F I D O N E W S         Volume 16, Number 21             24 May 1999
     |  The newsletter of the     |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:        |
     |    FidoNet community       |   "FidoNews"                          |
     |          _                 |        +27-41-581-5913   [5:5/23]     |
     |         /  \               |                                       |
     |        /|oo \              |                                       |
     |       (_|  /_)             |                                       |
     |        _`@/_ \    _        |                                       |
     |       |     | \   \\       |   Editor:                             |
     |       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Henk Wolsink    5:7104/2       |
     |       |__U__| /  \//       |                                       |
     |        _//|| _\   /        |                                       |
     |       (_/(_|(____/         |                                       |
     |             (jm)           |   Newspapers should have no friends.  |
     |                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER |
     |             Submission address: FidoNews Editor 5:5/23             |
     |  MORE addresses:                                                   |
     |                                                                    |
     |    submissions=> editor@fidonews.org                               |
     |                  hwolsink@catpe.alt.za                             |
     |    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,        |
     |    obtaining copies of FidoNews or the internet gateway FAQ        |
     |    please refer to the end of this file.                           |

                        Table of Contents
     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
     2. GUEST EDITORIAL  ..........................................  2
        What's Not Happening - Losing issues in the Z1C Electio  ..  2
     3. NOTICES  ..................................................  4
     4. FIDONET BY INTERNET  ......................................  5
     5. FIDONEWS INFORMATION  .....................................  9
     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 1                   24 May 1999



     The last issue from me for 4 weeks, as we are on our way on Tuesday.

     Douglas will look after FidoNews until my return.

     Happy reading,


     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 2                   24 May 1999

                              GUEST EDITORIAL

     What's Not Happening

          .-- -- -- -- -- -- WHAT'S NOT HAPPENING -- -- -- -- -- --.
          | There isn't always something happening on Fidonet, but |
          | there's always something which isn't happening.  This  |
          | column is dedicated to the lost causes which make Fido |
          | what it isn't today.  Published semi-occasionally...   |
          `-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --'

     The Zone 1 Coordinator Election begins it's nomination phase on May
     30th.  Lack of candidates, however, has been no deterrent to the
     debate of issues.  Here are a few issues from the past week which
     should not be a factor in the upcoming election:

     1.  Dallas Hinton posted as Bob Satti.

     Much ado was made over Dallas logging onto Bob's system as Bob and
     posting in his name.  However, it appears that Dallas was merely
     passing on messages dictated by Bob from his hospital bed.  This
     charge fails to establish any intent to defraud on Dallas part, and
     I seriously doubt that even Dallas' detractors will continue to hold
     him in infamy over the technicality that he didn't put his initials
     on the dictated messages.

     It's probably not a good idea for Dallas to list this activity on
     his election resume under "ZC EXPERIENCE," however...

     2.  Region 10 Net Coordinators were not consulted before the R10C
     voted on election methods.

     This turned out to be a simple technical error - the messages posted
     in the R10 regional echoes were lost on one system.  Brenda Donovan,
     as Region 10 Coordinator, continues to enjoy (so fare as I know) a
     reputation for putting information before her region.  The fact that
     the charge was even made is more indicative that there is still a
     deep distrust of regional representation than indicative of any
     actual RC failure.  RCs should, of course, be aware of this
     distrust... but I don't see what more they can do except to continue
     to conduct their business openly and honestly.

     3.  Regional Coordinators sent differing messages to their regions
     in soliciting input concerning election methods for the Z1C.

     It's certain that RC's wrote their regions using their own words
     because there was no common message drafted for this purpose.
     Whether there should have been or not is open for debate, but
     there's been no case established that the differing wording resulted
     in differing input from the regions.
     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 3                   24 May 1999

     This is unlikely to become an issue in the upcoming election because
     it doesn't express the underlying concern of those expressing the
     complaint.  The underlying concern is that regional input may not be
     accurately reflected whenever the RCs vote.  So long as the concept
     of RC representation is distrusted, or in the absence of independent
     monitoring of regional input, it's unlikely that this issue will be
     resolved in time for the current election.

