A Little Knowledge (3a/7) **************************** by Patti Murphy It was after five when Scully glanced at her watch. She was on hold, again. She'd been on the phone all day with various branches of the FDA, four different pharmaceutical companies, a handful of slaughterhouses and more mid-level, faceless bureaucrats than she cared to count. She realized that she was hungry, and tried unsuccessfully to remember what she'd had for lunch. Mulder's phone was still glued to his ear, too, and she noticed that the wastebasket by his desk had overflowed in a cascade of crumpled paper balls. They were getting nowhere. Fast. The annoying muzak in her ear stopped and a weary voice told her that Mr. Greeley had left for the day, but that he would get her message first thing Monday morning. Scully thanked the woman and hung up. Even if Mr. Greeley did return her call, she doubted that he held the key to the puzzle that Mr. X had dropped on them. Scully was starting to wish that she could meet with Mr. X one more time -- just long enough to inform him that he was welcome to take his top-secret, highly-classified, pain-in-the- ass business somewhere else. She got up and wandered around the office, massaging her neck with one hand, while she waited for Mulder to get off the phone. She was in the lab, staring at some X-rays and thinking about a hot bath, when she heard Mulder hang up. "Anything?" she called to him. He walked into the lab, rubbing his face. "Not a thing. I wasn't able to trace a single bovine organ back to its home. You?" "I spoke to three people at each drug company who told me that the FDA must keep those records, and five people at the FDA who told me that it was the responsibility of the drug companies." She sighed and leaned against the counter. "I can't help but think that this is turning into a huge waste of tax payer's dollars, Mulder." "No bigger waste than say, Newt Gingrich," Mulder said. She smiled a bit. "Seriously, this trail isn't leading us anywhere. I think it's time to regroup." Mulder leaned against the opposite counter. "We know it's the insulin. We just have to find out what and how." "Hang on," Scully said, raising a hand. "We think it's the insulin. It's just a theory. That might not be it at all." Mulder stared off into space for a moment. "We need more to go on. I'm going to try to contact my contact." Scully pursed her lips. "I don't know, Mulder." "What else can we do?" he asked. "If there's something here, we're sure not finding it." She shook her head. "I just have a bad feeling about him." A grin spread across Mulder's lips. "A bad feeling? Careful, Scully. You're starting to sound a little spooky." His teasing didn't elicit a smile from her. "Call it an educated guess then," she said. "I don't trust him." She walked back to her desk and started packing her briefcase. "Besides, why should he help us, anyway?" Mulder went back to his chair, sat down and propped his feet on his desk. "He said once that he does it because he feels a certain loyalty to Deep Throat." Scully stopped sifting through her papers long enough to nail him with a look. "The night that I met him, he sure wasn't feeling much loyalty to you, Mulder." "I have that effect on people," he said. "Frankly, I'm surprised that you've stuck around this long." "Keep it up and I may jump ship, yet," she said. She slid on her pumps and snapped off her desk light. "Look, let's sleep on it for the weekend and start again on Monday. Maybe we'll be able to see some angle that isn't obvious to us, now." Mulder nodded. "I'll see what I can find out. For all I know, he may not even work weekends." She raised an eyebrow in disapproval and stopped herself from telling him to be careful. Instead, she picked up her briefcase and headed for the door. "Have a good weekend, Mulder," she said. "Yeah, you too, Scully," he replied. "Have you got another date with the deli guy?" She stopped at the door and turned, bracing herself before she answered. "As a matter of fact, I do," she said. "Well, have a good time." She studied him for any signs of sarcasm, but found none. "Thanks," she said. "I will." "See you Monday." "Yeah. Bye." She left, looking a little confused, and Mulder listened to the click of her heels recede down the hall. He crumpled up some more paper, threw it at the wastebasket and missed. He leaned back in his chair and sighed. He wished he had told her to be careful. The living room was bathed in flickering blue light from the television set and the Knicks were behind by six points. Mulder got up and wandered into the kitchen in search of another cold beer. He popped it open while he stood at the fridge, took a long drink, and then returned to the living room and his losing team. He glanced at the masking tape X on the window pane as he passed by. The bastard had better contact him this time. He took another slice of pizza from the open box on the coffee table and folded it in half with one hand. He was in the process of jamming most of it into his mouth when the phone rang. It took three rings for him to swallow and answer. "Mulder," he