{begin} inter\face 9 Winter 1994 inter\face is: -------------- Its saying continually / in process...a _call_ -ing, or ping, perhaps...a wonder (-ing, out loud) . a node (a nest (in this language niche...[anew] conversation mode (abode a dreaming awake (of a familiar place djd *********************************************************************** Contributors: ------------- Ellen White David Joseph Dowker Stacy Tartar Justin T McHale Lenore Weiss Ayli Lapkoff Benjamin H. Henry *********************************************************************** Subscription and Back Issue Information: ---------------------------------------- Please email to interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu to be added to the mailing list to receive the next issue and/or back issues. Note that this is a human being and not an automated listserv, so feel free to send questions and be specific. Contributions are encouraged and welcome. or for back issues: by anonymous ftp: ----------------- etext.archive.umich.edu in the directory /pub/Zines/Interface ftp.eff.org in the directory /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/i/interface gopher: ------- gopher etext.archive.umich.edu /Zines/Interfac gopher gopher.cic.net /e-serials/alphabetic/i/interface www: ---- http://cellar1.hum.albany.edu/if/if.htm America On Line: ---------------- Select keyword: PDA Select: Palmtop Paperbacks Select: Electronic Articles and Newsletters *********************************************************************** Ellen White ewrook@nysfirm.org ------------------ Voicegrade Lines ---------------- Do you know that sometimes I am masturbating when we're talking on the phone? 'Sometimes, when we talk, he said, on the phone' (I try out the lines) 'I am masturbating. ' (No) 'I'm masturbating.' (No) 'I masturbate. Did you know?' They say that hate it when I use the phone They say that hate it when I'm saying 'things' 'Testicles' Like 'testicles' Considerings in the car Mall mutterings 'Sometimes when we're on the phone' He said He didn't ask /: Whisper /: Open up your lips (to continue click text area) 'On the phone' He said 'Is anybody listening?' /: Whisper whisper /: Thing /: Whose thing 'Did you know I masturbate' he said 'Sometimes when we're talking on the phone?' You have such clean and soapy hair Tomato soupy soapy hair We'll kissed and made up you'll be glad to know Someone was deleted Acknowledging your call This is your calling Channel whisper Chatting whisper /: You're on /: On you He said 'Is anybody reading' (N)onstop Q(uit) 'Not at work' Your hair Your lips 'Not when I'm sick' When I pick up The loudest dial tone 'Sometimes I masturbate when I talk on the phone' (T)esticles I'm right here honey I'm right here 'Sometimes' /:pick it up 'goes where?' ======================================================================= David Joseph Dowker david.dowker@canrem.com ----------------------- _from_ MACHINE LANGUAGE ----------------------- main (frame shift / intension _trans-humanize_ . nexus: functional identity . define ALTERNATE EGO POSITION ((the image is organism; global, intercranial . the Giant Aperiodic Crystal)) origin: outside the system, the Signature encoded in the double helix, the twist is 36 degrees, the covalent backbone is a chain of beads (10 nucleotide pairs per revolution) the message to be translated by way of the 3 into 4 x 4 x 4 = 64, the number of the penetralium, hidden dragon procedure NO-THING . the id-entity ((our simulacrum, androgyne monogene . "He do the machine in different voices")) terminus: the river map, of the blood and environs, parts as yet unknown, mundane terrain, operant neural pattern, the screen is made out of words, the machine is man, the projection * THE NUMBER WHICH DOES NOT EXIST as such, a dissonance in the valence of absence from the heart of a statue extracted g o l d e n sun hung low (wing caught morning 's rising ) glow through grey cloud s e c t i o n the colour of that vacuum cleaner, o converter, her shoulder, refrigerator sounds like crickets, catalytic making noise upon * what signs exchanged in darkness, crossed and uncrossed, folded and furrowed, flashed back and forth with mirrors or magnetic tape: sparks across the gap, a handful of that radical moisture drowned as so many voices, from Olduvai to the water's edge * "To the Lady of the Labyrinth, a jar of honey." Here, in Her hive-shaped ghosthouse, hewn from a hollow, huddled in the heat of the sweet dark heart of Her, a humming in neural circuits, harmonics cluster around a single flower, hung-up on Her absence, lack of a thread to the argument. She pours honey in my ear, combs sparks from Her amber hair and says, "The double axe is a butterfly." * in thrall to the cult of Her verdant inertia, virtual chlorophyll immersion program, neural foliage in fever blossoms, photons strobe through the leaves, deciduous _dream machine_ these c e l l s rejoice in Her cunning lingual sub- version, She hypostasizes, gorgeously ascendant as the azure will attest * SOLITUDE PASSAGE Plant life or subliminal cocoon. Refuge in dissolution. Pools of empty musing, space between spaces, lace of the