F I D O N E W S --       Volume 14, Number 51          22 December 1997
     |  The newsletter of the     |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
     |    FidoNet community       |   "FidoNews"                            |
     |          _                 |        1-904-409-7040    [1:1/23]       |
     |         /  \               |                                         |
     |        /|oo \              |                                         |
     |       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
     |        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
     |       |     | \   \\       |   Editor:                               |
     |       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Christopher Baker  1:18/14       |
     |       |__U__| /  \//       |                                         |
     |        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
     |       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
     |             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
     |                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
     |               Submission address: FidoNews Editor 1:1/23             |
     |  MORE addresses:                                                     |
     |                                                                      |
     |    submissions=> cbaker84@digital.net                                |
     |    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
     |    obtaining copies of FidoNews or the internet gateway FAQ          |
     |    please refer to the end of this file.                             |


                        Table of Contents
     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        A disturbance in the force?  ..............................  1
     2. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR  ....................................  2
        Good Stuff Magazine  ......................................  2
     3. ARTICLES  .................................................  4
        Net 323 election?  ........................................  4
        Rhode Island gets its promised election, in public  .......  6
        Election for NC 1:323  ....................................  7
        Merry Christmas FidoNet from VIP BBS!  ....................  7
     4. NET HUMOR  ................................................  9
        25 ways to annoy your roomate during Christmas  ...........  9
     5. COMIX IN ASCII  ........................................... 11
        Happy Hanukkah!  .......................................... 11
        Merry Christmas!  ......................................... 13
     6. ADVERTISE YOUR FREE SERVICE/EVENT  ........................ 25
        Introducing the IREX Echo  ................................ 25
     7. NOTICES  .................................................. 27
        Future History  ........................................... 27
     8. FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING  ................................. 28
        Latest Greatest Software Versions  ........................ 28
     9. FIDONEWS PUBLIC-KEY  ...................................... 32
        FidoNews PGP public-key listing  .......................... 32
     10. FIDONET BY INTERNET  ..................................... 33
     11. FIDONEWS INFORMATION  .................................... 35
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 1                   22 Dec 1997


     Seems to be another one of those FidoNet things going on in Region
     16 this week. The details follow in 3 articles.

     The holidays are about to hit again so this Issue has plenty of
     those annoying ASCII Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's comix. We
     never did get anything for Ramadan or Kwaanza although I picked up
     some nice .gifs of the latter for future reference in my web page
     work. [grin]

     Speaking of web pages, the FidoNews page is about to hit 8,000
     visitors this week. Be sure to sign the Guestbook if you stop by. And
     don't forget the webring!

     From all of me to all of you...

     HAPPY EVERYTHING this holiday season!!

     [and did you feel the Winter Solstice slide by a couple hours ago?]



     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 2                   22 Dec 1997

                           LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

     Date: 15 dec 1997 08:27:08 GMT-0300
     From: Gstuff@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar
     To: cbaker84@digital.net
     Subject: Good Stuff! Magazine's advertisement

     Hello, Christopher! :)

     Well, I send you this message with an advertisement I wish you
     included i FidoNews...

     It's about an electronic magazine about programming I want to
     create.... its name will be "Good Stuff Magazine", and will be
     published in Spanish and in English...

     Well, here's the advertisement:

     - - - - - - (cut here) - - - - - - -
     Hello All , hope you are having a nice day!!

     I want to create an electronic magazine about programming, and I think
     it would be great if the staff were composed by people from all over
     the world..... It will be published in English and in Spanish....
     (English and Spanish editions) Its name will be "Good Stuff!
     Magazine", and will be 100% FREEWARE.

     Is it important to be a genius to write articles for this magazine?
     No, of course it's not... (If you're not sure, please have a look at
     me!!  :) )

     The only things you must have are: knowledge about the topic you're
     going to write about (obviously), and (may be) pleasure (or something
     like that :) ) to computers programming ....
     The programming language, topic and everything else will be your
     choice...  And of course, you can take your holidays whenever you want
     to... :)

     So, if you are interested in writing articles, I'll be pleased to hear
     it from you....

     It's also very important that Sysops from all over the world wanted to
     be "official distro sites". So, if you support a BBS, and want to be a
     distro site, please let me know it.....

     Of course, if you want to put the magazine in your web page, or FTP,
     I'd also be pleased to hear it from you....

     Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! :)

      -=> Yours sincerely, Fernando Ariel Gont <=-

     e-mail: FGont@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar
     e-mail "Good Stuff! Magazine" : gstuff@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 3                   22 Dec 1997

     FidoNet: 4:900/470.10

     - - - - - - - (cut here)- - - - - - - - -

     Ok, that's all Christopher! :)


                            From Buenos Aires, Argentina,

                                        Fernando Ariel Gont

     e-mail: FGont@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar
     e-mail "Good Stuff! Magazine": gstuff@siscor.bibnal.edu.ar
     FidoNet: 4:900/470.10



     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 4                   22 Dec 1997


     [Please note that your Editor did NOT send a carbon copy or route the
     notice of publication to anyone. Zone 1 acknowledgments are always
     sent directly to the submitting Node {unless they don't answer during
     ZMH for over a week}. I've advised Mike Bilow that the cc: he received
     did not originate here. BTW, the PGP signature on this msg will fail
     due to the reformatting to fit into FidoNews.  Ed.]

     Return-Path: mikebw@bilow.bilow.uu.ids.net
     Date: Sat, 20 Dec 97 02:05:00 -0000
     From: mikebw@bilow.bilow.uu.ids.net (Mike Bilow)
     Subject: Important announcement
     To: cbaker84@digital.net
     Reply-To: mikebw@bilow.bilow.uu.ids.net


     I don't feel an overwhelming need to air this net's dirty laundry in
     public, so I have not submitted anything to Fidonews.  However, I
     received your CC to me acknowledging someone else's submission, so I
     would appreciate it if any such submission was accompanied by this.
     It was sent by netmail to the indicated list of recipients and also
     posted by me to NESYSOP, the Region 16 sysop echo.

     -- Mike

     * Forwarded (from: Netmail) by Mike Bilow using BilowMail0.2.
     * Originally from Mike Bilow (1:323/107) to Bill Whitehouse.
     * Original dated: Dec 18 '97, 12:43

     * Original message addressed to: Bill Whitehouse (1:323/109).
     * Carbon copies sent to: Jerry Schwartz (1:16/0), Bob Satti (1:1/0),
     Joe Caparco (1:323/113), Chris Trainor (1:323/116), Marshall Votta
     (1:323/140), Charlie Sutton (1:323/141), Stephen Shoesmith
     (1:323/1212), Mike Bilow (1:323/107), Whitehouse & Lennon (1:323/109),
     Craig Healy (1:323/120), Robert Cocroft (1:323/1014), Eric Hecker
     (1:323/1023), Jonathon McPeak (1:323/1025), George Peters (1:323/122),
     William Pommenville (1:323/203), Roger Cournoyer (1:323/208).


