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It could be the cracked password file for a local college Unix, or it could be a collection of the CORE newsletters. Maybe it's nothing more incriminating than his secret PGP keyring. Whatever it is, it's something he wants to keep secret. Absolutely, 100% secret. In most cases, that secrecy can be obtained through encryption. However, some days, encryption just isn't enough, and the information has to be destroyed. Fast. Reliably. And without drawing a lot of attention from "visitors". There have been many programs written to overwrite files for security purposes, but none that I've ever seen were really suited to the purpose of nuking data secretly, quickly, and with no human interaction. So, I sat down and wrote OveRite. What makes this one so different? See for yourself: Features: --------- ў SPEED! OveRite uses a buffer size of 64k to overwrite files. This means fewer writes per file, which means VERY FAST wiping. (On my 15ms IDE cached drive, it took out a 500k file in about 2 seconds - and 1 meg in 77 different files in under 10 seconds) ў PRE-DETERMINED TARGET FILE LIST: OveRite has the unique ability to read in a textfile which contains the pathnames (including wildcards) for any number of files to wipe. You can create a list of files or directories you want wiped, and OveRite will do each one in turn. This allows OveRite to nuke all the files you want wiped in one fell swoop, which speeds things up quite a bit. ў MULTIPLE PASSES - You can specify the number of times you want OveRite to overwrite each file. One time is usually sufficient for most purposes, but you can specify 2,3,10, or even 1000 passes per file. Of course, multiple passes slow things down a bit, but provide better security. ў DEPT. OF DEFENSE WIPE - OveRite will wipe files to the standard set up by the D.O.D. - That is, it will write all 1's, then all 0's, repeating this process 3 times. Then, it will write the + symbol once. The D.O.D. specs state that this last write should be verified, however I opted to eliminate that specification, for speed reasons. If there WAS an error during the write, you'll be told. Verification isn't necessary, in my opinion. BTW - 7 passes - this slows things down quite a bit! ў DELETION/TRUNCATION OPTIONS - By default, OveRite will truncate and delete each file it wipes. However, there are command line options to specify No Deletion, or No Truncation, if that's what you prefer. ў SUPRESSED SCREEN OUTPUT - OveRite was written so it would provide as much, or as little screen output as you want. Let's face it - if you hear a knock at the door, and see a few guys in suits out front, you want to nuke data without advertising that you're doing it. OveRite gives you the option of turning off ALL screen output (except error messages) for those times when you'd rather not make a scene. ў NO INPUT NEEDED - Unlike Norton's WipeInfo, OveRite doesn't require user keypresses for wiping files. It's made to be used in batch files, or standalone. Of course, OveRite can be set to ask for confirmation before wiping files. The default, however, is NOT to ask, and just wipe. Therefore, be a bit careful. There is no recovering from OveRite. ў WIPE CHARACTER SELECTION - Users can use the /C option to choose the character they'd like to overwrite files with. It really doesn't make much of a difference which character is used, but what the heck, I figured I had to add at least one /<-/>/\/) feature... The default character is '0'. Using OveRite: -------------- OveRite is easy to use. It's 100% command line driven. The syntax for OveRite is: OveRite Examples: OveRite C:\SECRET\*.* would overwrite and delete all files in C:\SECRET OveRite /N /C:X *.* would overwrite all files in the current directory, with the character 'X'. The overwritten files would NOT be deleted. OveRite /F:TARGETS.TXT C:\DOS\*.EXE would first wipe out all the .EXE files in the C:\DOS directory, and would then beging reading TARGET.TXT, and overwriting each file listed in TARGET.TXT. OveRite C:\*.* /A would ask for confirmation before overwriting all the files in the root directory of drive C: OveRite /H would display a help file. (The options and filespecs can be given in any order on the command line, and are NOT case sensitive. -A, /A, -a, and /a are all valid as option formats) Simply typing OveRite and pressing will display a help screen. The options for OveRite are as follows: /C: - Overwrite files with /F: - specify list of files to overwrite /V - Toggle verbose mode off, to suppress all screen output /A - ask user for confirmation before beginning overwriting process /T - do NOT truncate files after overwriting them /N - do NOT delete files after overwriting them /P: - Overwrite files number of times /D - Overwrite files to modified Dept. of Defense specifications (7 passes) By default, OveRite will overwrite files with '0's, and will only make one pass per file. It will then truncate and delete the files. Verbose mode is on, by default, and confirmation mode is OFF. DOD mode is NOT turned on by default. Additional Information: ----------------------- OveRite is meant for SPEED, and the fast, reliable destruction of sensitive data. Although is IS technically possible to recover data which has been overwritten, through the use of extremely expensive data recovery technology, it is safe to say that overwriting data is enough to protect it from just about all prying eyes. There is a company in Eurpoe which claims they can retrieve data which has been overwritten up to 20 times. I don't doubt this, but I DO doubt the accuracy with which they do it. It is also safe to say that they are one of the FEW companies in the world with this technology. The local police departments surely won't have a way of recovering, and I doubt that any other law enforcement agency would be willing to do to the great expense and trouble of recovering overwritten data. It's not worth the time or the money, in most cases. For all practical purposes, OveRite will completely, irreversibly destroy your sensitive information. Period. Tech Notes: ----------- OveRite was written in Turbo Pascal 7.0, and uses a 64k buffer to overwrite files with. All the available memory (up to 64k) is used, with a call to the GetMem procedure, and this area of memory is filled with the character which is to be written over files. A loop using the BlockWrite procedure writes over 64k of the target file at once. This greatly enhances speed. If 64k of heap memory isn't available, overwrite uses the MaxAvail amount of RAM for the buffer. Source code to the OveRite program may be made available at a later time, if I feel like it. --DecimatoR Phalcon/Skism Programming May, 1993 "Phalcon/Skism - coming soon to a system near you"