infinite. Radiometer spins in the infra-sun. Insect motor ticks sentient rhythm. Dream pulse domain...light-force within leaf-green veins...suggestive of butterfly wing gradient. The tree frog barks and the fractals bloom. Imagine: A-space...the n-cube . a room in what would be a perfect blue chunk of sky. Birds fly through this hypothetical absence. Fuzzy logic clouds to sleep upon as if solid air. Now here. Node to node. Cathode rays embrace. Explicit lyricism. Beryl in the golden Loom ...coded calls to the O-zone. Glisten. * Command _illumination_ from a handful of chattering micro-chips. Shift/click on the dragon icon. Enter inter/linear. Computer-generated Satori patterns. Cellular automata swarm through auricular corridors. Retinal windows dilate. Geodesic blue hydrangea . opulent globular clusters . amassed efflorescence . (space burgeons forth) . enormous amaryllis . crimson hibiscus with ornate proboscis Survival essentials _green eyes of Gaia_. Totem program run _mammals_ from the arboreal dawn in Gondwana to the stars. ======================================================================= Stacy Tartar Stacy.Tartar@launchpad.unc.edu 232 N. Kingshighway #616 St. Louis Mo 63108-1248 (314)367-4425 ------------- POOL, JUNE ---------- I fried. Literally fried. Son of a bitch! 10 seconds made everything tight, crisp. Youth and age in the same blazing sizzle--Wow! Existential. I am here, said my skin to the sun. You have travelled 9,000,000,000 miles And reached the outer edges of me. Cool. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PIG GENERATION ------------------ "Dead baby boomers," said he. "That's funny!" said she. "But not so funny it isn't subtle," she slipped in carefully. "Nothing subtle here!" he cried-- "Dead! Dead! Dead! Pennies stuffed inside their eyes!" "Potato Eyes fried," she replied, "Denied the prize." And they sighed. Then put on their boxing gloves. "Dead baby boomers," he recried-- "Road kill, fecal matter freeze dried--" "Softly," she complied, "we must not put them to the test." Now lay that shit to rest. Don't fuck with generation X. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAT MRS. RILEY -------------- Stupid girl, posing-- Melon-headed pony-- Bursting your sides. Flexing, reflexing torso Man-killing back muscle bicep tri-curl Stretching. Who built you to be so imposing? Some guy-- Some capitalist-- Some guilder from the dust age In his mother-rage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYWHERE STIFFS ----------------- Local news, cop-plots invade daydreams, Gun down stiffs at Dairy Queens. Every day my mind composes scenes, Mayhem, murder, piercing screams. Everywhere stiffs. Midday park, the Yellow sky not dark, Singing larks--then-- Saber-toothed slice And dead 'neath bark! Everywhere stiffs. Rush hour highway driving back, Sudden hit, snipe atttack! Veering, skidding, head-on smack, Exploding mushroom, metal flack, And fourteen killed, right on track. Everywhere stiffs. Market, waiting there on line, Shiver shoots up-down your spine! Man in front reveals the sign for Stick-up, panic, terror-blind. Everywhere stiffs. Paranoia, maybe true. Maybe you're a victim, too. Or it may be that you will see A victim Of me. Everywhere stiffs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HER MOTHER, HERSELF (Rites of Spring) ----------------- Green launched-- Jet feet-- Pumping arms-- Flowing hair-- And yellow breeze-- Young--freed--this is no tease-- This--is--easy-- And she keeps on leaving her. HELPLESS--MINDLESS--EARTHED AND OUT OF BREATH-- THIRTYSOMETHING PALPATATIONS-- She needn't answer--the answer is no-- BLINDED--TANGLED--AWKWARD--TRIPPING--PANICKED-- WANTS TO CRY--NO ONE HELPS-- Herself--new person among people. ======================================================================= Justin T McHale jmchale@mason1.gmu.edu ---------------------- ice lulls --------- time has slowed a car cracks ice as it passes along the road depth viscidity a car cracks ice as it passes along the road icicle drips a car passes (sound: a mighty maw pounded to silence) the diverse logic of the moon embedded here a car passes (sound: rationality shredded) body of ice twitches a car passes (sound: void ravages lip of air) the rate of slush here: the concealment the congestion the gratuity the longing to loneliness the irrelevancy the rectitude the passing the castration the concoction the notion the narrative the individual the connotation the insolence the caution the conscience the circuity the circumference the additional the longitudinal the careful the dishes the diary the drowning the parchment the control the catering the coke the dice the dowager the double-bind a car passes (a singularity goes down in blue flames) a crystallized tree a car passes subterranean trapped between the dream of sara and the moment you felt the rain a car passes a car passes a car passes ======================================================================= Lenore Weiss lenka@well.sf.ca.us ------------------- Lenore Weiss is a poet and novelist lusting after a Power Macintosh. She works in her other life as the editor of the employee newsletter