Subject: UFO (Msg #0183) Private message!! About 7 years ago, during the summer, something awoke me....An urge to use the toilet. Being half asleep I walked to the bathroom and proceeded doing a what I had to....After finishing I glanced out the bathroom window and saw a circular disc with red and green lights...At first I didn't know what is was....But it was "LANDED" in my Back Yard. I went back to sleep thinking it was only a dream. The next morning in my backyard were 4 or 5 (I Don't Remember) circular depressions in my yard at equel distances...As if SOMETHING had pressed the grass and some ground down. Thinking nothing of it, I proceeded to ride my bike around my block like I did EVERY morning. A girl which was then in 12th grade asked me to stop for a second. She asked me what happened at my house around 1-2 am. She told me she saw RED AND GREEN LIGHTS! I told her nothing that I know of. That SAME day 4 DIFFERENT PEOPLE ASKED ME THE SAME QUESTION and one person TOLD ME THAT SHE SAW A U.F.O. LAND IN MY BACK YARD,(She was at least 16 years old and would not make up a story!). What happened, I DON'T KNOW but whatever it was I hope it doesn't COME BACK!!! Believe it or not this is a locacl sighting in Webster,Ny.I don't thin k I'll use the sightees' name but this is a true story. Source:Mr.David Chana now 15 years old. Message #0185 Time:11:31 Date:03/20/88 BBS:DRB Consultants