By Knatter/XAKK 6th Sept 1994 Yo, here comes a small list of writers that have written literature which could be labeled as cyberpunk! This list is by NO means complete. There are a lot of cyberpunk writers out there by now, and this is just a tiny selection of the ones I know about. I have written publisher and ISBN code where I know it, others you'll have to do some researching by yourself... If someone know any other authors and books, you could always mail me and I'll update this file. Contact me on: Bjorn Fogelberg 2:200/209.7 (Fido-net, no internet yet) Mail: Sockerbruksg.9A,26263 Angelholm,Sweden Phone: +46(0)431 25693 Author Title Publisher ISBN-code ------ ----- --------- --------- William Gibson Neuromancer HarperCollins 0-586-06645-4 Count zero ACE 0-441-11773-2 Mona Lisa overdrive BantamSpectra 0-553-28174-7 Burning chrome ACE 0-441-08934-8 (Short stories) The above is pure cyberpunk (Except for some stories in Burning chrome) The below is also by William Gibson but not classed as cyberpunk. The difference Engine BantamSpectra 0-553-29461-x (With B.Sterling) Virtual Light Bruce Sterling Islands in the net The artificial kid Schismatrix Involution ocean Crystal express Mirrorshades (ed) ACE 0-441-53382-5 with short stories by theese authors: William Gibson Tom Maddox Pat Cadigan Rudy Rucker Mark Laidlaw James Patrick Kelly Greg Bear Lewis Shiner John Shirley Paul Di Fillipo Bruce Sterling Pat Cadigan Synners Richard Kadry Metrophage Rudy Rucker Wetware Mathenauts Mick Farren The long Orbit W.T. Quick Dreams of flesh and sand Dreams of gods and men Singularities Michael Blumlein The movements of mountains Pat Murphy The falling woman Larry McGaffery Storming the reality studio Mark Leyner och till slut....en svensk: Bert-Ola Gustavsson Slumpens källkod 3 "Cyberpunk" magazines: WIRED ----- snail mail: WIRED PO Box 191826, San Fransisco CA 94119-9866, USA E-mail: Phone: 800 SO WIRED (800 769 4733) MONDO 2000 ---------- PO Box 10171, Berkeley, CA 94709-5171 USA BOING-BOING ----------- sorry, don't have the address... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ __ ____________ _ __ ___________ __ / _/\/ /\/ / __/ / /_ \/ \ /\/ / / __/ /_ _/\/ / Sysop: Vivace/XAKK \_ \ / / /_/ / / O \ / / /_/ / / / \ / Cosys: Knatter/XAKK /___/_/_/\/\__/_/_/_/\_\___//\/ \__/_/ /_/ /_/ X a k k h e a d q u a r t e r s "NO ELITE, JUST PURE INFORMATION" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lots of underground cyberpunkish textphiles - 6000 philes and rising - - 16800 DS - 420 Meg - PC/Amiga/ST - Free Download for all Star Trek f¡les - +46(0)431 17506 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------