F I D O N E W S Volume 17, Number 28 10 Jul 2000 +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | The newsletter of the | ISSN 1198-4589 Published by: | | FidoNet community | "FidoNews" | | _ | 1-717-732-6820 1:270/720 | | / \ | | | /|oo \ | | | (_| /_) | | | _`@/_ \ _ | | | | | \ \\ | Editor: Douglas Myers, 1:270/720 | | | (*) | \ )) | DougM@paonline.com | | |__U__| / \// | | | _//|| _\ / | | | (_/(_|(____/ | | | (jm) | Newspapers should have no friends. | | | -- JOSEPH PULITZER | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ Table of Contents 1. EDITORIAL ................................................ 1 Echomail Writer .......................................... 1 2. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .................................... 3 Massive Dupes and Old Mail ............................... 3 Echo Mod Robot Updates ................................... 3 3. COLUMNS .................................................. 5 Ol'WDB: Things Andy Learned .............................. 5 4. NET HUMOR ................................................ 7 What Do the Kids Say? .................................... 7 A Good and Pious Man ..................................... 8 5. COMIX IN ASCII ........................................... 10 Cows ..................................................... 10 6. INTERNET INFO ............................................ 11 Fidonet-related sites .................................... 11 7. FIDONEWS INFO ............................................ 15 Masthead ................................................. 15 FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 1 10 Jul 2000 ================================================================= EDITORIAL ================================================================= Echomail Writer Doug Myers With apologies to The Beatles: Dear Sir or Madam, would you read my string If you don't jump in it doesn't mean a thing. It's a dirty ol' whine 'bout a dirty ol' man And his Klingon Sysop who doesn't understand. It's based on a bitch by a bygone fighter And I need an avocation, so I wanna be an Echomail Writer... Echomail concerns occupy Fidonet these last couple weeks. In last week's article about "The PacMan," Andy Manninger reported on the phenomenon wherein echomail messages stop flowing in some echoes, only to eventually come through in massive quantities... or worse, never to come through to some systems at all. Since his article, several echo correspondents have noted these echo irregularities; indeed, some have even been traced to their causes and dealt with. Consensus seems to be, however, that it's a potentially continuing problem which needs to be monitored and dealt with for the foreseeable future. Featured in this week's Fidonews are excerpts from two messages concerning unrelated echomail problems. Ross Cassell reveals a recent breakdown in echomail distribution between the two major backbones and the corrective steps applied, along with notice of the anticipated consequences. Thom LaCosta explores corrective steps for unwanted echo acquisitions. His proposal for use of the echomail robot to automate echo renewals departs from the stated "hands off" policy of the past, and so he seeks input from sysops worldwide (or at least from Zone 1, where the echolist is most widely used). Are these incidents the harbinger of doom and destruction for Fido echomail, as some are saying? Or are we dealing with routine problems, amplified somehow by the recent focus of attention? It is of note that none of these problems are completely new. I recall complaints about the irregular flow of echomail from the days when Fidonet was in its heyday. Back then, people complained and other people acted... kinda like now. Breakdowns between backbones appears to be a new problem... but that's only because Fidonet was dominated by the NAB through most of its history. If the "backbone problem" is considered a "hub FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 2 10 Jul 2000 problem," we've certainly seen and dealt with these before. Nor does Thom LaCosta present us with a previously unexperienced problem - complaints about echo hijacking have filled the ether for as long as I can remember. These problems, rather than indicating the