__ __     __      __      __     _--   __   __      __     __      __      __       __     __     __                \/   `'__                                  ---- ---  - -------  -------             __              _ /"HiHiHIi!iiii!Hi! I III'''m mmm AAAAliiicccceeee..."  YYYYYYYooooouuuuurrrr r ggggguuuuuiiidddddeee t ttoooooo ttttttthhhhheeee WWWoooonnndddd deerrrrllllllaaannnndd  SSSSSShhhhrrrrroooooooomm FFFaaaarrrr rmmmm......." Your guide to the WonderlandShroom Farm...  AAllllss soooo kkknnoooowwwnn aaaaass tthhheeee8   FFoossssssssiilll PP Piiiggggsss'PPsssiillloooccccyybbbbiiinn RRRRaaaannncccch hhhh!"""   AAnnndddd tttthhhiiiissss iiiisssss PPeeet tiiiipppoooooommm, GGGrrrraaaannnndddVVVViiiizzzziiiiieeerr oofff fff SSShhrrrooooooommmddooommmm."MmMMmMmMmMmMmM   __  __  )__ (\_\(\__\wurfle..... !!!!??????.... ...................... \    NNNoooowww llleeetttt''sss  ttttrrrriiiippp tttthhrrroouuuhggghh hh tttthhhheee fffaaarrmmmm!!!"u l w  . u f l r  w . e u f l w l e eu r ..  f r ff f  u . r ww w w  l  f r e e  r . rr  l ww  u e e ..  u ff   l r u ee  . ll  e u e\ \ \   | | | | | frluew.                                                                    MNMmMmMMmM__                                                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ - - __--_- _ _ _ - _ _ _                 /"OOvveeeerr  hheerree wwwee e  hhaavvee MMrr.. CCaatteerrppiillllaarr.."        _ -      \((  )\ \                ______/|/  =========================== ====--==---- __. -                                                                                                                                                                 !!!!                                                 _________00oo--_________==!!!! /"AAAAnnndd ooooovvveerr hhhhheeeerrre, tttthhheee gggggiiiiaaa nant AAQQQUUAA SShhhrroomoomm....."     1                                                                                       -- "LOOhh LLLooookkk --- AA dddoooooorrr!!!"     ooo     -- ___  o ___     _ _ ? ___?      ___?      ___?      ___?                 MMm ___ ?Mm___?  Mm___ ? Mm___?  Mm___?  M m___   Mm___   Mm ___  MM           _ ___ M   "Lee ettt'''ss gggoooo iiiiinnnnsssiidddeee....."                 '..`                             Ĵ                   2                                                                                                                    ͹ v v -_ ͼ..ooovoo_ow\" HHeeerrreee''ssss wwhhhaatttt ooouurrrrbbbigggggggeessssttt ssshhh rrooooomlllooooookkkkss lllliiikkkeeeiiiinnnnssiiiidddeeee.... ...""                              /_/__/_________\__\_\                                                 happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyha[[ppysubliminalmessage!happy subliminalhappymessageshappyhappymessagesubliminalhappyhappyshroomssublimhappysubroomshroomroomshroomhappy!subliminalmessageshappysubliminalshroomagedoobagespliffageworshipJamesBrownhappyknobhappy refocicul.is.dog..happyhaphotsexMeanwile...while you arepeacefully watching thisharmless ANSI, it becomesvery hypnotic. You aregetting very, very drowsy...          |/       _       \  |/    _    \                 |    /  _    \       /    _and very, very strange. \    |     /      _    \\!\\\\ .!.!/BONG.... /B.o.n.g( )| ||vvoovv\\/_\//_\/|\/ _----O    ___    ooo /__\ !!!          --/ /__\/ _-/                               ----  |_          -___/ __   |\                                                                                                                                                                   >< <                       *  * *********** * *  *  *  * *  *  *  *  *  -"Weird," you say to the big smiley face appearing beyoned thehorizon, "I just dreamed I sawLowly Worm come and smoke Alice'shead like a big goat leaf..."...your foot beginds to itch/...                       R0r-AlUcaRd...................................... ........................                                                                                       ߰                  burp            ( ()()______OO____ \\_-\       \|\_\________/|/||\|             \|/...  ....       OO____        \|/... ....  OO__      nose   _                                                               eyes...                           you blink. ....... ...............><<>  ------                                                                                                                                                                           /-------\...the door quietly shuts.And you're back to BBSland...