F I D O N E W S Volume 17, Number 14 03 Apr 2000 +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | The newsletter of the | ISSN 1198-4589 Published by: | | FidoNet community | "FidoNews" | | _ | 1-717-732-6820 1:270/720 | | / \ | | | /|oo \ | | | (_| /_) | | | _`@/_ \ _ | | | | | \ \\ | Editor: Douglas Myers, 1:270/720 | | | (*) | \ )) | DougM@paonline.com | | |__U__| / \// | | | _//|| _\ / | | | (_/(_|(____/ | | | (jm) | Newspapers should have no friends. | | | -- JOSEPH PULITZER | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ Joe Jared returns to the pages of Fidonews after a brief absence while establishing his own business. Joe maintains the Internet listings which have been a regular feature. Welcome back, Joe! Table of Contents 1. EDITORIAL ................................................ 1 Guide to Getting Along ................................... 1 2. ARTICLES ................................................. 3 A Whine about ECHOMAIL ................................... 3 Triple Play .............................................. 4 3. COLUMNS .................................................. 6 This Weeks Web Page ...................................... 6 Ol'WDB: Words To Live By ................................. 7 4. NET HUMOR ................................................ 10 Oneliners ................................................ 10 5. COMIX IN ASCII ........................................... 12 Cool cows ................................................ 12 6. INTERNET INFO ............................................ 13 Fidonet-related sites .................................... 13 7. FIDONEWS INFO ............................................ 18 Masthead ................................................. 18 FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 1 3 Apr 2000 ================================================================= EDITORIAL ================================================================= Guide to Getting Along Doug Myers Would the ancient Israelis have fared better if Moses would have come down from the mountain with the Ten Suggestions? Though addressing matters less spiritual, an ongoing debate in the FN_SYSOP echo touches the subject of toning down Policy 4. The range of the debate has been widespread. Some have advocated modifications to the policy, while others have advocated just ignoring it. While the validity of P4 has been seriously challenged, there's little doubt that this document has been widely regarded as Fidonet's "law and order." Recently, Darrell Salter has been spearheading an attempt to formulate "Guidelines" to influence the interactions between sysops. He urges participants to consider the way sysops work together as a cooperative thing rather than an authoritative thing. This is a serious attempt at formulating the concept of anarchy touted by Fidonet's founder, Tom Jennings. The term "Guidelines" as he's using it should not be considered a politically-correct term for "Policy." While most sysops seem to agree that Fidonet is basically a cooperative structure, Darrell's ideas are not totally embraced by all. Carol Shenkenberger pointed out in the early stages of the debate that Policy 4, though regarded by some as completely authoritative, is mostly used as a set of guidelines. Carol's initial effort was to suggest modifications to P4 and rely on the common sense of coordinators to keep from applying it as an instrument of abuse. Andrea Santos has argued that some conditions in Fidonet will continue to call for authoritative administrative action; conditions such as packet ramming. So what's it to be? Authority or Cooperation? If the truth can be found in the past, neither approach has been totally successful. Kay Shapiro pointed out once in a letter reprinted in Fidonews that Fido _has_ to be a cooperative structure because it simply doesn't have the police force to maintain total authority. Certainly, if Fido were a police state, Region 10 wouldn't have lost its "Refugee Nodes" in the past. On the other hand, many a moderator has seen the cooperative approach fail with a problem poster in his echo, having to resort to a feed cut to establish order (basically an authoritative solution). Perhaps the only answer is to find a reasonable balance between authority and cooperation - between "policy" and "guidelines." If so, the participants in the debate in FN_SYSOP are on a productive path. Though sharply disagreeing on specifics, the participants seem willing to hear each other out and weigh contrary arguments. Perhaps a new and better Fidonet