AST RESEARCH TECHNICAL BULLETIN TB-0303 9-22-87 AST5250 GATEWAY WITH IBM'S TOKEN RING NETWORK The following requirements and procedures must be met in order to run the AST5250 gateway product under IBM's Token Ring Network without encountering any difficulties: 1. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS -- The emulation software version required for the AST5251/11 plus emulator board must be 3.13 or greater. -- The emulation software version required for the AST5250/12 remote emulator board must be 4.02 or greater. -- The emulation software version required for the AST5251/11 enhanced emulator board must be 4.02 or greater. -- The AST5250 Gateway software maintenance release version 4.12.37 should be used. Production release of AST5250 gateway software versions 4.14 or greater will also work in this environment. If the user does not have any of these versions then Data Comm. Technical Support should be contacted immediately at (714) 752-7237 in order to obtain a copy. -- The IBM network support program should be version 1.0 or greater. 2. PROCEDURES FOR SPECIFIC IBM HARDWARE -- IBM PC's, XT's, and AT's require these two programs from IBM to be executed. First of all execute TOKREUI.COM and secondly NETBEUI.COM. These programs are required in order to make a connection with the network. Once these two programs have been loaded, run AST's KERNEL.EXE, GATE5251.EXE, and APS.EXE. All these programs can be included in a batch file, in the correct order, for automated execution. -- IBM P/S (Personal Systems) 50's, 60's ... require DXMAID.EXE to be executed. DO NO EXECUTE TOKREUI.COM and NETBEUI.COM on these machines. When DXMAID.COM is executed, the first question that will be asked is whether the user is configuring for a 3270 workstation. The second question asked will be whether the user is using the NETBIOS INTERFACE. Reply Y (Yes) to this question. This action will create the appropriate device drivers in the system's CONFIG.SYS file. Now re-boot the system. Once the appropriate device drivers are created in the CONFIG.SYS file, there is no need to run DXMAID.COM again. Now run AST's KERNEL.EXE, GATE5251.EXE, and APS.EXE. The AST programs can also be included in a batch file for automated execution. If all these requirements and procedures are met, then the user will not encounter any difficulties when attempting to run the AST5250 gateway product with IBM's Token Ring Network.