Space aborts, ^S pauses ======================================= ======= ======= ======= HACKING TIPS #2 ======= ======= ======= ======= by Hoe Hopper ======= ======= REBEL ALLIANCE CATSEND ======= ======= (615) 942-6670 ======= ======= ======= ======================================= 1. When running hacking programs seeking phreaking codes, make it a practice to start out with a number that is approximately half way between the highest and lowest possible numbers. This will insure the greatest number of 'hits' as well as avoid most of the obvious 'trap' numbers. Trap numbers are generally low numbers where a hack program may begin. Never start at the lowest and work up. Far better to start higher.... 2. Slow your hacking down. The object is to obtain working codes and not to discover every possible code. Putting a delay loop in the hacker is an extremely good idea since if anyone is getting wary of your calls they will be looking for you. If the calls do not come in rapid order, it is much more difficult to detect any unusual activity. 3. Never reveal a code. Ever. To anyone. You risked your backside for them. Don't be a chump and give them away! 4. NEVER USE A CODE THAT IS ON ANY BOARD EVER!!! This is the surest way I can think of to get caught. If I were the security director, I would post 'trap numbers' on every loser board I could find. It is a sucker play for sure. 5. Rotate your stock. In one night, you should capture four or five good codes at a minimum. STOP HACKING! Use these new codes for two weeks and then hack more codes. Use the codes in rotation. This really makes it hard to detect unauthorized use. Also it may in fact make the unauthorized use go by unnoticed. For example, few people use a telephone log book and they simply don't notice a couple of calls that they didn't make. Any business of any size falls prey to this. 6. Keep written records to a minimum. It is impossible to prove you have the codes if you keep them in your head. 7. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Really smart people let others think they aren't necessarily too bright. Lulls them to sleep mentally. Don't tell every- thing you know. If you do, then you have lost you advantage. Blend into the woodwork! 8. Your only friend is your computer. Trust no one else. If you tell your friends about your codes, you have put them and yourself in danger of being caught, and under pressure they may reveal where the codes came from and that is why you don't talk EVER period. 9. Move around. By that, I mean don't always use the same service. Metro today, Sprint tommorow. By following these simple guidelines, you sould never have a problem. The onlytwo ways to get caught are by 1) runningyour mouth and 2) being nabbed by newer improved hardware. ======================================= R.A. PUBLICATIONS [April 12, 1985] ======================================= [Now on volume 27] [?/Help]: