"The BëM Squad" prezents -/- STEALING FROM RECORD STORES -/- by: Cop Killer -/- DISCLAIMER -/- This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to influence the reader of this file to act as stated herein. ------------------------------------------------------------------ First off, to comply with the disclaimer, i must ask you not to use this incredibly easy, efficent, foolproof, error-free, so-simple-an-idiot-could-pull-it-off method for purposes as stated in the title. Getting to the point, this does work, and i have acquired several CD's and tapes with it. You require the following: 1 (ONE) Brain with an IQ of 2 or better 1 (ONE) Shopping bag and sneak the item into your bag, leaving the waste material behind. I do not reccomend this, because it is messy, and takes a while..long enough to get noticed. Plus, you have to dispose of the wrapping. If you keep it on you, you will set off an alarm. Method two. This works for me. Pick up the parcel and inspect it, as if to be looking at the songs, the pic on the front/back. Look at the price tag, the UPC tag, anything that is not part of the wrapper, or box. You should find something metallic. These vary in size from a tiny one the size of a hole in a paper from a hole punch, to a strip thats a good 3-4 inches long.. when you find it, well, you should be able to rip the fucker off without trouble. You could bring an X-acto blade to cut the plastic so you can take the tags off, since in most cases, the metal is under them, but usually visable. If you cant find anything like mentioned, hang near the counter. Look at the items surrounding the counter. When the cashier gets a CD from someone, watch what they do. If they use a roller, watch where they roll. Record World uses a simple strip 3 inches long and 2mm wide, and its only taped on! I just go to Macys, or some store with big bags, and i get one. Then walk over, and do the deed. If you cant tell from looking at it, and the person at the register does nothing to unprotect it, maybe its not protected, or they are pressing a button when you leave, but i doubt it. If you have any questions, E-Mail me on most fine bbs's, or over the net Echo Of The Damned. You can also Reach me via EntropyNet or Abyssal Net. And remember, these tactics could shorten your days in the free world, and if you use em and go crying to me, its not my problem because in the beginning i told you not to do this, and it is for informational purposes. BOM Squad Members ë-ë-ë-ë-ë-ë-ë-ë-ë Mr. Sandman Raven Neuromancer The AntiChrist Phat Klown Cop Killer BOM Squad Sites þ-þ-þ-þ-þ-þ The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test ú 908-HPA-ONLY ú BOM Private HQ! High Voltage ú 908-231-0252 ú BOM Public HQ! êrete ú 201-984-1738 ú 201 Dist Site