said. "Tomorrow night, nine p.m., in the parking garage of the Watergate Hotel. I'll find you. And don't be late, Mr. Mulder, because I have better things to do with my time." The line went dead. Mulder put the receiver back in its cradle. The crowd on t.v. roared and Mulder looked towards the noise. The tide had turned. His team was winning. Scully spent most of Saturday doing laundry, cleaning her apartment and trying to convince herself that an attractive, intelligent and sensitive man really was going to take her to dinner that night. She had a date, the first one in a long time. Lunch had been nice, but somehow having lunch with someone, even someone as charming as Peter, didn't count as a date. It was more like an interview. A chance to get together on neutral ground and check each other out, with the comfortable knowledge that if this midday meeting turned out to be a disaster, you could always plead a hectic day and escape back to work. Except she hadn't wanted to escape back to work. In fact, she could have sat in that sunny restaurant all afternoon and into the evening, talking and listening, getting to know each other. It wasn't until she was folding the last load of laundry, still warm from the dryer, that she realized she was nervous. Nothing like dating to make you feel like a gawky fifteen year old again, she thought. Fortunately there were a few important differences between her teenage dating experiences and her current situation. For one thing, she wouldn't need her mother to rescue her poor suitor from her father's inevitable interrogation at the front door when he called for her. She smiled recalling how her mom would literally push her and her date out the door, ending her husband's "Stern Sea Captain Routine", with a cheerful "Really, Bill!" And of course, there would be no one to flick the porch light off and on when a midnight goodbye on the front steps threatened to stretch past what her father considered an acceptable time limit. Not that there had been teenage boys lining up to ask her out. Her sister, yes, but not the youngest of the Scully women. She remembered lamenting this fact once to her mother, while they did the dishes. "Boys don't ask me out because I'm not pretty," she had said, not daring to look away from the plate she was drying. She had been afraid to say the words out loud before now, afraid that somehow speaking them would make them true. Her mother had been startled. "Sweetheart, you don't really believe that, do you?" She shrugged. "It's all right, I guess. I don't mind that much." Margaret Scully shook the dishwater off her hands then quickly dried them on her apron. She took her daughter's face in her hands and looked into her eyes. "You listen to me, Dana. You have a very special kind of beauty." She had fidgeted and rolled her eyes. "I know, I know, I have inner beauty. But nobody asks you on a date because your insides are beautiful, Mom." "It's not just your insides that are beautiful, darling." A fierce love shone in her mother's face. "If I could have one wish for you, it's that you could see yourself the way I see you. Beautiful and intelligent, strong and compassionate." She saw tears welling in her mother's blazing eyes and suddenly felt embarrassed. Her mother smiled through her tears, then quickly kissed her on the forehead. "Come on," she said, turning back to the sink. "We have dishes to finish." Scully smiled at the memory, recognizing how long ago that had been but how little things had changed. She still felt gawky and uncertain at times, only now she was better at masking it with a practised clinical detachment and a cool exterior. And usually, it worked. So why was she so nervous? She wasn't a fifteen year old girl anymore, shocked to suddenly find herself inhabiting the body of a woman and not at all sure how to act. She was an intelligent, accomplished professional, respected by her colleagues, if not for her assignment, then at least for her talent and her abilities. She had proven that she could hold her own in the boys' club on any case. But this wasn't a case, this was a date. A date with a man she found very attractive. A man who made her feel beautiful when he looked at her. Not for the first time this week, she started to imagine the feel of his hands on her body, then caught herself and felt a sharp rush of embarrassment. This had to stop. Next, she was going to be listening to her old Air Supply albums. She had finished folding the towels and was putting them away in the bathroom when it came to her. She was nervous because it had been a long time since she'd slept with a man. She sat down on the edge of the big, claw-footed bathtub and tried to remember precisely how long. At least a year and a half, she decided. Not since Mulder and her assignment to the X-files. Mulder, again. How had he managed to invade her life so effectively that he popped into her head even as she was contemplating sleeping with another man? She got up brusquely and strode back to the living room to finish folding the laundry. By the time she was dressing for her date, she had managed to