death of Fido echomail instead testify to it's strength. Though the shrinking nodelist is a reality and it doesn't seem to be going away, the interest in echomail seems stronger than ever. This editor feels that echomail will survive any conceivable deterioration of Fidonet and remain vital so long as there are any number of active nodes. I once belonged to an "othernet" with only nine active nodes which nonetheless sported echomail bases that drew one back for more. The sysops then were a lot less knowledgeable than those of Fidonet today, not nearly as quick to resolve problems... and yet the sense of community thrived. There's no reason Fido can't pull this off - even if the nodelist of the future continues to shrink. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 3 10 Jul 2000 ================================================================= LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ================================================================= *Massive Dupes and Old Mail Ross Cassell, 1:3639/93 Extracted from echomail in FIDONEWS Hello All! In light of connection issues between the Z1B and the NAB following Matt Bedyneks departure and a glitch with the border-gate software at the new bridge. Bob Seaborn was kind enough to provide me with archives of all the mail bundles he had that covered the time frame these glitches occured. His archives obviously contained mail from NAB fed systems that may or may not have made it into Z1B fed systems to be propogated. *HOWEVER* some mail did propogate ok and as a result many of you will see dupes because of the mass toss I just performed of Bobs archives, however this should adequately address any lost mail. Conversely I returned the favor to Bob Seaborn by providing him with what I could provide that contained mail from Z1B fed systems which may or may not have propogated into the NAB? Unfortunately I only at the time only backup for 7 days inbound mail prior to toss, so I could not provide him with mail that originated from here or from my downlinks that may not have reached the NAB.. Nevertheless, some is better than none. I will be implementing a bulk backup setup when I am through here.. At any rate, when Bob gets done tossing that care package I sent to him, you will likely see even more dupes... After this, the dust shall settle and business as usual. Best Regards, Ross Cassell E-mail: rcassell@home.com, ross@cassellonline.com ICQ = 5305939 Region 18 Web Page = http://www.cassellonline.com/fidonet/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Echo Mod Robot Updates Thom LaCosta, 1:1/21 Extracted from Echomail in MODERATORS I've gotten mail from several moderators asking if I can use the echo mod robot to make submissions on their behalf. The technology works...I use it for my own echoes. The downside is that if I were to take on that automation, I might renew a listing FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 4 10 Jul 2000 for a moderator who is no longer active...which is counter productive. I suppose it could be done...I'd just have to reach out and touch the moderator before renewal to insure that they are still online. So, the question might be, is that an appropriate mechanism to prevent the unwanted/unwarrented rescues, or do we maintain the present system. Note: there are many echoes that have MOD UPD messages submitted by someone other than the moderator...so the precendent has been set. I'd be interested in comments from yourself and others on the matter. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 5 10 Jul 2000 ================================================================= COLUMNS ================================================================= Ol'WDB's Column wdbonner@pacbell.net Having been an Andy Rooney fan for many years, and want to share with you, "Things Andy has Learned...." Andy Sez... I've learned.... that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I've learned.....that when you're in love, it shows, especially if you are male. I've learned.... that just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day. I've learned......that having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. I've learned..... that being kind is more important than being right. I've learned....that you should