1:285/82    NSTAR
     Opus CBCS      1.79     B P Christopher Baker 1:374/14    OPUS
     O/T-Track      2.66     O S Peter Hampf       2:241/1090  OT
     PcMerge        2.8      N G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     PCMERGE
     PlatinumXpress 1.3      M C Gary Petersen     1:290/111   PX13TD.ZIP
     QuickBBS       2.81     B S Ben Schollnick    1:2613/477  QUICKBBS
     RAR            2.01     C S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    RAR
     RemoteAccess   2.50     B S Mark Lewis        1:3634/12   RA
     Searchlight    4.5      B S Paul Casey        1:343/117   DEMO450.ZIP
     Searchlight    5.02     B C Paul Casey        1:343/117   SLBBS50.TXT
     Silver Xpress
       Door         5.4      O S Gary Petersen     1:290/111   FILES
       Reader       4.4      O S Gary Petersen     1:290/111   SXR44.ZIP
     Spitfire       3.51     B S Mike Weaver       1:3670/3    SPITFIRE
     Squish         1.11     T P Tech              1:249/106   SQUISH
     StealTag UK    1.c...   O F Fred Schenk       2:284/412   STEAL_UK
     StealTag NL    1.c...   O F Fred Schenk       2:284/412   STEAL_NL
     T-Mail         2.600    M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAIL
     Telegard       3.02     B F Tim Strike        1:259/423   TELEGARD
     Terminate      5.00     O S Bo Bendtsen       2:254/261   TERMINATE
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     TosScan        1.01     T C JoHo              2:201/330   TSINFO
     TransNet       1.00     G S Marc S. Ressl     4:904/72    TN100ALL.ZIP
     TriBBS         11.0     B S Gary Price        1:3607/26   TRIBBS
     TriDog         11.0     T F Gary Price        1:3607/26   TRIDOG
     TriToss        11.0     T S Gary Price        1:3607/26   TRITOSS
     WaterGate      0.93     G S Robert Szarka     1:320/42    WTRGATE
     WWIV           4.24a    B S Craig Dooley      1:376/126   WWIV
     WWIVTOSS       1.36     T S Craig Dooley      1:376/126   WWIVTOSS
     xMail          2.00     T S Thorsten Franke   2:2448/53   XMAIL
     XRobot         3.01     O S JoHo              2:201/330   XRDOS

     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 10                  29 Sep 1997

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ALLFIX/2       1.10     T S Harald Harms      2:281/415   AFIXOS2
     BGFAX          1.60     O S B.J. Guillot      1:106/400   BGFAX
     Binkley Docs   2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOC_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm    2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BOS2_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm-XE XR5      M F Thomas Waldmann   2:2474/400  BTXE_OS2
     CFRoute        0.92     O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70    CFR
     FastEcho       1.45a    T S Tobias Burchhardt 2:2448/400  FE2
     FastLst        1.36     N S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   FASTLST
     FleetStreet    1.20     O S Michael Hohner    2:2490/2520 FLEET
     GEcho/Pro      1.20     T C Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GIGO           07-14-96 G S Jason Fesler      1:1/141     INFO
     GoldED         2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEO
     GoldED Docs    2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEM
     GoldNODE       2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEN
     ImCrypt        1.04     O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     IMCRYPT
     Maximus        3.01     B P Tech              1:249/106   MAXP
     Max User Ed.   0.18     O F Larry Cooke       1:300/53    MUEP
     Msged/2        4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41O.ZIP
     NEF            2.38     O S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   NEF
     PcMerge        2.3      N G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     PCMERGE
     RAR            2.01     C S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    RAR2
     Squish         1.11     T P Tech              1:249/106   SQUISHP
     T-Mail         2.600    M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAIL2
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     WaterGate      0.93     G S Robert Szarka     1:320/42    WTRGATE
     XRobot         3.01     O S JoHo              2:201/330   XROS2

     Windows (16-bit apps):
     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     BeeMail        1.0      M C Andrius Cepaitis  2:470/1     BEEMAIL
     FrontDoor APX  1.12     P S Mats Wallin       2:201/329   FDAPXW

