Well it was my first time frying and I was very excited. I was at my friends watching tv.it seemed as if the trip startted off as it ended. I was sitting on the couch watching tv when it ended and and I was there when it started. But I had the most excitement inbetween. After the ACID kicked in we decided to go to KS bedroom and trip on the strob light for a bit. It turned out that we sat under that light for 2 hours drawing meaningless pictures of people falling down waterfalls and Kings smoking joints. But after that we went out back for a few smokes. and I sat there blowing all my smoke on this one catus, making it freeze over with my smoke. Since we were close to the coast, it got ciold and decided to go back into the house. So there I was back in the house I went to the restroom and got a little lost after I zipped it up. So there i stood at one end of the hall scared to death, at the other stood the room to where I had to go. and I could hear all the people in the house breathing, i thought it was a dragon ready to eat me, SO I booked down that hall as fast as I could. Finally in the saftey on his room we began to watch some TV (MASH is a trip!)_ but on every show I watched I saw the same person walk out on the stage and say hello to me,and walk off . I dont know why but that seemed to be the coolest.