convince herself that she was worrying for nothing. It was just dinner and a movie -- nothing to be apprehensive about there. As for what might come afterwards, she would play it by ear. Surely she was too pragmatic to let herself be swept off her feet by her hormones. At two minutes to five, the door bell rang. She opened the door to find Peter standing there with a dozen white roses. "Hi," he said. Then, with a shy smile, "These are for you." He held out the flowers. The intoxicating scent of roses washed over her. They locked eyes and Scully felt every ounce of her pragmatic resolve draining away. She couldn't help but smile. Peter waited in the living room while she put the flowers in water, then went to locate her jacket and purse. She slipped her cell phone and her gun into her bag and for just a moment, she let herself wonder what Mulder was doing tonight. The car radio muttered softly. Mulder had searched for something to listen to while he waited, but had only been able to find an AM phone-in talk show. The current caller was drawing a parallel between replacement players in major league baseball and welfare recipients, the precise logic of which escaped Mulder. He was reaching to turn it off when the passenger door flew open. He jumped involuntarily and grabbed for his weapon. The man was in the car before Mulder could lay his hand on his gun. "Feeling a little nervous this evening, Mr. Mulder?" the black man asked. Mulder let out his held breath and sank back into the seat. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that," he said. The man's face showed no emotion. "And you should try not to be such an easy target. This is a dangerous business we're in, you know." Mulder returned his steely gaze and realized again how much he disliked this man. The man drew a manila envelope from inside his overcoat and tossed it into Mulder's lap. "Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, Mr. Mulder. This is the biggest gift you'll get all year. I'm sorry I didn't have time to have it wrapped." Mulder picked up the envelope. "What is it?" "All the scientific data of a top-secret government project, the point of which seems to be evading you and your partner, as well as the obituaries of three scientists, all of whom have coincidentally died within the last six weeks." He scanned the parking garage as he talked, and Mulder realized he was experiencing a growing urge to do the same. "One of the scientists who worked on this project is still alive. I suggest you find her, as quickly as possible, before she decides to take up bungee jumping or some equally dangerous hobby." "Do you have any idea where she is?" Mulder asked. The man stopped sweeping the area with his eyes long enough to glare at Mulder. "Shall I write the report for you as well?" The feeling of knuckles hitting bone with a satisfying thud flashed through Mulder's mind. Except he knew that this man would shoot him through the heart before he could land the punch. The man's hand was already on the door handle. "One last thing, Mr. Mulder. I would advise you and your partner to move very quickly on this one. There is a clean up operation of the highest efficiency in motion and in a few days, there won't be anything left to investigate." He started to get out of the car. "Wait a minute!" Mulder said, and grabbed the man's arm. He stopped and looked at Mulder's hand, then turned his blistering gaze on Mulder. Mulder waited the length of two heartbeats before he let go of his arm. "What's your interest in this? Why are you helping us on this one?" The slightest trace of a smile crossed the man's lips, but never made it to his eyes. "Sometimes, when you want things done right, you have to do them yourself." He slipped out of the car and strode quickly towards the shadows. The evening air was cool with the memory of winter but Scully was still warm from the glow of the wine they'd shared at dinner. The meal had been long and candlelit and they had decided to skip the movie, in the end, in favour of a walk around the Tidal Basin. The cherry trees were in blossom and the air was thick and syrupy with their fragrance. They held hands and walked the slow walk of two people who were enjoying the night and each other. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so relaxed. And she knew it wasn't just the wine, even though she had surpassed her usual one glass limit. It was everything: the breeze that caressed her face and stirred the petals in the trees, the lights reflecting and dancing on the water, and this man, whose fingers were gently intertwined with her own. She searched for the familiar hollow spot, listened for the echo of her own shouts, but heard only contented silence. Peter squeezed her hand and peered down at her in the half light. "You're awfully quiet," he said. "Are you O.K.?" She smiled, her self-consciousness dissipating like mist. "I'm fine," she replied. He turned to face her, then stood there, looking at her. "Let's go back to your place," he ventured. Scully studied his eyes, saw the promise of comfort and healing there. She nodded. cont.