     Windows (32-bit apps):
     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     Argus 95/IP    2.704    M S Max Masyutin      2:469/77    A9I
     Argus NT/IP    2.704    M S Max Masyutin      2:469/77    ANI
     BeeMail        1.0      M C Andrius Cepaitis  2:470/1     BEEMAIL
     Binkley Docs   2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOC_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm    2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BW32_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm-XE XR5      M F Thomas Waldmann   2:2474/400  BTXE_W32
     CFRoute        0.92     O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70    CFR
     FastLst        1.36     N S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   FASTLSTW
     GoldED         2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEO
     GoldED Docs    2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEM
     Maximus        3.01     B P Tech              1:249/106   MAXN
     Msged/NT       4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41W.ZIP
     NEF            2.38     O S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   NEFW
     PlatinumXpress 2.00     M C Gary Petersen     1:290/111   PXW-INFO
     Searchlight    5.02     B C Paul Casey        1:343/117   SLBBS50.TXT
     T-Mail         2.600    M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAILNT
     WinFOSSIL/95   1.12 r4  F S Bryan Woodruff    1:343/294   WNFOSSIL.ZIP
     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 11                  29 Sep 1997

     WinFOSSIL/NT   1.0 beta F S Bryan Woodruff    1:343/294   NTFOSSIL.ZIP

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ifmail         2.10     M G Eugene Crosser    2:293/2219  IFMAIL
     ifmail-tx      ...tx8.4 M G Pablo Saratxaga   2:293/2219  IFMAILTX
     ifmail-tx.rpm  ...tx8.4 M G Pablo Saratxaga   2:293/2219  IFMAILTX.RPM
     Msged          4.00     O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     CrashMail      1.23     T X Fredrik Bennison  2:205/324   CRASHMAIL
     CrashTick      1.1      O F Fredrik Bennison  2:205/324   CRASHTICK
     DLG Pro BBOS   1.15     B C Holly Sullivan    1:202/720   DLGDEMO
     GMS            1.1.85   M S Mirko Viviani     2:331/213   GMS
     Msged          4.00     O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     TrapDoor       1.86.b2  M S Maximilian Hantsch
                                                   2:310/6     TRAPDOOR
     TrapToss       1.50     T S Rene Hexel        2:310/6     TRAPTOSS

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ApplyList      1.00     N F Daniel Roesen     2:2432/1101 APLST100.LZH
     BinkleyTerm/ST 3.18pl2  M F Bill Scull        1:363/112   BINKLEY
     BTNC           2.00     N G Daniel Roesen     2:2432/1101 BTNC
     JetMail        0.99beta T S Joerg Spilker     2:2432/1101 JETMAIL
     Semper         0.80beta M S Jan Kriesten      2:2490/1624 SMP-BETA

     Function: B-BBS, P-Point, M-Mailer, N-Nodelist, G-Gateway, T-Tosser,
               C-Compression, F-Fossil, O-Other. Note: Multifunction will
               be listed by the first match.

     Cost: P-Free for personal use, F-Freeware, S-Shareware, C-Commercial,
           X-Crippleware, D-Demoware, G-Free w/ Source

     Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264


     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 12                  29 Sep 1997

                            FIDONEWS PUBLIC-KEY

     [this must be copied out to a file starting at column 1 or
      it won't process under PGP as a valid public-key]

     Version: 2.6.2
     Comment: Clear-signing is Electronic Digital Authenticity!


     File-request FNEWSKEY from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] or download it from the
     Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 anytime except 0100-0130 ET and Zone
     1 ZMH at 1200-9600+ HST/V32B. The FidoNews key is also available on
     the FidoNews homepage listed in the Masthead information.

     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 13                  29 Sep 1997

                            FIDONET BY INTERNET

     This is a list of all FidoNet-related sites reported to the Editor as
     of this appearance.



       Homepage     http://www.fidonet.org
       FidoNews     http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fidonews.html
       HTML FNews   http://www.fidonews.org
       WWW sources  http://www.scms.rgu.ac.uk/students/cs_yr94/lk/fido.html
       FTSC page    http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/ftsc/ftscmirr.htm
       Echomail     http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/index.html
       WebRing      http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fnetring.html


     Zone 1:       http://www.z1.fidonet.org

       Region 10:  http://www.psnw.com/~net205/region10.html

       Region 11:  http://oeonline.com/~garyg/region11/

       Region 13:  http://www.smalltalkband.com/st01000.htm

       Region 14:  [disappeared?]

       Region 15:  [disappeared?]

       Region 16:  http://www.tiac.net/users/satins/region16.htm

       Region 17:  http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/region17.htm
           REC17:  http://www.westsound.com/ptmudge/

       Region 18:  http://www.citicom.com/fido.html

       Region 19:  http://www.compconn.net


     Zone 2:       http://www.z2.fidonet.org

     ZEC2:         http://www.proteus.demon.co.uk/zec.htm
     Zone 2 Elist: http://www.fbone.ch/z2_elist/

       Region 20:  http://www.fidonet.pp.se (in Swedish)

       Region 24:  http://www.swb.de/personal/flop/gatebau.html (in German)

       Region 25:

     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 14                  29 Sep 1997

       Region 27:  http://telematique.org/ft/r27.htm

       Region 29:  http://www.rtfm.be/fidonet/  (in French)