is taking shape there... FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 2 3 Apr 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 3 3 Apr 2000 ================================================================= ARTICLES ================================================================= My EchoMail hurts me when I stick it in my eye. By Paul Lentz [1:124/5025] What a state Zone1 echomail is in. We've ended up with four systems that don't work together, don't do things the same way, and don't pay attention to what the others are doing anyway. We have the EchoList, the NAB, the WWB, and the Z1B. At least 1 of the 3 major Echomail distribution systems in Zone1 will not kill an echo unless it's requested by the moderator, regardless of how dead the thing is. It's clear they ignore whether an echo is elisted or not, since echos live on for months, long after everybody has left the party. People collect echos like seashells, but in the end you can only hear the sea when you hold most of them up to your ear, cause there's no one talking there, that's for sure. In alot of these cases no one cared enough about the echo to worry about updating the elisting, so it is snatched up to "save" it from the quiet dignity of death. Also, echos are easily created and backboned when someone dreams them up and then convince willing "Bone Hub Buds" to ask for inclusion, even though no one has ever showed an interest to discuss the topics at hand. Used to be that echos were created because there was a need for them, like that people were discussing it in a general echo and found it more reasonable to move to a more specific echo. Ok, at least now there's a meeting place should that subject come up. Generally, people stay away in droves. A miserable scenario occurs with the wait end nodes go through for a newly areafixed echo to have something, *ANYTHING*, posted in it. This can go on for weeks. Maybe the spam on the internet would help the traffic level in some echos... we should consider this idea<g>. It would be much better to get 70 messages a day per echo, supposedly written by 70 different 17 year old girls that are very sick... with the HOTS!... you just need to get yourself over to www.buttcrazy.com and they'll agree to have sex with you (even you woman persons). Some echos are created to spite someone, or to make fun, and hang around as a six-month joke that was funny once, a long time ago. It's also sad that instead of finding some way of working together, these various Zone1 distrution systems, and the ZEC and a good majority of Fidonet sysops still feel that "vote with your feet" and "you are free to choose your feed from any source" are viable statements to make, since there is no answer to why things are done (or not done) the way they are done. It's no longer vote with your feet... it's use your feet to run around chasing down an echo that works well and is available where you want/need it to be, or just vote with a yawn, `cause you're tired of the whole thing. You know, that "www.HampsterDance.com" thing really is fun after all! :-) FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 4 3 Apr 2000 *Paul* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Triple Play Doug Myers Why were the last three editions of Fidonews released simultaneously to the echo FIDONEWS on March 30th? You can lay the blame on the inattentiveness of your editor <sigh>. Each Monday's edition of Fidonews is normally published on the preceding Sunday night before midnight. The initial stages of publication are manual - throughout the week as articles are sent here via internet or netmail, I'll save them as ASCII files and then use a text editor to strip lines added by mail processors and, if necessary, reformat the text to fit the requirements of the software which assembles the newsletter. On Sunday night, I'll compile a pre-release copy of the Fidonews zip file. This is examined for correctness and completeness and recompiled as many times as is necessary to get it right. Normally by 10PM I'll have the archive in it's final form, ready for distribution. Distribution is automated and consists of the following operations: 1. The final zip file is hatched into the FILEBONE for distribution throughout Fidonet. 2. An email message with a Mime (base 64) file attachment of the zip archive is prepared. This is distributed over the internet to a small mailing list. One of these copies is sent to FIDONEWS.ORG and converted by Jim Barchuk into an HTML version accessible to a WEB browser. 