for the City of Oakland. Flowerwinkles ------------- Plant blossoms outside your house To tame the wild children of broken noses Who come like hamsters nibbling at your doubt In gigglebytes up the porch step wearing jumburritos And cellophane candy wrappers, crinkling them; French fry spears and play blood splatter, There's the horn honk, who's a venture success On the street where it's money and cars that matter. Give them sweet bouquets as a childhoos reminder Not to grow up so quickly they forget How a daisy is a love finger, Or the honeysuckle a hummingbird's golden trumpet, Or how, in encapsulated format, they are the seedlings Of worldwide peace. ======================================================================= Ayli Lapkoff av841@freenet.carleton.CA ------------------------- CIRCLES ------- I am left fragile as eggshells When my paint has gone sour, like milk Drunk before my nightly jailbird escape A jailbreak back into prison I am bald in this tower with no doors Only a window nestled high between clouds Or pillow, or illusions made of glass -Enough of gold and feathers I speak of punishable uncomitted crimes And stars that turn around themselves And circles that embrace each other So close that they merge and spiral Cannot end, cannot start Dream not of each other Dream only of each other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SWEET ----- Silence creeps into my body And I'm bleeding poetry once again All over the cherry blossoms Light as snow White as snow Crushed beneath my feet And this is sugar-quiet. ======================================================================= Benjamin H. Henry bh4781@cnsunix.albany.edu ------------------------- Dreamwork Notes (two poems of Pierre Joris and Poetics) --------------------------------------- DREAMS not representation (but) in magic realms speaking language not yours (in)corporate [...] into what you write as poetry as a discourse Knowing weather it is a human THE UNDERWORLD: dragged through displacements and oddities looking for that unique thing of the true I NO POINT IN TIME: [adaption to/thru knowledge] when you're dead, they tell you so and you live an ordinary life ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I dreampt the news today spent my arms alongside contained within, encased but drawn away Supple mitent/latent? in a vault the computer disturbance in the form of disruptance, literal to purcha(n)ce talk about you through "the true eye" [focault] ======================================================================= Call for Work Women on the Net(work) inter\face Electronic Literary Magazine VOICES Voices to the left to the right near and far rise up and be numbered. Resurrect the voices past and present, those lost from constant screaming, those buried in layers of silence. Summon them to rise as phoenixes and proclaim "I am woman." I, am woman. --Tanya Manning "Women on the Net(work)" is the focus for inter\face's tenth issue (coming Spring 1995). This issue is especially dedicated to providing women writers an electronic forum for the multiplicity of their voices. Metaphorically the title "Women on the Net(work) stands for the magazine operating as a net to catch the multiplicity of writings by women that may typically go unknown. The search for subjects and forms of discourse are unrestricted. Whether you write in a "technological/mechanical" voice or "renaissance/romantic" style, we're interested. Whether your poems or stories are of topical relevance to politics or race relations, women's rights or women's magic, sexual orientation or erotica, or anything unmentioned, we want you to contribute your work. The criteria for this issue is simple. To preserve the writer's integrity and promote the writer as publisher, editing of content is minimal. In the spirit of accepting "contributions" as opposed to "submissions," we believe in your right as a writer to say whatever you want to say in the way you want to say it. However, we do ask of you to limit for publishing fairness your contributions to three separate pieces. Please send your entries no later than February 14, 1995 to interfac@cnsunix.albanu.edu. For more information, please contact Tanya Manning at TM5498@cnsvax.albany.edu. *********************************************************************** inter\face 9 Winter 1994/95 "The `censor' protects our central system of values, as it does our physical nervous system by simply cooling off the onset of experience a great deal. For many people, this cooling system brings on a lifelong state of psychic *rigor mortis,* or of somnambulism, particularly observable in periods of new technology." [Marshall McLuhan, _Understanding Media_] *********************************************************************** Please distribute this document freely only in its entirety with both the header and this footer information. For information on specific pieces contained in inter\face, please contact the individual authors or interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu. Brought to you by HUB Press, Albany. ======================================================================== {end}