never say no to a gift from a child. I've learned...that I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way. I've learned....that no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with. I've learned...that sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. I've learned.... that simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult. I've learned.... that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. I've learned.... that we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for. I've learned... that money doesn't buy class. I've learned.... that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular. I've learned.... that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved. I've learned.... that the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 6 10 Jul 2000 makes me think I can? I've learned.... that to ignore the facts does not change them. I've learned.... that when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. I've learned.... that love, not time, heals all wounds. I've learned.... that the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. I've learned.....that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile. I've learned.... that no one is perfect until you fall in love with them. I've learned.... that life is tough, but I'm tougher. I've learned.... that opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss. I've learned.... that when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere. I've learned . . . that I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away. I've learned....that one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them. I've learned....that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. I've learned.... that I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it. I've learned.....that when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life. I've learned.... that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it. I've learned.....that it is best to give advice in only two circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a life-threatening situation. I've learned.....that the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 7 10 Jul 2000 ================================================================= NET HUMOR ================================================================= What Do the Kids Say? Thanks to Lynn Gipson lgipson@netquest.com Questions asked some kids: HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? "You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." Alan, age 10 "No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with." Kirsten, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? "Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then." Camille, age 10 "No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married." Freddie, age 6 HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? "Married people usually look happy to talk to other people." Eddie, age 6 "You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids." Errick, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? "Both don't want no more kids." Lori, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? "Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough." Lynnette, age 8 FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 8 10 Jul 2000 "On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date." Martin, age 10 WHAT WOULD YOU DO ON A FIRST DATE THAT WAS TURNING SOUR? "I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns." Craig, age 9 WHEN IS IT OKAY TO KISS SOMEONE? "When they're rich." Pam, age 7 "The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that." Curt, age 7 "The rule goes like this: if you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do." Howard, age 8 IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? "It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them." Anita, age 9 HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? "There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?" Kelvin, age 8 HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK? "Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck." Ricky, age 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- A Good and Pious Man Thanks to Roy Reed Seymour