     Please be advised that Bill Whitehouse has no officially recognized
     standing to conduct what he terms an "election," that the results of
     his poll are unlikely to be taken seriously, and that you should not
     allow yourself to be fooled into thinking otherwise.  You are, of
     course, free to answer his message and to participate in his poll, but
     it is important that you understand that he is grossly misrepresenting
     the significance of it.

     As you all know, this net recently concluded an official election for
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 5                   22 Dec 1997

     the Network Co-ordinator position, and that I was re-elected without
     opposition.  That election was properly conducted by the Fidonet
     Regional Co-ordinator responsible for New England, Jerry Schwartz
     (1:16/0).  I encourage you to contact him if you have any questions.

     Subsequent to the official election, Bill Whitehouse seems to have
     decided to wage a protest against my unopposed re-election.  He has
     filed protests with the Regional Co-ordinator for New England and with
     the Zone Co-ordinator for North America.  To the best of my knowledge,
     none of these protests have been validated.  I find his actions to be,
     frankly, puzzling.

     Finally, I want to reassure you that the purported list of eligible
     voters in Bill Whitehouse's message is not accurate, omitting several
     nodes.  Perhaps he has decided to run his private "election" under
     different eligibility rules than the official election, but I prefer
     not to speculate too much upon the subject of why he does what he

     As for his claim to "keep Rhode Island Fido afloat," one thing I am
     quite certain about is that this sort of political tactic from Bill
     Whitehouse, designed deliberately to mislead, is among the most
     destructive possible.

      -- Mike
         Network Co-ordinator

     Bill Whitehouse wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:

     BW> @MSGID: 1:323/109.0 49896911
     BW> * Original message addressed to: Jonathon Mcpeak. (1:323/1025).
     BW> * Carbon copies sent to: 13 other recipients.

     BW> Hello Mike,

     BW>      Meet your fellow Fido systems. It's a short list.

     BW>  Marshall Votta (1:323/140), Soth's Domain, Warwick
     BW>  Charlie Sutton (1:323/141), Shadow Communications, Fiskeville
     BW>  Stephen Shoesmith (1:323/1212), MetroPlex, Warwick
     BW>  Mike Bilow (1:323/107), N1BEE BBS, Cranston
     BW>  Whitehouse & Lennon (1:323/109), Art of the Possible, Providence
     BW>  Craig Healy (1:323/120), ChowdaNet BBS, Providence
     BW>  Robert Cocroft (1:323/1014), Smelt Brook, Providence
     BW>  Eric Hecker (1:323/1023), Eric's, Providence
     BW>  Jonathon McPeak (1:323/1025), Dark Empire, Cranston
     BW>  George Peters (1:323/122), Nite Moves BBS, N Providence
     BW>  William Pommenville (1:323/203), The Gambit BBS, Cumberland
     BW>  Roger Cournoyer (1:323/208), RoJack BBS, Woonsocket

     BW>      This is the election you were promised.

     BW>      Please take a moment and select your choice for a
     BW> Net323 Coordinator to keep Rhode Island Fido afloat.

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 6                   22 Dec 1997

     BW>      Every last one of you is fit to serve, so please do not
     BW> hesitate to vote for yourself. The sysop receiving the most
     BW> ballots wins. Your netmail ballot is public.

     BW>      Forward your vote containing the name of your choosen
     BW> canidate wherever you like but please send a copy here to
     BW> 1:323/109.

     BW> regards,

     BW> Bill Whitehouse

     -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
     Version: 2.6.2

     -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----



     Rhode Island gets its promised election, in public.
     by Bill Whitehouse (1:323/109)

     Hello Rhode Island Node Occupant,

          Meet your fellow Fido systems. It's a short list.

     Marshall Votta (1:323/140), Soth's Domain, Warwick
     Charlie Sutton (1:323/141), Shadow Communications, Fiskeville
     Stephen Shoesmith (1:323/1212), MetroPlex, Warwick
     Mike Bilow (1:323/107), N1BEE BBS, Cranston
     Whitehouse & Lennon (1:323/109), Art of the Possible, Providence
     Craig Healy (1:323/120), ChowdaNet BBS, Providence
     Robert Cocroft (1:323/1014), Smelt Brook, Providence
     Eric Hecker (1:323/1023), Eric's, Providence
     Jonathon McPeak (1:323/1025), Dark Empire, Cranston
     George Peters (1:323/122), Nite Moves BBS, N Providence
     William Pommenville (1:323/203), The Gambit BBS, Cumberland
     Roger Cournoyer (1:323/208), RoJack BBS, Woonsocket

          This is the election you were promised and long denied.

          Please take a moment and select your choice for a Net323
     Coordinator to keep Rhode Island Fido afloat.

          Every last one of you is fit to serve, so please do not hesitate
     to vote for yourself. The sysop receiving the most ballots wins. Your
     netmail ballot is public.
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 7                   22 Dec 1997

          Forward your vote containing the name of your chosen candidate
     wherever you like but please send a copy here to 1:323/109.


     Election for NC 1:323
     by Jerry Schwartz, Region 16 Coordinator 1:142/928

     I conducted an election for Network Coordinator of Zone 1 Net 323 in
     September of 1997.  The rules were delivered by crashmail as both a
     netmail message and a file attached text file to every eligible voter
     (effectively every sysop in Net 323 who wasn't down) several days
     before the nomination period began.  The nomination period, originally
     intended to be 10 days long (in order to encompass two weekends), was
     subsequently extended by a week due to a problem with the nodelist
     which might have made it difficult to contact me.  I announced this
     schedule change in a netmail message to every eligible voter.

     In order to make the election as wide open as possible, self-
     nomination was allowed, and no seconds were required.  Anyone who
     wanted to run could simply inform me by netmail.  This was clearly
     stated in the rules.

     By the end of the extended nominating period, only one name had been
     put forth: Craig Healy, 1:323/120, nominated Mike Bilow (the
     incumbent).  There being only one candidate, he (Mike Bilow) was
     declared the winner according to the election rules.

     A single (superfluous) vote was in fact cast, also for Mike Bilow, by
     a third eligible voter; he has not publicly come forward, so I will
     not reveal his name out of respect for his privacy.  I will state that
     it was neither Mike Bilow nor Craig Healy.

     The results of this election stand.


     By Nicholas F. Sacca, [1:371/51/Msg.Co@f51.n371.z1.fidonet.org]

     Hello all!  This is my first ever submission to FidoNews. so please
     bear with me. :-)

     First of all, VIP BBS here in North Fort Myers, Florida, has been
     proudly subscribing to FidoNews for many months now!  However, with
     the valuable assistance of Jim Barchuk, we finally within the past two
     months or so been able to UUDECODE the Newsletter with UUEXE540.ZIP
     file from Jim's old Web Site, http://www.10mb.com/Jbarchuk/!

     As Message Coordinator of VIP BBS, I have the Newsletter set-up in
     one of our Local Message Bases for our Users to read and enjoy.

     I also have the Backbone files, such as BACKBONE.NA(.NO), BOFAQxxx.
     TXT, and BACKSTAT.NA available to our Users to learn more about
     FidoNet.  Additionally, I have the History of the FidoNet Project
     on our BBS as well to give our Users an historical perspective on
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 8                   22 Dec 1997

     FidoNet as seen in the eyes of Fidonet Founder, Tom Jennings.  I give
     credit to Southern Star BBS for my source for the BACKBONE Files being
     their for me to D/L each week, and I thank John Souvestre, for that!

     Next, I want to wish the Z1EC Elections well.  It looks like a very
     competitive slate shaping up for those eligible FidoNet Members to
     vote on when the time comes.  The chosen person for Z1EC will have
     their hands full with the job.  GOOD LUCK! :-)

     Finally, on behalf of VIP BBS and Staff listed below, we wish everyone
     including Christopher Baker, Editor, a Merry Christmas and Happy New


     Mary N. Smith, Owner/SysOp (http://members.aol.com/Msmith3736)
     Chris Conrad, CoSysOp (http://members.aol.com/Cconrad584)
     Nick Sacca, Message Coordinator (http://members.aol.com/NickSacca)
     Mike Lallas, Games Coordinator


     Peace Be with All of You,

     Nicholas F. Sacca,
     Message Coordinator


     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 9                   22 Dec 1997

                                 NET HUMOR

     --- Following message extracted from BREV_CHAT @ 1:18/14 ---
         By Christopher Baker on Sun Dec 21 10:50:46 1997

     From: Genie Bohn
     To: All
     Date: 21 Dec 97  06:01:00
     Subj: Roommate

                  25 Ways to Annoy Your Roommate During Christmas

     1. Claim you were a Christmas tree in your former life.  If s/he tries
        to bring one into the room, scream bloody murder and trash on the

     2. Go to the mall with your roommate and sit on Santa's lap.  Refuse
        to get off.

     3. Wear a Santa suit all the time.  Deny you're wearing it.

     4. Sit in a corner in the fetal position rocking back and forth
        chanting, "Santa Claus is coming to town, Santa Claus is coming to

     5. Hang mistletoe in the doorway.  When your roommate enters or leaves
        the room, plant a wet one on his/her lips.

     6. Hang a stocking with your roommates name on it.  Collect coal and
        sharp objects in it.  If s/he asks, say "you've been very naughty
        this year."

     7. Paint your nose red and wear antlers.  Constantly complain about
        how you never get to join in on the reindeer games.

     8. Make conversation out of Christmas Carols.  (I.E. "You know, I saw
        mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night.")

     9. Wrap yourself in Christmas lights and roll around in the snow.

     10. Sing: "All I want for Christmas is my roommate's two front

     11. Give your roommate the gifts from the twelve days of Christmas

     12. Build a snowperson with your roommate and place a hat on its head.
         when it doesn't come to life, cry hysterically "it didn't work!"

     13. Whip your roommate screaming "now Dasher, now Dancer, now Donner,
         and Blitzen, etc."

     14. Tear down all your roommate's Christmas decorations yelling "Bah
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 10                  22 Dec 1997

     15. Wake up every morning screaming "Ghost of Christmas Future, please
         have mercy on my soul!"

     16. Tell your roommate you're moving out.  Santa's buying you a house
         on 34th Street.

     17. Pin a poinsettia to your lapel.

     18. Make anatomically correct gingerbread people and eat the best
         parts first.

     19. Put on a fake white beard and insist that all your roommate's
         friends "give it a yank."

     20. Ring jingle bells maniacally saying "every time a bell rings an
         angel gets his wings."

     21. Stand in front of the mirror reciting "How the Grinch Stole
         Christmas" _ over and over in your underwear.

     22. Smoke mistletoe.  Do what comes naturally.

     23. Watch your roommate when s/he is sleeping.  When s/he wakes up
         sing, "he sees you when you're sleeping..."

     24. Steal a life size nativity scene and display it in your room.
         When your roommate asks, tell him/her "I had to let them stay
         here, there's no room At the inn."

     25. When your roommate goes to the bathroom, rearrange his/her
         possessions.  Tell him/her that Santa's elves must have done it.

                                   Merry Christmas!

      Origin: Flamingo BBS, Melbourne, FL V34+ (407)242-8184 (1:374/46)



     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 11                  22 Dec 1997

                              COMIX IN ASCII

     Date: 03 Oct 90 18:09:07
     From: Dave Aronson
       To: Bruce Wilson
     Subj: Re: Happy New Year

     Save this one for future reference:

     Or this one:

                        O    O    O    O   | |   O    O    O    O
                       | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |
                       | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |
                       | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |
                       |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|  \ /  |_|  |_|  |_|  |_|
                       \ /  \ /  \ /  \ /   |   \ /  \ /  \ /  \ /
                        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
                        |    |    |     \___|___/     |    |    |
                        |    |     \________|________/     |    |
                        |     \_____________|_____________/     |
                                           / \
                                         .'   `.

                              H A P P Y   C H A N U K A H !

      Origin: TIDMADT Enterprises  USR-DS  PCP=DCWAS (1:109/120)

     Date: 05 Dec 91  21:24:48
     From: Mike Steiner
       To: ALL
     Subj: Happy Chanukah

            *     *     *     *   [===]   *     *     *     *
           /_\   /_\   /_\   /_\   [#]   /_\   /_\   /_\   /_\
          [===] [===] [===] [===]  [#]  [===] [===] [===] [===]
           [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]
           [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]   [#]
           [#]   [#]   [#]   [#############]   [#]   [#]   [#]
           [#]   [#]   [#]         [#]         [#]   [#]   [#]
           [#]   [#]   [#]        // \\        [#]   [#]   [#]
           [#]   [#]   [#]   ____//___\\____   [#]   [#]   [#]
           [#]   [#]   [###] \\ //_____\\ // [###]   [#]   [#]
           [#]   [#]          \\/       \//          [#]   [#]
           [################] //\ _____ /\\ [################]
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 12                  22 Dec 1997

                                 \\   //
                                  \\ //

      Origin:  (1:143/207.1)

     Date: 07 Dec 97  22:19:00
     From: Katey Mallory
       To: All
     Subj: Chanukah Art

      * * * * | * * * *
      | | | | | | | | |
      | | | | | | | | |
       \ \ \ \|/ / / /
         \ \ \|/ / /
           \ \|/ /
        Happy Hanukkah

       ____/_ \____
       \  ___\ \  /
        \/ /  \/ /
        / /\__/_/\
       /__\ \_____\
           \  /

      * * * *   |   * * * *
       \ \ \ \__|__/ / / /
         \ \ \__|__/ / /
           \ \__|__/ /
             |     |

      Origin: Kitty's Keep BBS * 714-871-2227 * Fullerton, CA (1:103/441.0)



     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 13                  22 Dec 1997

     Date: 24 Dec 91  02:41:31
     From: Arthur Greenberg
       To: All D'bridge Folks
     Subj: Season's Greetings !!