     4.  Policy 4 does not require open election of the Z1C.

     This argument has normally been advanced whenever criticism of the
     current election process has become severe.  The implication is that
     sysops should be content with whatever input they've been granted to
     the selection process, because they're not entitled to any by
     policy.  Policy firmly places ZC selection in the RC's hands and
     does not address the method of selection they use.

     This is unlikely to become an election issue because it represents
     an extreme viewpoint - as extreme as the viewpoint that Fidonet
     sysops can void policy merely by withdrawing from Fido and reforming
     the net.  However, the facts are that RCs have chosen to make part
     of the election process open, and sysops have chosen to attempt to
     work within the existing structure.  Extremes have no place in the
     upcoming election.

     | Fidonet:  Douglas Myers 1:270/720@fidonet.org
     | Internet: doug@mdtnbbs.com
     | Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own.
     | From Mdtn_BBS  @mdtnbbs.com  [ In the Heart of Three Mile Island ]


     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 4                   24 May 1999


                       Future History

        4 Jul - 10 Jul 1999
          Z1C Election process

       24 Jul 1999
          XIII Pan American Games [through 8 Aug 99].

        9 Jun 1999
          Tenth Anniversary of the adoption of FidoNet Policy 4.07.

       10 Sep 1999
          10th anniversary of Zone 5 operations.

       26 Oct 1999
          Thirty years from release Abbey Road album by the Beatles.

       31 Dec 1999
          Hogmanay, Scotland. The New Year that can't be missed.

        1 Jan 2000
          The 20th Century, C.E., is still taking place thru 31 Dec.

        1 Jun 2000
          EXPO 2000 World Exposition in Hannover (Germany) opens.

       15 Sep 2000
          Sydney (Australia) Summer Olympiad opens.

       21 Sep 2000
          10 years of FidoNet in +7 (xUSSR)

        1 Jan 2001
          This is the actual start of the new millennium, C.E.

       -- If YOU have something which you would like to see in this
             Future History, please send a note to the FidoNews Editor.


     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 5                   24 May 1999

                            FIDONET BY INTERNET

     This is a list of all FidoNet-related sites reported to the
     FidoNews Editor as of this issue; see the notice at the end.


     Homepage    http://www.fidonet.org
     FidoNews    http://www.fidonews.org             [HTML]
     WWW sources http://travel.to/fidonet/
     FTSC page   http://www.ftsc.org/
     Echomail    [pending]
     General     http://owls.com/~jerrys/fidonet.html
     List servers:


     Zone 1:       http://www.z1.fidonet.org

       Region 10:  http://www.psnw.com/~net205/region10.html

       Region 11:  http://oeonline.com/~garyg/region11/

       Region 13:  http://www.net264.org/r13.htm

         Net 264:  http://www.net264.org/

       Region 14:

         Net 282:  http://www.rxn.com/~net282/

       Region 17:  http://www.nwstar.com/~region17/

       Region 18:  http://techshop.pdn.net/fido/

       Region 19:  http://members.home.net/hbh3/r19

     Zone 1 Elist  http://www.baltimoremd.com/elist/

     Not sure where the following should be placed:



     Zone 2:       http://www.z2.fidonet.org

     Zone 2 Elist: http://www.fbone.ch/echolist/

       Region 20:  http://www.fidonet.pp.se (in Swedish)
     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 6                   24 May 1999

       Region 23:  http://www.fido.dk (in Danish)

       Region 24:  http://www.swb.de/personal/flop/gatebau.html (German)
         Fido-IP:  http://home.nrh.de/~lbehet/fido (English/German)

       Region 25:  http://www.bsnet.co.uk/net2502/net/

        Region 26: http://www.nemesis.ie
           REC 26: http://www.nrgsys.com/orb

       Region 27:  http://telematique.org/ft/r27.htm

       Region 29:  http://www.rtfm.be/fidonet/  (French)

       Region 30:  http://www.fidonet.ch  (German)

       Region 33:  http://www.fidoitalia.net (Italian)

       Region 34:  http://www.pobox.com/cnb/r34.htm  (Spanish)
           REC34:  http://pobox.com/~chr

       Region 36:  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7207/

       Region 38:  http://public.st.carnet.hr/~blagi/bbs/adriam.html

       Region 41:  http://www.fidonet.gr (Greek/English)

