Subject: Police Frame-ups and Thought Decoders POLICE FRAME-UPS AND THOUGHT WAVE DECODERS It might be self evident to many now that a frame-up seems to be a relatively normal procedure for the authorities. If you had suspected framing someone is seen as more subtle and avoiding too many dearths in the newspapers in terms of the state secrecy angle, then you would be thinking along the right lines. I was told 20 years agop the police and related pol;itical authorities see frame-ups as cleverer and more terrifying conveying total control of many authoritative bodies to those being framed and those interna;lly spectating. It has become a relatively smoothly functioning civil service-level rubber-stamped procedure. If the state decides the more subtly clever thing to do is lie in the papers that someone's homosexual, then you get rubber-stamped that. This is actually one of their favourite tricks "the way it allows them to manipulate the vibes, man, you should see what it does to them, it's actually one of the best things to do and it's so simple and no-one'll ever believe such a simple thing in the papers is a complete load of crap which we see us as giving us quite a lot of power over people". "Then later on they appear to commit suicide, or nowadays get AIDS and the vibe of such total pervasive power crushes them." "Yeh, that"s the idea." A mysterious quote from that conversation:- "There is an area about which we wish to cause ABSOLUTE TERROR...THEREFORE WE GET HIGH LEVEL AGREEMENT WITH THINGS LIKE KILLING A MEMBERS' BABY SO THAT THE BASTARD WHO WANTS TO RAT ON US IS FRAMED AS A CHILD-MOLESTER....IN FACT, IF YOU JOIN US, YOU'LL BE IN ON THINGS LIKE THE REASON THE HEAD OF MI5 IS GOING TO BE A CHILD-MOLESTER...WE'RE SAVING OUR WORST FRAME-UP IDEA FOR HIM SO THAT WE HAVE THE MOST TOTAL CONTROL, BECAUSE WE HAVE TO HAVE- IF HE SAYS HE DOESN'T WANT TO DO WHAT WE WANT HIM TO DO, WE THREATEN HIM WITH STREWIND DEAD KIDS AROPUND HIS PLACE..." "HOW MANY AUTHORITIES GO ALONG WIHT THAT?" "THEY ALL DO. THAT'S WHY I SAID IT'LL be REALLY BRILLIANT FOR YOU IF YOU GET IN ON THE INSIDE...IT'S FANTASTIC! ALL THE TOP AUTHORITIES, MAN!" In 1990, OPEN VERDICT: 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defence Industry mentioned the curiousness of the head of MI5 being a twice-convicted pederast. "WE WANT PARTICULAR TYPES OF MURDER WHICH CONVEY THE COLLUSION OF THE POLICE, IN A CERTAIN AREA, THE MURDERS ARE TO LOOK LIKE OBVIOUS MURDERS TO THE PUBLIC READING ABOUT THEM IN THE PAPERS, THEN THE POLICE STRANGELY GO ALONG WITH CLAIMING THEY'RE SUICIDES...TO GET THE TERROR, SO THAT THE BASTARDS DON"T TALK ABOUT SOMETHING IN PARTICULAR...." Our opinion is that a brain-wave decoder is causing the trouble. It is overhearing what I think were BBC technicians in London that we have this substantially mysterious clue...they seemed to be talking about how they'd fuckeds up the head of this old Newcastle woman, but she'd got a gun and came all the way down to London to try to shoot a BBC TV producer...which they didn't expect...what they were doing was something crazy sounding like switching her mind on "exploring the reverse-wave propagation aspect along .3 Khz frequencies dialling her number, expressing their sardonic amusement...they were able to do things like make her eyes wink, "reverse-wave propagation-induced nictations", make her body itch in embarrassing places, rustle quickly through individual eye-lashes "annoying her that way" and edit scene-changes in the studio from her eyes, then suddenly doing edits "contra-obediently" such that she was quite violently frustrated in her home hundreds of miles away. The BBC turn out to be involved in quite a few corrupt acts..... A former police-man confided how, as a police-man, he'd learned how to sharply kick the legs of demonstrators whilst TV cameras in collusion caught only the violent agonised response. "Then obviously the BBC is only working out how to not let the relationship too obvious afterwards, like after the poll tax riots." "Exactly." A BBC TV personality,Esther Rantzen, was doing a frame-up right in front of a friend of mine, she was framing a boss in Queensway.....