Fill out the appropriate section(s) of this application form and E-Mail them to Space Ace or Arc Angel on Ethereal Plane *If you are from [416] please do not apply* ฤอ[ DREAD Membership Application ]อออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออฤ Alias:__________________________ First name:_____________________ Voice #:________________________ Data #:________________________ Can you supply us with new unreleased games/utils:______________________ ______________________ Programming Languages: 80x86 Assembler [ ] other(s):_________________________________ _________________________________ What debugging/cracking skills do you have:______________________ ______________________ List any groups you are currently affiliated with: ______________ ______________ ______________ ฤอ[ DREAD Courier Application ]ออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออฤ Alias:__________________________ First name:_____________________ Voice #:________________________ Data #:________________________ What modem(s) do you currently own:______________________________ What times/days do you want to courier: _________________________ List a few boards/area codes you will courier to: ______________________________ / _________ ______________________________ / _________ ______________________________ / _________ ______________________________ / _________ ______________________________ / _________ ______________________________ / _________ List any groups you are currently affiliated with: _________________________ _________________________ ฤอ[ DREAD Site Application ]อออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออฤ Alias:__________________________ First name:_____________________ Voice #:________________________ Data #:________________________ How many nodes does your board have:___ What modem(s) does your board use:____________________________________ What are the number(s) to your board:_________________________________ How many megabytes do you have online:_____ List any groups your board is affiliated with:________________________ ________________________