       Region 42:  http://www.fido.cz

       Region 48:  http://www.fidonet.org.pl

       Region 50:  http://www.fido7.com/  (Russian)
        Net 5010:  http://fido.tu-chel.ac.ru/  (Russian)
        Net 5015:  http://www.fido.nnov.ru/  (Russian)
        Net 5030:  http://kenga.ru/fido/  (Russian & English)
        Net 5073:  http://people.weekend.ru/soa/  (Russian)
        Net 5085:  http://www.fidonet.uz/ (Russian)


     Zone 3:       http://www.z3.fidonet.org


     Zone 4:

       Region 90:  http://visitweb.com/fidonet
         Net 903:  http://www.playagrande.com/refugio
         Net 904:  http://members.tripod.com/~net904 (Spanish)


     Zone 5:       http://www.eastcape.co.za/fidonet/


     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 7                   24 May 1999

     Zone 6:       http://www.z6.fidonet.org

       Region 65:  http://www.cfido.com/fidonet/cfidochina.html (Chinese)


     Pages listed above are as submitted to the FidoNews Editor,
     and generally reflect Zone and Regional Web Page sites.  If
     no Regional site is submitted, the first Network page from
     that Region is used in its place.  Generally, Regional pages
     should list access points to all Networks within the Region.

     TCP/IP accessible node access information should be submitted
     to the FidoNews Editor for inclusion in their Region or Zone.


                       Fidonet Via Internet Hubs

     Node#      | Operator          | Facilities (*) | Speed | Basic Rate
     1:12/12    | Ken Wilson        | FTP            | T1    | $24mo.
     1:13/25    | Jim Balcom        | FTP            | 56k   | $20mo.
     1:106/1    | Matt Bedynek      | BinkP, FTP     | 128k  | n/c
     1:106/6018 | Lawrence Garvin   | FTP, VMoT      | 64k   | $5/mo.
     1:107/451  | Andy Knifel       | FTP, VMoT, UUE | 33.6  | n/c
     1:140/12   | Bob Seaborn       | FTP            | T1    | $5/$20
     1:270/101  | George Peace      | FTP            | T1    | $30mo.
     1:271/140  | Tom Barstow       | UUE            | T1    | n/c
     1:275/1    | Joshua Ecklund    | UUE            | 28.8  | $10/yr.
     1:280/169  | Brian Greenstreet | FTP            | 33.6  | $2mo.
     1:2401/305 | Peter Rocca       | FTP,UUE        | T1    | unkn
     1:2424/10  | Alec Grynspan     | FTP,UUE        | T1    | n/c
     1:2604/104 | Jim Mclaughlin    | FTP,VMoT,UUE   | 33.6  | $1mo.
     1:2624/306 | D. Calafrancesco  | VMoT           | 33.6  | $15yr.
     1:345/0    | Todd Cochrane     | FTP            | T1    | n/c
     1:346/250  | Aran Spence       | FTP,UUE        | T1    | $10mo.
     1:396/45   | Marc Lewis        | UUE            | 33.6  | $26/yr.
     1:3651/9   | Jerry Gause       | FTP,VMoT       | 33.6  | $3/$6
     1:396/1    | John Souvestre    | FTP,VMoT       | T1    | $15mo.
     2:335/535  | Mario Mure        | VMoT,UUE       | 64k   | n/c
     2:254/175  | Alex Kemp         | UUE            | 56k   | n/c
     2:284/800  | Jeroen VanDeLeur  | FTP,UUE        | 64k   | n/c
     2:335/610  | Gino Lucrezi      | UUE            | 33.6  | n/c
     2:469/84   | Max Masyutin      | VMoT           | 256k  | n/c
     2:2411/413 | Dennis Dittrich   | UUE            | 64k   | n/c
     2:2474/275 | Christian Emig    | UUE            | 64k   | unkn
     3:633/260  | Malcolm Miles     | FTP            | 33.6  | n/c
     4:902/18   | Javier Tejedor    | UUE            | 33,6  | n/c
     4:905/100  | Fabian Gervan     | VMoT, UUE      | ???   | n/c
     * FTP  = Internet File Transfer Protocol
     * VMoT = Virtual Mailer over Telnet (various)
     * UUE  = uuencode<->email type transfers
     [I'm only cataloging transfer methods, eg, ftp, email, telnet.
     Specific programs using these protocols are no longer being listed.
     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 8                   24 May 1999