was a good and pious man, and when he passed away, the Lord himself greeted him at the pearly gates of heaven. "Hungry, Seymour?" the Lord asked. "I could eat," said Seymour. The Lord opened a can of tuna, and they shared it. FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 9 10 Jul 2000 While eating this humble meal, Seymour looked down into Hell and noticed the inhabitants devouring enormous steaks, pheasant, pastries and vodka. The next day, the Lord again asked Seymour if he were hungry, and Seymour again said, "I could eat." Once again, a can of tuna was opened and shared, while down below Seymour noticed a feast of caviar, champagne, lamb, truffles, brandy and chocolates. The following day, mealtime arrived and another can of tuna was opened. Meekly, Seymour said, "Lord, I am very happy to be in heaven as a reward for the good life I lived. But, this is heaven, and all I get to eat is tuna. But in the Other Place, they eat like Kings. I just don't understand." "To be honest, Seymour," the Lord said, "for just two people, does it pay to cook?" ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 10 10 Jul 2000 ================================================================= COMIX IN ASCII ================================================================= (__) (oo) (__) /-------\/ (oo) / | || /-\/-\ * ||----||\ / \ ^^ ^^ \ | | \ | | | / \ | __________\ | \\ | (_) | ___________\|/___________ Cow Bell. Cow-a-flower ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 11 10 Jul 2000 ================================================================= INTERNET INFO ================================================================= ! = New entries this week ? = not responding ?? = unknown content, doesn't look like fidonet . -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- . | FIDONET-RELATED SITES | ` -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ' Last update: June 10, 2000 FidoNet Homepage: http://www.fidonet.org FidoNews: http://www.fidonews.org [HTML] ftp://ftp.nwstar.com/fidonet/fidonews/ ftp://ftp.sstar.com/fidonet/fnews/ Echolist: http://www.baltimoremd.com/echolist/ Echomail links: http://www.osirusoft.com/fidonet/fidoip.html SDS Files: http://fidobbs.dk/download (Web Access to SDS) FTSC page: http://www.ftsc.org/ General: http://www.writebynight.com/fidonet.html Zone 1: http://www.z1.fidonet.org Region 10: http://www.psnw.com/~net205/region10.html http://www.tnl-online.com/andy/rgn10.htm Net 103: http://www.webworldinc.com/club103/ Net 203: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/8687/net203index.html Region 11: http://oeonline.com/~garyg/region11/ Net 2410: http://oeonline.com/~garyg/net2410/ Region 12: http://sparkys.dyndns.org Region 13: http://www.net264.org/r13.htm Net 264: http://www.net264.org/ Net 275: http://www.homershut.net/~mahoover/net275/ Region 14: http://www.ouijabrd.com/region14 Net 282: http://www.rxn.com/~net282/ Region 15: <vacant> Region 16: <vacant> Region 17: http://www.nwstar.com/~region17/ Net 140: http://www.nwstar.com/~net140 Region 18: http://techshop.pdn.net/fido/ Region 19: http://bise.tzo.com/r19 Net 124: http://www.startext.net/np/net124 http://texoma.net/~flv Net 130: http://www.startext.net/homes/net130 Net 393: http://www.chatter.com/~wb/ Zone 2: http://www.z2.fidonet.org ftp://ftp.sstar.com/fidonet/zone2 (Z2 nodelists etc.) Region 20: http://www.fidonet.pp.se (in Swedish) Region 23: http://www.fido.dk (in Danish) Region 24: http://www.swb.de/personal/flop/gatebau.html (German) FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 12 10 Jul 2000 http://www.was-ist-fido.de/ Fido-IP: http://home.nrh.de/fido/ (English/German) Region 25: http://www.literary.freeserve.co.uk/net2502/ Region 26: http://www.nemesis.ie REC 26: http://www.nrgsys.com/orb Region 27: http://telematique.org/ft/r27.htm Region 29: http://www.rtfm.be/fidonet/ (French) http://Welcome.to/skynetbbs/ Region 30: http://www.fidonet.ch (German) ? Region 33: http://www.fidoitalia.net (Italian) Region 34: http://www.pobox.com/cnb/r34.htm (Spanish) REC34: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/4552/ Region 36: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7207/ Region 38: http://public.st.carnet.hr/~blagi/bbs/adriam.html Region 41: http://www.fidonet.gr (Greek/English) Region 