                 * =========================================== *
                 * =========================================== *
                 * | | .   .         . |    .       .    . | | *
                 * | |   .     .   .   |  .    .     . .   | | *
                 * | |  Season's Greetings! .     .   .   /| | *
                 * | |.  .  .   . .    | .      .      . / | | *
                 * | |\.    . .   .  . |     .      /\  /. | | *
                 * | | \  . /\  . .    |.    /\.   /  \/.  | | *
                 * | |  \. /. \   ./\  |   ./  \ ./ .  \ . | | *
                 * | | . \/.   \/\/  \ |   / .  \/ .    .  | | *
                 * | |=====================================| | *
                 * | | .  .\    /*\ \ .|\/ .  .  .\  .  .. | | *
                 * | | .    \. /***\ . | \.   .  . \.    .*| | *
                 * | |   .  . /*****\  | .\   .  !  \    / | | *
                 * | | .   . /*******\ |  . .  ./*\  \.  / | | *
                 * | | .   ./*********\|  .    /***\ .  /__| | *
                 * | |  .     .  * .   |    . /*****\  .   | | *
                 * | |      .   .    . |  .  /*******\. .  | | *
                 * | |  . @______(.  . |   ./*********\  . | | *
                 * | |   ._+___+_  .   |  ./***********\.  | | *
                 * | | .  .   .  .  .  | .       *      .  | | *
                 * | |_________________|___________________| | *
                 * =========================================== *

                    From D'Bridge Help/Information 1:1/168.0
                 All the D'Bridge Sales/Support Sites WorldWide
                  We wish you the best for this Holiday Season
                 Have a Merry, Safe, Happy, and Healthy Holiday

     Arthur Greenberg * D'Bridge Help/Information *

      Origin: D'Bridge Help/Information *  (1:3601/14)

     Date: 24 Dec 91  01:46:28
     From: Judy Proctor
       To: All
     Subj: Merry Christmas!

                                 \/  \/      \/  \/      \/  \/      \/  \/
                                  )__(        )__(        )__(        )__(
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 14                  22 Dec 1997

          Merry Christmas         (oo)        (oo)        (oo)        (oo)
       )(  and a Happy     (______:[]  (______:[]  (______:[]  (______:[]
      (  )   New Year!     ,=======||==========||==========||==========||
      (    )              /  ||----||    ||----||    ||----||    ||----||
     (      )      ___   /   ii    ii    ii    ii    ii    ii    ii    ii
     |~~~~~~~\       /|==        \/  \/      \/  \/      \/  \/      \/  \/
     |        \      ==,          )  (        )  (        )  (        )  (
     |         -----  / \         (oo)        (oo)        (oo)        (oo)
     |_______________/  \  (______:[]  (______:[]  (______:[]  (______:[]
          ||    ||  /     ' =======||==========||==========||==========||
     ===============         ||----||    ||----||    ||----||    ||----||
                             ii    ii    ii    ii    ii    ii    ii    ii

      Origin: The Cat's Meow --- Evolving Forever! (1:361/12)

     Date: 13 Dec 92  09:45:40
     From: Drow Elf
       To: All

                   ':,                              ':,        ,:'
                    '::,       ,:                    ':,      ,:'
                     '::,     ,:'           :         ':,    ,:'
                      '::,   ,:'          ',I/         ':,  ,::
                       '::  ,:'          ---+---        '::::'
                        '::,:'             /I',          :::'     ,:'
                         ':::               :            ':::,  ,::'
            :             '::.   ,:                       ':::,,::'
          '.I/             ::::,::'                        ':::::'
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      Origin: The INFERNO<*>Blazing on Jersey's Shore<*> (1:266/72)

     Date: 21 Dec 96  06:04:00
     From: Genie Bohn
       To: All
     Subj: Greetings


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     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 16                  22 Dec 1997

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      Origin: Flamingo BBS, Melbourne, FL V34+ (407)242-8184 (1:374/46)

     Date: 07 Dec 97  02:49:00
     From: Miss Kitty
       To: All
     Subj: Xmas Wishes...

     I hope you remembered to put your

             \   |  ____
            __)  | |   /
     ejm97 (___-_) |  (__
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 17                  22 Dec 1997

     out last night and that

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     altered them to become:

              **  / ) _  _
            %_[]=%   | )/ )
             \  )| *_|_/
            __)  | |   /
     ejm97 (___-_) |  (__


                    >     Hmm... I wonder what
             _____\/>         Saint Nick
             \   |  >,^          brought to me
            __)  | /|
     ejm97 (___-_) \ \

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 18                  22 Dec 1997

             ___%^^_/ >
             \   |   >,^
            __)  |  /|
     ejm97 (___-_)  \ \

                 {} <  \ Rats!  Coal again... and I
             _____\/>       thought I was GOOD this year!
             \   |  >,^
            __)  | /|
     ejm97 (___-_) \ \

      Origin: Kitty's Keep BBS * Fullerton, CA * (1:103/441.0)

     Date: 07 Dec 97 05:26:00
     From: Miss Kitty
       To: All
     Subj: Christmas Art


               *   *  ****  ***   ***   *   *
               ** **  *     *  *  *  *   * *
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     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 19                  22 Dec 1997

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     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 20                  22 Dec 1997

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     Santa faces
       ()   \
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     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 21                  22 Dec 1997

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     Santa the big guy
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      Origin: Kitty's Keep BBS * Fullerton, CA *  (1:103/441.0)

     Date: 07 Dec 97 22:54:00
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 22                  22 Dec 1997

     From: Miss Kitty
       To: All

                                   Hi Everyone!