     Contact the system operators for details of which programs they have


     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 9                   24 May 1999

                           FIDONEWS INFORMATION


       Editor: Henk Wolsink

       Editors Emeriti: Tom Jennings, Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                        Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar, Sylvia Maxwell,
                        Donald Tees, Christopher Baker, Zorch Frezberg

       "FidoNews Editor"
           FidoNet  5:5/23
           BBS  +27-41-581-5913,  2400/9600/V34

        more addresses:
           Henk Wolsink -- 5:7104/2,    hwolsink@catpe.alt.za

        (Postal Service mailing address)
           FidoNews Editor
           P.O. Box 12325
           Port Elizabeth,
           South Africa


     FidoNews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
     INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ELECTRONIC MAIL system.  It is a compilation
     of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
     authorized agents.  The contribution of articles to this compilation
     does not diminish the rights of the authors.  OPINIONS EXPRESSED in
     these articles ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS and not necessarily those of
     FidoNews and/or the Editor.

     Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
     Copyright (C) 1999 Henk Wolsink.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only.  For
     use in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or
     the Editor.


     OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
     form may be obtained from the FidoNews Editor via manual download or
     file-request, or from various sites in FidoNet and the Internet.
     PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above postal
     address.  File-request FIDONEWS for the current Issue.  File-request
     FNEWS for the current month in one archive.  Or file-request specific
     back Issue filenames in distribution format [FNEWSGnn.ZIP] for a
     particular Issue.  Monthly Volumes are available as FNWSmmmy.ZIP
     where mmm = three letter month [JAN - DEC] and y = last digit of the
     current year [9], i.e., FNWSJAN9.ZIP for all the Issues from Jan 99.

     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 10                  24 May 1999

     Annual volumes are available as FNEWSn.ZIP where n = the Volume number
     1 - 16 for 1984 - 1999, respectively. Annual Volume archives range in
     size from 48K to 1.4M.

        INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via:

                **      http://www.fidonet.org/fidonews.htm
                **      ftp://ftp.fidonet.org/pub/fidonet/fidonews/

        And in non-English formats via:

                **      http://www.hvc.ee/pats/fidonews (Estonian)
                        http://www.fidonet.pp.se/sfnews (Swedish)



     You may obtain an email subscription to FidoNews by sending email to:


     with a Subject line of: subscribe fnews-edist

     and no message in the message body. To remove your name from the
     email distribution use a Subject line of: unsubscribe fnews-edist
     with no message to the same address above.


     You may retrieve current and previous Issues of FidoNews via FTPMail
     by sending email to:


     with a Subject line of: help

     and FTPMail will immediately send a reply containing details and
     instructions. When you actually make a file request, FTPMail will
     respond in three stages. You find a link for this process on


     You can read the current FidoNews Issue in HTML format at:


     and    http://www.fidonet.dynip.com/public/fidonews/default.htm

     and in the FIDONEWS echo.

     FIDONEWS 16-21               Page 11                  24 May 1999

     STAR SOURCE for ALL Past Issues via FTP and file-request -
     Available for FReq from 1:396/1 or by anonymous FTP from:


     Each yearly archive also contains a listing of the Table-of-Contents
     for that year's issues.  The total set is currently about 13 Megs.


     The current week's FidoNews are now also available almost immediately
     after publication on the FidoNews Editor homepage on the World Wide
     Web at:


     There are also links there to jim barchuk's HTML FidoNews source and
     to John Souvestre's FTP site for the archives.  There is also an
     email link for sending in an article as message text.  Drop on over.


     SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
     FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews Editor, or file-requestable
     from 5:5/23 [5:7104/2] as file "ARTSPEC.DOC".  ALL Zone Coordinators
     should have copies of ARTSPEC.DOC. Please read it.

     "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
     trademarks of Tom Jennings, P.O. Box 410923, San Francisco, CA 94141,
     and are used with permission.

                  "Disagreement is actually necessary,
                   or we'd all have to get in fights
                   or something to amuse ourselves
                   and create the requisite chaos."
                                     -Tom Jennings