42: http://www.fido.cz ! Net422: http://www.fido.sk (Slovak/English) Region 50: http://www.fido7.com/ (Russian) Net 5010: http://fido.tu-chel.ac.ru/ (Russian) Net 5015: http://www.fido.nnov.ru/ (Russian) Net 5028: http://5028.yaroslavl.ru/ Net 5030: http://kenga.ru/fido/ (Russian & English) Net 5049: http://www.n5049.z2.fidonet.org (English/Russian) ?? Net 5085: http://www.fidonet.uz/ (Russian) Zone 3: http://www.z3.fidonet.org Zone 4: Region 80: http://fidobrasil.8m.com (Portuguese) Region 90: Net 904: http://members.tripod.com/~net904 (Spanish) Zone 5: http://www.eastcape.co.za/fidonet/ Zone 6: http://www.z6.fidonet.org Region 65: http://www.cfido.com/fidonet/cfidochina.html (Chinese) Fidonet Via Internet Hubs See also: http://www.osirusoft.com/fidoip.html a @ preceding an individual's name implies a virtual email address. The email is translated as follows firstlast@osirusoft.com will automatically route to the appropriate individual's email. Anyone in this list will also receive routed notice of this feature. In my case, it would still be joejared@osirusoft.com, but you get the idea. Also, as information is provided to me, I will be adding a latency field to each node, which is defined as the maximum time between when the message is received, and when it is sent on to other nodes, or available to be sent onward, defined in minutes. A latency of ! implies that there is an immediate response, and an attempt to deliver immediately FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 13 10 Jul 2000 after processing, or a "MinuteMail System", as it were. v-email flag firstnamelastname@osirusoft.com | email address or Node# | Operator | Facilities (*) | Speed,| Basic Rate | | |latency| -----------+-------------------+----------------+-------+------------ Zone 1 | | | | 10/3 @ Brenda Donovan | FTP,UUE,BinkP | 384K,30| n/c 10/345 @ Todd Cochrane | FTP,BinkP,VMOT | T1,! | n/c 12/12 @ Ken Wilson | FTP | T1 | $24mo. 13/25 @ Jim Balcom | FTP | 56k | $20mo. 103/5 @ Mark Luetger | BinkP | 384k,!| n/c 103/153 @ Michael Box | BinkP | aDSL,!| n/c 103/301 @ Joe Jared | BinkP,FTP,NFS | 384k,!| n/c 103/401 @ Warren Bonner | BinkP | aDSL,!| n/c 105/8 | Russ Johnson | FTP,BinkP,VMoT | 384k | n/c 105/72 @ Larry James | FTP, BinkP | aDSL | $50/yr 106/1 @ Matt Bedynek | BinkP, FTP | 128k | n/c 106/6018 | Lawrence Garvin | FTP, VMoT | aDSL,60| n/c 107/453 @ Jeffrey Estevez| FTP,BinkP,VMoT,UUE| 56k,60| $10 mo. 140/1 @ Bob Seaborn | FTP,BinkP | T3,30 | $5/$16 167/133 | Stephen Monteith | BinkP | 128k+ | n/c 211/417 @ Korombos | BinkP,UUE,FTP | T1 | n/c 218/109 @ Matt Munson | BinkP,UUE | 33.6k | n/c 244/2 | Kari Suomela | FTP,VMoT,BinkP,UUE| T1,! | $25.00/mo 246/160 @ Mason Vye | FTP, UUE | 56K | n/c 271/140 @ Tom Barstow | UUE,FTP | T1 | n/c 280/169 | Brian Greenstreet | FTP | 33.6 | $2mo. 342/3 @ Richard Dodsworth | BinkP,FTP | 128K+ | n/c 395/670 | Arthur Stark | BinkD,FTP | 128k | n/c 396/1 @ John Souvestre | FTP,VMoT | T1,10 | $5/mo 396/45 | Marc Lewis | UUE | 33.6 | $26/yr 2604/104 @ Jim Mclaughlin | FTP,VMoT,UUE | 33.6 | $1mo 2613/404 @ David Moufarrege | BinkP,FTP,VMoT | 128k+,!| n/c 2624/306 @ David Calafrancesco | VMoT | 33.6 | n/c 3613/2 @ jyates@bsdi.ldl.net | UUE | 28.8 | n/c 3632/84 | Robert Todd |FTP,VMoT,UUE,BinkP | 57.6k | n/c 3639/93 @ Ross Cassell | FTP, BinkP |128K+,!| n/c 3651/9 @ Jerry Gause | FTP,VMoT | 33.6 | $3/$6 -------------------------------------------------------------- Zone 2 | 20/11 | Henrik Lindhe | BinkP | ??? | n/c 31/1 | Gabriel Plutzar | BinkP | T1+ | n/c 203/600 | Mikael Karlsson | UUE | 64k | n/c 221/360 @ Tommi Koivula | BinkP,UUE | ??? | n/c 236/205 @ Michael Kaaber | BinkP | ??? | n/c 246/2098 | Volker Imre | BinkP | ??? | n/c 284/800 @ Jeroen VanDeLeur | FTP,UUE | 64k | n/c 292/620 | Eddy Missoul | VMoT, UUE | 64k |N/C 292/624 | Steven Leeman | UUE | 64k | N/C 292/2003 | Eric Vaneberck | BinkP | 768k | n/c 301/1 | Peter Witschi | BinkP | 768k | n/c 332/807 | Roberto Mascolo | BinkP | ??? | n/c 335/535 @ Mario Mure | BinkP,VMot,UUE | 64k | n/c 335/610 | Gino Lucrezi | UUE | 33.6 | n/c FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 14 10 Jul 2000 344/201 | Julio Garcia | BinkP | ??? | n/c 346/3 @ Carlos Navarro | UUE | ??? | n/c 382/100 | Sinisa Burina | BinkP | ??? | n/c 406/555 | Ofir Michaeli & | BinkP | ??? | n/c 406/555 | Marius Kaizerman | BinkP | ??? | n/c 423/81 | Milos Bajer | BinkP | ??? | n/c 464/4077 | Serguei Trouchelle| UUE | 19.2 | n/c 465/204 | Va Milushnikov | BinkP | 33.6k | n/c 469/84 | Max Masyutin | VMoT | 256k | n/c 480/112 | Adam Sarapata| FTP, VMoT, UUE,BinkP| 128k | n/c 2411/413 @ Dennis Dittrich | UUE,BinkP | 64k | n/c 2446/301 @ Lothar Behet | BinkP,VMoT,UUE,FTP | 64K | n/c 2474/275 | Christian Emig | UUE | 64k | unkn 5030/115 | Andrey Podkolzin | BinkP | ??? | n/c 5100/8 | Egons Bush | BinkP | ??? | n/c 5020/1159 | Gennady Kudryashoff | UUE | 33.6 | n/c -------------------------------------------------------------- Zone 3 633/260 @ Malcolm Miles | FTP,BinkP | 64K | n/c 640/954 | Rick Van Ruth | FTP,VMot,UUE,BinkP| 56K| n/c 774/605 @ Barry Blackford|BinkP,VMoT:10023,ifcico,FTP |33.6| n/c -------------------------------------------------------------- Zone 4 905/100 | Fabian Gervan | VMoT,UUE,BinkP | 128k | n/c 902/18 | Javier Tejedor | UUE | 33,6 | n/c -- * FTP = Internet File Transfer Protocol * VMoT = Virtual Mailer over Telnet (various) * UUE = uuencode<->email type transfers * BinkP = front end mailer for TCPIP networks * NFS = Linux Networking ---------------------------------------------- Fidonet oriented news servers news.osirusoft.com news.tardis.net Fidonet oriented chat rooms. room #fidonet 5PM (PDT 11AM GMT) Sundays irc.osirusoft.com (Peers wanted) ---------------------------------------------- Please send updates, corrections and suggestions to Joe Jared, 1:103/301, joejared@osirusoft.com. All email addresses here for purpose of corresponding with fidonet members about obtaining a feed. Improper use of the virtual email addresses, and most especially, email addressed to blockme@relays.osirusoft.com will be considered a request to be blocked by my open relay spam stopper at http://relays.osirusoft.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 15 10 Jul 2000 ================================================================= FIDONEWS INFO ================================================================= Masthead + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- FIDONEWS STAFF - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + | | | Editor: Douglas Myers, 1:270/720, DougM@paonline.com | | Webmaster: Jim Barchuk, jb@fidonews.org | | Columnist: Joe Jared, 1:103/0, jarhead@osirusoft.com | | (Fido Via Internet Hubs column) | | Columnist: Warren D. Bonner, 1:103/401, wdbonner@pacbell.net | | (Warren uses the pen name "Ol'WDB") | | Humor: Roy Reed, rcreedv@juno.com | | Features: Frank Vest, 1:124/6308.1 | | | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - EDITORS EMERITI - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + | | | Tom Jennings, Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince | | Perriello, Tim Pozar, Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, | | Christopher Baker, Zorch Frezberg, Henk Wolsink | | | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered trademarks of Tom Jennings, P.O. Box 410923, San Francisco, CA 94141, and are used with permission. Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of Fidonet. Fidonews is Copyright (C) 2000 by Douglas Myers, though authors retain rights to their contributed articles. Opinion expressed by the authors is strictly their own. Noncommercial duplication and distribution within Fidonet is encouraged. Authors are encouraged to send their articles in ASCII text to Douglas Myers at one of his addresses above. The weekly edition of Fidonews is distributed through the file area FIDONEWS, and is published as echomail in the echo FIDONEWS. These sources are normally available through your Network Coordinator. The current and past issues are also available from the following sources: + -- -- -- -- -- -- - FIDONEWS AVAILABILITY - -- -- -- -- -- -- + | | | Freq FIDONEWS @ 1:270/720, 1:140/1, or 1:396/1 | | ftp://ftp.sstar.com/fidonet/fnews/ | | ftp://ftp.nwstar.com/fidonet/fidonews/ | | http://www.fidonews.org | | email subscription: majordomo@fidonews.org | | (subject: help body: list) | | ftp mail: ftpmail@fidonews.org (subject: help) | | | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + FIDONEWS 17-28 Page 16 10 Jul 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------