                                     "GOD JUL"
                                    "BUON ANNO"
                                   "FELIZ NATAL"
                                  "JOYEUX   NOEL"
                                 "VESELE   VANOCE"
                                "MELE   KALIKIMAKA"
                               "NODLAG  SONA  DHUIT"
                              "BLWYDDYN  NEWYDD  DDA"
                             """""""BOAS FESTAS"""""""
                                  "FELIZ NAVIDAD"
                                 "MERRY CHRISTMAS"
                                "KALA CHRISTOUGENA"
                               "VROLIJK  KERSTFEEST"
                              "FROHLICHE WEIHNACHTEN"
                             "BUON  NATALE-GODT NYTAR"
                            "HUAN YING SHENG TAN CHIEH"
                           "WESOLYCH SWIAT-SRETAN BOZIC"
                          "MOADIM LESIMHA-LINKSMU KALEDU"
                         "HAUSKAA JOULUA-AID SAID MOUBARK"
                        """""""'N  PRETTIG  KERSTMIS"""""""
                             "ONNZLLISTA UUTTA VUOTTA"
                            "Z ROZHDESTYOM  KHRYSTOVYM"
                           "NADOLIG LLAWEN-GOTT NYTTSAR"
                          "FELIC NADAL-GOJAN KRISTNASKON"
                         "S  NOVYM  GODOM-FELIZ ANO NUEVO"
                        "GLEDILEG JOL-NOELINIZ KUTLU OLSUM"
                    """""""SARBATORI FERICITE-BUON  ANNO"""""""
                          "ZORIONEKO GABON-HRISTOS SE RODI"
                        "BOLDOG KARACSONNY-VESELE  VIANOCE "
                       "MERRY CHRISTMAS  AND  HAPPY NEW YEAR"
                      "ROOMSAID JOULU PUHI -KUNG HO SHENG TEN"

      Origin: Kitty's Keep BBS * Fullerton, CA *  (1:103/441.0)

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 23                  22 Dec 1997

     Date: 07 Dec 97  22:52:00
     From: Miss Kitty
       To: All

                                     A  SWHENAL L
                                    THR  OUGHT HEH
                                   OUSEN  OTA  CREAT
                                  UREWASS  T  IRRINGN
                                 OTEVENAMO   USETHESTO
                                C KINGSWE  R  EHUNGBY T
                               NEC HIMNE  YWI  THCAR EIN
                              HOPES THA  TSAIN  TNI  COLA
                             SSOONWO U  LDBETHE  R ETHECHI
                            LDRENWERE  NESTLEDAL  LSNUGINTH
                           E IRBEDSW  ILEVISI   O  MSOCSUG A
                          RPL UMDSA  NCE DINTH EIR  HEADS AND
                         MAMMA INH  ERKER CHI EPAND  IIN MYCAP
                        HADJUST S  ETTLEDD O WNFORAL  P MGQOMTER
             *********************** 1822 1997 ***************************
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (THIS MOST)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                     (FAM OUS)
                                      (YU LE)
                                      (PO EM)
                                    (OBSE RVES)
                                    (THIS XMAS)
                              ( ITS 108th ANNIVERSARY )
                             (     Clement C. Moore     )

      Origin: Kitty's Keep BBS * Fullerton, CA *  (1:103/441.0)

     Date: 07 Dec 97  22:55:00
     From: Miss Kitty
       To: All

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 24                  22 Dec 1997

     *   !   X   !   X   !   X   !   .   !   X   !   X   !   X   !   X   *
     *   O       O       O       O  .|.  O       O       O       O       *
     *                              -*-                                  *
     * Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise!       '|`           _    Happy New Year!  *
     * Frohliche Weihnachten!        *:*          ("D     Chag Sameach!  *
     * Sarbatori Fericite!          * . *        ~(=r      Boas Festas!  *
     * Joyous Solstice!            **   **    .../__\       Gut Yontif!  *
     * Mele Kurisumasu!          *** o   ***     [**]       Iyi YIllar!  *
     * Mele Kalikimaka!           *\    O *             Wesolych Swiat!  *
     * Merry Christmas!          ** \\    **            Velelykh Svyat!  *
     * Happy Hanukkah!         ***    \\   ***        Stastny Novy Rok!  *
     * Pari Dzounount!          * o     \\  *        Kelemes Unnepeket!  *
     * Happy Holidays!         **    O    \\**      Season's Greetings!  *
     * Veseli Vanoce!        ***\\       o  \***     Gung Hay Fat Choy!  *
     * Feliz Navidad!         *   \\  o       *       Felican Jarfinon!  *
     * Joyeux Noel!          **  o  \\    O   **       Joy to the World  *
     * Bom Natal!         ****        \\     o ****      - And to All a  *
     * God Jul!             ** o     o  \\ o   **           Good Night!  *
     * Cheers!            ***     O       \\    ***                      *
     * *:D       o_     *****************************      e@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
     *   _      <' )~      ___      #####  _v_            @@@""""""""""""*
     * / <~    ["""] V  o [___] _@_ #####__|~|_ A        @" ___ _________*
     * %'=    @|HHH|[~] U |\ /|/^^^\##[{}{}{}{](") !    II__[w] | [i] [z]|
     * ' )   /%|HHH||$|/V\|XXX|~~~~~##[}{}{}{}](:)<*>  {======|_|~~~~~~~~|
     * __6 |==D|HHH||$|\^/|/ \|=====##[{}{}{}{](:) V  /oO--000'"`-OO--OO-'

      Origin: Kitty's Keep BBS * Fullerton, CA *  (1:103/441.0)



     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 25                  22 Dec 1997


     --- Following message extracted from FIDONEWS @ 1:18/14 ---
         By Christopher Baker on Sun Dec 14 19:32:22 1997

     From: steve steffler
     To: all
     Date: 12 Dec 97  23:14:24
     Subj: IREX echo

     Chris, could you please put this in Fidonews as an announcement?

     ---begin announcement---

     Introducing the IREX echo and mailing list.

     This echo is dedicated to the discussion of the FTN <=> Internet
     Transport and Gateway software, Internet Rex, written by Charles
     Cruden.  The Internet Rex web site is located at http://plaza.v-
     wave.com/InternetRex and the FTP site
     for Internet Rex is ftp://xanadu.v-wave.com/irex/ .

     This echo is a public support medium for users of the wide beta and
     full releases of Internet Rex.  The author of Internet Rex as well as
     a lot of the closed beta team frequent the echo and will welcome any
     questions or problems with the software that you might encounter.

     To access the echo, you may use one of the following methods:

     1) Subscribe to the internet mailing list version of the echo - send a
     message to listserv@gen.lcrnet.org with SUBSCRIBE IREX in it and you
     will be connected.  With this method, one will receive the echo from
     the email address 'irex@gen.  lcrnet.org' and to post to the echo you
     would simply post to that address.

     2) Set up an echomail feed via the internet using Fido2Int, Irex,
     Transx or Watergate mail tunneling with Steve Steffler.  The echo uses
     Fidonet node numbers, but they are not required.  For more
     information, contact Steve via email to steve@gen.lcrnet.org or with
     netmail to 1:342/1022 in Fidonet and 111: 1403/14 in Sysop's Technet.

     3) Request your echomail hub (or whoever you can connect to for mail)
     to obtain the echo from Steve, or from their most efficient source.

     4) Direct mailer polls to Steve's Fido node, 1:342/1022.  For a
     session level password and to be configured for this contact Steve in
     any of the ways mentioned in number 2.

