What is ThrobNet? ThrobNet is the worlds largest "Adults Only"
   Echomail network. What does this mean? Simply put, you must be of
   legal age to read or write messages in ThrobNet. You probably already
   know that, because otherwise you wouldn't be reading this!  When you
   log into a ThrobNet conference, you are joining friends in an adult
   environment. This is similiar to going to a local bar with your
   friends. You know that you are all adults there, so you don't need to
   worry if the kids will hear what you're saying!  ThrobNet is successful
   because of the devotion of the sysops that bring it together. Without
   their hard work, and long distance $$$, ThrobNet would really be a
   boring place! Take time to thank your sysop for bring ThrobNet to you!

  Joe Crosby, Laura Brito, Doug Kent, Violet
  Network Administrators
  ThrobNet International Adult Network