       Region 30:  http://www.fidonet.ch  (in Swiss)

       Region 33:  http://www.fidoitalia.net (in Italian)

       Region 34:  http://www.pobox.com/cnb/r34.htm  (in Spanish)
           REC34:  http://pobox.com/~chr

       Region 36:  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7207/

       Region 41:  http://www.fidonet.gr (in Greek and English)

       Region 48:  http://www.fidonet.org.pl


     Zone 3:       http://www.z3.fidonet.org


     Zone 4:       (not yet listed)

       Region 90:
         Net 904:  http://members.tripod.com/~net904 (in Spanish)


     Zone 5:       http://w3.eastcape.co.za/fidonet/index.htm


     Zone 6:       http://www.z6.fidonet.org

       Region 65:  http://www.cfido.com/fidonet/cfidochina.html (China)



     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 15                  29 Sep 1997

                           FIDONEWS INFORMATION


     Editor: Christopher Baker

     Editors Emeritii: Tom Jennings, Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                       Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar, Sylvia Maxwell,
                       Donald Tees

     "FidoNews Editor"
         FidoNet  1:1/23
         BBS  1-904-409-7040,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(ds)

      more addresses:
         Christopher Baker -- 1:18/14, cbaker84@digital.net

     (Postal Service mailing address)
         FidoNews Editor
         P.O. Box 471
         Edgewater, FL 32132-0471

     voice:  1-904-409-3040 [1400-2100 ET only, please]
                            [1800-0100 UTC/GMT]


     FidoNews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
     INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ELECTRONIC MAIL system.  It is a compilation
     of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
     authorized agents.  The contribution of articles to this compilation
     does not diminish the rights of the authors.  OPINIONS EXPRESSED in
     these articles ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS and not necessarily those of

     Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
     Copyright 1997 Christopher Baker.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only.  For
     use in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or
     the Editor.


     OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
     form may be obtained from the FidoNews Editor via manual download or
     file-request, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
     PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above postal
     address.  File-request FIDONEWS for the current Issue.  File-request
     FNEWS for the current month in one archive.  Or file-request specific
     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 16                  29 Sep 1997

     back Issue filenames in distribution format [FNEWSEnn.ZIP] for a
     particular Issue.  Monthly Volumes are available as FNWSmmmy.ZIP
     where mmm = three letter month [JAN - DEC] and y = last digit of the
     current year [7], i.e., FNWSAUG7.ZIP for all the Issues from Aug 97.

     Annual volumes are available as FNEWSn.ZIP where n = the Volume number
     1 - 14 for 1984 - 1997, respectively. Annual Volume archives range in
     size from 48K to 1.4M.

     INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via:



     You may obtain an email subscription to FidoNews by sending email to:


     with a Subject line of: subscribe fnews-edist

     and no message in the message body. To remove your name from the email
     distribution use a Subject line of: unsubscribe fnews-edist with no
     message to the same address above.


     You may retrieve current and previous Issues of FidoNews via FTPMail
     by sending email to:


     with a Subject line of: help

     and FTPMail will immediately send a reply containing details and
     instructions. When you actually make a file request, FTPMail will
     respond in three stages. You find a link for this process on


     You can read the current FidoNews Issue in HTML format at:


     STAR SOURCE for ALL Past Issues via FTP and file-request -
     Available for FReq from 1:396/1 or by anonymous FTP from:


     Each yearly archive also contains a listing of the Table-of-Contents
     for that year's issues.  The total set is currently about 11 Megs.
     FIDONEWS 14-39               Page 17                  29 Sep 1997


     The current week's FidoNews and the FidoNews public-key are now also
     available almost immediately after publication on the Editor's new
     homepage on the World Wide Web at:


     There are also links there to jim barchuk's HTML FidoNews source and
     to John Souvestre's FTP site for the archives. There is also an email
     link for sending in an article as message text. Drop on over.


     A PGP generated public-key is available for the FidoNews Editor from
     1:1/23 [1:18/14] by file-request for FNEWSKEY or by download from
     Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 as FIDONEWS.ASC in File Area 18.  It
     is also posted twice a month into the PKEY_DROP Echo available on the
     Zone 1 Echomail Backbone.


     SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
     FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews Editor, or file-requestable
     from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] as file "ARTSPEC.DOC".  ALL Zone Coordinators
     also have copies of ARTSPEC.DOC. Please read it.

     "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
     trademarks of Tom Jennings, P.O. Box 410923, San Francisco, CA 94141,
     and are used with permission.

             "Disagreement is actually necessary,
              or we'd all have to get in fights
              or something to amuse ourselves
              and create the requisite chaos."
                                -Tom Jennings