     Thank you for considering participating in this technical support and
     discussion forum for Internet Rex, one of the up and coming softwares
     of the future! :)

     steve@gen.lcrnet.org * http://generica.home.ml.org

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 26                  22 Dec 1997

     ---end announcement---

      Origin:  You'd Prefer An Astronaut  (1:342/52.3)



     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 27                  22 Dec 1997


                                Future History

     12 Jan 1998
        HAL 9000 is one year old today.

     30 Apr 1998
        Queens Day, Holland.

     17 May 1998
        Independence Day, Norway.

     22 May 1998
        Expo '98 World Exposition in Lisbon (Portugal) opens.

     14 Sep 1998
        Start of International BBS Week [thru 20 Sep 98].

     22 Sep 1998
        First anniversary of the FidoNews domain of www.fidonews.org.

      1 Dec 1998
        Fifteenth Anniversary of release of Fido version 1 by
        Tom Jennings.

     24 Jul 1999
        XIII Pan American Games [through 8 Aug 99].

     31 Dec 1999
        Hogmanay, Scotland. The New Year that can't be missed.

      1 Jan 2000
        The 20th Century, C.E., is still taking place thru 31 Dec.

      1 Jun 2000
        EXPO 2000 World Exposition in Hannover (Germany) opens.

     15 Sep 2000
        Sydney (Australia) Summer Olympiad opens.

      1 Jan 2001
        This is the actual start of the new millennium, C.E.

     -- If YOU have something which you would like to see in this
        Future History, please send a note to the FidoNews Editor.


     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 28                  22 Dec 1997

                         FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING

     [from 1449. Ed.]
     Latest Greatest Software Versions
     by Peter E. Popovich, 1:363/264

     New entry: Tornado, a BBS from Konstantin Klyagin. Welcome to the
     list... ;-)

     -=- Snip -=-

     Submission form for the Latest Greatest Software Versions column

     OS Platform                             :
     Software package name                   :
     Version                                 :
     Function(s) - BBS, Mailer, Tosser, etc. :
     Freeware / Shareware / Commercial?      :
     Author / Support staff contact name     :
     Author / Support staff contact node     :
     Magic name (at the above-listed node)   :

     Please include a sentence describing what the package does.

     Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264

     -=- Snip -=-

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     Act-Up         4.6      G D Chris Gunn        1:15/55     ACT-UP
     ALLFIX         5.00     T S Harald Harms      2:281/415   ALLFIX
     Announcer      1.12     O S Peter Karlsson    2:206/221   ANNOUNCE
     BGFAX          1.60     O S B.J. Guillot      1:106/400   BGFAX
     Binkley Docs   2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOC_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm    2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOS_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm-XE XR5      M F Thomas Waldmann   2:2474/400  BTXE_DOS
     CFRoute        0.92     O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70    CFR
     CheckPnt       1.0a     O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     CHECKPNT
     FastEcho       1.46.1   T S Tobias Burchhardt 2:2448/400  FASTECHO
     FastEcho/16    1.46.1   T S Tobias Burchhardt 2:2448/400  FEX
     FastLst        1.36     N S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   FASTLSTD
     FidoBBS (tm)   12u      B S Ray Brown         1:1/117     FILES
     FrontDoor      2.12     M S JoHo              2:201/330   FD
     FrontDoor      2.20c    M C JoHo              2:201/330   FDINFO
     GEcho          1.00     T S Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GEcho/Plus     1.11     T C Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GEcho/Pro      1.20     T C Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GIGO           07-14-96 G S Jason Fesler      1:1/141     INFO
     GoldED         2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GED
     GoldED/386     2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEX
     GoldED Docs    2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEM
     GoldNODE       2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEN
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 29                  22 Dec 1997

     Imail          1.75     T S Michael McCabe    1:1/121     IMAIL
     ImCrypt        1.04     O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     IMCRYPT
     InfoMail/86    1.21     O F Damian Walker     2:2502/666  INFOMAIL
     InfoMail/386   1.21     O F Damian Walker     2:2502/666  INFO386
     InterEcho      1.19     T C Peter Stewart     1:369/35    IEDEMO
     InterMail      2.29k    M C Peter Stewart     1:369/35    IMDEMO
     InterPCB       1.52     O S Peter Stewart     1:369/35    INTERPCB
     IPNet          1.11     O S Michele Stewart   1:369/21    IPNET
     JD's CBV       1.4      O S John Dailey       1:363/277   CBV
     Jelly-Bean     1.01     T S Rowan Crowe       3:635/727   JELLY
     Jelly-Bean/386 1.01     T S Rowan Crowe       3:635/727   JELLY386
     JMail-Hudson   2.81     T S Jason Steck       1:285/424   JMAIL-H
     JMail-Goldbase 2.81     T S Jason Steck       1:285/424   JMAIL-G
     MakePl         1.9      N G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     MAKEPL
     Marena         1.1 beta O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     MARENA
     Maximus        3.01     B P Tech              1:249/106   MAX
     Max User Ed.   0.18     O F Larry Cooke       1:300/53    MUE
     McMail         1.0      M S Michael McCabe    1:1/148     MCMAIL
     MDNDP          1.18     N S Bill Doyle        1:388/7     MDNDP
     Msged          4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41D.ZIP
     Msged/386      4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41X.ZIP
     NEF            2.38     O S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   NEFD
     NorthStar      3.31.29  B S A&B Darin         1:285/82    NSTAR
     Opus CBCS      1.79     B P Christopher Baker 1:374/14    OPUS
     O/T-Track      2.66     O S Peter Hampf       2:241/1090  OT
     PcMerge        2.8      N G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     PCMERGE
     PlatinumXpress 1.3      M C Gary Petersen     1:290/111   PX13TD.ZIP
     QuickBBS       2.81     B S Ben Schollnick    1:2613/477  QUICKBBS
     RAR            2.01     C S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    RAR
     RemoteAccess   2.50     B S Mark Lewis        1:3634/12   RA
     Searchlight    4.5      B S Paul Casey        1:343/117   DEMO450.ZIP
     Searchlight    5.02     B C Paul Casey        1:343/117   SLBBS50.TXT
     Silver Xpress
       Door         5.4      O S Gary Petersen     1:290/111   FILES
       Reader       4.4      O S Gary Petersen     1:290/111   SXR44.ZIP
     Spitfire       3.51     B S Mike Weaver       1:3670/3    SPITFIRE
     Squish         1.11     T P Tech              1:249/106   SQUISH
     StealTag UK    1.c...   O F Fred Schenk       2:284/412   STEAL_UK
     StealTag NL    1.c...   O F Fred Schenk       2:284/412   STEAL_NL
     T-Mail         2.600    M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAIL
     Telegard       3.02     B F Tim Strike        1:259/423   TELEGARD
     Terminate      5.00     O S Bo Bendtsen       2:254/261   TERMINATE
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     Tornado        1.50g    B F Konst Klyagin     2:461/22    TORNADO
     TosScan        1.01     T C JoHo              2:201/330   TSINFO
     TransNet       1.00     G S Marc S. Ressl     4:904/72    TN100ALL.ZIP
     TriBBS         11.0     B S Gary Price        1:3607/26   TRIBBS
     TriDog         11.0     T F Gary Price        1:3607/26   TRIDOG
     TriToss        11.0     T S Gary Price        1:3607/26   TRITOSS
     WaterGate      0.93     G S Robert Szarka     1:320/42    WTRGATE
     WWIV           4.24a    B S Craig Dooley      1:376/126   WWIV
     WWIVTOSS       1.36     T S Craig Dooley      1:376/126   WWIVTOSS
     xMail          2.00     T S Thorsten Franke   2:2448/53   XMAIL
     XRobot         3.01     O S JoHo              2:201/330   XRDOS