3. The newsletter itself is formatted into echomail messages and distributed via the echo FIDONEWS. This third step is what failed three weeks ago. I use a utility donated by Peter Karlsson to format Fidonews into echomail messages. The output of his utility is in PKT format ready for tossing. Unfortunately, a month ago the trial period for my Shareware tosser, Fastecho, expired. I attempted to register via the U.S. Support BBS, only to find it not in existence any longer. The registration information listed a WEB site which handles registration, but when I logged on the WEB site didn't even mention Fastecho, let alone offer a means of registration. Since the mailer announced that it would stop operating in 30 days and to buy more time until I could find out if the product was still supported or else change all my message bases from JAM format to SQUISH format (to use Squish as my tosser), I reinstalled the shareware archive to another directory. Unfortunately, I forgot to FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 5 3 Apr 2000 change the batch files which control distribution of Fidonews, and I was sending the PKTs for the FIDONEWS echo to the old directory which was no longer being used by the tosser. So three editions of Fidonews were not published in the FIDONEWS in a timely manner, but released simultaneously on March 30th when Dale Ship informed me of my error. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 6 3 Apr 2000 ================================================================= COLUMNS ================================================================= This Weeks Web Page by Frank Vest 1:124/6308(.1) What: Welcome to Michael Lynn's Homepage Where:http://www.people.unt.edu/~mikelynn/. You're probably wondering what this personal web page has to do with Fidonet and BBS. Two things.... It's an Amiga computer page It's a link to the Bard's Tavern Homepage at: http://www.people.unt.edu/~mikelynn/bards.html Michael's page starts with a little about himself and his work. There's an introduction to the BBS page with link. Also mentioned is the fact that he is an Amiga tech. Below this are links to Amiga pages as well as links to interests of Michael's. Clicking on the link to the Bard's Tavern Homepage, you find yourself at a page that gives a description of the BBS and such. Since Michael is so good at telling this and the page is mostly text, I'll let him do the talking. :) Here's the cut & paste: ---- Bard's Tavern Info Page If you have a modem and are interested you can connect to the Bard's Tavern via terminal by calling (940)243-5110, this number is GTE metro. The Tavern is a member of both Fidonet and DALNET bbs networks and will soon join C-Link. My Fidonet address is michael.lynn@1:393/7.0 or via Dalnet michael lynn@2001/2010/8.0 For more information on the local bbs scene click on over to the Denton Area BBS List. This fantastic guide is maintained by Walter Bowen of the Mezzanine BBS. The Bard's Tavern is Denton's only Amiga bbs in addition to being one of it's oldest, it was originally started to be a source for Amiga support in North Texas, since then it has become much more. Now all platforms are welcome and the Tavern is considered a source for great multi-platform multimedia files like jpeg, mpeg, s3m, xm, mp3, and mod files. If files are not your thing the bbs offers dozens of online games and interesting text files in addition to networked message areas that are similar to internet news. The Bard's Tavern DOES NOT CARRY ADULT SOFTWARE OR PIRATED FILES and has no plans to do so in the future, the bbs is designed for a mature but not necessarily adult crowd. Graphic artists and digital musicians are especially welcomed. Science fiction and anime are also an area of shared interest for our online community. FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 7 3 Apr 2000 ---- As you can see Michael tells it pretty well. :) Below this section is more text and a few small graphics giving more information about the software and hardware used as well as links to sources and other vendors. The one thing that stood out was the lack of graphics. I'm not complaining and I'll again let Michael explain. ---- As with all my pages, I have tried to make this as lean as possible with minimal graphics for fast loads for those of you who access the net via modem. I also DO NOT plan to add frames or animated .gif's. ---- Nice page and very informational. Check it out if you're into Amiga computers and if you want to see what an Amiga BBS looks and works like, call the Bard's Tavern. :) Wishing everybody well, Frank - flv@texoma.