ÜÜÜ ŪÜŪÜŪ MiLK and tea will ruin the scene in '95! ŻŽŪŻŽ / ßÜÜÜß Ä[ Mighty illicit Liquid Kollections AND Text elite Anarchists present: MiLK & TeA issue #003 "Travel by Night" -By Snakelady ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I've been looking at the moon since dusk, hoping to find some clues that may contradict what it so obviously tells me. Mother taught me moonreading , and with everything I've learned from her and experience, it seems that its going to be a very cold winter. Normally, I would travel away from the Unmoving Star to areas of warmth, but now I know I must travel in the opposite direction, towards it, to places of such biting cold that I am afraid that my fur might not protect me. I've seen enough. Its time to fully come awake, and get moving quickly. I can hear and smell Pink Ones in the distance, and my hungry stomach tells me that I need to linger long enough to feed on the rich harvest of berries in the ravine nearby. As I arise, I disperse the bedding of leaves and twigs so that it can never be known that I, or any of my kind had ever been here. This is a beautiful place, where stands of pine mix with oak, and an occasional cedar, all of which seem to dance with ecstasy at the slightest gust of wind. The season is changing, as I can see the oak leaves starting to yellow, and even amidst the wondrous songs of the crickets I can hear the snakes slithering along searching out winter burrows. Unlike the crickets, in whom I can sense only a dim awareness, in the snakes I can feel an anxious expectancy. I travel down to the ravine and gorge myself with as much as I can. My stomach begins to growl, but I can not rest, as the Pink Ones are still getting closer. They are about two hours away now, and if they approach any closer the pain in my head, from the madness of their thoughts, will grow unbearable. Mother taught me that the Pink Ones were to be avoided at all costs, even though such lessons are hardly necessary among our kind, she thought it best to reinforce the sense of danger that they pose to us. I remember how as a child, before my senses were fully developed, that out of curiosity and fear, I would seek out and spy on them. I was amazed at how blind and deaf they were, and how they possessed no awareness at all, since they only communicated with sound. But nevertheless, they were deadly, since in the distant past they had done their best to destroy us. Now their menace to us has become more subtle, since they are not even aware of our existence. They carry seeds of death, which cause us to sicken and die, while they force us more and more apart in our efforts to avoid them. I remember when mother became ill, and I helped her on the long trek to the Place of Departure. It was a huge and labyrinthine cave that no Pink One had ever seen. Within it were the remains of our ancestors for thousands of generations. It was obvious that there was a time when our people were very numerous, and from the pictures on the walls of animals that no longer existed, mother told me of a time of ice, before the the Pink Ones came. She taught me how to read the pictures on the walls, from the oldest that portrayed how our people had crossed the ice where the Unmoving Star hung nearly overhead, and travelled away from it to a land where they had prospered and had become so numerous that they had to spread out far and wide simply to hear their own thoughts. Sadly, mother also taught me how to make the pigments so that I was able to make a picture for her, when her time of passing came. Which it did, within a very short time. As I drew her story, I broke tradition and put in a small picture of myself. For all to know I had existed. For in this land, I was the last of my kind. In the pictures I had learned of the Other Land. I knew I must travel there, never to return. Enough of remembering. I must move on. In the reverie before sleep, when my senses are the most acute, I have sensed the presence of at least one other, but so very, very faint that I often wonder if I am imagining it. I travel fast, as our kind can outrun even the swift bear, and we can also maintain the pace for half a day. Within a short time the Pink Ones, with their killing sicknesses, are out of range. Dawn is approaching. I have travelled far and it is time to sleep. And dream. Of that Other One, with whom perhaps I could have a son or daughter to draw my story when the time of passing comes. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ ³ MiLK & TeA Member Listing: ³ ³ ³ ³ James Hetfield Rattle Pip The Angry Youth Nyarlathotep ³ ³ Snakelady ³ ³ ³ ³ MiLK & TeA Sights: ³ ³ ³ ³ The Obloid Sphere 41:708/1 [708]965-3098 [Illinoizze] ³ ³ The Land of Rape and Honey 41:609/1 [609]698-1358 [New Jarsee] ³ ³ ³ ³ Note: These are the only two MiLK & TeA sights to date. There are like ³ ³ 10,000 other boards supposedly ready to be milk and tea sights, but until ³ ³ I get the news that say they are ready to distribute, They'll remain ³ ³ unlisted. -Jamesy ³ ³ ³ ³ An udder note: The addresses listed above are for [LaMENeT], The offical ³ ³ net of M&T. You can reach the editors of M&T through the boards listed ³ ³ above with LaMENeT Addresses. Whoomp, there it is. ³ ³ ³ ³ .nfo: File: #003 Author: Snakelady ³ ³ Size: 6624 Bytes Title: "Travel by Night" ³ ³ ³ ĄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŁