============================================================================= PHUK MAGAZINE - Phile 10 of 10 ============================================================================= ----- OUTRO ----- Well, its been fun hasn't it? What's that I hear you say? It hasn't! What the articles were too biased towards phones and not enough hacking? You thought the articles were feeble? You think you could do better!! Well thats more like it .... if you think you can do better than the articles in PHUK-zine then write them and send them to us. We always need snippets of news, articles, code, numbers, hints, tips and general ideas to keep the ball rolling. Anyhow, next month we have the following goodies for you .... Green Boxing - DrKaos & TheGoat BT Computer Security Manual Part II Something on Novell Networks ... Some trash from BT wastebins .... And maybe something on hacking for a change ....:) Send all articles, flames, Letters of Comment etc etc to PHUK magazine, anon93143@anon.penet.fi, OR speak to any of the PHUK crew at any London 2600 meeting ......... - have PHUN and be careful out there ... it a dangerous world and getting worse by the minute! - Phuk-Ed +++ EOF