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 30                  22 Dec 1997

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ALLFIX/2       5.00     T S Harald Harms      2:281/415   AFIXOS2
     BGFAX          1.60     O S B.J. Guillot      1:106/400   BGFAX
     Binkley Docs   2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOC_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm    2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BOS2_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm-XE XR5      M F Thomas Waldmann   2:2474/400  BTXE_OS2
     CFRoute        0.92     O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70    CFR
     FastEcho       1.46.1   T S Tobias Burchhardt 2:2448/400  FE2
     FastLst        1.36     N S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   FASTLST
     FleetStreet    1.21     O S Michael Hohner    2:2490/2520 FLEET
     FP-OS/2        97-03-21 O F Mike Bilow        323/107     FPOS2
     GEcho/Pro      1.20     T C Bob Seaborn       1:140/12    GECHO
     GIGO           07-14-96 G S Jason Fesler      1:1/141     INFO
     GoldED         2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEO
     GoldED Docs    2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEM
     GoldNODE       2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEN
     ImCrypt        1.04     O G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     IMCRYPT
     Maximus        3.01     B P Tech              1:249/106   MAXP
     Max User Ed.   0.18     O F Larry Cooke       1:300/53    MUEP
     Msged/2        4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41O.ZIP
     NEF            2.38     O S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   NEF
     PcMerge        2.3      N G Michiel vd Vlist  2:500/9     PCMERGE
     RAR            2.01     C S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    RAR2
     Squish         1.11     T P Tech              1:249/106   SQUISHP
     T-Mail         2.600    M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAIL2
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     Tornado        1.50g    B F Konst Klyagin     2:461/22    TORNADO2
     WaterGate      0.93     G S Robert Szarka     1:320/42    WTRGATE
     XRobot         3.01     O S JoHo              2:201/330   XROS2

     Windows (16-bit apps):
     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     BeeMail        1.0      M C Andrius Cepaitis  2:470/1     BEEMAIL
     FrontDoor APX  1.12     P S Mats Wallin       2:201/329   FDAPXW

     Windows (32-bit apps):
     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     Argus 95/IP    2.704    M S Max Masyutin      2:469/77    A9I
     Argus NT/IP    2.704    M S Max Masyutin      2:469/77    ANI
     BeeMail        1.0      M C Andrius Cepaitis  2:470/1     BEEMAIL
     Binkley Docs   2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BDOC_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm    2.60     M F Bob Juge          1:1/102     BW32_260.ZIP
     BinkleyTerm-XE XR5      M F Thomas Waldmann   2:2474/400  BTXE_W32
     CFRoute        0.92     O G C. Fernandez Sanz 2:341/70    CFR
     FastLst        1.36     N S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   FASTLSTW
     GoldED         2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEO
     GoldED Docs    2.50     O S Len Morgan        1:203/730   GEM
     Maximus        3.01     B P Tech              1:249/106   MAXN
     Msged/NT       4.10     O G Andrew Clarke     3:635/728   MSGED41W.ZIP
     NEF            2.38     O S Alberto Pasquale  2:332/504   NEFW
     PlatinumXpress 2.00     M C Gary Petersen     1:290/111   PXW-INFO
     Searchlight    5.02     B C Paul Casey        1:343/117   SLBBS50.TXT
     T-Mail         2.600    M S Ron Dwight        2:220/22    TMAILNT
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 31                  22 Dec 1997

     WinFOSSIL/95   1.12 r4  F S Bryan Woodruff    1:343/294   WNFOSSIL.ZIP
     WinFOSSIL/NT   1.0 beta F S Bryan Woodruff    1:343/294   NTFOSSIL.ZIP

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ifmail         2.12     M G Eugene Crosser    2:293/2219  IFMAIL
     ifmail-tx      ...tx8.6 M G Pablo Saratxaga   2:293/2219  IFMAILTX
     ifmail-tx.rpm  ...tx8.6 M G Pablo Saratxaga   2:293/2219  IFMAILTX.RPM
     Msged          4.00     O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     CrashMail      1.31     T X Rene Laederach    2:301/133   CRASHMAIL
     CrashTick      1.2      O F Rene Laederach    2:301/133   CRASHTICK
     DLG Pro BBOS   1.15     B C Holly Sullivan    1:202/720   DLGDEMO
     GMS            1.1.85   M S Mirko Viviani     2:331/213   GMS
     Msged          4.00     O G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   MSGED
     Tobruk         0.33     T G Paul Edwards      3:711/934   TOBRUK
     TrapDoor       1.86.b2  M S Maximilian Hantsch
                                                   2:310/6     TRAPDOOR
     TrapToss       1.50     T S Rene Hexel        2:310/6     TRAPTOSS

     Program Name   Version  F C Contact Name      Node        Magic Name
     ApplyList      1.00     N F Daniel Roesen     2:2432/1101 APLST100.LZH
     BinkleyTerm/ST 3.18pl2  M F Bill Scull        1:363/112   BINKLEY
     BTNC           2.00     N G Daniel Roesen     2:2432/1101 BTNC
     JetMail        0.99beta T S Joerg Spilker     2:2432/1101 JETMAIL
     Semper         0.80beta M S Jan Kriesten      2:2490/1624 SMP-BETA

     Function: B-BBS, P-Point, M-Mailer, N-Nodelist, G-Gateway, T-Tosser,
               C-Compression, F-Fossil, O-Other. Note: Multifunction will
               be listed by the first match.

     Cost: P-Free for personal use, F-Freeware, S-Shareware, C-Commercial,
           X-Crippleware, D-Demoware, G-Free w/ Source

     Please send updates and suggestions to: Peter Popovich, 1:363/264


     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 32                  22 Dec 1997

                            FIDONEWS PUBLIC-KEY

     [this must be copied out to a file starting at column 1 or
      it won't process under PGP as a valid public-key]

     Version: 2.6.2
     Comment: Clear-signing is Electronic Digital Authenticity!