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~ Words To Live By~~~~~~~~~ Found floatinfg on on Ol'WDB's screen ICQ17773628 1. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. (Or fingers on a keyboard). 2. You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by carrying baggage of the past. 3. Love and kindness with respect for others and you shall be loved. 4. Always give your best to those who leave their best for others. 5. All people smile and laugh in the same language. 6. A hug is a great gift..one size fits all. It can be given for any occasion and it's easy to exchange. 7. Everyone needs to be loved...especially when they do not deserve it, or got off track in a snit or conniption. 8. The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity. FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 8 3 Apr 2000 9. Laughter is God's sunshine for the soul. 10. Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. 11. It's important for parents to live the same things they teach. 12. Thank God for what you have, TRUST GOD for what you need. 13. If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for. 14. Happy memories never wear out....relive them as often as you want. 15. Home is the place where we grumble the most, but are often treated the best. 16. Man looks at outward appearance but the Lord looks within. 17. The choice you make today will usually affect tomorrow. 18. Take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul. 19. If anyone speaks badly of you, live so none will believe it. 20. Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears. 21. Love is strengthened by working through conflicts together. 22. The best thing parents can do for their children is to love each other. 23. Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts. 24. To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it. 25. We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for. 26. Love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished. 27. Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others. 28. You are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven. FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 9 3 Apr 2000 29. For every minute you are angry with someone,you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back. 30. Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and where you are. 31. The best gifts to give: To your friend - loyalty; To your enemy - forgiveness; To your boss - service; To a child - a good example; To your parents - gratitude and devotion; To your mate - love and faithfulness; To all men and women - charity; and To your God - your life. wdbonner@pacbell.net WarBonD777@aol.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 10 3 Apr 2000 ================================================================= NET HUMOR ================================================================= Oneliners 1. Well, this day was a total waste of make-up. 2. Make yourself at home! Clean my kitchen. 3. Who are these kids and why are they calling me Mom? 4. A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth. 5. Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after. 6. Do I look like a freakin' people person? 7. This isn't an office-It's Hell with fluorescent lighting. 8. I started out with nothing & still have most of it left. 9. I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me. 10. If I throw a stick, will you leave? 11. You! Off my planet! 12. Therapy is expensive, poppin' bubble wrap is cheap! You choose. 13. Practice random acts of intelligence & senseless acts of self-control. 14. Bottomless pit of needs & wants. 15. I like cats, too. Let's exchange recipes. 16. Friendly checkout clerk. Thanks for keeping me that way! 17. If I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet, I'll put shoes on my Cat! 18. Does your train of thought have a caboose? 19. Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe? 20. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed. 21. And your cry-baby whiny-assed opinion would be...? 22. I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood for 30 years. 23. If only you'd use your powers for good instead of evil... 24. See no evil, hear no evil, date no evil. 25. A PBS mind in an MTV world. 26. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer. 27. Whisper my favorite words: "I'll buy it for you." 28. Better living through denial! 29. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed. 30. Suburbia: where they tear out the trees & then name streets after them. 31. Adult child of alien invaders. 32. Do they ever shut up on your planet? 33. I'm just working here till a good fast-food job opens up. 34. Are those your eyeballs? I found them in my cleavage. 35. I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable. 36. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality. 37. A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door. 38. Stress is when you wake up screaming & you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet. 39. Mall whore: I can suck the numbers right off your credit cards. 41. Here I am! Now what are your other two wishes? 42. Back off! You're standing in my aura. 43. I can't remember if I'm the good twin or the evil one. 44. One of us is thinking about sex..... OK, it's me. 45. How many times do I have to flush before you go away? 46. I just want revenge. Is that so wrong? FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 11 3 Apr 2000 47. I work 40 hours a week to be this poor. 48. You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing. 49. Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2? 50. Not all men are annoying. Some are dead. 51. Too many freaks, not enough circuses. 52. Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done. 53. Ambivalent? Well, yes and no. 54. You look like shit. Is that the style now? 55. I plead contemporary insanity. 56. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks. 57. How do I set a laser printer to stun? 58. It ain't the size, it's..... no wait-it IS the size. 59. Meandering to a different drummer. 60. I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 12 3 Apr 2000 ================================================================= COMIX IN ASCII ================================================================= Cool cows... ** ((__)) * (__) \\ ((oo)) \ (oo) \\------\\// \-------\/ || || | || |||----||| ||----|| ^^^ ^^^ (oo) (oo) Cow during an Earthquake rollerscating cow O (___) || | (o o) || (no-bull-ity) ---> % -\ /- || |\/| O | || | | | || / v-' || /==========| // || || || || || |===========| (__) o o (__, (oo) o o (+o) /-------\/==o o /-----#-----\' / | || ____ / | Cownucks|| \ * ||----|| |__| }}--------}} \ o ~~ ~~ == == -- Cow blowing bubbles. This cow plays hockey (__) >(==) /-------\/ / | || * ||----|| ~~ ~~ Ninja Cow ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 13 3 Apr 2000 ================================================================= INTERNET INFO ================================================================= ! = New entries this week ? = not responding ?? = unknown content, doesn't look like fidonet . -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- . | FIDONET-RELATED SITES | ` -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ' Last update: April 1, 2000 FidoNet Homepage: http://www.fidonet.org FidoNews: http://www.fidonews.org [HTML] ftp://ftp.nwstar.com/fidonet/fidonews/ ftp://ftp.sstar.com/fidonet/fnews/ Echolist: http://www.baltimoremd.com/echolist/ Echomail links: http://www.osirusoft.com/fidonet/fidoip.html SDS Files: http://fidobbs.dk/download (Web Access to SDS) FTSC page: http://www.ftsc.org/ General: http://www.writebynight.com/fidonet.html List server: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/fidonet-discussion Zone 1: http://www.z1.fidonet.org Region 10: http://www.psnw.com/~net205/region10.html http://www.tnl-online.com/andy/rgn10.htm Net 103: http://www.webworldinc.com/club103/ Net 203: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/8687/net203index.html Region 11: http://oeonline.com/~garyg/region11/ Net 2410: http://oeonline.com/~garyg/net2410/ Region 12: http://sparkys.dyndns.org Region 13: http://www.net264.org/r13.htm Net 264: http://www.net264.org/ Net 275: http://www.homershut.net/~mahoover/net275/ Region 14: http://www.ouijabrd.com/region14 Net 282: http://www.rxn.com/~net282/ Region 15: <vacant> Region 16: <vacant> Region 17: http://www.nwstar.com/~region17/ Region 18: http://techshop.pdn.net/fido/ Region 19: <Vacant> Net 124: http://www.startext.net/np/net124 http://texoma.net/~flv Net 130: http://www.startext.net/homes/net130 Net 393: http://www.chatter.com/~wb/ Zone 2: http://www.z2.fidonet.org ftp://ftp.sstar.com/fidonet/zone2 (Z2 nodelists etc.) Region 20: http://www.fidonet.pp.se (in Swedish) Region 23: http://www.fido.dk (in Danish) FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 14 3 Apr 2000 Region 24: http://www.swb.de/personal/flop/gatebau.html (German) Fido-IP: http://home.nrh.de/fido/ (English/German) Region 25: http://www.literary.freeserve.co.uk/net2502/ Region 26: http://www.nemesis.ie REC 26: http://www.nrgsys.com/orb Region 27: http://telematique.org/ft/r27.htm Region 29: http://www.rtfm.be/fidonet/ (French) http://Welcome.to/skynetbbs/ Region 30: http://www.fidonet.ch (German) ? Region 33: http://www.fidoitalia.net (Italian) Region 34: http://www.pobox.com/cnb/r34.htm (Spanish) REC34: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/4552/ Region 36: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7207/ Region 38: http://public.st.carnet.hr/~blagi/bbs/adriam.html Region 41: http://www.fidonet.gr (Greek/English) Region 42: http://www.fido.cz ! Net422: http://www.fido.sk (Slovak/English) Region 50: http://www.fido7.com/ (Russian) Net 5010: http://fido.tu-chel.ac.ru/ (Russian) Net 5015: http://www.fido.nnov.ru/ (Russian) Net 5028: http://5028.yaroslavl.ru/ Net 5030: http://kenga.ru/fido/ (Russian & English) Net 5049: http://www.n5049.z2.fidonet.org (English/Russian) ?? Net 5085: http://www.fidonet.uz/ (Russian) Zone 3: http://www.z3.fidonet.org Zone 4: Region 80: http://fidobrasil.8m.com (Portuguese) Region 90: Net 904: http://members.tripod.com/~net904 (Spanish) Zone 5: http://www.eastcape.co.za/fidonet/ Zone 6: http://www.z6.fidonet.org Region 65: http://www.cfido.com/fidonet/cfidochina.html (Chinese) Fidonet Via Internet Hubs See also: http://www.osirusoft.com/fidoip.html a @ preceding an individual's name implies a virtual email address. The email is translated as follows firstlast@osirusoft.com will automatically route to the appropriate individual's email. Anyone in this list will also receive routed notice of this feature. In my case, it would still be joejared@osirusoft.com, but you get the idea. Also, as information is provided to me, I will be adding a latency field to each node, which is defined as the maximum time between when the message is received, and when it is sent on to other nodes, or available to be sent onward, defined in minutes. A latency of ! implies that there is an immediate response, and an attempt to deliver immediately FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 15 3 Apr 2000 after processing, or a "MinuteMail System", as it were. v-email flag firstnamelastname@osirusoft.com | email address or Node# | Operator | Facilities (*) | Speed,| Basic Rate | | |latency| -----------+-------------------+----------------+-------+------------ Zone 1 | | | | 10/3 @ Brenda Donovan | FTP,UUE,BinkP | 384K,30| n/c 10/345 @ Todd Cochrane | FTP,BinkP,VMOT | T1,! | n/c 12/12 @ Ken Wilson | FTP | T1 | $24mo. 13/25 @ Jim Balcom | FTP | 56k | $20mo. 103/5 @ Mark Luetger | BinkP | 384k,!| n/c 103/153 @ Michael Box | BinkP | aDSL,!| n/c 103/301 @ Joe Jared | BinkP,FTP | aDSL,!| n/c 103/401 @ Warren Bonner | BinkP | aDSL,!| n/c 105/8 | Russ Johnson | FTP,BinkP,VMoT | 384k | n/c 105/72 @ Larry James | FTP, BinkP | aDSL | $50/yr 106/1 @ Matt Bedynek | BinkP, FTP | 128k | n/c 106/6018 | Lawrence Garvin | FTP, VMoT | aDSL,60| n/c 107/453 @ Jeffrey Estevez| FTP,BinkP,VMoT,UUE| 56k,60| $10 mo. 140/1 @ Bob Seaborn | FTP,BinkP | T3,30 | $5/$16 167/133 | Stephen Monteith | BinkP | 128k+ | n/c 211/417 @ Korombos | BinkP,UUE,FTP | T1 | n/c 218/109 @ Matt Munson | BinkP,UUE | 33.6k | n/c 244/2 | Kari Suomela | FTP,VMoT,BinkP,UUE| T1,! | $25.00/mo 246/160 @ Mason Vye | FTP, UUE | 56K | n/c 271/140 @ Tom Barstow | UUE,FTP | T1 | n/c 280/169 | Brian Greenstreet | FTP | 33.6 | $2mo. 342/3 @ Richard Dodsworth | BinkP,FTP | 128K+ | n/c 395/670 | Arthur Stark | BinkD,FTP | 128k | n/c 396/1 @ John Souvestre | FTP,VMoT | T1,10 | $5/mo 396/45 | Marc Lewis | UUE | 33.6 | $26/yr 2604/104 @ Jim Mclaughlin | FTP,VMoT,UUE | 33.6 | $1mo 2613/404 @ David Moufarrege | BinkP,FTP,VMoT | 128k+,!| n/c 2624/306 @ David Calafrancesco | VMoT | 33.6 | n/c 3613/2 @ jyates@bsdi.ldl.net | UUE | 28.8 | n/c 3632/84 | Robert Todd |FTP,VMoT,UUE,BinkP | 57.6k | n/c 3639/93 @ Ross Cassell | FTP, BinkP |128K+,!| n/c 3651/9 @ Jerry Gause | FTP,VMoT | 33.6 | $3/$6 -------------------------------------------------------------- Zone 2 | 20/11 | Henrik Lindhe | BinkP | ??? | n/c 31/1 | Gabriel Plutzar | BinkP | T1+ | n/c 203/600 | Mikael Karlsson | UUE | 64k | n/c 221/360 @ Tommi Koivula | BinkP,UUE | ??? | n/c 236/205 @ Michael Kaaber | BinkP | ??? | n/c 246/2098 | Volker Imre | BinkP | ??? | n/c 284/800 @ Jeroen VanDeLeur | FTP,UUE | 64k | n/c 292/620 | Eddy Missoul | VMoT, UUE | 64k |N/C 292/624 | Steven Leeman | UUE | 64k | N/C 292/2003 | Eric Vaneberck | BinkP | 768k | n/c 301/1 | Peter Witschi | BinkP | 768k | n/c 332/807 | Roberto Mascolo | BinkP | ??? | n/c 335/535 @ Mario Mure | BinkP,VMot,UUE | 64k | n/c 335/610 | Gino Lucrezi | UUE | 33.6 | n/c FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 16 3 Apr 2000 344/201 | Julio Garcia | BinkP | ??? | n/c 346/3 @ Carlos Navarro | UUE | ??? | n/c 382/100 | Sinisa Burina | BinkP | ??? | n/c 406/555 | Ofir Michaeli & | BinkP | ??? | n/c 406/555 | Marius Kaizerman | BinkP | ??? | n/c 423/81 | Milos Bajer | BinkP | ??? | n/c 464/4077 | Serguei Trouchelle| UUE | 19.2 | n/c 465/204 | Va Milushnikov | BinkP | 33.6k | n/c 469/84 | Max Masyutin | VMoT | 256k | n/c 480/112 | Adam Sarapata| FTP, VMoT, UUE,BinkP| 128k | n/c 2411/413 @ Dennis Dittrich | UUE,BinkP | 64k | n/c 2446/301 | Lothar Behet | BinkP,VMoT,UUE,FTP | 64K | n/c 2474/275 | Christian Emig | UUE | 64k | unkn 5030/115 | Andrey Podkolzin | BinkP | ??? | n/c 5100/8 | Egons Bush | BinkP | ??? | n/c 5020/1159 | Gennady Kudryashoff | UUE | 33.6 | n/c -------------------------------------------------------------- Zone 3 633/260 @ Malcolm Miles | FTP,BinkP | 64K | n/c 640/954 | Rick Van Ruth | FTP,VMot,UUE,BinkP| 56K| n/c 774/605 @ Barry Blackford|BinkP,VMoT:10023,ifcico,FTP |33.6| n/c -------------------------------------------------------------- Zone 4 905/100 | Fabian Gervan | VMoT,UUE,BinkP | 128k | n/c 902/18 | Javier Tejedor | UUE | 33,6 | n/c -- * FTP = Internet File Transfer Protocol * VMoT = Virtual Mailer over Telnet (various) * UUE = uuencode<->email type transfers * BinkP = front end mailer for TCPIP networks ---------------------------------------------- Fidonet oriented news servers news.osirusoft.com news.tardis.net Fidonet oriented chat rooms. room #fidonet 5PM (PDT 11AM GMT) Sundays irc.isonline.com irc.killaz-r-us.com irc.korombos.org ---------------------------------------------- Please send updates, corrections and suggestions to Joe Jared, 1:103/301, joejared@osirusoft.com. All email addresses here for purpose of corresponding with fidonet members about obtaining a feed. Improper use of the virtual email addresses, and most especially, email addressed to blockme@relays.osirusoft.com will be considered a request to be blocked by my open relay spam stopper at http://relays.osirusoft.com FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 17 3 Apr 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 18 3 Apr 2000 ================================================================= FIDONEWS INFO ================================================================= Masthead + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- FIDONEWS STAFF - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + | | | Editor: Douglas Myers, 1:270/720, DougM@paonline.com | | Webmaster: Jim Barchuk, jb@fidonews.org | | Columnist: Joe Jared, 1:103/0, jarhead@osirusoft.com | | (Fido Via Internet Hubs column) | | Columnist: Warren D. Bonner, 1:103/401, wdbonner@pacbell.net | | (Warren uses the pen name "Ol'WDB") | | Humor: Roy Reed, rcreedv@juno.com | | Features: Frank Vest, 1:124/6308.1 | | | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - EDITORS EMERITI - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + | | | Tom Jennings, Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince | | Perriello, Tim Pozar, Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, | | Christopher Baker, Zorch Frezberg, Henk Wolsink | | | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered trademarks of Tom Jennings, P.O. Box 410923, San Francisco, CA 94141, and are used with permission. Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of Fidonet. Fidonews is Copyright (C) 2000 by Douglas Myers, though authors retain rights to their contributed articles. Opinion expressed by the authors is strictly their own. Noncommercial duplication and distribution within Fidonet is encouraged. Authors are encouraged to send their articles in ASCII text to Douglas Myers at one of his addresses above. The weekly edition of Fidonews is distributed through the file area FIDONEWS, and is published as echomail in the echo FIDONEWS. These sources are normally available through your Network Coordinator. The current and past issues are also available from the following sources: + -- -- -- -- -- -- - FIDONEWS AVAILABILITY - -- -- -- -- -- -- + | | | Freq FIDONEWS @ 1:270/720, 1:140/1, or 1:396/1 | | ftp://ftp.sstar.com/fidonet/fnews/ | | ftp://ftp.nwstar.com/fidonet/fidonews/ | | http://www.fidonews.org | | email subscription: majordomo@fidonews.org | | (subject: help body: list) | | ftp mail: ftpmail@fidonews.org (subject: help) | | | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + FIDONEWS 17-14 Page 19 3 Apr 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------