     File-request FNEWSKEY from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] or download it from the
     Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 anytime except 0100-0130 ET and Zone
     1 ZMH at 1200-9600+ HST/V32B. The FidoNews key is also available on
     the FidoNews homepage listed in the Masthead information.

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 33                  22 Dec 1997

                            FIDONET BY INTERNET

     This is a list of all FidoNet-related sites reported to the Editor as
     of this appearance.



       Homepage     http://www.fidonet.org
       FidoNews     http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fidonews.html
       HTML FNews   http://www.fidonews.org
       WWW sources  http://www.scms.rgu.ac.uk/students/cs_yr94/lk/fido.html
       FTSC page    http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/ftsc/ftscmirr.htm
       Echomail     http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/index.html
       WebRing      http://ddi.digital.net/~cbaker84/fnetring.html


     Zone 1:       http://www.z1.fidonet.org

       Region 10:  http://www.psnw.com/~net205/region10.html

       Region 11:  http://oeonline.com/~garyg/region11/

       Region 13:  http://www.smalltalkband.com/st01000.htm

       Region 14:  [disappeared?]

       Region 15:  [disappeared?]

       Region 16:  http://www.tiac.net/users/satins/region16.htm

       Region 17:  http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/region17.htm
           REC17:  http://www.westsound.com/ptmudge/

       Region 18:  http://www.citicom.com/fido.html

       Region 19:  http://www.compconn.net


     Zone 2:       http://www.z2.fidonet.org

     ZEC2:         http://www.proteus.demon.co.uk/zec.htm
     Zone 2 Elist: http://www.fbone.ch/z2_elist/

       Region 20:  http://www.fidonet.pp.se (in Swedish)

       Region 24:  http://www.swb.de/personal/flop/gatebau.html (in German)

       Region 25:

     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 34                  22 Dec 1997

       Region 27:  http://telematique.org/ft/r27.htm

       Region 29:  http://www.rtfm.be/fidonet/  (in French)

       Region 30:  http://www.fidonet.ch  (in Swiss)

       Region 33:  http://www.fidoitalia.net (in Italian)

       Region 34:  http://www.pobox.com/cnb/r34.htm  (in Spanish)
           REC34:  http://pobox.com/~chr

       Region 36:  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7207/

       Region 38:  http://public.st.carnet.hr/~blagi/bbs/adriam.html

       Region 41:  http://www.fidonet.gr (in Greek and English)

       Region 48:  http://www.fidonet.org.pl


     Zone 3:       http://www.z3.fidonet.org


     Zone 4:       (not yet listed)

       Region 90:
         Net 904:  http://members.tripod.com/~net904 (in Spanish)


     Zone 5:       http://w3.eastcape.co.za/fidonet/index.htm


     Zone 6:       http://www.z6.fidonet.org

       Region 65:  http://www.cfido.com/fidonet/cfidochina.html (China)



     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 35                  22 Dec 1997

                           FIDONEWS INFORMATION


     Editor: Christopher Baker

     Editors Emeritii: Tom Jennings, Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                       Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar, Sylvia Maxwell,
                       Donald Tees

     "FidoNews Editor"
         FidoNet  1:1/23
         BBS  1-904-409-7040,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(ds)

      more addresses:
         Christopher Baker -- 1:18/14, cbaker84@digital.net

     (Postal Service mailing address)
         FidoNews Editor
         P.O. Box 471
         Edgewater, FL 32132-0471

     voice:  1-904-409-3040 [1400-2100 ET only, please]
                            [1800-0100 UTC/GMT]


     FidoNews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
     INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ELECTRONIC MAIL system.  It is a compilation
     of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
     authorized agents.  The contribution of articles to this compilation
     does not diminish the rights of the authors.  OPINIONS EXPRESSED in
     these articles ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS and not necessarily those of

     Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
     Copyright 1997 Christopher Baker.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only.  For
     use in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or
     the Editor.


     OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
     form may be obtained from the FidoNews Editor via manual download or
     file-request, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
     PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above postal
     address.  File-request FIDONEWS for the current Issue.  File-request
     FNEWS for the current month in one archive.  Or file-request specific
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 36                  22 Dec 1997

     back Issue filenames in distribution format [FNEWSEnn.ZIP] for a
     particular Issue.  Monthly Volumes are available as FNWSmmmy.ZIP
     where mmm = three letter month [JAN - DEC] and y = last digit of the
     current year [7], i.e., FNWSAUG7.ZIP for all the Issues from Aug 97.

     Annual volumes are available as FNEWSn.ZIP where n = the Volume number
     1 - 14 for 1984 - 1997, respectively. Annual Volume archives range in
     size from 48K to 1.4M.

     INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via:



     You may obtain an email subscription to FidoNews by sending email to:


     with a Subject line of: subscribe fnews-edist

     and no message in the message body. To remove your name from the email
     distribution use a Subject line of: unsubscribe fnews-edist with no
     message to the same address above.


     You may retrieve current and previous Issues of FidoNews via FTPMail
     by sending email to:


     with a Subject line of: help

     and FTPMail will immediately send a reply containing details and
     instructions. When you actually make a file request, FTPMail will
     respond in three stages. You find a link for this process on


     You can read the current FidoNews Issue in HTML format at:


     STAR SOURCE for ALL Past Issues via FTP and file-request -
     Available for FReq from 1:396/1 or by anonymous FTP from:


     Each yearly archive also contains a listing of the Table-of-Contents
     for that year's issues.  The total set is currently about 11 Megs.
     FIDONEWS 14-51               Page 37                  22 Dec 1997


     The current week's FidoNews and the FidoNews public-key are now also
     available almost immediately after publication on the Editor's new
     homepage on the World Wide Web at:


     There are also links there to jim barchuk's HTML FidoNews source and
     to John Souvestre's FTP site for the archives. There is also an email
     link for sending in an article as message text. Drop on over.


     A PGP generated public-key is available for the FidoNews Editor from
     1:1/23 [1:18/14] by file-request for FNEWSKEY or by download from
     Rights On! BBS at 1-904-409-7040 as FIDONEWS.ASC in File Area 18.  It
     is also posted twice a month into the PKEY_DROP Echo available on the
     Zone 1 Echomail Backbone.


     SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
     FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews Editor, or file-requestable
     from 1:1/23 [1:18/14] as file "ARTSPEC.DOC".  ALL Zone Coordinators
     also have copies of ARTSPEC.DOC. Please read it.

     "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
     trademarks of Tom Jennings, P.O. Box 410923, San Francisco, CA 94141,
     and are used with permission.

             "Disagreement is actually necessary,
              or we'd all have to get in fights
              or something to amuse ourselves
              and create the requisite chaos."
                                -Tom Jennings

